(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

jeanie, i went bk to study when my #1 was 3. i sent her to childcare.. initially for my higher dip, i everyday 9-5. faint.. 26 modules in half yr. din know hw i cope. then uni, better.. only morning. so i fetch my bb at 12+pm.. can b quite tedious cos gtta teach n revise with my #1 also.. but i think there was positive influence also cos she saw me studied v hard.. so she knows this is the way to study lor.

pauline, same same.. i m actually v guilty as neglecting my #1. although my mum helps me with #1, it's still diff. miss those time..

Shaine, forgot to reply you. I bought clothes from cuteeland last year for no. 1 and this year for no. 1 and no. 2. Material is not bad, the cooling type. But not lasting lor. Best to handwash. But I don't mind lar cos it's cheap, last year I bought 2 sets for $10. Even my MIL was surprised it's so cheap.
Shaine, I ordered the bubble dress and 2 piece shirt and shorts set last year. This year, I ordered the cheongsam for no. 1 and sleeveless shirt and shorts set for no. 2.
Pauline- hmmm sleeveless short set?? Got small sz that fit our baby?? I can't find much design for small baby leh
ivy, hungry then feed loh. Juz use a shawl or wat to cover. Unless u scare pai sei. Me auntie already thick skin le. Me not running own biz lah. Wking as auditor. Not financial type but its system type. Tml going back cos boss hv something to discuss. If can i also want to plc my boy at infant care but due to my irregular time n location, i cannot. Dun say that u dun noe how to teach. No one is born a gd mum. We all hv to learn. U r a gd mum. Even for a 2nd time mum, i also very stress. Its ok tat bb cry. Rem that its their only way of communication. Dun be kan chiong when they cry. It will not hurt to let them cry a little. I use to be super afraid of crying. Cry only i very stress. But now for no 2, i kan kai le. So at times when he cry i very bad still make fun of him. Eg, when gek sai he cry then i laugh cos its very cute. Its no harm for them to cry. Juz dun let them cry till they get frightened. Slowly i start to take things easily. The only time i get fustrated wif his cry is when at nite n am super tired n he keep crying. Juz bear in mind that they only noe how to cry n not all cry r urgent.
Lileen, yes same. I get frustrated with her cry cos am super tired and she keep crying. Day time i not so frustrated.

i dunno when she will lengthen her sleep.. now is example
8am feed, feed till 840am
try to talk to her rock her to sleep, almost 9am if successful, if not say about 930am
Havent even shower finish, she woke up 945am to 10am for next feed, so i only get 15 to 30 mins break. Tat is if i successfully coax her to sleep.

Do you all have more time than me?? or is it only me?
mummies normally u ladies will pump for 30mins only or till u emptied your breasts?? i recently realised if i just pump for 30mins only which is max 180-200ml, my breasts will feel full again in ard 2.5hrs but if i empty till no milk, milk supply can be ard 250-300ml... so which method is better?? sometime if i dun empty, i will feel stomach bloated n no appetite to eat, is it norm?
genesis me staying near lot 1. hee if u girls meeting up can juz let me know

sandy ah sorry ah i forgot totally abt the training pants. after confinement then bz sending my boy for this trial class that trial class keke. will collect this sunday (provided i don forget again sigh poor memory)

ainsley i would latch my boy on one side of the breast only for each feeding. timing can range from 10 - 30 mins.

shaine i oni pump for 15 mins. after 15 mins then i stop liao wor.
ainsley....envy!! japan is a beautiful country very nice! culture very different... till now my hubby keep saying want to go back i told him no $ haha u will have fun there...

sharon 70 is for 3 - 6 months
i also wanna know hw to stretch till 3 hrs? My bb is feeding every 2 or 2.5hrs.. Tiring ar..

Ainsley, i also hope to complete my studies. But gotta work n save up first..
hi ainsley.. erm, i tot the 6-1 jab consist of 3 jabs? or im wrong? wat is 6-1 jab? jus one time jab or 6 times jab? ...

btw, i think my fever has cause my supply to drop lei.. jus now i latch my boy, he got so fustrated cos no milk from my breast... i can feel my both breast so soft.. normally when he latch, his mouth always got milk leakin from the side... jus now, totally dun hve lor... i feel so sad.. i left the last packet of FMB and ask hubby to feed him the 3oz...
i was wondering if tonight no milk then i got to give bb FM liao...
i so reluctant to give FM lor.. cos once give, i think supply will dipped further... im already drinkin alot of water liao... but nt much appetite to eat , duno isit becos of this also affect my milk supply...

