(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

roxy, i think breastmilk will have phlegm cuz sweet mah. My boy also gt vomit phlegm.

Calamari, you is one haoming lady leh! Got mum and hb to help you. Envy..

Ivy, i've read that some pd say can give water, but not too much. Ur hb good leh, still cook for you. I'll also prep one big spoon hor

Einnoc, stop stressing yourself! Everything is gonna be fine! Stress is ultimate killer! And do you know by stressing urself, ur condition will worsen? Must kankai abit.. Nth is smooth sailing and perfect. We just need to face it and accept it and overcome it.

Sandy, i cant fit into any of my pre preggy clothes! Cham la!

Miumiu, my hb is just as lazy as urs. I can underestand he's working in the day. And since i direct ltch, he also cant help cuz he cant even change diapers! Even nw i sprain my wrist, he also dunwan to learn n help. Everytime say okok but also say say only. When gt chance to learn, also duno go where. Faint argh.

Back from causeway pt! Wah. Legs breaking. Lucky bb quite cooperative, slept most of the time. Bought 2 nursing top from spring maternity cuz dunwanna waste my voucher. Also bought Shoes, bed n bedsheets. Burn big hole in pocket!

jeanie - ya.. that time mi flu.. he oso neber even bother to help bottle feed.. dunno.. bb belongs to both of us.. both must chip in to help rite??
dunno la.. juz feel sianz..

u bot the shawl? mi that time bot liao but neber latch on anymore.. didnt use it.. got price tag on someone.. u wan?
Roxy.. think is not phelgmy.. cos is those milk that has been in the stomache for awhile liao.. then she vomitted out.. not those that vomitted immediately after drinking..

Don't know why... but my this bb also.. vomitted afew times.. so I also noticed.. but I doubt is caused my BM.. now i let her lie down for awhile after feed... then I burp her.. lesser le..

Lolx.. I have many nice bb girl clothes.. but whether 'ni kan de shang ma' lolx... you pm me then I send you my link.. cos can't send the link thru pm..

jeanie.. still got 2 months la... can still tone and shape shape ya.. then mei mei go back to work hehehe..

My hb also doesn't know how to change diaper.. but he does help in taking care the 2 elder kids.. if not I think I will kee siao.. with all 3 around..
Help... Something happened to my baby's buttocks after I applied Mustela vitamin barrier cream this afternoon. It is causing her much pain now everytime I wipe her and the area where I applied the cream turned all reddish
I am in pain everytime she scream till her tears fly when I wipe her butt. we rule out itchiness.
But dunno where is the pain
afraid it is the private part...
Any advice???? Anyone used mustela barrier cream before??
Hi can i join this forum? feel so lonely being pregnant and being a new mum alone...haha

miumiu - dun get angish wif ur huby...u r BF rite? later your bb will feel angry..im not too sure if im sensitive..but whenever i had angry or disappoint thoughts while BF, my bb will get angry for notting...

jeanie -i also need to slim dwm!!! cant wear back my cloths..so sad...so SUPER DUPER sian....bs u put ur bb on stroller while shopping? i tried strolling mine but he cried..he want to be carried instead...jialuck..any way to train him on stroller w/o him crying all the way?

today duno y bb seems restless..and hungry..imgaine i fed him 4 time within 4hrs..both bf and formula milk..he still seem to be hungry..he tired but dun want to zzzz...haiz...think tonite jialuck...

beside have any mummies brought bb for vaccination? is rotateq or prevenar important? any advise? im not too sure do i need to give him full vaccination or the basic 6 in 1 type...
Roxy- yeap baby Daphne also have phelgm like occasionally, we bring her to see PD that time n she said is flu bug thou is already past 1 month, she still vomit some occasionally, should be not too serious, don't worry ya!! Btw I also have problem getting nice cny clothing for Bb Daphne, so just grab some rompers only...

