(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

dunno wor... i never try going to my gynae outside the scheduled visits... sometimes not feeling well, i will go to GP.. then get MC n claim from office.. :p

the baby kingdom one. I getting a CL, i would rather she bath the baby with tub on floor, in case the stand accidentally got kick and topple.
btw the binder can be used if natural also, hehe... as a slimming binder

my gynae that time say i dun need to massage, use the binder everyday my tummy will flaten
ivy, my MIL (who will be helping me look after bb) had knees operations.. so she cant squat or sit on floor.. tt's why initially she asked me to get her a bathtub stand.. then later changed her mind to use seats as stand instead.

iris, i oso dunno if the binder can use for csect or not leh.. better to check before getting the binder..
i see, then i think the stand better than seats... cos i worried the seats will be slippery.

I saw from baby kingdom or hypermart seems to have more stable stand. In fact, mother care might have too, i recently find mothercare stuff though a bit more ex, really seems to be better quality.
hi iris, you use the binder for natural or c-sect? the binder looks good. but there are so many sizes, how to choose ah? is the binder sold here?
Thanks jaclee. I just told him to get the colgate mouthwash. Think my hubby will transfer $ to u later wor. He just went to get a replacement car.

Actually, for bath stand. I was thinking of using a big plastic foldable table to put the bathtub. Then can put shampoo, shower gel mar. The type tat u often see people unfold the table to have their dinner or to set table for praying.
jaclee, i use the binder for csect. after my wound heal i use it as a slimming binder. hehe... i bought from kkh pharmacy, M size. think there are S and M size only. bought it at $50++++ cos my friend is working there so got 10% disc. if from amazon dun know cheaper or not, i wan to buy 1 more. i will search and see where can i get cheaper ones
mstan8888, me too ...sometime i dun feel movement whole day but weekend seem more active so duno how to monitor movement ... but my gyane told me to start monitor only when rch 28 weeks ......mine is gal
jaclee, i juz went down yst for a scan too coz having some pain at lower stomach n dun feel much movement ...

i din take any package from my gyane ...even if take, she told me that unschedule visits are excluded from the package ......
my gynae says to monitor bb's movement from 28w, must be at least 10 kicks from 8am to 6pm.

yuki, i am waiting for credit card promotion for mothercare. sometimes they have 50% for DBS credit card leh.
einnoc (snow_xue),
din notice u complaining about toothache. I had toothache few weeks ago, this is how i solve it, i hope it helps for u too. Every night before i sleep, I put huge amount of salt on the aching tooth (covering it) for say 30 secs, then rinse it off, then go to sleep. I did for about a week, i also increase my calcium intake, be it milk, soya milk. THen it went off liao. You try lah, see if it helps.

i got mothercare membership.
re bathing baby
I alway put bath tub on floor to bathe.. till now, DS is 16 mths le, its also bath tub on floor to bathe.. safer, in case the bath tub topple down.. just put a small stool and sit down to bath him...

my gynae told me as long as bb got move can le, no need to count how many movements and make yourself so stressed... no 2 now moves more than no 1.. last time DS can have no movements at all in a whole day, despite i shake n tap my tummy very hard.. guess some babies are more lazy than others :p
iris, so before 28w we dun have to monitor? i am in 26w now ...

will there be any promotion coming up? hope so ..

ivy / jenny, can i borrow your mothercare membership? can we juz quote the membership id?
hi ivy, my toothache is probably due to decayed wisdom tooth lor. coz i realised last wk tat its filling dropped off le. If continued like this, it will sure need root canal treatment again. Think i will use mouthwash &amp; salt method as many of u said cannot extract tooth &amp; go for root canal treatment. Tahan till confinement lor. Really unlucky tis year. So many bad happenings
iris, maybe i will wait first then buy from kkh if required. coz not much savings if order from amazon.

yuki, i see.. didn't know various package varies..
yuki, my gynae say before 28w bb is still small so sometimes even bb got kick we also cannot feel. i went to him when 25w+ cos that day i feel lesser bb kicks then he say it's normal, so he did a ECG test to monitor bb's heartbeat.

jaclee, yup notice that there is shipping charge of $7+ for the binder. not worth.
sandy, im 29 weeks this fri. so dunno this wk consider wk 28 or 29? aiya, nvm la. Dr Fong will only tell you bb weight from 28 wks checkup onwards.

yuki, my gynae advise me to monitor bb movements from wk 26 onwards. use 1 hour per day and monitor closely. make sure bb is not 50% less active then the day before. but i just 'agar agar' as long as every hour got some movements can liao. :p

einnoc, you having toothache? me too!! i know its my wisdom tooth. actually i schedule to pluck my wisdom tooth mid of this year. my wisdom tooth has been giving me probs on and off for years. i've got phobia of dentist since young so i drag and drag, till mid of this year, finally got courage liao then preggy. hahaha
Jaclee: can get cloth books and stroller car seat toys from Robinsons or Mothercare. SOmetime BPs have also, and are cheaper.
einnoc (snow_xue),
me is same, the back tooth connecting to my wisdom, my wisdom is half showing, half buried, last time dentist say not pain just dun pull it out. Who know pregnant liao, then pain... my salt method really can try, cheapest haha.

when you need?? I think must take the card. THose 30% one, member no additional discount. i stay in toa payoh. Or when u going??
sandy, actually i see mummies here actually know their bb weight from wk 24, so during my wk 24 i ask him then the nurse say will tell me from next scan onwards. so ytd i cant wait to ask when he just started scanning. wahahaha. maybe you ask him la.
opps sorry jeanie, my mistake.. track back my posts and realised that you are not in my list..

sorry mummies for the confusion, all slots are filled up! thanks for all your support! the cream shipment has been processed and shipped from drugstore.
jaclee, haha...yes, feels nice when its ticklish..but sometimes it starts to get a little painful liao. At times i see the big bulge up and I wonder if bb is flipping over.

Yuki, every baby is different. As long as have some movements should be fine. And hor, hard to tell lor, later you may start getting painful kicks too! If worry, can check with gynae.

These days my legs getting a bit achy and numb at times...oh no...maybe the water retention starting liao..
do you have white discharged? I experience white discharge, and now using panty liner..

btw, my twins are getting heavier each day.. and I cant breath well during at night!

Have any ladies here experience the same things???
do you have white discharged? I experience white discharge, and now using panty liner..

btw, my twins are getting heavier each day.. and I cant breath well during at night!

Have any ladies here experience the same things???
Juliana...me too. It is normal to have some white/light yellow discharge.

Oh wan to ask u, do u know if Mdm Aida will provide binder for the postnatal massage. Or we need to buy?
GG Lee,
her binder is super long cotton cloth just like javanese kind.. you can try calling her..
I'm not sure myself.. But you can try buying one for yourself so you can used it after ur 1 week massage.
But I think I will use the super long cotton cloth binder which she will be using to wrap my tummy..
hi jaclee,
my hubby transfer $15 to u @3.10pm. Transaction ref no is 8902.

hi juliana, its normal. i only one bb in tummy already breathless. white discharge is normal too. But if greenish in colour n feel itchy for a few days, may have to ask gynae to do a swap test.
juliana, u only started using panty liner now? i started using thicker liner since first trim.. dunno why even though i wipe it clean each time i pee, somehow still have some leakage..

i will experience breathlessness occassionally if i flip too often or too large movements (like kicking the blanket open or shifting the pillows) on bed..
