(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

iris i think i give u my account number here... u see if can refund me tonite thanks...

amt to be refund:S$10.43
my account is POSB Savings 186-09105-1

mstan8888, yup got 10% disc for vpost using UOB credit card. will calculate the shipping costs after the stuffs arrived.

canopyhaze, the stuffs will reach me i think by early oct. will email u again.

bathtub - those not delivering in Mt A (Mt A is giving free bath tub), can get from ikea. cheap and good.
GG Lee &amp; ivy: I did the 4D scan at "Radlink" on the #08, it is inside a clinic that does scans. I have to check the number coz I was referred by my gynae whose nurse made the appt for me. Some men are quite practical coz 4D can see but of coz not as clear as the real face. My HB is also practical but his curiosity won. haha.

jaclee: My girl has thick lips and my cheekbones are quite distinct (HB has very thin and small mouth). Now I am just hoping my baby doesn't have her dad's small eyes -_-
jac: There will be xray films of the organs, detailed reports, 3x 4D scan pictures and a CD of all the pictures and the videos. The sonographer was very nice and patient, my session should be around 15minutes but she spent almost 2 hours with me as the baby's positions were not good enough.
mstan: sorry bought the bathtub @ 29.90. Very big, and has a hole in the middle to drain off the water. I think is a good buy. Bought a bb rest &amp; a bath mat to place in the tub as well.

Iris : no worries, just email me once the stuffs are here.
einnoc: I certainly hope there will be no complications due to the accident. I would be freaked out completely as well. You must take a good rest during your MC.

And my girl was very greedy, in the video, she looked like she was trying to bring the cord to her face (it was floating in front of her face)
hi canopy,

yours seems a good buy..can share where u got it from? can use from newborn to 1 yr old?

oh so it does not come with bb reast and bath mat..how much did u get those for?
Hi mothers...
my wife (angie) suddenly having very bad stomachache... had a major LS (no bleeding) jus now. n now feeling unwell... dun wats happening...
anyone got any comments??
yunzz : bought mine @ kiddy palace, thought it was a gd buy so let u ladies know. My hubby &amp; i have been sourcing for a big tub for quite sometime, and this is the biggest we have came across. It comes in white with either blue or pink or yellow rim, and in the centre is a cartoon character called "Puku" penguin. We think it can last us for at least more than 2yrs old. The bb rest is a mesh kind (sgd 12.90 before 10% discount if u have membership card), just hang it across the tub, very safe, and the rubber mat is SGD11.90 i think, also entitle to 10% discount. Bought mine all in blue color, u can go and check it out, they have quite a fair bit of tubs there. I bought mine @ marina square branch.
Hi fitti, i'm back to work today le. Doc din give me mc leh. He just asked me go back take mc if unwell lar.

Btw mummies, can we go for normal/wisdom tooth extraction now? Been having the toothache since last wk. Leads to headache. forget to ask gynae tat day. too panicky le.

joshua, wat's ls?
hi pauline
thanks for advice
Ic, its a guy so 3kg will be nothing to him...

hi joanne
I'll take 2 tubs instead then, let me know if u want 1 tub

hi joshua
LS is quite common and its nothing to worry abt as our intestines are cramped due to the foetus inside hence bowel movements are not so smooth.. i have LS once every few days also.. as long as no bleeding its ok, if concerned do check with ur gynae
She is having tis constant... dunno pain or unwellness. dunno is it braxton Hicks... anyone experience tis can tell me wat it feel like?
I nv bought any bathtub even for my eldest, cause im using the red colour with dragon &amp; phoenix tat i got it during the traditional wedding ceremony. N it big enough till date for my boy to sit inside xp
hi joanna
Trf $15 to posb savings 207 29109 9 first... difference in exchange rate will be used to offset against shipping, when the creams are here, then u transfer the shipping costs to me, thanks!!!

hi joshua
BN is tightening of the stomach, different from LS pains.. can research BH contractions over internet.. i never experience contractions or BH contractions for my no 1 before cause i had csect so i cannot advice u further.. sorry
I nv bought any bathtub even for my eldest, cause im using the red colour with dragon &amp; phoenix tat i got it during the traditional wedding ceremony. N it big enough till date for my boy to sit inside xp
Talking about bath tubs, I saw from IKEA, think a about $15, got built in anti-slip but think no hole inside.

