(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

sandy, i got drink more water cuz i scare constipation. then ytd the nurse ask me not to drink too much water cuz she scare i'll have water retention. haiyo..

actually the greenish discharge doesnt falls onto the pantyliner. its when i wipe, i'll apply more pressure on the V area, then saw got some green particles.

huh green particles? Tat's strange. Could it be residue from shower gel or those tiny coloured specks tat could be found on toilet paper itself?
Strange..some books say actually must drink more water to avoid water retention. Aiyo, so many different theories also dunno which to follow. I only know during confinement cannot drink water.

Ladies, do u know what is the nanny rate to take care of infant now??
HI GG- it's about $500 to $650
einnoc, its definitely discharge. but no itch so i try not to think too much.

GG, what i also read bout is to reduce salt intake to prevent water retention. really so many theories.
GG... u r refering to those home nanny ritz.
$500 for day time onli (mon-fri)
$600 ~ $700 for over nite (mon-fri &amp; fetch home on Sat morning or Fri nite)

But usually, once tey start eating solid food, u need to pay additional $50 ~ $100 for the food.
einnoc, got your payment.

gg, yeah.. nowadays the kick is rather hard. i think my bb active because i took coffee in the morning.. today i never drink, not so active.. :p
Re discharge : I also hv white/light yellow discharge. Think it's normal. Even non-pregnant will hv such discharge.

Oh thanks Joanna for the nanny rate !

I looking for day time nanny (mon-fri) now ard redhill area.

Anyone hv recommendations?
Thanks all! Considering nanny vs infant care. Seems like cost about the same compared to infant care after govt subsidy. But nanny plus point is at least got personal attention. Think must start looking around liao..

Jaclee...your bb loves coffee? So cute, must be the 'coffee kick' very shiok. But dun drink too much..got caffeine.
Yes GG, the rate is about the same. But when u visit the nanny, make sure their place is clean &amp; neat. And introduce to ppls with gd response will be better
einnoc, home nanny now is not ex la. im surprise the prices nv increase. more then 10 yrs back, when my sis was with home nanny, the price is already ard this rate.

im not working now but plans to work after giving birth. when's the best time to leave bb with nanny? after 6 mths?
i try not to take coffee everyday. in fact only weekdays when i'm working, coz really feel very sleepy sometimes. but i cut down intake to half the styrofoam cup.
coz i still sip a bit of coke when my hubby drinks coke at home. and sometimes i also took bubble tea during weekends.. argh, all these contain caffeine..
but can't resist.. weather is so hot sometimes..
I think I also need to find a nanny around Jurong West area, got one upstair heard she wants to take care of bb but she is not experience I not comfortable, somemore cannot be late to fetch bb she got to go out at 7pm.
jaclee, maybe can drink cold plain water instead? i've been drinking cold water everyday. cannot tahan the weather. -.-"
but i do cant resist bubble tea too. especially green apple milk tea!! only indulge once or twice a week.
Jeanie, it's half a thousand leh. My pay is so little. After subtracting cpf, nanny svc, food n transport, actually nothing much is left le wor. After calculating, seems like stay at home can save on nanny svc n transport wor. But no cpf to pay for the house n give parents pocket $ le.
Btw i love bubble tea too. Have been buying from smoothies from Rockery kekeke.
jeanie, i think cold water also must avoid leh, i heard.
i also like green apple flavour! but not the milk tea.. :p but now i switch to honey green tea, coz want to cut down on the syrup intake. i've been having cravings for pastries/desserts ever since pregnant, think my bb has a sweet tooth.. hee..
ivy, oic i tot can juz quote number ...still not sure when going ...got to check with my hubby first. when does the 30% promotion started as i went yst but din c any ..

Jeanie, but my baby sometime whole day like not much movement leh
i am 26 week now

iris, oic ...my gyane also told me that movement might not be fixed until 28 weeks...wat is ECG tests? so ur next visit on 28 weeks or a mth later after u walk in? do we have monthly visit until 32 weeks?
einnoc, personally i don't drink red tea, unless i choose to drink champagne grape flavour. i don't mind the bitterness, my usual taste before pregnancy is usually more to bitter than sweet. and i like bittergourd.. keke..
last time i remember my colleague said if have anaemia or something, better to avoid red tea (regardless of pregnant or not)..dunno true or not..
for me my baby has been kicking me real hard, now in 29weeks. seems like the kicks can kick until my whole body can jerk....then kick until I need to stand up to give space for movement then he stop. chiat luck wonder when its born is it so active....
jaclee, i seem to have strong craving for coke and root beer and my hubby alway drink at home so i also drink ...duno if the caffine level too high or not ....i also cant resist bubble tea.but i take those ice blended...
genesis28, tat great
i hope i can c my baby do tat soon ...

iris, oic ...coz my gyane told me if needed then got to do CTG to monitor...
hi, ladies.

any tips to reduce water retention?
nowadays, the state of my feet is getting worse.
even walking oso uncomfortable.
with the big tummy, the discomfort level increases.

dunno how to tahan till end dec...
yuki, my gynae say no more than 2 cans of coke or 3 cups of coffee per day. i think as long as not obsessive intake, should be alright.

einnoc, btw my mouthwash should be colgate PLAX not flax. peppermint flavour, and stated alcohol free.
Home nanny rate seem to remain stagent over the yrs. Infact my mum use to bbsit till i was about 17 yrs old. And she is rather popular cause kids who goes to her r well-feed... hahaaaa.

