(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

smalldreams... i dun pump often during this maternity leave. lazy lah... latching is more convenient. no need to sterilise. hahahaha... so... whenver she wants to feed i just latch... so... i dun feel like i need to burst leh.

ok, i guess i will try pumping during lunch... breast bursting feeling really sucks... and i can get more milk this way!

Qn: My girl has the milk coating on her tongue... i am trying to clean with a wet cloth as advise by PD. not very successful so far.. anyone with a better idea?

ivy, relax. Its a passing phrase. U got to be strong. I wld say tat terrence has been a very gd dad n hubby already. Every baby is diff n they will out grow that. Juz to share, my no 1 really gv me a hard time last time. In the day cry n cry. Wants to be carried. Carry also cry. Sleep 10 to 15mins start crying again. At nite wakes up 10 over times to cry or drink milk. I nearly went crazy n went into depression. Worst, i hv childcare prob. Hubby bo chap n i hv to handle everything plus my demanding wk myself. I lost the 23 over kg i hv gain during preggy plus abt 4kg in few mths. Honestly, till now no1 is already 3yrs n he nv get up to help for any nite feed or diaper changing. Imagine the nitemare i am going thru. Even no 2 now he still bo chap. Nv feed or change diaper b4. Gd thing is my no 1 is not like that anymore. When times r bad, look at the bright side. Soon it will be over. At least u hv a supportive hubby. Cheer up. Try n get company now esp if u hv phobia handling ur gal alone. I felt better wif someone ard the other time also. Someone to talk to or help to up. Try to go out for some fresh air. Staying at hm cld be worst. That time i nearly gone crazy n juz went out wif no 1 for a walk n i felt so much better. Guess mst of us here r super tired. Me also. Sleeping only 4 2hrs nitely only. U stay at tpy rite? If u dun mind i can meet u today or day aft tml as am staying at bishan these days. Tml gg office so cannot. I dun mind going up ur plc if u dun feel comfortable bring bb out alone. Even today i also can cos me stay hm till backside itch already. Juz drop me an sms. Will send u a pm. Can understand how u feel as i hv gone thru this. Get support fm the mummies here. Soon we will outgrow this prob n there will be another set of prob. Haha.
great if you're nearby Ivy and can pop by for a visit

Yeah, sometimes all we need is another adult to chat with.
I've not been getting as many visitors for #1, but had friends visiting over the weekend. Felt good to just chat abt kids and everything else. Really helped a lot!
smalldreams, agree. Lucky my sis still on unpaid leave during the other time. So we wld go hv lunch, tea together. Seeing how she handle my nephew gv me more strength n confidence also n yah feel gd to chat abt kids n motherhood.
Nepia diapers is now at $15 per pack. Can mix sizes for the order. Jeanie, can I confirm the sizes that u want? Anyone wants to tag along also? Collection at Jurong West. Jeanie, you can collect from me when i go BP on weekends.

Sigh, have been getting mastitis thrice ever since delivery! But still latching bb when sick, coz will pass the antibodies to her.

Also, when everything is blocked, I can't seem to pump out the milk, need bb help to suck out..

My workplace doesn't have a place for pumping milk, unless i do it in the toilet which I think quite unhygenic, plus the toilet stinks..

Sandy, you have measurements for the clothes? Saw a few that I want to get..
Nepia diapers is now at $15 per pack. Can mix sizes for the order. Jeanie, can I confirm the sizes that u want? Anyone wants to tag along also? Collection at Jurong West. Jeanie, you can collect from me when i go BP on weekends.

Sigh, have been getting mastitis thrice ever since delivery! But still latching bb when sick, coz will pass the antibodies to her.

Also, when everything is blocked, I can't seem to pump out the milk, need bb help to suck out..

My workplace doesn't have a place for pumping milk, unless i do it in the toilet which I think quite unhygenic, plus the toilet stinks..

Sandy, you have measurements for the clothes? Saw a few that I want to get..
roxy, my hb n i are planning to go japan end of this year. but i wana settle my purchase of new place 1st. hopefully nothing goes wrong.
when she is less than 4 weeks old, sleep is no issue, she will somehow fall asleep easily, only start from 5th weeks onwards.. i guess maybe she is still too young to train to fall asleep on her own bah. I dun think i need a nanny to completely look after her 24/7, nor need a lot of sleep.i really enjoy my bb when i can have a good hot shower, a little time to do my work, cos im working from home at the moment. so when she can't get some sleep and i dun get some time, and i so tired, im just so upset...