By the way, so how are we supposed to bath bb. You gals put the bb bath tub where to bath? Then, if got hole how? Drain the tub with bb still inside huh?
joshua, i am oso suffering menstrual like cramps the past few days (since last Friday).. dunno izzit braxton hicks. lasted a few times in an hour.. will be asking my gynae if it's normal.. previously she told me menstrual like cramps are normal (but i didnt experience it so frequent then)..

i had also been experiencing LS twice since last friday, but didnt think much of it. shld be ok as long as no bleeding or not too often until it cause dehydration bahz...
GG : my sil has bought the tub from IKEA, confirm no hole in the middle, but i think it is quite good too. Am going to bath the bb in his room, will leave the tub on the bay window.
Thanks Canopy. Me totally clueless. Just hope my CL will know what to do man! So looks like bbs dun bath in toilets like us...lol! Was also worried it will be slippery in the toilet. Boy! So much things to figure out
einnoc, if anaesthetic is involved, then cannot go for tooth extraction liao..

hm.. seems like most of us is experiencing LS.. same here.. i thought i ate something wrong..

wanted to ask where can i buy the stand to put the bath tub? so that i dun need to squat down on the floor to bathe the baby. and does it fit the dragon and phoenix tub? i will also be using that tub from my wedding.. :p
fitti: hee.. so cute.. i want to see my baby's face too... confirm its an xray? or its similar to an ultrasound scan? and thats very nice of the sonographer..
Canopy! Wow!! So many martels? First time I heard.

For cooking some use special rice wine. DOM i think is more for drinking by mummy, like 1 small cup a day.
GG : i don't drink, sian~ don't know how to
tahan the alochol. Ya lor, thought it is a bit too excessive as well, i think will buy 3-4 bottles of DOM and 2 martel for usage.

Im from the Aug thread mummy.

I have 2 packs of Huggies small size diapers for sale. Each packet have 44 pcs. Looking at $12 per pack.

Self collect at choa chu kang crescent.

Pls pm me if interested.
Canopy, same here! I dun drink, and I dun like vinegar either! My mum was just asking me if my CL will make vinegar trotter for me, if not she will. Say must eat. Faint..

Liquor if we breastfeeding cannot take too much too I suppose? Else may get to bb via bm. My fren told me she make sure at least 2 hrs interval from her dom to the feeding time.
Roxy, $15 transferred already.

Jaclee, $34 transferred already.

Pls check your email for ref # and confirm ya...

Thks for organising the spree....
canopy, I'm keeping a few bottles of DOM (mainly for drinking after breastfeeding at night), one bottle of henessy (confinement lady ask for it to cook chicken essence for me), my aunty went to Malaysia bought me 3 bottle of rice wine with ginger (she said can cook dish), my MIL also ordered some bottles of rice wine for cooking dishes
einnoc : check yor dentist, i remembered my dentist told me that normal dental services eg scaling, cleaning are ok, but not extraction &amp; X-rays.

thanks gg..
i hope i can finish my confinement before xmas.. hee..

thanks cayenne for the info! its so expensive.. i remember i went to baby hyperstore to see, i think its selling with the tub at this kind of price too. i don't know whether i saw it wrongly or not.. the tub is occupying a big space in my storeroom, finally got chance to use soon. hee..

btw, i just went to see the dentist few weeks ago, because my wisdom tooth is popping out too, had some swelling. so dentist ask me to keep that area clean by (non-alcoholic) mouthwash first. then after i deliver, then go back to see him again for extraction, but i don't think i will go back if the tooth is behaving. :p followed his advice, now the swell has gone.

remember to tell the dentist that you are pregnant, in case he/she is 'blind'..

manunited, got your payment. thanks!
