(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Bb shae, my bb is super sticky these few days, like I can't even walk away from him. He will just cry and cry, refuse even my hubby carry. Dunno wats wrong. But v Jia lat lor, I am like stuck. Very hard to cook or do anything.
hi all
Been long time since log in here.... the "mood" wasn there to log in since my dad's demise and was very busy with work n arrangements to get new place plus both kids keep taking turns to fall sick, including myself etc....
Hope everyone is fine and happy birthday to all Dec'09 babies and belated birthdays to those I have missed out. Hope you all had fun at Polliwogs and your own birthday celebrations!
Anyone interested in used/new Barnyard theme (Cow) party stuff? My party just over on Sat, so clearing everything CHEAP!
hi jeanie, pauline, jenny and gg, thanks! We are much better already... his demise is already coming to 7 weeks... going to do his 49 ceremonial stuff this weekend. Hence, we didnt celebrate Ariel's birthday. Happy birthday to all your kids
roxy: hihi, long time no see. It takes a while to get over...me and my mom still once in a while break down when we speak/think about my dad, even though its been 4 months. Take care ya...
Hi Mummies &amp; daddies.

Hi Roxy, Take care.

Hey Karen, i finally knew what u went thru!

Faith grew her teeth on her upper gum first (it was hidden, so we din noticed until last week).
I think now its her lower gum.

Faith woke up at 4am yesterday and refused to go back to sleep, even after FM and my latching. Its like she suddenly got so much energy, started playing and smiling. But i can see her yawning!!
She will fall asleep on my arms during latch then she cries the moment i put her on her cot..Pick her up and latch again. I felt like i was sucked dry last night!
This repeats for 3-4 times.
Today I panda eye already..
Cross my fingers for tonight's battle...
<font color="ff0000">An update..

1st batch of shoes are here.. those earlier designs that posted...

I will be on leave on Wed.. so will sort and send out to those whose orders are here ya..

Thank you...</font>
Thanks roxy. Happy birthday to sweet Ariel!

I see alot of mummies bringing their bb overseas, kudos to you'll! My hb been bugging me to bring Keith to malacca to visit his relatives but I'm super reluctant even tho is just 2 hrs plus drive. I very scare he'll get real cranky outside and I can't handle. Hb is very disappointed.. Am I thinking too much?
Ainsley: u come back oredi? Must get your Tokyo itinerary from you. Will likely be going next Feb with hubby. Did you just touch Tokyo? Was thinking of hitting Hakone and maybe Kyoto or Osaka.
Cala, I still in toyko. Lol.. My flight at 6pm.. U brg the kids? My itinerary is mainly for Kids. Bt I hv a few copies. Can pass u 1.. Initially wantee to go osaka oso bt end up I only stay in Tokyo cos brg kids more mafan.. I hv a tokyo travel guide. See when u gg u let me knw. Cos my fren oso Wana borrow..
cala, you can get the eyewitness travel guide for japan. it's pretty good

if u want to go hakone for 2-3 days, can get the hakone pass. it's abt 1hr ish from shinjuku (departure point) to hakone; and can go gotemba factory outlets! The five lakes etc.

japan's public transportation system is very well linked up.
oooh, thanks may and ainsley. Suaku us, never been to Japan hahahah. I am bringing hubby only, no kids hehe. Have not been on holiday with hubby only since 3 years ago!
Calamari...we also thinking of gg Jap in March...shld be osaka if going...

Your little ones going too? I thinking not to bring him..
calamari, u signed up the credit card promotion? If we are going, shld be via msia airline...think they hv some promo now...with taxes abt $600plus...
ainsley, i want the itinerary too. can send to me? btw,anyone knows if the anz card promotion is valid for travel in June11? haven't apply yet, dun know whether still have free tics.
manu: yes, me going with the cc promo...shd be about $520 per ticket SQ. My little ones will stay at home hahahaha.

pauline: anz cc promo only valid for travel Jan to Mar 2011.
yoyo... all talking abt holidays!

I am going HK in march2011. Ains - when are u going back HK? hehehe...

any gd recommendation for HK hotel? big/nice/cheap kind! :p I thinking of "royal plaza hotel" anyone stay before?
cala - ur news v fast huh! hehehehe...thanks for ur recommendation!

had a great time yesterday with Ross... lucky it only rained after we left the plc!
MTDT, i think i stayed there before..very convenient..got shopping centre linked to the hotel (like our raffles city) and walking distance to ladies st etc...
Cala: I went Tokyo hakone cos went gotemba too!! Need whole day lor! The jap brands nice!!! I went Osaka n Kyoto too! Went for 2 wks! Shiok!

Me gg tpe again nia.. Sianz.. Cannot go Tokyo.. Mayb go again when Ashton older..
Hi Mummies, I have some baby weaning food to let go.

1) Nestle Graduates Puff (Peach)
Each: $6.00
Buy two at: $10

2) Nestle Cerelac (Rice &amp; Mixed Vegetables)
Each: $4.00
Buy two at: $6

3) Nestle Cerelac (Brown Rice)
Each: $5.00
Buy two at: $8

Further offer: Buy all 6 items above at $20.

Interested Please email me at [email protected]

Jeanie, i work in zoo before Prima took over. Not DFS, not fast food.. F&amp;B kiosk.

Roxy, my condolences to u &amp; ur family. Takecare.

Evon, thks! The link helps, i found shay's fav song! Hehe..

Jesline, ya ya... Exactly! Shay will wake up play, refuse to slp even while latch or carry. She only has 4 teeth now, wonder how long will this go on for.. Sigh. U working right? Wa, must be tough for u. Jia you!