Lileen, thanks for wanting to come by. I actually want to be alone, and go out to walk with bb, and even tell my mom dun come over... unfortunately my sis call and say she and my mom insist on coming over.. I tot i wanted to sort out things alone. oh well.
lileen, this is now ur 2nd bb right?? Ur HB still not helping you? U taking care of bb alone or ur mother helping?
ivy, yah my no 2. No hubby still not helping. My boy recently reject bottle feed fm me. So i told him to feed but he say dun want. Angry. Nv even wakes up or help at nite if he start his disco session... Can continue zzz. So hv to handle both boys myself. Super tired. My mum is wking also. So no help fully. But am staying here cos can hv gd dinner when mum is hm. Also she can help me a bit when back. Cos my hubby leave hm 5.30an in the day n reach hm at 10pm at nite. So a struggle for me always. But nx wk on will be back hm le. Cos if stay here, my mum very tired also.
Yup ivy remember Michael Jackson's song u r not alone! =)

for me after 2 mths of CL help, tommorow she'll b going back so hopefully I will be able to handle my boy without her. Keepin my fingers crossed!
Any bukit panjang or Cck mummies? I'm stayin at bukit panjang thinkin if possible we can arrange meet up, think will b bored after sometime stayin at home with baby
genesis hehe. i giggle when u mention michael jackson song.

Lileen, ur HB work long hrs, maybe thats why he dun wanna take care. Really admire u, still have no 2 after so stress, u SAHM or going to work or working already?
Sigh, today left side painful lumps again. Called Mdm Rokiah but I was too late, she is on her way to jb. Can only see me on Wed unless she is back early tom. Don't feel like going to TMC when I just went there last week. Whole morning, bodyaches and headaches but no fever. Don't know whether it is related to the lumps. Feeling so sian and demoralised about this.
if you have someone to help out look after baby just for 1 -2 hrs a day, it'll be great, so you can do what you want to do

I know the feeling. want to shower also, can hear baby cry. Everything is done in a rushed way. Oh well. Hope it'll be over soon.

Oh dear that sounds bad. I only had a slight pain on my right side yesterday and already felt lousy. Is that what you called a block duct? hopefully yr AF not reporting soon....
smalldreams, Ainsley, I latched her on the left side exclusively at 9+am and 1pm leh. But still like that. With my shoulder aches and body aches, very very tiring to press on the lumpy side while she suckles also. Sigh. Yesterday was the right side and I ask hubby to help massage and it got better. Today become left side. Don't know why like that. I'm doing 3 hrly feed now, should change to 2 hr feeds ah?

Are you mummies wearing bra at home? The TMC LC (Lilian) keep harping on me not wearing fitting bra. Does it really matter? But really very hot to wear bra and perspire at home while trying to feed baby leh cos I don't on air con at home. :p

initially I dun wear bra at home as it's hot for me too. but after sometime feel tat my breast like heavy heavy like tat then it makes me wanna wear bra liao...bo pianzz...

I've tried mdm rokiah last week to clear my ducts too, she mentioned as n when do massaging n use warm compress e.g. hot towel. then latch then pump.

how about ask your hubby to help you to massage? sometimes we can't really do it ourself difficult la...
that what i told ivy that most of the mums here are facing the same problem...cos our baby is almost same week +- few days......just hang on everybody...it is said easy then do it but i cannot help to latch else i will help u...haha
Pauline, u try to latch 2 hourly lor. Bt I didn't clear my blocked duct immediately tat time. Think mine was quite bad n took me a few days to clear. Bt latching def helps.

Terence, ya lor. All the common probs here. u help ivy to feed ebm lor. Help her tuck bb to bed, jus any other things than latch. Dun worry, alot of things to do. Lol... Bt nw, most impt is hubby's support n concern.
ainsley, wah.. SAHM since #1? i envy u finish ur studies le.. i also preggy while im in my uni yr 1. in the end, quit lo.. had very nausea then nv go exams.. currently no plans to go back.. dunno whether got chance to go back or not..
i total latch now, normally i offer one side only. ranging from 5 - 30 mins. most of the time he'll doze off. then when he wakes up, i'll change sides.. depends on situtation..

twinstars, im using nuk silicon M size. for water and ebm(last time). my aunt using the latex, very soft, must keep turning when feeding..

ivy, dun worry la. like ur hubby says, we'll facing same issue and supporting each other. if latching is so stressful to you, why not give ebm? you're a great mum, alright?

be good girl when daddy's ard? she's a daddy's girl lo.. i also very impatient. taking care of bb is really test patient. recently bb keep fussing at breast when feeding. i almost wanna shout at him.

einnoc, good to hear that you're getting better! jia you!

sandy, you know wad, before i give birth, i keep saying i'll bring bb everyday go walk walk! but still haven do anything yet. so lazy lo! ok, will start today!

eunice, i buy this liquid from chinese med hall to clean bb tongue.. but cuz my CL didnt clean from the start, the stain abit hard to remove.

jaclee, i cfm 2 S size. thanks oh!

genesis, im staying at bukit panjang. petir area. you?

sharon, yah lor. i'll look for job either when my boy is 18mths or can find someone reliable to help me take care..
Genesis, he helped me last night but he can only help me provided no. 1 doesn't come and disturb lor. Thanks, I do massage first but will try to massage with hot bottle (towel keeps getting cold) then latch baby. :p

