(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

ainsley no need to feel guilty abt adding water.. nothing wrong..

try 3 fast pump and 1 slow pump and repeat to get let down.. i used to have difficulty (think 1/2 hr still nothing!!) then when i used this method just a couple of mins sometiems even seconds can get letdown..

Skinneybeenie, fish will intro phlegm.. But if ur boy nt prone to it, shld be ok. Anyway fish is good for growth!!

I see those carrot bits.. Nt sure to continue.. Shld be ok?

For coughing, maybe air is dry.. Sleep in aircon?
ainsley u using manual right?

then press the lever (is that what its called?) but dun press all the way (just a bit) 3 times, then 1 time slow (all the way if not uncomfortable).. i read somewhere someone here said this method works and i tried it too..

because by observing how my boy sucked prior to letdown it's like "shallow" suck fast to get let down, once let down comes in,he sucks hard and slow..

jeanie, my hubby actually gave my boy seabass once.. he seemed to liek it

i think its still ok to give carrot ba, i also continue to give my spinach.. otherwise they wun say 6 mth can eat carrot liao. :D

no my boy dun sleep in air con or fan either.
Skinney, no leh. Mine medela.. Btw, dun give too much spinach. Read tat it's high in nitrate which will block oxygen flow in blood..
hey.. all mummies.. tink we have come beli far hor?? initially we were discussing abt morning sickness.. then hospital charges.. then who is delivering.. then where 1st mth... then jabs.. then fm.. ebm etc.. now semi-solids liao.. and time reali flies.. all bb is like 5 to 6 mths plus liao...

my bb eating oatmeal and brown rice cereal.. but like 2 tablespoons nia.. oso eating apple and papaya puree... and oso 5 feeds of milk...
isit a lot??

Ling Lee - i will warm my ebm.. then mix ebm wif cereal and feed bb.. then feed bb with the rest of the ebm...
my boy got diagnosed as anemic by KK now on iron drops 2 times a day..

yah ainsley i read abt the spinach thing too, cuz lots of insecticide used on spinach.. i also give brocolli (the small bits and pounded)
Miu, we will b talking abt 1 yr old birthday bash! Let's organize one for dec thread babies.. Bt ya, Hw I miss those days... Mahjong! Prawning!! Movie!!! Ktv!!!!

Calamariiiiiiii... Heehee.. Organizer...... Keke..
skinnybeanie - ya.. mi miss preggie times oso.. ha!! dunno y man...

ainsley - ya. ya.. we shd man.. beli fast man.. 6 mths later.. most bb will be 1 yr old liao.. ha!!
skinneybeenie, no aircon no fan? wont be stuffy? how come suddenly diagnosed got anemic?

miumiu, soon to discuss wad pre school for them.. time flies..
jeanie, he ok leh.. windows open.. cuz he sweats easily if there is fan he will sneeze easily.

that time he got bad flu admitted to KK, they did blood test and said he is anemic..
Miu, any idea where we can hold their 1 yr old Birthday bash?cnt wait for them to grow.. Bt by tat time, we will wish for them to become baby.. Hehe.
Ainsley- bambini at Dempsey?? Ha!! But tink they oso wun remember hor?? Can't wait for them to learn to walk le.. Hee!!
Carol: i intro fish when my ger is 6 mths 1 wk old. i read that 6 mths can take fish so i give. My colleague said can give other fish, no need everytime threadfin cos it's ex!

Hope your ger is ok. My ger also nearly flipped off the bed a few times.

Jeanie: didnt know fish cause phelgm but so far she is fine. I saw carrots in her poo before but it's ok. Her poo got many bits of spinach yesterday..haha. Fed her pumpkin porridge and her poo is abit orange. :p

skinneybeanie: i mix carrot with potato..didnt try with sweet potato. I gave sweet potato on its own. Gave her pumpkin puree just now but she doesn't like. Funny..mix with porridge she eats but not puree.
Morning Mummies/Daddies..

miumiu.. ya... agrees.. all of us have come so far... soon... bb will start to crawl... walk... run.. jump.. school.. partor.. lolx..
Huh huh? 1 year old ah? Ok ok perhaps cAn do it at a function room like Hort Park or someone's condo function room.

Eh my bb hates apple n fruit purée leh. He will give the super yucks face. Do u all add anything to the fruit purée?
My only wish is our akk will tell us, "daddy/mummy, I'm getting married tomorrow".

"Ho Say man"! Job done, can relax and resume my normal life liao...
AKK... errr... kids married liao.. think also job not done wor.. some wants granny to help to take care of grandchild la.. if married bo kids... we also worry la.. blah blah..

By the time, they grown up and get marry.. we already lao kot kot lor.. no more normal life liao.. hehehe
Sandy, I alr told Phoebe tat daddy n mummy r gg to travel ard the world so faster grow up. Lol..

Calamari, I nv add bt nn oso din like apple purée the 1st time she tried. Subsequently then she likes.
haha.. ya hor...

hmm.. come to think about it, is there a laokotkot.com forum? or singaporegrandparenthood.com forum?

I think we can still have some happenings in there, probably BP too, hmm... BP for dentures?
ainsley.. can't wait huh.. be patience..ya hehehe...