do u all also supplement bb with FM or jus pure BM?
shokel urs is what size? but come in a pair if buy online right? COs future when i go work will need 1 pair.
shokel urs is what size? but come in a pair if buy online right? COs future when i go work will need 1 pair.
hi mummies, i realised my gal's left ear got those flakes like... suspect is dry skin.. is it due to the bath shower she's using or what huh?
hi mummies, i realised my gal's left ear got those flakes like... suspect is dry skin.. is it due to the bath shower she's using or what huh?
ivy/jeanie, i usually make sure that my boy is full. Its usually harder when bb is younger. My boy is 6wks now. Now if he nv drink much at times he ask for milk at 2.5hrs. But if i bottle feed him, at times he can drag till 4hr. But that is the max for day. Will wake him up 4 milk. Try to distract him when he cry. Carrying in an upright position helps too cos if lying down, remind him of wanting to latch. Sometime even if they hv rooting reflex, it do not mean that they r hungry. Juz want to suck for comfort. Very common for babies. If u guys hv pacifier, can gv also. But for me i nv n dun intend to intro. Drag the time by 10 to 15mins interval each time n slowly increase. Can also try to increase their milk intake. Plan to drag his feed to 4hrs interval when abt 4mths. Tats wat i did for no 1. By then really hv more free time for myself.
Shokel, 6-in1 jab is jus one time jab for bb bt it consist of 6 immunization.
My ss was also affected when I had blocked duct. Took a quite some time to regain.. I more sturbborn, nv supplement with fm. I jus latch more to gt the ss bk.
Bt I think oso depends on ur situation. If u think there is a need, nothing wrong to supplement with fm also..

Roxy, ya.. It's v nice. I went ther 2 yrs ago during cny. The disney is so nice n big also. It's a must go place. But nw oso initial plan lor. Cos I wana settle my plc 1st.
Pumping now, baby woke up at 340am. Now u know why my lumps started, her last feed was 10pm then 11pm. I did not pump b4 sleeping nor wake up to pump. :p
ainsley... have fun
super envious..

sharon, could be cradle cap... if it is, apply olive oil on it n slowly rub it off...
ainsley... have fun
super envious..

sharon, could be cradle cap... if it is, apply olive oil on it n slowly rub it off...
ainsley... have fun
super envious..

sharon, could be cradle cap... if it is, apply olive oil on it n slowly rub it off...
ainsley... have fun
super envious..

sharon, could be cradle cap... if it is, apply olive oil on it n slowly rub it off...
Morn... Send my no1 to sch. No2 still kooning..

6-1 is not a one time jab leh. It's 3jabs taken 2mths apart. Tat's why for packages, it's usu 300-400.

Ivy-aiyo.. dun stress. See ur hubby so nice and supportive! Will even come up forum to "ta qi" for u!

For nite feeding, it's also I, Me and Myself as I latch on. However for other duties beside feeding.. Hubby does help out. But I still feel he is not tat hands on! Wahaha... I hv a blog for the kids.. Since 3yrs ago, he had never bother to go in to see.. Dun need to say abt forum! :p

I also has forceful letdown and my baby kept fussing while latch! Until one pt, think he went on latching strike!! Hehe
He suck until I had letdown.. Then fuss/pull/push until unlatch and dun wan liao! Tat's like 3mins of drinking nia! So angry!! These few days I keep pumping.. Until sian! :p

Also as I start pumping more... I finally know how much I can pump out... Ard 200-250 per pump. No wonder bb will puke after drinking 2sides.. Think too much for him! :p
mummies,at night after latching do you all pump? bcoz I'm thinking normally at night or early morining our supply is more right??
Morn... Send my no1 to sch. No2 still kooning..

6-1 is not a one time jab leh. It's 3jabs taken 2mths apart. Tat's why for packages, it's usu 300-400.

Ivy-aiyo.. dun stress. See ur hubby so nice and supportive! Will even come up forum to "ta qi" for u!

For nite feeding, it's also I, Me and Myself as I latch on. However for other duties beside feeding.. Hubby does help out. But I still feel he is not tat hands on! Wahaha... I hv a blog for the kids.. Since 3yrs ago, he had never bother to go in to see.. Dun need to say abt forum! :p

I also has forceful letdown and my baby kept fussing while latch! Until one pt, think he went on latching strike!! Hehe
He suck until I had letdown.. Then fuss/pull/push until unlatch and dun wan liao! Tat's like 3mins of drinking nia! So angry!! These few days I keep pumping.. Until sian! :p

Also as I start pumping more... I finally know how much I can pump out... Ard 200-250 per pump. No wonder bb will puke after drinking 2sides.. Think too much for him! :p
Hi mummies,

It me again..