Sandy- is it the multiply link to view the bb clothes? I keen to view too ;D

Jeanie, miumiu- most daddies are abit lazy, my hubby sleep like a pig too, dun even realise baby crying!!! But he can't help much at nite bcos I latch on too... But at time when I hurt my wrist or tired, I will pinch him, ;p haha abit violent !!

1xmummy- oh no, poor baby Faith, she's so sweet when I saw her on Friday!! I think just bring her to see doctor asap ya, should be allergy ba!! Tk care babe!
Do u let your babies use pillow?
When can they start using pillow?

My baby regurgitates/ vomit out about 10ml of milk immediately after feed. Is tat normal?
Yea very heartpain n I feel so guilty for causing her suffer. but I do not understand y the mustela vitamin barrier cream has such an effect on her
it was my first time trying out that sample pack....
sob sob
calamari, thanks for sharing...tink i will change to personalfit shields also.. my softfit also turn yellow

miumiu, jeanie, sharon and sandy, i tink its phlegm.. sticky de... will monitor n see how.. but so far she's drinking ok, sometimes drink 60, sometimes drink 150... ydae she cry n cry till we all got shocked, never see her cry like that before, my hubby got so worried he wanted to rush down to kk a&amp;e i told him we monitor.. luckily after vomitting, she went to sleep....

sandy, can email me at the address above or just post here? tnk all the mummies here want to see also

valkryiegal, poor bb faith.. i tried out the sample pack once then her buttock turned abit red..same for desitin, i tink they are too strong for her.. so i switch to applying CB calendula cream daily and it sooths n works for her...maybe u can try applying that?

hi joanna, yes i was at harbourfront and vivo today!! wearing purple top and white shorts... u saw me? next time come say hi ah, when im walking im blur blur de, dun really see my surroundings or recognise people... not really slim ah, still have 3kg to go back to my normal weight n this 3kg is so difficult to shed off!! so afraid i'll be permanently stuck with this bulging tummy
miumiu, maybe we shld come up with some ways to deal with their laziness! Nw we gossip them, if they meet each other in march gathering, will they gossip bout us? Haha! Nv bought shawl cuz might be getting from mummylicious as the coverage is better wor.. Anyway also oos

Calamari, can ur hb influence our hb to be 24xiao as well? Heh..

Ytd i just complain to him say my forum girls hb know hw to bathe bb(quote sharon hb) leh, then he just reply all meh? Grrr..

Sandy, im gonna be sahm. I scare will become more n more fat. Haha. Everyday at home.. I nv use mitten aft he one month. Yes he did scratch his face but aft trimming his nails, lesser le.

Any sahm?

Sharon, mine is tendon sprain, gp gimme gel to apply, i think gt abit better but cuz i nv rest, wont recover fast de. Urs haven ok? Is it tendon sprain as well?

Hello sq, hw old is ur bb le? Maybe he gg thr growth sprut? We jiayou tog to slim down! Yes, i put my boy in his pram while i shop. He's cranky when we just reach, so we fed him, pat him then put him to sleep in his pram. And we bought all his small pillows to place ard him to make him cosy. Of cuz let him wear warm warm too. Most impt, we always move his pram, cuz he'll easily frighten when pram is stationary.

Yunzz, i use pillow since bb back from hospital. Its those small diy type. Nw upgrade to bigger ones liao.

Roxy, ur gal vomits out the phlegm le, shld feel better le. Thats why can sleep better. Norm after my boy vomits his phlegm, his wheezing sound nt so loud liao. Tt time he also cry n gek one pc of phlegm out, first time we very scare, but aft that know his pattern liao.

1xmummy, wah, sure heartpain to see this. Use powder? Those non talc type..

Snowpear, some suggest dream feed to stretch the time. Tried once but fail cuz he refuse to wake up n drink. Will try again..

Up feeding bb, woke up at 245 n 445.. Think next feed is 645.. Haiz
Yunzz- i give baby safe pillow to my gal
u can grab that at kiddy palace!