AKK... err... you create la.. then we join you.. but think when we lao kot kot.. liao.. all we talk about is our children la, grandchild la.. dil la.. blah blah.. no need dentures la.. wahahaha.. lao hong.. also we will talk.. wahahaha
today i pass some sweet potato puree to my mum to give my girl.. she take it initially, but after a while she open her mouth and refused to swallow..

my girl gets distracted too.. got to sing to her in order for her to finish her bottle of milk.
was wondering whether should change to a bigger hole, as she may have assume THAT amount of time to finish her milk, so if its passed her patience, then she will stop liao..

i wanted to buy the baby cube too.. but how to warm it up without using the food warmer..?
calamari : my boy thinks eating fruit is eating poison leh.. he will hold my hand and push the spoon far far away.. i advanced the spoon towards him only he will back his head as far as he can go.. gRR... i only managed to let him eat when i mixed with cereal with the cereal taste overpowering it.. think he doesnt fancy the sweetness.. or perhaps the tartness cos he kept winking his eyes either in disgust or in the sng sng context.. only fruit he takes w/o struggle is avocado.. sigh
Jaclee, I put the babycubes in a glass of hot water let it b submerged for say 10-15 mins

yesterday, bb Jaylen went to his first visit of TCM. after abt a mth of western medicine n he's still not recover so give a try for TCM. Quite impress by the effect, after one session yesterday he's able to sleep better, though feeding him the chinese medicine is a challenge as it's bitter n he will try to pu out all the medicine. In the end certain portion, it ended up on me n hubby's face. Tdy will b going for another session, hope tat he recover soon!
genesis, must let the cube thaw first right? u just put in the fridge or freezer ah?
wah.. TCM so good.. hope jaylen recovers soon!

gg, i just switch to size 2 teats because i increase my girl's intake to >120ml, so the small bottle cannot use liao.. maybe take a while before i switch to size 3.. hehe..
Sandy, I've transferred the money for the mothercare shoes on Tuesday. Have you received? Sent you a couple of emails to ask but no replies from you.
GG, my boy looks fine, jus a bit skinny.. in fact when he was warded in KK, the nurses loved playing with him the most in the whole B2 ward, cuz he was the most active..

the blood test said he's anemic.. so now taking iron drops.. july follow up.. so i'm trying to give him more iron rich foods tog with vit c foods to absorb the iron..

my boy also din like apple at first.. i thinkits the texture.. why not try pear, it doesnt have sour taste like apple and my boy loves it..

so far, he doesnt push my hand away when i feed him, but his expression sometimes..... PRICELESS

yay my boy's lucnh is ready.. relax now.
Jac, I see. Then dun use 3 too fast. I switched to size 2 when he was 2mths +. Started size 3 when he was 5mths, needs getting used to as it is much faster than 2.

Skinniebeenie, so nice..u can prepare his food for him everyday!
Luwen, lol.. U gt a fussy eater there. Nn lovessss food. So far nv reject any. I let her try peach ytd. She oso like. So far tried banana, papaya. Apple, pear, avocado, peach.. Think will let her try sweet potato soon..
I'll go and check the domain registration for those grandparents website. If it's not registered, I'll see if I can "book" it. Who knows it'll turn out to be my retirement "bonus" in time to come. hehe..
Ainsley, skinney :

When do you introduce the fruits/vege to baby ...after they are ok with the cereal?

How many days of the new food do you give before moving to the next type?

Also when you introduce the new fruits/food to your baby do you also give her cereal that day?

I'm not sure if I'm doing correct, cos my baby seem to have rash after she ate porridge, carrot and banana(dunno issit from the fruit) and my mum says i can't give her fruits/vege so soon...dunno true or not...

Mu, Can just mash or mix bm. Diff receipe, diff taste. Hehe

Dreams, I wait for 3 days b4 another new food. I will 1 St let her taste a bit of it when intro. Cos if allergy or diaharrea oso wun n serious.
Ling lee- I start wif cereal first.. Then fruits.. Gg to start veg oredi!! Yeah!!

Dreams- how old is ur bb?? 5 mths plus can start Liao.. U shd start wif one food at a time so that if there is any allergy.. U will Noe which one cause that allergy.. So best to intro one new food for 3 days then start wif the next new food.. Tink u shd stop fruits n feed cereal/ porridge first for 3 days then intro the apple for 3 days then if all oki.. Then intro new food..
AKK.. okok.. you go and check .. and fai fai book if haven't used.. hehehe

Hi Sophia.. paisay.. think must have gone to my spam mail liao.. haven't checked my spam mail.. will do it tonight hor..

ainsley.. you still keen in the shoe? Or anyone else..? Fai fai let me know so that I reserve.. cos I am not bringing in extra.. upon reservation nia..
sidetrack, that katespade website flash advertisement very cute. maybe I "swa gu" (mountain tortise), first time seeing such flash animation, thumbs up for the idea.
Mushloom, if u want can try TCM. Jaylen, also cough (phlegmy type ones) n running nose on n off for 1 mth. Then I fed up liao with the western medicine let him try TCM so far so good. I didn't tried neubilizer yet.

Jac, ya need to thaw then warm up
dreamz, my boy's first food was brown rice cereal, after abt 5 days then pumpkin.. then pumpkin for a week then added spinach.. then apple, pear, etc..

perhaps too much veg or banana in one sitting?
my boy kenna a bit of LS when i gave him one whole blush pear. its v small, but i guess too big for him.. so now he only takes half a fruit max a day..

when i intro new veg, i tend to mix with the rice cereal.. cuz rice cereal high in iron i want my boy to have more iron..jus now my boy had sweet potato+carrot+brocolli+spinach rice cereal for lunch..

fruit usually alone, so far never mix.. except for banana i mixed with rice cereal.. was nice tho.. other fruit may be a bit weird..
angkuku, haha.. now that u say, i went to wait for the flash to finish loading and take a look.
agree its quite innovative, although don't really like this type of picture in an animation. hehe..

Dreamz, ya, like wat skinney they all say, better dun mix many types at one go. Start with just cereal, then intro a new single food every 3 days (or mix 1 new food w cereal, I feel better as bb may find it less scary as it still has cereal base). After u have confirmed and tested a list of new foods and each r ok, then can start mixing more types.
