(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Faith - my baby boy is also a great drinker - 8 weeks and drinking about 130-150ml of EBM...and yesterday he drank 130ml at 6.30pm, hungry again at 8pm so gave him 100ml but that only lasted till 10pm and we had to give him another 130ml..he also never once rejected milk...i'm also trying to cut down but he not contented with 120ml...

jeanie, juz try my best loh. Everyday carry big bag to wk. One hand carry lab top, the other carry barang barang n boy sch bag n carry my no 1 to sch. This time my arm lao shu even bigger i think cos hv to bring no 1 along n carry no 2. At times customer tot i want to pao lu carry a big bag. Cos need to bring pump n a big cooler bag n ice pack cos no office n hv to make sure ice pack gd ennuf to last 4 the whole day. Aft lunch tell customer to gv me so time 4 milking session loh. So manage to only pump once at wk. Initially my 1st audit aft leave i was so engore till cannot talk n think properly. Aft lunch, hid in toilet for 1hr n express 500ml of milk. Faint. Hope this time i hv the strength to bf for long also.
sandy, nite time i use pigeon wet wipes.. too lazy to go take water, wait for warm water to come. Cos nite time quickly change diaper, quickly feed, like that bb sleep back faster.

Aunty terence, ur daughter awake liao lah..

Lileen 500ml!!!!!
ivy, today my daughter also dont know why sleep 15 mins suddenly cry like mad.. like got nightmare like that.. just manage to put her to sleep again using the yao lan . 10 mins have passed.. hopes she continues to sleep.....
really want to start to sleep train her.. mummies.. any idea when to start?

my friend son can sleep through the night after 31 days.. i super envy...

even if they wake up in the nite, i hope they can fall asleep on their own.. any mummies with 1st kid to share experience?
Ivy, ur Hse gt flask ant. I put a flask n a small pail in my room. In case wana change diaper, dun need to go n take warm water. Lol.. I oso lazy..
and lileen.. 500 ml ..how u do it man? . .gosh .. now i think my supply consider low.. if i dont feed baby .. i can onli pump160ml onli... sometimes feed baby.. 30ml i also happy.. u 500 ml!!!
hi lileen,
can share abt your pumping experience when outside storing the ebm with cooler bag and ice pack?
How long do you keep the milk in the cooler bag?
Any tips/ advice?

ainsley.. got hot flask but use it to put water for me to drink hehe.

Faith got yao lan suppose to be easier right? thats what my mom say but im not using cos she going infant care. ur milk ss is normal lah..i sometimes pump at most 90ml haha. sometimes worst 50 ml...
suppose to be easier.. but today dont know why .. she dont really sleep much.. dont know is it cos sun and mon brought her out.. she used to being carry to sleep.. but at nite.. she at least can sleep one stretch of 3 hours
Hi 1xmummy.I used to pump ebm outside.just chill the blue ice pack n bring out.after expressing just put bottle containing ebm inside the bag which contains the ice pack. I used to shop ard with the bag for bout 6 hrs or more.
talk abt supply, today my ss drop. Morning only manage to express 250ml. Record lowest. I had better milk supply for no 1. Every morning can express 500ml. But i nv express in the middle of nite. At a start, i express aft every feed to est supply. Those wif low supply can try power pumping. Am unable to post cos hv the info in my lab top but me surfing wif hp now. Can google ard to find out more. Basically its latching n pumping continuously for a few days. As for transporting milk, i hv 2 cooler boxes, depending on how long i need to last. If my day starts early n end late, i uses my ftg. My Ftg model alone can last 10 to 12hrs but dun find it gd enuff. So throw in another pkt of big ice pack. Wif that i cld keep my milk really chilled n ice pack only a litte defrosted even aft 15hrs. If for normal days, i use my avent cooler bag wif the big ice pack. It can keep my milk chilled for abt 10hrs. Find the avent cooler bag gd. But cannot store many bottles lah. The ice pack i use is the medical grade type. Maybe thats why it last longer i also dun noe. I use that wif my avent bag to keep my placenta the other time. Now my only concern is when i need to travel in march to cambodia for wk for 3days. Dun noe if i shd throw away the milk or bring back. That time need to go china for wk n i lazy to tpt my milk back. So end up throwing abt 1.5 litre of milk daily for 4 days. Heartache.
hi roxy, erm, i browse the website lei, dun hve the motor as spare part lei...

