(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

ainsley, pauline, same.. my milk ss went down after i have the lumps.. lumps clear but supply drop... just feed finish going to pump.. dunno got milk or not.

My Bb woke up at 330am n woke my no. 1. :p surprised she can tahan so long considering she drank so little at midnight. Pumping now...

Ivy, I started drinking nursing tea lor though I haven't really clear my lumps yet. Not sure whether it's the right thing to do but can't bear for supply to drop.
pauline, my lumps clear liao i tink. TOok me a lot of pressing. I learnt that during shower, stand with back facing hot shower, and hand compress also helps. One nite when my girl is cranky, i buay tahan, let her latch for comfort lying down on bed with me, and i think that helps a bit hehe.
Morning mummies,
Just finished feeding my baby. He's sitting 45 degrees in my arms now.
My baby likes to suck for comfort and dun swallow the milk! Slot of milk will flow out from his mouth when he unlatch. Waste my milk! Argh!!
Anyone face Same problem?
phew full month over the weekend... super tired but feels great to get together with the rest.

cl leaving on wed... sigh donno if can manage with #1 and #2 together.

sandy how was ur jalan jalan wif ur 3 kids?
Ice, I dun think they knw hw to play nw wor. When my bb is awake, she likes to look at things. so I will get really near to her so tat she can see me and talk to her. Lol.. Sometimes she will smile when I start talking to her

last night she chuckled when she was getting into slp in my arm. Mut b dreaming of a pool of milk. Haha
I normally will on the music for my boy when he's awake or put him in a play gym but the thing is his concentration span is quite short think after 15-25mins he will cry for attention n want people to carry
ainsley, but my gal dun like to look at things.. after like 3-5 mins, she will cry... ur gal so good, she dun demand to be carried or feed when she see u.. mine once u caught sight or me, will make noise liao.. hahha...

genesis28, at least urs is 15-25 mins, mine is like 3-5 mins...

min, i tink siri did post sometime last week that there was some delay n it's on the way to Vpost US if i remember correctly... so i also havent received mine...
ice, I always talk to her to divert her attention lor.. lol.. She is very interested in things now.. But attention span not long. Maybe your baby is not yet interested in her environment yet.. Talk to her more when you carry lor.. She recognises your voice. I always feel so happy when she smile when I talk to her.. lol...
Morning Mummies..

mushloom.. sat was ok.. we went IMM.. so the elders were playing with the machine.. and bb slept thru the whole outing day.. hahaha.. till we came back for the 2 elder kids for their nap.. then she also started to cry for her feed..

Yesterday, went Lot... hb brought them to playground to play and I push bb around.. Then #2 wanted to carry and carry.. and hb was angry... cos she has been like that for the past 2weeks.. cry and want to carry..

So.. we went home..
Ya.. my bb is interested in thing.. only when she is full and enough sleep... then she will wake up.. and look around...

Ya.. they recognise voice.. and can start to smile back at me le.. :)
Ivy, I stand with front facing hot shower leh. Cannot is it? I only managed to clear right side last night. Left side still blocked. Sigh.
my bb only eat, sleep, cry -.-

pauline, me not both side lumps shit.. i dunno i read stand infront maybe too hot and will swell?

I juz use Mdm Rokiah for Breast Massage to clear block duct and she really damn gd. She will massage and compress with hot-stone and my breast was like a milk fountain.
Thank you to all mummies who had voted for my girl in the Mumcentre photo contest hence she's the winner

Saw Alicia's gal- Sophie's pic in this week contest!! Let support her too
hellojas... i already replied ur email... i also dun knw if its to big lei... but i see like this is the most popular one.. like more compact.. anyone got this model, can advise..? hw many milk bottle can we put?
hi all, can i chk, my son umb cord jus dropped off today lei... do we stil need to aply the antis wipe and clean it and also the powder? or no need liao? cos my PD gave me the wipe to clean and also powder to sprinkle over the belly there...