Question here, i was bottle feeding her this morning but she only managed to finished about 100ml (she's 7-8weeks now) so by right should be taking about 120-150ml right ?

After the feed, i managed to burp her but after awhile she began her cranky pattern again. I guess she is tired but want me to carry. I tried not to carry her to make it a bad habit thus putting her on cot bed to sleep. After that ivy took over and Ivy told me that our gal suck her own finger and fall asleep.

Question 2, What do you do after you bottle feed her other than burping?
Hi ivy if u need a pair of d supershields I can sell to u. I'm using single pump too like shokel, then I can buy from shokel. Mine also size m. Let me know bah.
hi mummies,
really need u all to share ur experience with me. recently my boy has been rejecting bottle feed.drink a bit and then start to cry and keep on pushing out the teat.

Initially i tot something wrong with my milk and so i change a pack which ihave just expresed. however he still refuses to drink

Is it becos of the teat? i m using tommy tippee. maybe too hard ? anyone of ya had similar experience? I m really at total lost as to what to do as I cant always be at home to let him latch on. Feeling really sad he is drinking so little
mummies,at night after latching do you all pump? bcoz I'm thinking normally at night or early morining our supply is more right??
WeiTing, shokel, u all going to the gathering in march? how much is it then? I tot of doing double pump once i start work... but that is if i still breastfeeding.

MTDT, got hubby help is good, esp weekend its like a break for me. But 2 person also very hard to coordinate, like if i say dun carry and walk, hubby carry and walk, it will be inconsistent. My bb use to be carry by CL and hubby, so now she want to be carry and sleep but i dun wan. i also dunno how to train her, my gf say its time to train her cos 7 weeks liao. If not she go infant care, she will cry non-stop cos no one carry.

Lileen, ya morning i can buy time cos i shower her, she feel more relax and usually will wait patiently. Noon time i will try again.
Morning Mummies..

wah lau.. really kana ban yesterday lolx.. can't go in.. this page.. kekeke..

jaclee.. let me know which pc you keen.. or you pm me.. then I measure for you.. cos now at home can do measurement.. hehehe..

shaine.. gd idea... but not very nice la.. is a gathering.. and if I do biz there.. think not nice wor. thou can save on rental lolx..

Size 70cm.. generally for about 3-6M bb ba..

genesis... think a few mummies staying CCK/BP.. I am also at CCK hehehe... mushloom also.. :)

mushloom.. ya.. waiting for you to sms me.. you want to advise me your add.. I will juz pop by and pass to you.. and chit char if we got time.. esp when my kids are having their nap..

Let me know..

ok.. need to bathe bb and settle #2 to school le.. talk later..

then at nite super tired lor need to latch n pump.

Sandy, ya lor let's arrange to meet leh…for mummies n babies in the west!
ya v tiring...

usually at night i wakeup twice, once to pump and once to feed/latch. cos he sleeps for 5-6 hours at night. then usually i will get really full by 4 hours. so got to pump out.
when he was younger, i just latch and nv pump
Ivy, Terence, if u wana train ur bb, do it slowly n dun stress urselves too much. Cos often we gt frustrated is bcos bb cnt
meet our expectations. Terence gtta help ivy more.
Sandy, can gimme the measurements for these:
CA31 - 6 mths
CA09, CA33 - NB, 3mths

FM03 - 3mths
FM04 - are these separate pieces? 0-3mths, 3-6mths
FM05 - 3-6 mths


Anyone want to tag along Nepia Diapers @ $15 per pkt? one more pkt to fulfill the minimum order for delivery.
wah so many posts! tink i have missed out a lot man...

ivy - dun be stress... if latching is pressurizing.. y not express out? easier to feed...
and i must reali say ur hubby is beli supportive and caring.. u shd see mine.. damn lazy and dun do anything... sianz...
where u stay? we can mit up and u wun feel so sianz?

jeanie - ha... tink mayb we will laugh out loud in our heart when we c each other's hubby...

Anisley- not booster jab. 6-1 has 3jabs. Usu 2nd, 4th and 6th mths. Ur GP din tell u next jab appt?

At nite, usu latch bb at 8-9pm. I usu pump before I koon at 11+... Then when he wakes up 2-3am.. He only drink one side, then will pump the other side.

At nite, my bb really drink for shiok nia.. 5mins and koon back. So usu boos still full full