Ainsley, thanks, guess I got low threshold of pain also. No wonder both deliveries also use epi. :p
pauline, i use hot water, from my thermal flask de. no need whole btl cuz it'll be very hot till u cant hold. i just fill half. because its very hot initially, i'll wrap a cloth over it. when its not so hot, just put on lump directly.
Jeanie, thanks I'll try that later. Almost time for my baby to cry for milk liao. Massage then straightaway latch baby correct? No need to press out the milk first?
pauline, normally i'll do it when pumping.. u can try massage liao then latch or massage while latching.. but may have letdown..
ivy, how i wish i am a sahm. Haha. So i dun hv any childcare prob. Am wking. Still on leave but gg to wk beginning of mar. Rgd hubby i gv up le. Want to help help. Dun want done. Its not an excuse not to help aft being tired at hm. I am also wking wat n i often continue wking aft midnite aft my boys zzz to clear emails etc. Tml still hv to go back office wif no 2 to settle some issue.. Furthermore he has been getting more sleep n rest than me. So not a gd excuse. Guess that is guys bah. Times cld be difficult but bear in mind that it will be over soon. I dun want to look back n regret in future that my no 1 has no siblings to play wif n all alone in future when we parents r gone. Such a kind of prob r part n parcel of life. If all afraid then there may not be us anymore cos our parents will be afraid to gv birth to us. Terence u muz help up wif ivy hor. Women aft gving birth very vunerable n emotional one okie. Hey ivy, wanna meet 4 lunch at tpy central or bishan this wk? Me craving for steamboat again. Hehe. Any other mummies staying ard here n r free?
Hey Jeanie, then we can meet up @ plaza eh! I'm staying at the middle of senja n jelanpang station btw u added me in fb Liao is it? U wan pm me your number?
lileen, wah.. u very power.. you sounds like my mum.. last time she also same situation as you. my dad nv helps and she gotta do everything herself. plus she's working too.. and she got 4 kids. haha.

genesis, i think i got add u in fb. u dun accept pm leh..
Sandy- come, join us in the 3rd month bash leh, then u can set up a booth with all the pretty clothings :p

Pauline/Jeanie- the hot/waRM water method worked for me too :p
Pauline- That time I also super painful, I gave up and put cabbage at the affected area. Then my ss drop by half, now still trying hard to pump hopefully the ss will come back.
btw I also went to parentcraft, LC Lilian said Bra is very impt, which I think it is lor, so now I faithfully wear bra to support.

Jeanie-Thanks so I will see whether my bb is okie with M size latex teat or not.
jeanie, ya lor.. sahm since #1. then go bk studies. i grad last year sept. in the mid of my pregnancy. lol.. But lucky everything went well. You will be looking for job after these 4 mths?
hi ainsley, i rem u did mentioned that u did the 6-1 jab for ur bb only ard $100+ for 3 jabs isit? wher u take from arh? i called a few clinic , all ard $300+ lei... urs can pay by cda acc ma?
twinstars, you're welcome.

ainsley, initially wanted to look for job after bb 4 mths.. but my mum and hubby disagree cuz they've heard bad stories bout nanny and infant care. im in dilemma cuz my finances very tight but cant work..
Shokel, nt 3 jabs la. Jus the 6-in-1 is 100+. if 3 jabs think 300+ like u said. Bt hw come gt 3 jabs? Wat r the 3?

Jeanie, actually sometimes u wk, u spend more than u stay at Hm. Those infant care, nanny, transport everyday, meals outside, work clothes, etc. Mayb u wk out the Amt n discuss with ur hb lor. I prefer looking after my girl myself cos I m v particular abt their development. Heehee.. Which course were u in? Mayb u can go bk studies when ur bb grows older.
Jeanie, when HB heat up the EBM, baby will cry until very cham.. and my heart cringe... like shit man, cry until like tat, shld i just latch, its very stress. Then bb finish bottle, will still wan my breast then can go into deep sleep... so another stress.

Lileen, go out baby wanna eat how? Just feed at restaurant ar?
Are you running ur own business? How come office u go in once a while? I sending my daughter to infant care mid march, dunno its a good thing or not since i dun seems to know how to teach her the right way.
ainsley, true.. but earn the CPF lor.. im from SIM-UOL. before i go back, gonna save up!scully by then, me and my bb can go study together. hahaha
Thanks, Jeanie, Shaine, twinstars. Just latched baby just now, for almost half an hour. Wanted to put bottle on lump while latching but impossible cos her hands were blocking. But I I did massage and press a bit before latching. Now seems better, hope it'll last. :p

Ainsley, me SAHM too but neglected my no. 1's development since Mei Mei is born. Nowadays she says new words, I don't even know where/who she learnt it from. :p
ivy, same same!! then my mum keep nagging hao le mei you hao le mei you~ while waiting for ebm to heat up. so, i monitor his pattern. while he zzz, he'll stretch abit(when feeding time) then i'll take the thawed fbm from fridge. when he figit more, i quickly put inside warmer. by the time he start crying, i can shut him on time.

dun stress. everything got a solution. dun give bb ur stressful milk, if nt ur bb also stress. normally by the time bb drink finish, will feel sleepy le.. dun think will look for your breast le.. for me, i give pacifier. keke

you're a good mum! sure can teach her well!
