(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Ivy: I'm also using PISA...wat do u mean duno using correctly or not?

mstann: haha! ya! my nipples is big n long like wat u describe after pumping...but after awhile it will return back to normal size for baby to suckle...hehe..ya it definitely looks ugly...

mummies wearing binder, when can we stop wearing huh?

calamari... my boy 4wks old can finish 150ml when cl bottle feed him leh...

ivy i oso using pisa. think u must achieve let down... if nt very little oni.
mstan, for me, normally a while after expressing, the nipples would more or less regain their normal rounded shape, but look bigger lah...
the other day, while i was expressing, my hubby actually commented tt my nipples looked like 2 big thumbs.

i stared @ him immediately!

guess tis is one of the sacrifices mummies gotta make.
Mushloom: my boy's feeding time getting longer n longer. Used to be able to finish 130ml in 10 mins, nowadays always sleepy, can sometimes drink 40 mins. Sigh... Dunno whether good thing or not, he keeps sleeping one, especially feed milk that time surely sleep.
aliciagloria, Ling Lee : ha...ha...yes, my HB also commented that my nipples now so big &amp; long liao, too big for my bb mouth.....;p....my nipples never regain back to size.....;p

Oh, yes, noticed that my bb girl drink less these 2 days. Previously after latch on 1 side she can finish abt 60-75ml EBM but now after latch 1 side can only finish abt 50ml EBM now. She also wake up every 2hrs yest &amp; last nite &amp; 2day. Dunno is it growth spunt ?
gals just to check ah.. is ur tummy still flabby? my bb is now 2 months and my tummy stills a bit loose.. haiz.. gynae says have to exercise it off... won't go away by itself..
<font color="ff0000">RE: 3rd month birthday Bash(Volunteers wanted!!)

Host: Miumiu

Organiser: Miumiu/ Shaine (please kindly PM us if you need our contact no.)

Reception- need 1 more volunteer -Basically to highlight the attendance and collecting gifts for exchange from mummies. Issue sticker labels for mummies to write their nick &amp; name

Food coordinator- needs 2 volunteers -Collecting the food that mummies bring and arranging them

Main Photographer for the day- hope that we have at least one skilful daddy to take photo for the day- consists of group photo. ( I’m still waiting for my friend to reply, hopefully he don’t have any assignment on that day and can help us )</font>
mushloom, Alicia, Ice Goh &amp; calamari,

So u all use both pump at one time or 2 pumps? So far i use 1, cos the other hand will compress the breast.
i think i cannot achieve let down, tats why very little milk. Use to be ok leh.. i also dunno why. At 1st i tot before i fed baby liao, then i pump, so very little milk. But this morning 630am, (from last feed at 4am), i try to pump, also dun have much, only 60ml from both side -.-

Ainsley u mean 9am to midnite or 9pm to 330am?? So long??
ivy i find it easier if use 2 pumps. easier to achieve let down. i didnt compress breast. basically i juz on it and hold the 2 funnels to my breast for 15 mins then ok liao... if ur breast still feels full after pumping, u didnt achieve let down n the milk is still in ur breast. or what u can do is to latch ur bb n pump at the same time. usually bb suckle very fast achieve let down wan.

calamari ur #1 in bilingual playclub? wat she does there huh? hee i bringing my #1 for trial class this sat...


<font color="ff0000">Celebrating Motherhood &amp; Babies Pre/Post 3rd Month!!
Mummies to share share, babies to play play!!
Mummies to exchange ideas, tips etc.
Dadd(ies) are also welcome to share about Fatherhood !!

1)Start with mummy and baby’s self intro so that we know who is who :p
2)Exchange of tips/pointers to help each other to cope better in our motherhood
3)“mun mun” time! ( each mummy have to bring one dish)
4)Gift exchange time( as it’s our bab(ies) 3rd mth bash, i suggested each mummy to get a $20 budget gift to exchange so that all bab(ies) will go home with a small gift?
5) Group Photo taking

Mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:

1.Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
2.Roxy , Princess Ariel, Son Isaiah &amp; hubby (tentative)-Blackforest Cake/paper cups .
3.Anny Chionh ,elder one,bb, (Hubby-TBC) -Blackforest Cake/paper cups
4.Alicia, Princess Sophie and Hubby-Blackforest Cake/paper cups
5.1XMummy , Princess Faith, Hubby- Blackforest Cake/paper cups
6.miumiu , Prince Tristan - Drinks
7.arisz, Prince Ashton, #1, maid,(Hubby-TBC)- Drinks
8.Ainsley, Princess Rianne, Daughter Phoebe, hubby–Drinks
9.Ling Lee, Prince Sherwain, (Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
10..Cayenne ,Prince Ashton,( Hubby- TBC)-Drinks
11.Calamari, Baby Noah, (TBC - hubby and Toddler Kayla,)- Agar-Agar/Drinks
12.genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby-otah
13.hweiz,2 kids &amp; hubby-Fried bee hoon with stewed pork chop and omelette , Paper Plates/Spoons/Forks
14.eyevee – Pizza/ Spicy drumlets
15.WeiTing,Prince ryan, (Hubby- TBC) – fishballs
16.Juzamum, Princess Jazebel, Son jabriel- fruits
17.augleo, bb YK (#1 &amp; hb = TBC)- sandwiches
18.Jeanietan, Prince Keith, sis,(Hubby-TBC) - potato salad
19.Yiqi &amp; baby-Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
20.Tris &amp; baby– Old Chang Kee Curry Puffs &amp; Spring roll
21.Hemmie, Prince Samuel,(Hubby-TBC)- Pizza/ Spicy drumlets
22.mushloom - Pizza/ Spicy drumlets
23.Canopyhaze (will reconfirm)- Pizza/ Spicy drumlets
24. Laureen, Prince Xavier- Pizza/ Spicy drumlets
25.Ginnie_queen,Prince Joel,Hubby-dim sum or kuehs frm Bengawan Solo
hi experienced mummies i have the following Qns:when exactly our baby hold their own head? n is it once head stable, we can intro those walker for them to explore?
sharon, it depends on individual babies. mine at 4 weeks already can hold his head liao, tho not stable la. now, at 6 weeks, he can hold his head while sitting when i bathe him, for a while la.

norm by 3-4 months, the head will be stable liao. and some will intro walker from 4-6 months. i'll prolly intro at 4+mth..

mummies, cuz i start from btl feed then i really tired of pumping so tried to latch bb. lucky for me, after 1 month of btl feed, he can still latch well. so, got a few qns,

1.norm how long did you mummies latch? for one side or both?

2.do you stay in one position or change position? wad are the positions u tried? for me, i find latching abit xinku, maybe my position nt right, always in awakard posture. my back is aching like mad liao. and i read that different posotion drain different parts of milk in the breast. true?

3.currently if i btl feed, my bb drinks 130ml. will he drink more or less from breast? cuz my bb is very 'tam chiak'. if i give 140ml, he'll also finish. i scare he'll overfeed himself.

4.if i pump 100ml out, means if bb latch, he'll also drink 100ml only?

1) i only latch 1 side. will pump out the other side after latching
2) usually i stay in one position for that feeding. day time i will cradle him and nite time i will lie down n latch him. not too sure about the positioning. but unless u have block ducts other wise i think it doesnt really matter
3) hee this is a question i ask myself too. coz when i express, it is ard 100ml but the other day my cl says 150ml and he still can drink somemore. so this question i also donno. but i think if u latch him, once he had enuff he will stop.
4) i think bb is capable of "suckling" more than machine. so prob he is drinking 100+ ba
Jeanie- icic!! my gal also can hold her head but not stable... thinking should intro the walker once her head stable or not as she's already 2mth+ so heard that by 3rd month baby will be able to hold own head... but some said intro walker will make them lazy to learn walking....

My gal latch on for approx 20 to 30 mins, sometime one side, sometime both, i normally let her drink till she unlatch then will intro her another side and depend she want to continue or not. Hence the amount she drink i leave it to her so sometime she will ask for milk 2hr later, sometime as long as 4hr, personally i feed that when we BF it's more on feeding on demand, so just that baby decided by him/herself. Unless they latch for pacify purpose or else i dun think will overfeed. Anyway BM is easily digestible so no need to worry lah. But i do feed EBM &amp; FM each a day just to make sure she drink enuff. AS long as baby poo/pee enuff and gain weight steadily, no need to worry de...
My gal can sleep well at nite but super active/alert in the daytime except for one afternoon nap... and she keep searching for playmate... i need to play with her nonstop..zzz so tired
thaks mushloom and sharon..

mushloom, ur bb latch one side enoguh liao? good leh. last time i tried once, he had enough from one side. but one week later, due to my ss drop, gotta give both sides from then on. for the lying down position, i tried once ytd noon. was ok but when tried at night, failed. need to put pillow for him for the lying down position?
cuz almost everytime when i latch, he'll fall asleep. i tot he had enough. but when i put him down, he cried for milk again. so its up and down up and down. sometimes gotta change diapers to wake him up.

sharon, i heard intro walker is to help them walk faster leh.
so you give EBM n FM as a feed or supplement? if like this wont ur breast got engorged?

oh, is it necessary to pump after latch? i nv leh.. ytd i give one EBM for a feed cuz i thaw earlier on as i scare my milk nt enough. in the end, gotta pump cuz breast abit enogrged..

and i think im have a cough now. can continue to latch right? can eat the 'pi pa gao'?
Calamari- thanks for the article!! yeap i remember someone told me walker is not advisable too... hehe.. so i'm considering... now i'm certain not to
menses - mummies who had their menses, do u latch or pump in the middle of the nite? heard that menses will return fast if do not latch or pump in the middle of the nite.

