(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

genesis, erm.. im watching the HK drama - rosy business lo.. the TW Drama sweetie pie(Hai Pai Tian Xin) damn funny! watch more funny shows to cheer yourself up! i'll on the radio when im not watching tv. dun wanna let the house too quiet..

sure bu fang xin wan la.. slowly search for one which you feel can be trusted.. unless u wanna be sahm?

Jeanie, ur bb is putting on weight well!! Then ok la. Every bb diff. Mayb ur bb is big n stomach can take in more milk n store longer. My girl ah, think nw only 5kg. Born only 2.56kg. Small girl, small stomach.. Lol..
Tat day when my girl finally poo, she poo 7 times in a day. Think it's gonna b the same again.
lileen, u not on maternity leave? why still got ot work??
u ask ur hubby fly kite lah.. i find him terrible leh, dun mind me. if my hubby like that, i will kill him on the pretext of depression.
the day u need to work get ur family members to take leave??
Ur no 1 maybe want attention cos new bb in the hosue.
YOU ARE NOT A LOUSY MOTHER, u are a GREAT MOM, with so many things on hand, 1st boy, work etc. And now baby so young, all of us also cannot catch their schedule. Like me yesterday, again wake up so often until i can die. U are a GREAT MOM cos ur Kids no GOOD FATHER to take care of them, u are doing both mother and father job.

If ur schedule so pack, consider bottle feed so faster to settle ur no 2. And if give FM better, just dun BF anymore, all this engorgement will make u feel worst.
Genesis, hi sweetheart(Taiwan) is the hot drama nw.. Lol. I oso watching 下一站,幸福 (Taiwan),老友狗狗(hk),美丽高解像(hk),
Hi Ladies,
Am so tired....being alone at home with baby but today she don't know why doesn't want to sleep and keep wanna latch on....being latching her on and off since 8.30am. Just manage to put her in yaolan, still very awake.....hopefully she'll fall asleep soon for 2 or 3hr.
ainsley, yah lor.. he first month put on puts on 1.4kg, i think its cuz of the wrong teats i used. cuz he can use half hr to finish 60ml. after i change teats, aft his first month, he only needs at most 10mins to finish his milk, and put on weight fast!

mummies, what do you do to bb after he/she finish milk? play with him/her? i place him in bouncer and he always cry for attention..
jeanie, same lah.. put in rocker, after a while wants my attention.

Bluegal ur bb how old? dun forget 6th weeks got growth spurt, might need to feed often.
jeanie, yah hv a super hetic life since my hubby usually leave hm at 5.30am n return ard 10pm daily. My joa also stressful type. No hubby to help which i at times resent esp this period. my helper coming on nx wed if things r ok. Send my helper away aft spoiling so many of my things due to her stubborn character. Fm my parquet flooring, hot water airport, clothes, mop, brush, sink, mum's fridge shelves and many others. The last straw is my family photo taken on my 21st bdae n a photo taken wif my boy in bkk. Photo r priceless n my 21st bdae photo hv no more flim n the other is those souviner plate photo. All these happen in mth plus. Imagine my money wasted. Really feel like strangling her. Helper, children n work problems r really headache. Fan lah.
wow ivy you sound angRY

Lileen, pat pat I agree with Ivy somewhat..
dun think that you are a bad mummy.. you are great! being able to juggle so many things without help.. your little ones will grow up to love their mummy lots lots!

Bluegal you too.. cheer up, how old is your baby? is your baby going thru a growth spurt? it occurs abt 3, 6, 9 wks
am I right mummies, hope i didnt rem wrongly..
sometimes baby also keep feeding when they are very young, or even when they are bored..

oh i just bought a yaolan too and i think that helps my boy to sleep better in the day time and im not so tired carrying him to sleep
lileen, wah.. why ur hb nv helps? he too tired from work? actually 530am till 10pm also quite xiong.. hope your new helper really 'helps' you and not damage ur stuffs..
Lileen, sry dun mind me.. i was just being angry for you. I think have a talk to ur hubby. My hubby say i shouldnt say what i say earlier... but i cannot delete it liao. calm down and dun be sad oki.
Hi Mummies,

finally have some time to log in and catch up.

I hope to get some advices &amp; tips on pumping and storing of milk when we are away from baby..
Yesterday my top was soaked and leaking breastmilk by the time i returned home from the hair salon. I went out ard 1pm, and by 4pm - engorged liao. 6pm, painful lumps throbbing and by 7pm - leaking milk! haha... it was hilarious.. i felt like laughing at myself and also feeling embarrased at the same time.
and fortunately i was wearing black or else i dunno how....
Haha.. but it was a lesson for me to learn - as a breastfeeding mummy.

