(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

ohh...yah should be the growth spurt...

hope you will haf an easy night...me dun tink can see anything like 5hr sleep...anything near 3 hour is a blessing...hee
Pauline... u want to try Mdm Rokiah at 92716091. Juz for breast massage at $58. She massage n compress with hot stone. Quite gd and I juz did my yesterday morning and block duct was cleared.
Siri: when will the medela stuff arrive? Very long liao
argh.. My last latch was 530pm, My bb last feed was at 730pm, which i give ebm cuz there's some left in fridge. Then put him to sleep at 9. Thinking he'll prolly wake up soon aft that, i nv pump n fell asleep. Who knows he woke up only at 430am! My breast super engorged n my bra is soaked! Breastpad was soaked thr. So just pump aft he latch. Hope this incident wont drop my ss. Since he can sleep thr 6-7 hrs, hw to adjust it to let him sleep thr the night instead?
wah, calamari. ur bb's intake is a lot hor?
my 3-weeker oni taking in 80ml.
dunno to increase to 90ml or not...
he has been asking for milk every 2-2+hrs.
dunno his intake has increased or is it due to growth spurt?
hi jeanie, how old is your baby? very encouraging to hear he can sleep through the night, looking forward to when my boy can do so.
perhaps you can try to drag his last feed everynight by 10-15 minutes..
Linglee: maybe can try increasing 10ml first to his intake? For my bb, I think it's growth spurt.

Joanna: my Hubby same as yours. This month come back past midnight almost everyday due to work. But his project ending this week, so next week onwards finally got normal working hours!
joanna &amp; calamari, my hubby oni managed to make his appearance in front of me during wk 1, as it was the new yr hol period. he went back to work on 5 jan, &amp; since then, everyday not @ home frm 6am-9+pm. &amp; i oredi made a lot of noise. tis wk is even worse... wah, cant imagine if he comes back after midnite everyday...
My bb has a huge appetite, already drinking 120ml few days after delivery, went to see pd.. He like wah, but din comment anything... So all d while we maintained his intake at 120ml... These few days I noticed even 120 not enuff as he will cry after feeding... I also slowly increase to 130 or 135ml... But bit scary, cos he's only 3 weeks plus...
Calamari... glad to hear that ur hubby will b hving normal wking hrs soon. Mine.. haizzz dunno when. Office shortage of manpower so he need to cover sm rdshow personally.

Linglee... yeah, everytime bk hm past midnight also no chance to communicate, veri sianz
Jeanie - u r so lucky.. My bb longest is 5 hrs but onli happened once.. 4 hrs still okie..

Wei ting - ur bb reali drink a lot man! Hee! Mine 7 weeks still 100 ml!

Ivy - *high five* my bb oso zz in rocker n not playpen ! Siao siao one!
hemmie, my boy is coming 7 weeks. cant really drag his feed. cuz he want means want..

miumiu, i think i know why.. cuz from ytd noon 3pm till night he nv sleep, tried to pat him sleep also dunwan and i almost doze off from patting him. haha. that's why he slept for so long at night. normally, he'll wake up at 1am and 3am for feed..

weiting, ur bb has good appetite!! if he's feeding well, then nvm la. some babies are big drinker de. mine 7 weeks drink 130ml..
yah man...somemore his feed frequency is not that long, between 3 to 4 hours, most of the time 3 hours.. sigh! Moreover he's on FM most of the time, cos my ss super depressing, super demoralizing..

joanna: you mentioned that mdm rokiah is good in breast massaging huh? i feel like asking her to try massage and see if it works in increasing a little, though mine is not exactly blocked ducts leh... maybe just ss low..sigh!
Yeah... she gd at massaging the breast. Definitely not those that is pain like shit and I seriously feel she alot better than those LC
Morning Mummies..

mushloom.. when to meet? Or you want me to walk over to your blk to pass to you when my kids are having their nap if it is nearby?

Let me know ya..
joana, my hubby comes back ard 9+pm, by the time he takes his dinner &amp; shower, &amp; spends a time with the children, he would switch on his laptop &amp; work... so, i oso never communicate much with him. sigh... so, i was telling him oredi no quantity time, now even quality time oso lacking, sooner or later, will hve communication breakdown. :p
Hi mommies,

Long time didnt come in here.

My CL leaving soon this sat....;p...dunno how 2 handle if she's gone ?

Now learning how 2 bath bb but found that I no strength 2 handle her.....;p
Btw there's a bath support 4 bathing bb ? Wats that called ? Anyone know where 2 get &amp; which hv cheap brand ?

Oh, nowadays I also getting lazier....;p...can wait until abt 4-5hrs later then pump in the day. At nite I can let her latch on 1 side (interchge sides) &amp; dun pump &amp; wait until morn (after 6-7hrs) then pump but manage 2 pump out >120ml....;p...dunno my ss will reduce as a result ?
However, found that my bb drink less nowadys.
If dun latch her, she can only finish abt 75-85ml. If latch her 1 side, then she only drink abt 50ml. She will wake up every 2-3hrs for milk thou.
Is that 2 litle for a 4wks bb ?
Mummies, seems like all our hubbies r super bz. Mine also. Bz And rushing the IR project.. But I guess things will b better soon...

My bb's schedule was disrupted by the vaccination tat day. Sigh. Tat nite din slp till 3+am then ytd slept in the evening. Nite time woke up 1+, 3+, 5+... hope tonight will b better..
4 days liao go see LC or call mdm rokiah. I also press until so pain, milk supply also affected, bit regret wanna save $$. I rather call mdm rokiah, come to ur hse better. LC they just press, Mdm rokiah use hot compress i think better.