walker - yup not advisable for bb to use walker. my #1 did not use walker and he learns to walk at 10mth, at 11mth he can walk quite stable.
Jeanie- i give EBM n FM as feed when i'm out to "dating" with hubby :p Ya breast got engorged so cum home must massage n pump immediately. I will depend on whether my gal drink alot or not... sometime i will pump after latch if breast feel tight or else i dun :p
siri- i latch my gal in the middle of nite but still hv slight menses, not those heavy one :p
kk one more mummy advise no walker!! Cause am shopping last nite with hubby n he asked me need to buy or not... then i remember someone told me not to too...
calamari, im gonna use walker. me and my 3 sis all grow up using walker. and my sis actually learn to walk faster then her peers wor.. and its easy to feed solids to them when they'll in walker. and it actually let them learn to explore on their own. and able to entertain themselves when im busy with housework. once bb is in walker, i gotta clear stuffs that'll be within his reach..

but, for the abnormal walking, yes. cuz i know some because of walker, learn to walk tip toe. this need to be corrected from the start de.
siri, last time i pump in the mid of the night, now latch in the mid of the night. menses still here leh. from heavy to light then nth then back to light now.. and i feel some menses cramp lor!

sharon, yah hor.. it's nice that you still can go dating!! envy!! im like lock up at home. only managed to go vivo last sunday. with hb and bb.
aiya calamari no leh me going for 4.30 trial coz 2pm my boy nap time... but subsequently i will see if can reg him for the morning slots or not. coz afternoon his nap can stretch to 5pm...
so u stay wif her or u hub stay wif her?

jeanie when lying down no need to put pillow for him. unless u wanna prop him behind his back or ur back for better support. i express after latching coz i giving extra bm to my #1. keke since have bm don waste ma... hmmm cough ah unless ur doc says cannot otherwise i think it is ok to bf.

ya i also read somewhere that walker will hinder their progress in walking.
mushloom, oh! okie. will put pillow behind. cuz last night when i tried, he keep wanna lie flat and turn, so failed! oh.. give to #1. good leh, not wasted! i haven go see doc yet..
aiyo come tomolo i will truly be locked at home till wkend liao... cl leaving tomolo. so must look after #1 n #2 all on my own liao. feeling pretty scared now donno will go crazy or not.

u girls have menses so fast? or is it still the lochia?
if put bb into walker think easier to take care

when i start to give my #1 solid food, i put him into the bumbo seat.

shaine, i read frm another thread that sashimi can actually increase ss

actually my lochia jus ended, yes, finally after 6weeks
mushloom- icic exersaucer good?? Hehe going for buffet this evening n sat with friend as pre-reunion dinner... so wondering i can resist the temptation :p
really sashimi can actually increase ss? wow tats a good reason to binge on tat liao keke

i prefer exersaucer coz
1) it is stationary. don have to worry if my boy is cruising and will accidentally hurt his fingers.
2) my exersaucer has several combinations and can start to use from newborn all the way to toddler.
3) the toys on the exersaucer can keep him entertained while i do my things.
sharon, can eat raw food, sashimi and oysters. lol.. Good news rht? I asked my PD Dr EK Ong when I went for checkup. Specifically asked these 2 lor. haha... He said ok. I already ease my oyster craving after my baby full month liao. lolx...

Calamari, I opp of you leh. Nowadays my bb finish her milk very fast. total only 15-30mins for bth breasts lor.. Used to be about 40 mins de leh.. I offer her a few times but she doesn't take... Duno if she really has enough or not...

Mummies, anyone experience tingling feeling at breasts for nothing? Like the letdown feeling like that. Then thereafter milk will leak.
wow great!! think i will check up the exersaucer- any recommendation on what brand??

haha can feast on sashimi ya :p
mine was evenflo triple fun. now i tink no more this series. now is triple fun jungle but basically still the same thing but different theme.

ainsley u tinking of bb tats y got letdown huh keke
mushloom- icic ok will check it out... need to get new stuff for my gal... she's tired with her current "toy" n i run out of idea "entertaining" her "P
sharon, I nv pump before leh.. I tbf.. lazy.. heehee.. I just fed as per normal and she is ok leh..

Re: breast tingling

ou may feel fleeting pain in your breasts when your milk lets down. The letdown reflex, also known as the milk ejection reflex, is set off by the hormone, oxytocin. It stimulates the muscle cells in your breasts to squeeze out milk.

Oxytocin is released whenever your baby suckles in the first few days after she's born. Later on, just thinking about feeding your baby can trigger this hormone release. Some mums find that their breasts leak when this happens.

Different women feel the letdown reflex in different ways. Some feel a slight tingling, some feel immense pressure and slight pain or discomfort and others feel nothing at all. As time goes by and you get used to breastfeeding, you'll probably become less and less aware of it.

Mushloom, really think of bb will have letdown leh. lolx...