1xmummy- hope bb Faith will get well soon!

Jeanie- not sure what sprain too cause the sinseh nv said ;( I also never rest so guess that y very hard to recover too... Haiz !!
I'm also SAHM, tender my resignation after pregnancy, think will stay at home till Daphne is slightly older, still considering at least 6mths old or 18mths then rejoin workforce
roxy, great to see u again.
make me wana travel also. Nw planning for end of yr trip.

Jeanie, Sharon, I hv been sahm since #1 le. Was studying though n tot I wana wk after grad since my #1 so big liao. bt nw... With #2, bk to square 1. Lol

mummies who total latch..... May i knw hw long ur babies drink of bth sides? Mine now v fast leh. Abt 15 mins On both sides n she doesn't wan liao. Hw ah?
Roxy - thanks for sharing how you transport your EBM. Will try out your method
...wah your floral bath sounds shoik!!! Can't wait to pamper myself at a spa in Bali after all the sleepless nites...any good Bali spa recommendations?
ainsley - even i total latch - my baby drinks total 5-10 mins sometimes. My pd told me that as long as he wets atleast 6 diapers its ok he will get his feed. But 5 mins is very little! Don't know whats going into his body.
very worried ! also recently he drinks for 2 mins and then bursts out crying.i see that milk is spraying out like a jet. Can't take the crying, feel like giving up on total latch and express.
Last night he didn't feed from 7:30pm till 3am. Tried feeding him at 10pm but he kept crying, wouldn't feed ulitmately fell asleep tired.
Ash, I think mayb ur bb doesn't wan milk wor. He mayb wana suckle bt doesn't wan milk tats y he burst out crying. My girl last time oso like tat. Nw she drinks for abt 15 mins then she refuse to latch liao. Also duno if she has enuff ant..
hi mummies,

Does mummy's diet really affect BM? cos my bb still very colicky, he is now 5.5 weeks and can finish 120ml per feed if no wind in his stomach. If got wind sometimes just take 60 to 90ml. todate his feed is still 8 times a day.
btw does the teat plays a part? I m using NUK latex teat, small size, but we realise that he suckle for a long time and like no milk taken in, so we went and buy the teat puncher and create and add' hole M size in the teat, there is also another teat which we use scissor to cut the teat to make the hole bigger.
My FIL kept saying that the food I took cos bb to be colicky.
Ash, maybe it's ur milk letdown too fast for baby. how abt expressing 1st before feeding? so the milk flow won't be too fast?
Ash, maybe it's ur milk letdown too fast for baby. how abt expressing 1st before feeding? so the milk flow won't be too fast?
sq (novety) , u welcome to join us here and gathering on 13 mar. Good to talk to fellow mommies here, if without each other support here, i think i will feel horrible.. and now time to complain haha.

My girl very uncooperative yesterday, drink 2am on 1 breast only, no matter how i wake her just refuse to take the 2nd breast, woke up 4am (if she taken 2 breasts she will wake up abt 5) 4am also take 1 breast and the other like anyhow suck and slept.. then work up 6plus 7am, i was so tired and i think i again wanna give up BF. Really BF make me very depress cos she sleep so little and so hard to control how much she drink.

THis morning when my hubby going to work, i cry and tell him, i dun want to be a mother liao. Im so not suitable to be a mother. He say ur forum gfs all also having same issue, so dun think too much... and i told him "Cos im not suitable to be mother!!" Sigh...really been coming to 2mths, and im exhausted... and going into negative, pessimistic mood again.
hi ivy and ainsley...

ydae night, i rush go clinic and took med for my fever and headache lor.. i was runnin a fever of 39.6... erm, i took med liao lei... ydae and today i already pump out 6oz and threw it away lei... walau.. now say can bf... so wasted my milk... and ydae night was so chaotic.. my hubby got to take all the EMB and feed bb, end up, used up all the frozen BM... i stil thinkin later got to feed bb FM liao cos cant BF lor...

i jus called PCC, the LC say can stil BF unless its breast infection? but wat is breast infection? gt pus ? bleeding? or sore nipples?
ivy, ling lee, miumiu, roxy &amp; jeanie,
Thanks, i'm feeling better le. Can carry bb yesterday le. Going to see a specialist later as i feel pain when i burp or air movement in stomach. Not forgeting lying down on bed too. Gosh, the pain was unforgetable. Worse than c-sect pain.