erm, my boy gonna be full mth this friday.. and he is sleepin lesser and lesser in the day lor... so tiring to carry him and pat him to sleep lor..

so envy u all, bb can sleep so long.. haiz... i tried the mim sling jus now, bb fussin ard like so uncomfy... machiam droppin off.. even with the dvd slides, i also cant handle it well lei,, haiz.. hw to bring him out myself sia?
Tmr my gynae appt bt still hv spotting. Shd b unable to do pap smear.. Duno whether shd still go ant cos I thinking of taking the contraceptive injection... But I scare gt side effect also..
oh yes i was quite upset.. cos whole day baby so cranky refuse to sleep, am so tired cos she keep wanting me to carry, until my left hand now very pain.. so looking forward for him to do 2nd shift.. i told him.. wat to do, its me suay.. cos if bb sleep well, i not so tired, maybe im not so angry.. so baby cranky = ivy cranky haha.

But i told myself, nvm just go out and buy dinner, so i put her in carrier and left the house. An aunty came into lift and ask me baby girl or boy lah, how old.. i say 2 mths.. then she start nagging.. aiyo so young cannot put in this type of carrier, wait leg open open when grow up... i say oh for awhile only.. and walk away, then she continue to nag from behind me, too young cannot leg open.. i walk further, then she tell the man in the lift with us, aiyo so young cannot put in carrier.. then i see the man also walk fast fast away from her haha. damn suay...

so i went toa payoh central, met a kpo neighbour, i quickly call my sis pretend to talk.. then my sis say she going central to eat too.. so i went central to eat with them, baby in carrier thruout, cos if take her out sure cry... heng no soup drip on her head.
Ainsley why dun u call up 1st.. wait u go down waste $$

Shokel, my fren lend me her MIM sling, i also dunno how to use very well.. i know the fabric must be neatly align,... but i still dunno how to use. use once only, baby slept inside.. after that she dun like.
Ivy, I am actually thinking if I wana take the contraceptive injection. If i wana take ah, I go down no matter I do pap smear or not...But I scare got side effect leh.
any mummies using ergo carrier? when den use on baby?

I wanna use the sling but dunno how to! sianz

hemmie, I think the temptation wife very draggy.. and the plot abit not realistic..

lileen, wow! you're great! superwoman leh.. your boys will appreciate your hardwork! jia you!
hi ivy, i tried a few times lor.. also duno hw to use lor.. thinkin of givin up.. haiz.. hw come so diff one, see ppl use so easy...

erm, today i jus tried the sacred tea.. it taste like herbs tea lor.. waha... i only drank 2 cups today instead of 3 cups which was stated.. cos too busy with bb.. ya, i also got to carry bb today whole day.. put him down = cry... left him cryin for 10mins tot he wil fall alsp himself but to no avail.. see him cry until like tt, tears all drippin, i cant bear to not carry him liao lor.. haiz.. think no choice liao..

dun knw if i shd buy a sarong nt lor.. haiz.. so tired to carry and carry ...
Hi mummies. I hv been a silent reader. Was so busy wif my boys. #1 was down wif flu. Am so scare he'll pass e virus to #2.
My baby is 8 weeks old. Realized he can't sleep long in e afternoon. The most is only 30mins. Very jialat. Can't do other things. Tried putting him in sarong, swaddle him, sleep on tummy, all e same. Will wake up after 15-30 mins. Then eye big big then cry for attention. Carry him also don't sleep. He can stay awake for 2 hrs then sleep for only 15mins. Mummies, does ur babies sleep long in e afternoon ah? At night he will wake up for milk after 3-4 hrs.
tris.. mine also lor.. dont sleep long in the afternoon.. act dont sleep in afternoon ok.. lah if at nite can sleep through.. but at night cannot sleep through also.. mine wake up 15mins.. must yao yao . . then maybe can sleep..
hey jean my girl 6 weeks old onli drinking 120ml.. but she like still not contented.. also dont know whether she is hungry or just want to suck...

i just heard my friend daughter who is 8 week old can sleep really long in the nite. maybe wake up once onli .. feel like giving formula at nite already
I'm using e mim sling when I go out. Sometimes I'll use it at home. My bb can sleep well in the sling but not in e sarong. Dunno y leh. The sling works well for us cos at least I can do things when bb sleeps in e sling.
But am a bit worried how my bb will sleep when he goes to nanny house when I start work. Dun think nanny will want to sling him.
tris, how you sling your bb? use which position? i think mine too big for the cradle position..

faithfu, mine also 6 weeks drink 120ml.. if not contented then slowly add bit more?
ainsley, then call see if got side effects too. Call to see also if spotting can do pap smear or not.

shokel, i also see pple use the MIM sarong so easy.. i use like difficult leh.. heng i din buy, i almost want to buy.. then my fren lend me hers.. really not easy.

