(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

hello mummies!

my 3 weeks+ baby very awake during daytime &amp; keep wanting to be carried &amp; someone to talk &amp; play with him... sometimes very hard to leave him &amp; go do other things...any ideas how to tackle this?

Ainsley- hehe...okok... find it so wasteful to discard :p I discard a few times le cause cant resist my favourite tiramisu
tried le, he not easily entertained one. recently bought the fisher price rocker, he sits in a while then don't like, still prefer to be carried. =X
wei ting, i put my daughter in rocker than she will sleep.. arbo i totally no time to do anything cos im alone. Some pple tell me put in carrier also can.
ainsley i heard sometimes if u are feeling very relax u may experience letdown too

ya shaine somewhat like the one in the pic.

weiting can put in carrier like wat ivy says coz bb can smell u and also when u move abt the movement will help bb to sleep and u get to free up ur hands at the same time. i usually juz put him on my sofa next to me if he whines for carrying i juz pat pat him and talk to him. i don really carry him that much unless latching him.
hahah.....mushloom i also scared leh!
even tho i'm 2nd time mummy but i still feel uneasy taking care of newborn...

dunno how to cope with pumping, latching, cooking lunch, bathing for bb, carrying bb and etc etc
walker - My no1 also no walker. he started walking at 10mths and by 12mths, he is running ard during his bday party liao. ;p
exersaucer - I rented once for my no1... quite gd.
will prob rent for no2 too

I am taking care of baby home alone!
Hi mummies!

I agree that an exersaucer is useful! I've sold mine away. Later when baby gets bigger maybe I'll get a preloved jumperoo or rent some exersaucers for her.

Me, I'm taking care of baby on my own at my home in the day since abt a week after giving birth. Quite peaceful. My #1 goes to my mom's place, then by the time he gets back in the evening, my hubby &amp; I Handle both #1 &amp; #2. That's when we go mad, trying to put both to sleep by 10.30 pm!

Don't worry, our babies still young rite, still got hope. Haha. This is my schedule.

7.30 am : Bathe #1, pack him to school.
8 - 9 am : #2 gets up. Latch, bathe.
9 - 11 am : #2 sleeps. I bathe, surf the net, pump milk, cook quickly if I have to. Eat a quick lunch.
Afternoons are quite relaxing as long as #2 sleeps.
6 pm to 7 pm : Wash #2 up
7 pm : #1 and hubby gets home
8 pm : Dinner
9 pm : TV / sleep.
10 to 11 pm : Get kids to sleep. (this is the part i find the toughest!)

I wonder how long this bliss would last.
Dear mummies, thanks for all the advises ;)
I take care of my gal since the day of delivery all myself- bathing, feeding etc. but am currently living at my parent's place so mum will help to do the cooking so basically I concerate on taking care of my gal only. Sometime my parent will help me to look after when I go dating with hubby. My mum not very comfortable taking care of small baby so can once a while help me bottle feed or change diapers too, but I feel am already quite fortunate
My in law dun feel care ;p
ivy &amp; mushloom - what kind of carriers are you all using? i have the sling type, but have not tried it yet.

the exersaucer - when can we start using? only when they learn to sit upright or?
wow quite a no of us here gotta manage 2 kids on our own hor...
i also worry abt pumping cooking latching. the rest of the housework i guess can only close 1 eye till wkend.
i only hope #1 will not get jealous and try to get my attention when i have to attend to #2.
I have both the FP Jumperoo and Bright Starts exersaucer for my no. 1, so will be using for my no. 2 too.

Mushloom: I'll be going with her cos when cl leaves, daddy will have to attend with her.
quite admire those mummies who take care of bb all by themselves, actually since delivery i have been doing confinement at my mum's place, full month this sat. but because my c-sect wound still has not recover due to complications, my mum suggest me not to take care of bb alone at home, ask me to still continue bring baby to her house. I am so afraid I am becoming dependent on her, then when Im alone I will be at a loss...
Weiting: I'll be using the Baby Bjorn Synergy from next month. As for exersaucers, my no.1 used from 5 months onwards.

I m like u, very dependent on my mom sighhhhhh
Sh@r()n-Sh@in3, same as me. My mom say she dun dare to take care of baby, so lunch time she buy lunch for me. Beside lunch, i take care of bb alone -.-. Very stress. Dun even have parents to relief if i want to go out with HB.