Twinstars, i'm still using nuk s size teat for my seven weeks bb. yup, mom's food intake may cause bb to be colicky too. Eat less broccoli if possible.

1xmummy, has the cream expired? I used Desitin cream for one / two times whenever my bb has bad rashes. But he doesn't cry when he has bad rashes.
shokel, how are you feeling now? Even when you are on antibiotics, can still bf.. Breast infection is caused by bacteria. Most common is when you have a blister and bacteria gets in the tissue..

Ivy, You are a great mum.. Babies do get uncooperative once a while. Things will get better and better.. Think you get emotional cos now you have to handle your baby alone again. talk to us k??
Ivy, hang in there! I'm sure ur baby will have a better schedule soon... dun give up yet... hang on as long as possible.. u can try giving EBM OR FM at nite. i think they drink better from a bottle esp at nite.

Qn: has anyone planned on hw often to express milk when back at office?

But hor ur bb will drink very long for s size teat or not huh? cos mine drink very slow with s size. with the cut teat, he can finish in 10 mins, is it too fast for him?
hi ainsley.... after taking the medication, feel better.. duno isit becos of exhaustion or nt enuff slp and all.. cos me stil doin confinement and takin care of bb alone at night lor.. very shag..
i jus called my gynae clinic and dbl chk, the nurse say shd be safe to continue to BF, but certain antibodics is nt safe for BF....

guess i will jus BF the bb later ba.. but hor, i already took out the frozen BM frm the freezer and thaw in the fridge liao, cannot put bk in the freezer right?
must use by 24hrs right?
Ainsley, i am total latching my girl... sometimes only 7mins...record longest time:25mins

i give up checking on pee pee... i count poo poo times now... and if she is putting on weight, sleeping well... i am happy.
jeanie.. bring bb downstair walk walk la.. can slim down too... hehehe...

Here's the link to my site..
<font size="+2">http://bbclothes.multiply.com/photos</font>..

Hope moderator don't bar me.. :p

snow_xue.. take care... rest and eat small regular meal when have gastric problem..

Ivy... don't stress too much ya.. maybe. go jalang jalang with hb.. and leave bb with someone.. get away for awhile can calm yourself.. will feel better.. ya.. take care..

ainsley.. mine depends.. sometimes latch for 15-20mins.. on one side nia.. but cos everytime she latches.. got letdown.. so I think the supply should be ok for her.. if I put her down.. and for awhile she cried... that's means not enough.. will then let her latch the other side.. till she unlatch herself..
So many SAHM. next time when our babies more stable, we can go out have tea..
Ivy, hang on there. I almost wanted to give up bf too, my father see me so exhausted advised me to give up too. My baby will always throw up a bit or everything after feeding and every feeding is a huge mess. Haven't had a good 3 hour sleep in weeks because his feeding pattern still erratic. But I keep telling myself to bear with it for one more week. Then another week. A month passed just like that. It will get easier and easier. Heard that babies are toughest to take care of and most unstable the first 3 months. Just another few weeks more to go..
eunice, dun need to chk on pee la. i only chk on her poo. she happy, shd b fine. ur bb only latch for total 7 mins???