Tris, MIM sling not the same as MIM sarong meh?? Is it toa payoh feng shui? ahha, my baby also sleep very little.
lileen...500ml!! salute!! the most i ever had was 460ml and that was only once off.. now yield only 200 - 300ml....

joanna, u around? hope everyting is ok with u and baby...

faithfu, my bb 7 wks now only drink 70 - 110 ml depending on her mood.. so its ok
hi mummies long time no log in... how is mummies n their bb? up til date i still havent bath my bb alone yet haha... any mummies like me?
<font color="ff0000">medela spree

Hi I have ordered and paid for the Medela spree at www.mybreastpump.com

cayenne - freestyle tubing us$12
genesis - freestyle tubing us$12
snowpear - personalfit 21mm us$9.95 and personal fit 24mm us$9.95 and tubing us$12
vivi - personalfir 24mm us$9.95, tubing us$12, replacement parts us$14.95
Including me and my friend's orders, we qualified for free US domstic shipping, now its only shipping from US to singapore we need to pay
Please transfer to posb savings 207 29109 9 the above based on exchange rate of 1.45 first. Difference and shipping will be calculated later. I expect the goods to reach next weekend or following week...</font>
Lileen, my no. 1 also like that. Sleeping later n later. Even now she still with hubby in the dark living room n haven't sleep yet. Sigh.

Sandy I just started gripe water today too cos Bb kept crying. Bf her at 530pm, then 750pm at ils place. Come home but 9+pm she started crying non stop when I was Showering then busy with no. 1. Tried to bf her again at 945pm but she continues to fuss n cry. Maybe cos I press out most of the milk during shower. Give her ebm she also doesn't want. Bo bian got to force feed some gripewater using syringe. :p
jeanie, yes at beauty world!! e one with the super duper long wait of a few hrs... amazingly tonight my gal didnt fuss at all from 8-9pm.. so happy ...instead she let out alot of gas at that time n now sound asleep... should have let her see dr koh earlier...

hi dolphin
sorry i didnt order for u as im afraid will gena gst if add more orders.. sorry about it
Tris, u got to demo how to use the sling one day..

joanne did the scan today meh?? i think she say got to wait few days for result i think.
ainsley yr bb still on bf? no poo everyday? my bb now drinks fm... no poo everyday... but my mil makes sure he poo every other day lol...
jeanie.. yes the q is super terrible.. it starts at 9am.. me and hubby reach ther 9am sharp to take q no.. got no 12 and waited till 11plus to see doctor faintz but he's really super good...saw alot of pd for no1 flu, cough...all din help n so exp.. see dr koh once and so cheap (consult only $8) and he's cured within a week!! now it seems he cured no2's colic...me n hubby saw him as kids n he still remembered us... hahaha
ivy, yes its called nam seng, very popular, every shop at beauty world knows it.. no is 64682824, u can call at 9am sharp to take q no then maybe either see dr koh at 12plusam or night clinic abt 8pm.. there was once we saw him at 1130pm

for colicky babies, dr koh prescribed me colimex(orange colour) mixed with gripe water..1.25ml 3 times a day... ariel has tried gripe water, dentinox colic drops all prescribed by different PD to no avail.. she's been taking dr koh med for 1.5 days and it seems to help... i didnt bring her to see dr koh, he just prescribe me and i trusted him... maybe u all might want to bring bb down just to play safe, but pls note the waiting time is super long, so best to either take the no first then come back with bb or call n take q no.. the place isquite cold too so do wrap bb up... nurses attitude also super bad n they always say duno anyting

hemmie, i'm watching cruel temptation too.. chasing it with my mum while bfding .. keke..

I just got the MIM sling, and I have problem using it.. my girl so tense, its difficult to place her inside nicely. Plus the pulling of the edges makes me frustrated. When you pull one edge, the whole cloth will run..not neatly aligned liao.. buey tahan..
yes yes tris, you have to demo..!! i watch the video so many times liao...