Wanna get some pointer from you all leh..
Im tinking of expressing out my milk next time when i go out for more than 4 hours..
so need to strategise
Im using Medela Freestyle, the pump came with a black squarish cooler bag and blue ice pack inside..
1. So should I freeze the ice pack, put inside the cooler bag and bring out with me?
2. And when time comes for me to pump, i express out the milk in a bottle, and i put inside the cooler bag with the ice pack, then how long can it be stored there without the milk spoiling?
I think i have to be aware so that i wun forget abt the milk while i go run my errands or go shopping...

Im gg back to work in March too.. but i am thankful for the fridge in my pantry so i can store my breastmilk there. And bring home the supply every day after work.

But when going out we dun have fridge mah.. so those mummies who have success stories expressing out their breastmilk when they go out, can share?
Thank you for all your advice!

i'm watching 下一站,幸福 too!

jeanie, look slim only, but i'm surprised when i can't fit in my bigger size work clothes and my prepregnancy bras. my arm also increase about half my previous size. sadz..my fats actually on my tummy.. big spare tyre...
jaclee, then u really hid ur fats well.. cuz really cant see from the outside. me then wanna cry!! see got 10kg to go!!

feel 下一站,幸福 abit draggy..
jeanie, jia you.. u can do it one..
i don't intend to buy new clothes yet when i go back to work, thats why i need to try to fit into some of my previous clothes first..

ya, agree abit draggy now.. and the focus of the show will be on the small boy later on..

my girl also cry for attention very often..
u all use MIM sling at home?
Oh.. talking abt drama
My hubby and me finished Rosy Business (thumbs up!) finally - we will chase a few episodes when baby is sleeping at night. =P
For us, its good couple time. Cos we have a lot to discuss after the show.

Ainsley, what is 老友狗狗(hk),美丽高解像(hk) about?
Are they nice? who acting?
If good, i ask my hubby to go rent the dvd.. and we can start to chase again =)

jeanie, my gf say turn baby around for tummy time (but cannot too long cos its strenuous exercise), put at play gym, or ainsley say talk to bb.. haha but i always dunno what to say to her.

Bluegal, 5-6weeks growth spurt cluster feeding very normal, we all been there done there.

Just now my bb look uncomfortable so i tot ok change diaper.. then as i wipe her ass, she farted a shit onto my nose... ok nvm... THen i wipe her asshole, she farted again.. i tot ar.. maybe she cant fart, so i use the warm cottonwool and gently wipe it sideway.. then guess wat, she shitted... then i tot oh cannot shit need my help haha, so i wipe again with the moist warm cottonwool... then splatter... shit a lot..

Ainsley so if baby cannot shit, can try hahaha.
jaclee, yah lo.. wait for the small boy episodes
.. xiao xiao bin~ i bought mim sling, planning to use at home or go mkt.. but i dunno how to use even with the DVD.. tried ytd on my boy and he gets real frustrated cuz the cloth keep lying on his face while i adjust..

1xmummy, i still got 5 more episodes for Rosy Business.

feel like watching 美丽高解像
ivy, yah lo!! dunno what to talk to him. and he needs to hear voices then can sleep. so i read newspaper to him! will try tummy time.. meaning place him on his tummy? i tried once leh.. then realise i dunno how to carry him up! end up i go google.. hahaha
Halo Mummies..

All my kids are having their nap now.. so i sneak in..

I am also super tire last night.. #2.. conquer bb's sleeping area.. so bb didn't sleep well.. in turn I also didn't sleep well.. got to be up to pat bb almost every hour..

All MUMMIES are SUPER MUMMY... including myself.. hehehe... so don't feel bad abt not BF la... scold bb la... etc etc.. cos it is normal for us to be emotionally depressed now.. due to hormone change.. but all mummies are doing a great job ya..

I am also going back to work end of March.. taking the full 4month... so that i don't have to clear so much when go back to work...

jeanie... I remembered you mention you use cotton pad to wipe when bb poo.. need to use warm water? Or normal temp tap water cal liao... thinking of using cotton pad as well.. to save cost... if not very xiong.. mine still poo almost every feed... so my diaper and wipe super siong...

