(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

pauline dun noe why hor. Today i force him to bed personally n he slept at 10.45pm. Earliest for these coming 2mths. Hope tml will be better.

think tris gotta give a mini demo seminar on the sling!

roxy, im put off by the long Q ar.. can wait for hrs and hrs.. but really very popular..

any mummies using ergo carrier? wonder when can bb use it?
ivy, yah. That time also got aunty say to me this. Haha. My concern is not leg open big big. But rather the spinal development. Cos my chinese tcm physician told me not to carry my bb uprite till abt 4 mths as in an uprite position, it add pressure n strain the developing spine. Oh u wanna meet for lunch at tpy sizzler on mon? Craving 4 their salad buffet. Talk abt that, do u all feel like a glutton nowaday? Me always hungry n can eat 6 to 8 meals daily. Scary. My mum say cos i was hungry during confinement. So now always like that. Dun noe true not. Bb eye now still big big. Faint. Dun noe how to train him to sleep at 9pm. Cos he can sleep but at abt 9.30pm onwards he will cry cry cry till last feed then aft that eye big big till 12plus everynite.
jeanie.. im using ergo but if u dun have infant insert, can only start from 4 - 5mths when bb head more stable...

lileen, really ah? now cannot carry bb upright even when leaning against us? my bb likes to be carried like this.. no good for her?
roxy, oh.. me also no infant insert.. haiz. im stuck at home~ sling, dunno how to use. carrier, bb to small.

lileen, my bb also likes upright position leh.. and he enjoys sitting position too.. he dun like cradle position liao
jeanie.. where do u stay? if around west side, we can go out together, no need to be stuck at home heeee... we push bb in stroller to jurong point loh :p i will prob wait few moer mths than use ergo cause i dun have infant insert also n duno how to use that... gg sleep now, nite
infants below 2mths cannot eat medi issit?? Cos my gal gt flu, then the pd gave her the medi for phelgm.
I use the cradle position. I only know to use that position. Not the other positions. I learnt from my fren who used the sling b4. Will try other position 1 day n see if it works.

I mean he can sleep better in the mim sling but not in the sarong(yaolan). He will fuss a bit when I put him in n I will adjust a bit until he comfortable then he will fall asleep.
i also using MIM sling..
fr my friend who intro me the sling, we have to start using it early cos if not baby will not like to b in it when older..
actually even though i had been using it on my boy since he was a baby and all the way till he coming to 3 years, i also need a bit of refreshing tries using it no w with tis new baby.. haha..
its abt practicing ba..
so far i had used it 3 times with baby she seems to like it very much..
but always got aunty stop me and say if baby can breathe or not, wat's inside etc.. lo..
Leen, today ultimate man. I fell asleep at 11+pm, woke up at 130am n she is still awake in the living room. :p hubby said she did sleep for a while before waking up again. Make her go back to sleep n I also ko until 3am, boobs rock hard by then. So disturb n feed Bb. Pumping now.

Roxy, my Bb likes to be carried upright too.
Pauline, u engorge alr when u nv feed fr 1.30-3? Tats fast.. Nwadays I dun feel engirged in the day alr compared to last time.,

Roxy, mine too. Carry her horizontally must depend on her mood. If nt she will cry n fuss..

Bb Jus woke up, fed for a bit only n fell aslp again... Cnt wake her up.
pauline, ainsley same here whenever she's in her fussing moood at nite... carrying upright is e only way we know how to make her stop crying...

pauline i didnt pump from 12am till now...super hard now, u got lazy n tired, now pumping
my baby also likes to be carried upright. Guess do it wif moderation n wif gd support its ok. Went chinatown nite market n put him in carrier for that few hrs he also can sleep upright. Wow look like mst of ur bb here can sleep 4 quite long at nite. Do u all train or it occurs naturally. Me tried to increase feed in the day n last feed, hoping that he will hv enuff in the day n sleep longer at nite but still cannot leh.
Mummies, hw long after feeding / pumping will u all feel engorged? I feeding on avg every 2 hrs n seldom feel engorged except at night le. Wonder if my ss dropped
my gal is cranky again this morning...guess she didnt have a proper feed as she threw up some milk....and now Ivy is handling her...hope she is well behave after top up feed.....sigh...
thanks roxy, transferred $17.40 to your posb acct le..

Date Time Transfer: 3 Feb 10am
Transaction Ref No: 2695543518
Morning Mummies..

My bb also likes to be carry upright... some mummies... also commented don't carry this now.. cos of leg open.. didn't mention abt the spine thingy...

terence and ivy.. I guess you couple are very young? hehehe...

happymummy.. ya.. I was told no medicine for infant. cos they are too young..
ainsley, me usually pump aft each feed. So not too sure. But if in the morning or aft abt 5 to 6hrs, i will feel engorged. Guess it depends on if our boobs r seasoned. The more seasoned the less u feel engorged. Cos rem as time pass during wking previously, i felt less engorge too. Btw r we still planning 4 the meet up? Haha. Or how abt meeting in central so others can join also. Thinking of doing cny shopping too. Hv not buy any clothes 4 myself aft spending a few hundred dollars. Sigh.
mummies, how many of you need not to coax ur baby to sleep after every feed ? e.g pat over shoulder...hug to sleep....etc..etc..