Hello for those using medela PISA.. can advice how u all can pump so much?

I try not to latch yesterday at 4am and pump, only 90-100ml.. so little.. my baby already eating 120-150ml, when i latch she seems ok leh.. I think i can't let down.. i never like u all got dripping lah, tingling got lah. So how u all manage to pump so much? what shld i do? need to be able to pump more.
One more thing, for pumping.. how many let down do you guys get during pumping. I try 15 mins each breast, right breast manage to have let down once, 50ml -.-, left breast seems to have but not like right breast spray out, 40ml.. or so. low morale.

Just now my bb poo and urine on me.. think she protesting cos i scold her.
ivy, i also got the same concerns as you. my bb drinking 130ml, but sometimes i only pump out 100ml. one mummies say cuz bb suction is faster and better then pump, thus, might drink more then wad we pump..

since got tingling sensation means got let down liao. for me, sometimes got milk sometimes no when i got the sensation.

nw, i try to total latch. pump only when breast very full. lazy liao. haha

i got let down prolly once every 10 mins of pumping. i opposite frm u, left side easier to achieve letdown then right side. and left side always pump more then right side.
jeanie, my son now poo every alternate days.. and he wont poo in his diaper.. have to gek sai for him den he will poo.. every baby got their own poo-ing style.. heh..
calamari, @ least ur hubby is taking a mth's leave in march.
mine cant even tell me when's his lull period @ work b4 my maternity leave ends.
his oni confirmed answer is prob end dec when everyone else is on leave, then he can take leave.
even then, he will still go back to work, work frm his laptop or thru phone. sigh...
i told him since the only reward frm his company for being efficient &amp; effective is more work, then mayb he shld consider wat he shld really do to achieve work-life balance, since the topic on him spending long time @ work has been a recurring one btw us.
i know i m being 'unreasonable', but i cant help but get a bit 'emo' when i see him spending more 14hrs @ work daily. i hope the hormonal effects on my emotions now dun get out of hand over such trivial issues.
Ling lee... understand. I was quite 'emo' in the 1st~2nd wks of my confinement too. Usually im in bed ler than he is bk. N when he is hm early, his face stuck onto the lappy also n his phone kept ringing.. was damn upset
Hi Ladies,
Does any of you know where got sell the breast shape Teether, I saw it once but can't remember where I saw it. My baby likes to latch on a lot be it whether she's hungry or not. She just latch on either if she's hungry or tired......Now she can only fall alseep after latching on. Need to help kick away such bad habit especially when I go back to work. Had try replacing her addiction on latching with bottle feed, but everytime after a bottle feed, she'll cry for latching again....
ginnie, how to gek sai for him?

i saw from another thread mummies bringing bb to swim. so far only saw HuaXia got infant individual tub. anyone went before? or planning to go? it seems fun as my bb loves to bathe..
Joanna, ivy, thanks. I already booked appt to see LC. Next time will see mdm rokiah. But she also not cheap hor. Almost $60, slightly more exp than tmc.

Ivy, me was trying to save $ too. That's why drag for so many days, hardly any letdown n baby keeps fussing for milk so I raise white flag Liao. :p.
Pauline, u take care. Good to seek help, cos now both my breast also very sore.. also got let down prob i think.

Jeanie, how many let down will you have??

The rest using Medela PISA, any comments to my question??
jeanie - ya.. ur bb at least 1 mth old rite?? PD told mi can be 3 times a day, once in a day and once in a few days.. so no worries.. as long as the poo is still the same seedy yellow kind.. =)

mummies.. mi getting lazy liao.. now wanna pump every 6 hrs.. hee!!
mstan, 6-in-1 cost me $125. Can take btw 1.5-2 mths. Not all baby will have fever. My bb was abit warm at night but next day ok liao. Mild fever indicate that bb's body is reacting to the jab which is good.

ginnie, ur bb so good, can toilet train him liao. I intend to start when my bb can support her head herself..
I do what you do too. I Only pump in the morning, but at night I'll just latch her. I've never ever woken up to pump, except once for my #1 when i desperately needed milk for the following day's feeding when i went to work.

Don't worry, we mummies are adaptable. Short of going mad, we'll still manage, hehehe...right mummies? :p

Shaine, calamari
My mom also, at times, will pack lunch for me on the night before, when my hubby fetches #1. I'm quite grateful for this. But when there's no food, I just cook something simple. Throw onion, garlic, ginger into pot of water, then put in fish &amp; spinach etc. can liao.

Ouh, i went out to parkway today. opened bank a/c for baby. but ooops, the teller noted my baby only 3 weeks old and i still on confinement :X
WOW! Toilet training at this age?!
Is yr baby on cloth diapers?
There's a technique mums of those babies using cloth diapers use to toilet train.
Think it's called elimination communication.
Really impressive.

Even my 2 1/2 yr old still not toilet trained... *lol*
miumiu and mstan8888.. same here but my ss getting low as a result.. nowadays i only pump like 4-5 times per day.. somemore mine only single pump.. will take longer to pump both sides..

ainsley-i also didnt know bb can be toilet train so young... my MIL introduce to my baby.. think dun need the baby to support his own head cos the baby will just rest on ur body while you hold the baby..

smalldreams-no leh.. my baby using disposable diapers.. there was a period my bb didnt poo poo for 3 days.. and my MIL said cannot must help baby 'gek sai' so we help baby push poo poo out by saying 'mmm mmm' to him.. so since then he only poo poo when my MIL help him gek sai every alternate days.. my MIL says its gd cos baby will not anyhow poo poo into the diaper which can be very messy...