Today, juz introduce gripe water to bb.. thur bottle.. she was crying abit initially.. but after awhile she manage to suckle well... and finish all the 40ml hehehe... so will be giving her once everyday.. then when introduce FM.. will have no problem..
1xmummy, u can download pps online streaming. The shows v update. Dun need to rent n waste money
老友狗狗is cast by 钟嘉欣,马俊伟,邵美棋,etc it's a happy show. Abt dogs, n hw 钟嘉欣 the ugly vet n 马俊伟 a villager end up together.
美丽高解像 is cast by 徐子珊,伍咏微etc. It's abt 徐子珊 a newbie in being an actress n 伍咏微 the queen of actress. Hw they fight against each other for the best.
hey min, i stay in tamp, can i take the huggies new born from u =)

1xmummy, u can get a fridge to go? i havent try using it, bought it already.. but apparently it can store for up to 10 hours. so once u express u can put.
sandy, i use warm water. mix tap water and hot water from airpot.. my mum buy those rolls of cotton and wants me to roll into small balls and use. i leave this chore to my hb. i think u got no time for this, watsons cotton pad is economic!
mummies thxs 4 the encouragnemts. Ivy, its ok. That's hubby character i guessed. Hv already talk tn him b4. This round he is already better. At least he help a bit wif bb. No 1 time he nv even help at all. Terence is a supportive hubby
happy 4 u. Yes on leave still. But hv a special audit to do cos no other local auditor can do n there r unable to get oversea help due to short notice. My mum is not able to take leave tat day. Tats why i hv to send bb to nanny's plc. Thus in a rush as hv to bring no 1 to cc, no 2 to nanny b4 rushing to pandan loop. I already bottle feed my boy wif ebm. But he can drink real slow at times. Juz dun noe wat time he will wake up for milk. Imagine i rushing then he wakes up. Faint. Muz continue to feed leh. Else like unfair to no 2 cos no 1 was bf till 18mths. Cannot hv such a big diff else i feel bad also. Juz hope my no 1 will settle down soon. Heartache to see him so tired n drag himself to sch daily. But hv to be consistent n send him to sch at that time daily also.
hello mummies, realised my girl is great drinker.. 6 weeks.. drinking 120ml.. i trying to cut down.. dont know she wants to suck or really can drink. she has never once rejcet the milk.. unless she latch on and fall asleep.. nowadays i try to give expressed milk too..

hey lileen, cheer up k .. it will just get better! and there are so many mummies here going through the same thing.. smile! can squeeze in time to watch drama. like now i typing with one hand and yaolaning... on the other hand. hahah..

yesterday also very tired.. so i gave in and let baby latch till fall asleep. bad habit. does ya babies wake up in the middle of the nite, after drinking still wide awake?
Jeanie.... ya.. I am using Watson cotton pad for my own use.. so thinking of using it to wipe bb's poo poo as well.. since is more economical..
sandy, yups, my gf also using watsons cotton pad.. stock up when got offer..

faithfu, sometimes my bb in the midnight after feed still look quite alert when mine is half closed liao. so i put him into yaolan and pat pat him to make him sleepy..
Mummies.. how do we know whether bb overfeed...? thus indigestion... ?

joanne.. my bb... also got big, bloated stomache.. and she vomit almost every feed.. that why I introduce gripe water earlier.. to see whether her condition will improve.. why did the doc suspect might be kidney problem?

jeanie.. ya.. I will also stock when is on offer..
sandy me also use watson cotton pad, i lagi waste water, i turn on my tap till the water turn warm haha.

Lileen u are super woman..

Faith, my bb over tired and cry non stop just now, manage to calm her and now typing and 1 foot taping rocker to rock her.. my toes cramp soon...
lolx.. ivy... wah.. if raining how?? Ya.. you have a very supportive hb who will help you to pat and coax bb.. well done Terence.. *deserve a pat*
-.- sandy.. my tap water is attach to water heater -.- but before the hot water arrive to the tap, the pipe got remaining cooled water, so i wait for the hot water to come in..
alamak.. a pat on your shoulder la.. but if you need a pat to burp you also can.. then must be a hard one.. hehehe..

ivy.. I see.. wah.. very siong nei.. maybe you can store the remaining water for other purpose la..
argh.. There goes my aftnoon nap. Took my tea aft feeding him n left him in the room. No sound fm him for abt 30mins n tot he zzz so i also can zzz a while. But come in only he look at me eye big big. Haha.
terence u wearing a high hat now. Hehe. But muz continue hor. Else all the mummies esp this auntie lileen nag till u faint.

sandy i know.. so try to find ways to keep it.. oh ya maybe keep for her night wiping..

lileen same here, today my girl refuse to sleep, just now finally sleep till now 1 hr liao.. but i already no mood to sleep liao. Can someone coax me to sleep then...