Jeannie, I guess the early the better so that tey get use to the nanny bah. Must find those tat will help to discipline &amp; coach the child with right moral otherwise some dun care n juz let the kids anyhw behave so long tey bath n feed. Than end up u will hv a hard time discipline.

My mum veri strict tat y the kids all veri well behave and tey all did quite well during K1 &amp; K2. N my mum will scold those mother if tey fail to discipline the child in the correct manner. heheeeee
when i saw my gynae in 25 weeks, he said my weight gain was a bit too much.. cuz i gained 3.4kg in a month! so i cut down on my carbos.. now i'm in my 30th week, weight about 1kg more than when i was in 25 weeks, total weight gain about 9 kg

i stuff myself with proteins such as veg and fish and chicken/eggs, but avoid too much carbos at dinner.

and disciplined myself no more oily fried bee hoon /mai gai fro breakfast. just fruit and milk and wholemeal bread
Hehehe...genesis, skinnybeenie, ya man...my bb also kick so hard my belly keeps popping here and there. Can be quite awkward on the train!

I'm feeling heavier and heavier...and clumsier and clumsier!
just had regular checkup, now 66kg! nurse ask me to eat less rice or noodle, no mooncake or durian, drink more milk, cheese, meat, fish. total gain 13kg already at 27 week!
Skinneybeenie, wa, u managed to control ur weight increase from 25-30wks very well! Only 1 kg?! I've been gaining abt 3kg each mth since 24 wks...
GG - yeah my doctor said i shd aim to gain at most 14 kg for whole preg.. at the rate i was going i was fast catching up with my colleague who's 7 weeks ahead of me!! so it was a rude wake up for me. i din want to end up ballooning or baby become becoming too big for vag delivery

maybe can follow my diet.. less carbos.
cuz before preg i used to eat a lot of carbos.. and burn off quite fast.. now cannot burn off so much.

and i go for one hour walk every week. not much.. but this is what my time could afford me!

then i went for my last checkup at 28 weeks, doc said no prob no weight gain cuz bb gained 500g anyway
GG - my baby likes to kick during company meetings. ended up i was not listening to what's being said, just having fun enjoying the kicks and catching the ripples of movement through my dress!

he also kicks a lot during movietime! just now in the evening he was very quiet i was beginning to get worried somemore DH not in singapore until sat so i played some music and bb "woke" up!
skinneybeenie,hahaha...I can imagine. I also do the same...will keep looking at my dress to catch bb's actions! Sometimes when bb v quiet I also disturb by tapping him or playing music. Watching TV also works..think it is the soundwaves
Skinneybeenie..thanks, think I must start to control also. Me total gain coming 10kg liao at 29wks. And still got 11 wks to go! No mooncakes man!!
Ling Lee: from website:there are a number of different ways to help reduce the effects of this during your pregnancy, and some of these include:

Lie down or elevate your feet regularly. Try and get your feet elevated as much as you can, especially during the third trimester.
Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes, shoes or stockings as these will only restrict the blood flow and make your fluid retention worse.
Exercise will also help you a great deal with fluid retention, try swimming, yoga or walking.
Avoid diuretic drugs, especially during the early weeks of pregnancy.
Drink water- try and ensure that you are drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. You should be doing this even if you are not suffering from fluid retention anyway.
GG - can eat mooncakes, but dun overeat la

at one point i was v miserable with my diet of having wholemeal bread for breakfast EVERYDAY. esp colleague eating pratas and what not.. one day i cold not stand it.. hubby and i had prata AND laksa for dinner!!! after that no more craving. i can watch ppl eat without feeling jealous. =p
Skinneybeenie...early part of pregnancy I also disciplined...eat wholemeal bread etc...now a more let go..prata, laksa, fried bee hoon, chendol! OK ok, must really control liao!
Hi ladies,
i'm very discipline during early part but now prata, laksa, durian, mooncakes... :p Anyway as long as moderate shld be fine, i'm maintaining 1 to 2kg weight gain every mth .

GG - i was quite disciplined in the no cold drinks part in 1st tri until the weather got too hot!! I needed to eat all these appetizing "kai wei" food for bf last time to alleviate my morning sickness. now no need for that, except my selfish desires.. ha. my colleague said dun deprive bb. my hubby said must deprive bb of the junk food!

another wake up call.. hearing stories of how one colleague gained 20kg but bb only 2.9kg.. another colleague's bb also 2.9 kg.. and she gained only 10kg. so the weight gain has no bearing on the health. just eat well. not necessary to eat in excess.