Wei Ting, i have the sarong (from a gf), pikkolo (a gf forget to bring home haha) and going to buy bjorn synergy cos hb like it. I find sarong hard to use leh, pikkolo is good but too many long length strip to click.
weiting i only have bjorn synergy which i use when going out. i know some have those very versatile one juz like a normal sarong. but those i donno how to use.

my exersaucer comes with a small mat and i can detach some of the parts from the exersaucer which my bb can use now. so depending on which one u buy ba.

basically my mom dares not handle #2 coz too young. sometimes she would come to my place and help me wif #1.
Hi, no. 1 is with my MIL these 2 days cos my MIL wants her to eat more at her house, shun bian toilet train her. I know I shouldn't be complaining cos I get to rest but I feel very sian leh. Everyday rot at home waiting to BF and BF got lumps. No. 1 not in also cannot go out cos don't trust maid with baby alone for too long. Hiaz...
pauline: what a coincidence...i am also trying to toilet train my daughter but so afraid i am pressurising her at the same time. :p how old is your no.1?
arisz &amp; mushloom,

My CL juz left this afternoon. Was feeling so emotion when i drop her off juz now and Im so worry that i would b able to cope 2nite.
thanks mummies.. quite a few using bjorn synergy.. shall go check it out when i finish confinement.

calamari: at least you experienced mummy, 2nd one le, me ah.. first one but super dependent on others le.. chams..
mushloom, ok. If i see doc will let him know.

Sharon, i haven buy cny clothes. Gonna go nxt mth. I very kiasu, bought alot of clothes for keith of different sizes. Nw kenna bann from buying those going out clothes. Hw bout bb daphne? Hehe

Siri, sashimi can up ss? Good news for me! Haha

ainsley, the tingling sensation is letdown. I had it often, especially after bathe while wiping body. I feel its rather painful leh.

I bought ergo carrier, dunno when bb is fit to use..

Im staying with my parents and 3 sis too! Morning, noon is home along with bb. Gotta latch, simple housework n prep lunch for my youngest sis whose coming hm in the noon. Evening when mum comes back, she'll help to tk care by wiping bb. Night time is me also. Initally mum takes care at night but now she somehow force me to be independent. Nxt mth my dad n her gg overseas. Then i gotta fix 3 meals n full housechores!
smalldreams, thanks for sharing your schedule! Put me at ease that it is possible since I'm handling #2 on my own in the afternoon only.

Evening time maybe a little tough coz #1 is back but guess I will get use to it slowly.
Joanna, update us tmr on how you manage.
Guess like what all mentioned, shd be able to do it but juz a little tiring!
Jia you!
pauline calamari... me also going to start toilet training soon. hee have oredi order training pants from sandy keke. any tips how to go abt doing it?

joanna juz tell ur hubby to help out. sure can go thru it.
arisz... im moving over to my mum place till 40 days. She will cook for me and bath princess cause she still need to look after my eldest. So got to manage princess myself, the scary thing is she drink every 2 hrs and refuse to drink more.

Mushloom... hubby wking late almost everydae. He is hm past 12 or entertainment till 2am.
Hi Siri(Mimizz),

Sorry that I have to post here as I hv not been able to contact you. Till now I hv not receive my item fr yr bp, pls revert via email, thks
where to rent it?

taking care of baby alone
I will be taking care of my boy alone next weds when my CL go back...haizzz....now I already start to feel a sense of loss already....
genesis, i that time also like that. So i slowly learn n manage bb when cl gonna leave. Lucky i start to learn hw to bathe bb 2 days before the incident happens. So aft she left, still nt so bad. Slowly build up a routine. Dun worry, maternal instints will know wad to do!
genesis - no worries.. u will noe wat to do.. we r born mothers.. wahaha...
can always ask the experienced mummies here if u hav problems!! =)
sigh, bb start disco session already. Everynite fm 10pm muz disco till 12am plus b4 sleep. Dun noe how leh. Headache. Always want to suckle for comfort.
ainsley - ya.. better liao.. apply the calendula cream.. better oso.. hee!!

lileen - my disco session is from 5am to 7am.. so mi always in the sunrise club.. which mummy wanna join mi??
Ivy, I just asked MIL not to pick up my gal tom morning but just now, when I got so much pain from massaging the blocked duct. I regret liao. Maybe should go TMC and see LC. Already massaged for so long last night, thought it's ok liao. End up it's back again. Try to save $ and unsuccessful, already 4 days liao. Just now, my baby cry until so pitiful cos no milk.

Mushloom, I got her so many pairs of training pants and still haven't been consistent with toilet training. Too busy with the baby, and she doesn't want my maid. One thing at a time bah. Don't want to stress myself.
Mushloom: my girl usually says she wants to pee pee but always say it when the pee is on the way out liao and not before hehehe...so maybe transit her to training pants in the day.
miumiu, we each one take opening ceremony n the other take closing. Now juz finish milk but eye still big big. Die le. Cannot noe day n nite still. Faint. Haha. Hope bb can sleep till 6am. He did that twice b4.
Think my bb growth spurt now...drank 140ml, then 1.5 hours drank another 140ml.. hope he sleeps 5 hours or more tonight hehe

wah calamari,
how many week old is your boy?? he's really drinking alot le! is this the 6th week growth spurt??