The reason i ask is becos my gal always like to carry over shoulder to sleep. I wanna remove this habit of hers.
Lileen same here, i totally have not gone cny shopping...haizz....how to shop with baby ah? how to try on clothes leh... when go out also look at baby stuffs...not like last time can look at the stuffs I wana buy liao...

anyway those working mothers do you all take afternoon nap? I feel like taking as n when, when my boy sleeping but scare wait go back work will not be use to it...
Terence, babies at this age doesn't knw hw to fall aslp on their own so we need to help them, thus coaxing them. Bt the way u help them to slp will also becomes a habit of hw they shd slp. So I guess it guess coaxing is unavoidable. It's just wat method u use.

Lileen, the more season is our boobs, the less engorged? Reali? Bt will still hv the same amt of milk?

If meeting in town, who wana meet up?
hmm...Terence for my case my boy will normally feel sleepy after milk...normally I will c if he's falling asleep at my breast then I unlatch him n put him in the netted rocker, he will be fussy awhile with hands moving like "boxing" like tat after awhile he will sleep by himself liao...think most important is the baby will want to feel comfortable at their sleeping area. last time I will pat my boy to sleep but whenever I put him at the cot he will open his eyes big big n stare at me...so now daytime I will normally put him at the netted rocker when he's sleepy half eyes open, he's ok liao think its not tat hot as compared to cot bah...
sandy, we not young.. just inexperience parents.. eh.. why u say we young leh??? haha.

I finish my battle with bb.. sian. Recently schedule run. Use to do last feed 11pm and she can sleep till 3plus, i feed her and 7plus wake up for terence to feed. Recently last feed 10om, end up 2am wake up, and only take 1 breast.. so will wake up 5am.. then i dunno bottle or latch.. so i latch, 1 breast she sleep again and wake up 8am, terence rush to bottle feed and rush off to work... and she keep crying. I put 1 x 30ml milk stick into warmer, wah lau take so long to melt and warm up, baby cry non-stop and i cry... cannot tahan her crying like tat. Carry upright she is much better but my left hand is in pain... am so hungry and stuff myself with hotdog with my right hand since left hand still carry her over shoulder. Its things like that makes me hope to reverse time, so much freedom without a kid.

Lileen, if go lunch i got to carry her in carrier leh. And lunch got to be fast cos her feed is still 2hrs -.-. I try to drag 3 hrs so far not successful leh. how... boring...

Ainsley, if 5 hrs my breast will feel heavy hard, not super engorge.

btw i can take a nap now, but if i dun let out my frustration here, i think i will be lagi more upset.
Ainsley, town should be ok for me. when? I'm feeling bored at home liao...everyday like look forward for hubby to knock off work like abit stupid like tat...hahha...
terence i dun usually coax my boy to sleep. He usually fall a sleep himself. But he may cry a while at times b4 he nap. Ranging fm less than a min to 5 mins. Unless he is not well. But everynite ard 9.30pm he wants to be carried to sleep till he take his last feed then he wld eye big big, play n sleep by himself. At times in the day he wants to be carried or suck to sleep. Wat i did is carry him, once he stop i put him down again. He may cry n the whole cycle starts again for sometime. In short, usually if he is well fed n comfortable, he sleeps by himself. Juz as i am typing, he fall asleep by himself again. Yeah. Yst he was more cranky n kept crying. Usually i take his que n put him to bed before he really tired. I swaddle him, place his bean sprout pillow on him, kiss n leave him alone. If he cry i will see n wait for a while cos at times he need to sing b4 sleep. But at the start of training him when he came back fm hospital, i let him cry. Started training young as habits r more easily corrected when young. Had phobia aft my no 1 already.
Ainsley go town where?? i very scare.. if my baby cry u all help me coax? hehehehehehe. somemore carry baby with carrier how to shop.. can only shop for shoes. Then all the diapers lah also got to bring, aiyo i so not zai when going out. i really scare bb cry non-stop in public very paisay.

Oh if go vivo city, i think we can all crowd in the room to breastfeed lolz. Cos their nursing room quite big. or we find 1 corner and cover with shawl and BF.
Terence/Ivy.. no la.. juz curious.. hehehe...

For me.. I also don't coax my bb to sleep... normally she will sleep while latching.. and when I burp her.. sometimes she will wake up.. sometimes not... I will still put her on the bed.. and she will sleep on her own..

Only evening.. she will fuss abit.. and need to be pat and settled to sleep..
meet in town ah..i wan i wan... but its a challenge.. we can go recee all the nursing rooms.. coz i dunno where they are.. haha..

roxy, i go JP once a week with my mum.. go until i bit scared.. haha.. their nursing rooms quite pathetic..