sandy, mine everytime oso gt letdwn. after hw long she cries u will latch her on again?
So many SAHM. next time when our babies more stable, we can go out have tea..
Ivy, hang on there. I almost wanted to give up bf too, my father see me so exhausted advised me to give up too. Especially when last week I developed mastitis, was sick down with fever. My baby will always throw up a bit or everything after feeding and every feeding is a huge mess. Haven't had a good 3 hour sleep in weeks because his feeding pattern still erratic. But I keep telling myself to bear with it for one more week. Then another week. A month passed just like that. It will get easier and easier. Heard that babies are toughest to take care of and most unstable the first 3 months. Just another few weeks more to go..
ainsley.. she very fast de.. less than 10-15mins.. she will start crying.. either not enough.. or she has poo poo.. so need to change.. then I latch her again.. and she will sleep le.. :)
Hey Ivy
Cheer up okie! Yeah, think Ainsley is rite about you being down coz handling baby alone.

Don't be too obsessed abt controlling baby's intake of milk. BF is like that one - esp if it's BF on demand like what I'm doing now. Baby suckles for many reasons - to quench thirst, for comfort, for hunger. So can't expect them to drink full 120 ml all the time.

Things will get better ok? Try to rest when baby sleeps. Or do say hello here like you've always done

Hope you won't say things like you're not a good mom etc, coz you are! Many ladies out there are not blessed with children like us, and we're so fortunate to have kids. You'll love being a mother once baby starts smiling and bringing so much joy into your life. *hugs*

If all goes well, I'll definitely express in office too, just like I did for #1 for abt 12 - 14 mths.

But I'm fortunate lah. My workplace is pro-children. They even have a nice nursing room with a fridge.

I'll pump every 3-hrly, as if baby's feeding. Can get quite a good amt of milk lah.

As for sterilising the pump, I'm not too obsessed abt that. I just bring a small bottle of pigeon or any bottle cleanser if I need to wash. Then I'll just soak the cleaned parts with hot water in a container. Then I'll pump. Will use a ziploc bag to keep the used pump in fridge, and next pump, I'll use again.

Then at 5 plus PM, I'll pick up my milk from the fridge :p

But it is hard to find time to pump when work starts coming in. Sighs really need to push myself then. Sometimes no time to go to the nursing room to pump, I just pump in a room in office, and use ice-pack. Office aircon rite, so guess shud be cool enuf.
eunice, dun need to chk on pee la. i only chk on her poo. she happy, shd b fine. ur bb only latch for total 7 mins???

sandy, mine everytime oso gt letdwn. after hw long she cries u will latch her on again? i always try to latch her 2-3 times again till she frustrated n throw temper. heehee
pei fu sahm... i stay home`2 mths only want to cry n surrender le... esp when no 1 n 2 both start crying faint...

ainsley, where r u gg yr end? good to have a getaway... we tinking of gg us or nzd next trip but scared very difficult to leave e 2 at home for so long....

jean.. we went to abian spa at sanur... haha can discount n bargain de... the 2 hrs package stated us$45.. we bargain till 250k rupiah ie s$38 per person we din know can bargain just trying luck n it works... ambience nit so fantastic, so so only but for dat price... its good!! when r u gg bali? can i trouble u to help me buy 2 dresses for my gal? i bought matching dress for bb n me... but only bought xs size n forgot to buy s size... the dresses very cheap n found everywhere, abt s$3 - 4 per piece only...email me if u need more info abt bali... btw seafood at jimbaran bay also can bargain down price...

ivy u r not alone.. i also feel dat sometimes...

einnoc glad to hear u r better
hi icic,

I bought two personal fit from baby kingdom at S$31.90 each.
Then I went mothercare at paragon level 5, bought another two personal fit, using the dbs voucher (pay by dbs credit card) there is 15% off. If u got mothercare card, u straight away have 15% off but only at paragon outlet cos they just open.
girls, yes i think knowing that i will be alone again taking care of her is phobia, esp last nite was really terrible starting from 7pm feed. I dunno why when on weekend, when my hubby around, she seems to be a better girl. Even midnite feed also very discipline... every sunday going on monday, she will start to dun wanna eat properly and sleep properly again.