btw, i heard must keep the umb cord in a ang bao arh... ? ha ha.. wil turn smelly and rot anot arh? heeh///
oh ya, need to ask also, anyone using drypers wee wee dry size S? is the cuttin big or small arh? mine stil wearin NB lei.. but i dun wana buy so many NB packet cos scared bb outgrow soon.. my boy is 13 days old liao...
already finished 3x fitti and 1x many poko NB... duno if shd standby hw many NB diapers still...

i got S size Pampers, Sealer and Mamy Poko and Drypers lor.. stil hven got the chance to use yet...
shokel, i dried my boy's cord b4 putting it into a red pkt.

btw, FTG-3010 (the model u mentioned) oni has surround cooling of 4-6hrs, as compared to FTG-1200S (http://www.fridge-to-go.com.sg/store/product.php?id_product=24) &amp; FTG-1200S-BLTR (http://www.fridge-to-go.com.sg/store/product.php?id_product=38) which has surround cooling 10-12hrs.
so, think u shld get one which suit ur nds more, i.e. how long do u usually stay out &amp; how long do u nd the "fridge system"?
for me, i got FTG-1200S, which can help me keep the milk chilled for a longer period.
&amp; u may wanna consider if FTG-3010 is too big for ur nd, i.e. how many bottles of milk u intend to bring out.
juz my 2-cents' worth.
hi sandy.. erm, cos the moment i hear him poo alot, i chg liao.. somtimes is after i chg, he pee alot and the diapers leak...

erm, i duno wat is his weigh lei.. no scale at home.. last chk up on the 11/01 was 3.2kg nia...

i compare the NB diapers and the S size, got quite a diff lei.. scared leak later...
Ivy, oic. Next time I try.

Ling Lee, saw PD last Sat. She said my gal's jaundice is ok cos eyes not yellow. Phew! Ya lor, think today my gal growth spurt, latch on at 145pm. 3pm, she cry and root again. Faint! Maybe cos my supply drop but also good lar, if she keeps suckling, maybe my lumps will clear.
pauline, gd to hear tt ur gal is ok.

for me, my son's latching on definitely helps with the clearing of the blocked ducts.
so, since it's now ur gal's growth spurt, must make good use of the opportunity to let her help u.
after i feed my girl, i pump like not much left.. dunno next time go to work how.. my pumping seems very little milk. Anyone using medela PISA?? can pump much milk??

ftg-1200s is the older model, thus slightly cheaper. ya, the whole bag gotta b placed into the freezer, coz the panels r being sewn into the sides of the bag. however, the bag is collapsible into the size of a tissue paper box.

ftg-1200s-bltr is the newer improvised version of ftg-1200s, thus slightly more ex. however, u can juz remove the panels frm the sides to b put into the freezer, which to some pple might b more convenient.

hope the info helps.

anyway, i've bought my ftg-1200s frm a WTS thread.
so, didn't hve many choices. ;p
hi ling lee.. oic.. ok, gonna drry his cord 1st.. erm, abt the FTG.. i got it.. the newer version as hellojas mentioned, no need to put the whole bag inside and also longer freezing time...

erm, mstannn... my frd is gonna pass me the NB huggies tomolo too.. erm, u wana sell or give for free..hahha..

hi sandy, ya, i shd try the S size then , jus wrap higher and tigher ... cos my boy no drumstick tighs yet.. heheh.. if leak then no choice, gonna buy NB ones le..

erm, my bb eyes stil abit yellow, duno if jaundice level stil high.. but me gonna let him do the 6-1 jab, so next chk up gonna be 2 mths old.. duno isit too long... i wil stil try to tann him if got sun every now and then... cos ppl say BFing bb more prone to jaundice lor....
shokel, 6-in-1 jab can b taken btw 1.5 to 2 mths if u think ur visit to doc too long. mine just took today at 7 weeks. no fever..

hi mstann.. erm, if my bb cant fitt he S size properly and it leaks then i consider gettin from u ba,, cos i need to try the cuttin of huggies on my boy when i get the diapers from my gf ya..

hi ainsley, oic,, can be taken earlier arh.. okko.. shall go chk it out... tks!