Terence, does your bb allow ivy to carry over the shoulder? coz mine only prefers daddy to do that.. haha..
jaclee, yes she does....she is more calm as long as she is over shoulder....and by doing it...she tends to burp better then patting on her back.
ivy dun worry lah. So many mummies here. Can help ard one. If u want to shop for clothes then we help u to carry ur gal lah. Or i lend u my pram. Me sure bring pram out. Cannot tahan carry a 6kg bb 4 the whole day. I sure faint. Which area u guys prefer? Vivo, marina sq or orchard? Wat abt mon? Or we go suntec sizzler 4 salad buffet n aft that shop 4 clothes? Ivy if u need help, i can meet u at tpy mrt cos mon me at bishan. Haha me like a glutton.
tris, is the cradle position = nursing position?

if the bb cry when we eat halfway how ah? my bb always like tat wor, cannot eat peacefully..
ainsley i miss ur previous post. That time i stil manage to get same amt of milk. My sis also feel like that. Meet up in town, am ok. Wat abt mon? I seriously need to buy clothes. No time le. Tues n wed i cannot.
lileen... shall i drive :p hehehe. oh man we bit daring hor.

Jac same.. eat half way bb wanna eat.. cos they hungry so fast.
Anyone here using Avent bottle and need size 2 teat? I have extra.. and want to change to bigger size to keep for future ues..

Let me know hor..
For me.. I cannot go out alone cos all 3 will sure tag along... so everytime we go out.. hb will sure follow..

What we do is hb will move bb around with the pram.. and settle her to sleep... while I will settle the 2 elder ones and eat my own.. when bb is alseep.. hb will push her back.. and settle his makan.. and I will keep an eye on all 3 hehehe..
can drive provided u hv a car seat. Haha. I cannot carry 2 bb. Dun think i can help wif the wheels also cos me long time nv drive le. Think help u wif bb better. Reading ur post on stuffing hotdog. Can imagine how u do that. Cos there was once i was rushing to bring no 1 for class. So i was feeding myself, no 1 n 2 all at the same time. Faint.
ivy, you dar to drive ah? I dun dare now even i gt car seat. ltr she cry n cry, i cnt do anything lor..

shall we meet at orchard? there is baby care/nursing room in taka, ion, paragon rht? I wana gt v day present oso.. mon is fine for me. others?
sandy, normal lah, now i go out also terence come along, cos he got more strength &amp; more patient.. the days of not able to sit and eat together sigh.

Lileen, i got 1 baby seat only, not that my girl like it lah. Ya stuffing food to eat quickly so can take care of baby is so common for me now. I think terence also feel kancheong and eat fast fast when baby start to make some sign of crying. Cos he know he got to start walking her around in carrier.
Ainsley, when terence is behind with her, i dare to drive lah, cos i know she is not alone, and she cry also we cant do anything as long as we driving.

Orchard.. wah long time no go orchard.. i look so shabby.. dunno if want to ask terence to come along haha, i scare leh.. to me going out is like rushing for my job last time.

oh but btw my sense of direction is no good haha.
hahah aunties, sorry.. can u all update me and terence where u all will be??

Monday, we go to go PD in the afternoon 230pm, i got company dinner at 7pm. In between we come look for u all? But i need to check with PD if after the pneumococol jab will have any issue on bb..
roxy, im staying in bukit panjang.. then i better go learn how to use the stroller.. cuz only hubby knows how to use it..

tris, my bb seems to be too big cradle hold position..

ainsley, i give up latching every 2 hrs in the day time. i suspect my ss is not enough for him and he's sucking in air instead(when he sucking, i heard he sucking in the air and his stomach got noise). so i give my remaining fbm. will substitute with FM after fbm finishes. so i btl feed twice a day.
my breast will feel engorged every 6hrs. so day time, one latch, one btl feed, etc.

i start giving him fbm again and he starts to poo every feed! guess i wont freeze any fbm for my #2.. i seriously think its not so healthy leh.. even we adults would prefer fresh stuffs then frozen stuffs..

i've got car seat but dun dare to drive with bb. tink i'll cab down. im ok with meet ups.. when?
halo, long time no post liao..
just finish reading all teh thread..

have been reali busy plus #1 vomit n diahorrea 2 days ago.. hubby had to send her to KKH A&amp;E at 12 midnite.. lucky after taking the med the same morn ok liao n went to cc... if not i dun know how to handle 1 sick child n another crying baby...

miumiu, if u intend to bring baby for swimming often, u may want to buy washable swim diaper.. i know i-play got sell cos my #1 using it... she goes swimming almost every weekend, somestimes even sat n sun...
oh btw, my boy slept for 8hrs again last night.. and he ytd only got 6 feeds.. i scare my breast will only be enogrged in 8 hrs.

and i now give both breast every feed.. used to be one breast each feed..