She din eat full 15 mins to 20 on both breast, i know my breast is not emptied and she is not yet full, change diaper.. when got into car to go home, she fuss again, and i got to feed her in car. Reach home 10pm also never eat full and dun wanna eat liao, i sense the nightmare is coming, 1130 she want to suck again, confirm this time is to suckle for comfort to sleep cos immediately after that she slept soundly...

Last nite she only suckle then will sleep, i feel so terrible to be the pacifier.. dun think its the right way.
Actually her poo also quite difficult.. sometimes sh fart with a little poo out... i dunno if i shld consider that as a poo.

anyway... ya.. sometimes 7 mins.. sometimes 10mins... i try to get her to latch longer and longer... but... she simply refuse.. anyway.. she's the boss lor...

smalldreams.. wah can pump every 3hrs at work ah... i dun think i can do that lor... the damn nursing room at another bldg... i have to walk like a good 10mins to get there... i was thinking
pumping at abt 930am then another time abt 2-3pm then 530pm i go home. Then reach home, settle my boy and pump at 7pm or so. but, if i have to work longer.. then i will have to pump again.

i think my breast will burst with that timing. shld i start giving her at least 1 bottle feeding a day now?
hi icic,

I bought two personal fit from baby kingdom at S$31.90 each.
Then I went mothercare at paragon level 5, bought another two personal fit, using the dbs voucher (pay by dbs credit card) there is 15% off. If u got mothercare card, u straight away have 15% off but only at paragon outlet cos they just open.
roxy, same.. i dun think i ever can become SAHM, i think i go crazy cos im very impatient. I everytime think i so old liao and yet still did not grow old with more patient -.-

sma||dreams, i always see other mothers so patient, thus i feel im really more like father.. my HB more like mother.

i only hope that she is more predictable.. and can fall asleep on cot bed when she is half asleep, not after she suckle or being rock to deep sleep.

Can you girls bb fall asleep on cotbed when not in deep sleep yet?? Can teach how to do it??
personal fit is harder, whole thing is plastic. soft shield soft soft one more comfortable. todat my personal fit didnt turn yellow, so i think shd be okie bah.

Eh at least got nursing room, good enough :p but a bit ma fan lah I guess. Bo pian, BF mothers gotta fight all these! hehe.

Yr gap from 9.30 am to 2-3 pm is quite big. Afraid supply might drop. How abt lunchtime? I'll usually sacrifice lunch time to pump. Short one lah, 25 mins. Then eat a quick lunch. Gotta say goodbye to long lunches with colleagues at central...

Up to you lor to give Bottle. Maybe would be good so you don't have to deal with getting her used to the bottle when you're going back to work

You mean you don't even pump to empty yr breasts every morning? This morning I never pump coz breasts seemed light. If not every morning I sure have to pump coz breasts heavy with milk!

Roxy, Ivy
The grass is always greener on other side. Hehe. When I SAHM during maternity, it's nice to get paid w/o going to work but days go by just like that.

Then at work, miss baby. Sighs.

My baby also if in the day, definitely need to fall into deep sleep then can put down. But if at night, after she unlatches, I burp her and if she's still not asleep, I just plonk her back into her cot. She'll somehow fall asleep on her own. But must be very dark, minimal lights.

I wonder how long more this can carry on. Coz she's 3 weeks now. pattern sure change as she gets older.

But I try my best not to rock her unless really necessary. She tends to fall asleep while latching tho. Inevitable lah for BF babies.

No lah, some mothers only appear patient, but how do we know when they're alone with their babies? Motherhood is not easy. sometimes i also feel like tearing my hair out. But just pray for strength lor. It's a phase all moms have to go thru. Unless we hire nannies who care for our babies 24/7 while we shake leg and have all the sleep we want. but that defeats the whole purpose of motherhood rite?
