(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

sandy.. got it, and #1 loves it...but havent try size yet, thanks!!
My bb also got rash few days ago, my CL bought hazeline snow to apply (put the hazeline in fridge) now she is recovering ..face mei mei again.
hi mummies,

i am a mar 2010 mum to be. wana check if anyone can share with me their actual bill size for A1, normal delivery with epidural at KKH? Thanks coz the estimated bill size provided by KKH seems real high compared to my first child's bill size for a single bedder at Mt E...thanks in advance...pls feel free to PM me.
Also, appreciate if anyone can provide feedback on Mdm Mas (sis of Ida's) post massage service. She had very good feedback till recently and there is a lot of talk about how her method is diff, she has loads of compalints from customers etc etc...sigh - all these complex politics even amongst massage ladies..

i just really want to lock down with a good therapist and Ida is fully booked and so is her sis Mariam...she is now recommending her cousin that she just trained...zaliah and i m so unsure who to go with now. any advice is appreciated!!
Roxy, so juz email the fitti company n they will call? Still 10 bucks per pack? How many pcs per pack ah? I'm thinking if shld get 6 packs s size or 3 packs s n 3 packs m..
hello mummies, tthanks for your suggestion. Will try out one by one to see which is suitable. Cuz the rashes quite serious. Face, behind neck, upp body got bit liiao..

Initially she says nvm, my sis and i all has it. Its common, will recover itself. Then i stupid go suggest could it be my breastmilk heaty, cuz im feeling very heaty recently. But could it be really so?

At times i really wanna give up cuz its so tiring to bf. But you mummies motivates me to keep me ongoing.
Sigh... Dunno why for 2days, my boy keep vomitting milk...

Only started yesterday.. Vomit just drank milk (not tao huey kind). And quite a lot one leh.. Whole hanky can be damn from cleaning up.

Burp not enough? Move him too fast? But all along ok, only last 2days he start like tis?

Overdrank? Sometimes he suck till 'high', think he like never guage if he full liao boh...possible? Haha
Roxy- ok u can tag with me for the cake. Think I will get the 1kg one cause 0.5kg seen abit small for so many people. So Anny, Alicia, u and me will share the 1 kg cake, should be $33 if not wrong split among 4 of us, just pass me the $$ on that day, no worries ;)

Mtdt- my girl also seldom vomit milk till last week when she's down with flu &amp; cough then send her to PD, now she will sometime vomit the Tao Kwey alike n sticky, maybe is the phelgm.
Jeanie, I'm oso always thinking abt giving up breastfeeding.. Think I'll be less depress if I'd given up.. U noe lah, all the stress n worries of breastfeeding.. But it's really the tot of my bb tt I continue (at least till now.. Which is not very long.. Haha) n trying to persevere..

Siri, when did u email fitti? Maybe they will call u soon?

Btw breastfeeding mommies, Izzit normal to feel needle like pain/poking at the breasts sometimes?
Shaine- but my bb not sick leh... Think just now tat feed was too much as breast full after 4hrs. Then now after 2hrs he hungry again (must be puke too much).. Tis time ok as breast not tat full as only 2hrs. Hope it's overdrank. but it's so messy!! Haha

Cayenne- could it be u hv thrust? It would cause some needle pain in breast...google thrust and breastfeeding to see symptoms
help... how come my bb doesn't seem to sleep for long???? She wakes up shortly after I put her in her cot. Anyone having this problem?
ainsley, i face the same thing with u. u see him sleep so tight le, when put him down, 15-30min later he wake up le, eyes big big look at you. but he will mang zhang very fast cos he still feel sleepy. when u carry him up, he stim stim again....

ppl said cannot always carry baby and swing, i both oso did, jia lat liao. ha....
joe, ya... my bb will wake up v fast after putting her down. i try to pat her whenever she wakes up but..... cannot lor.
And she will always cry n make a fuss before she sleeps. prob 1.5 hour after feeding. sometimes duno if she hungry or wana sleep. sigh~~

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:
1)Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby, Blackforest Cake
2)genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby, bringing otah
3)Calamari, Baby Noah, (TBC - hubby and Toddler Kayla,) Agar-Agar
5)Tris – tag with yiqi?
6)hweiz,2 kids &amp; hubby,Fried bee hoon with stewed pork chop and omelette , Paper Plates/Spoons/Forks
8)Ling Lee
9 Roxy , Princess Ariel, Son Isaiah &amp; hubby (tentative)-Blackforest Cake
10)Alicia, Princess Sophie and Hubby, Blackforest Cake
11)miumiu , Prince Tristan - Drinks
13) arisz, Prince Ashton, #1, maid,(Hubby-TBC)- any mummies can tag with her??
14) Lileen
15) eyevee - bake chicken wing
16) Anny Chionh ,elder one,bb, (Hubby-TBC) -Blackforest Cake
17) WeiTing,Prince ryan, (Hubby- TBC) - fishballs
18) Cayenne
19) Ainsley (will reconfirm)
20) Juzamum, Princess Jazebel, Son jabriel- fruits
21) seveneleven
22) augleo, bb YK (#1 &amp; hb = TBC)- sandwiches
23) 1XMummy , Princess Faith, Hubby
24) Jeanietan, Prince Keith, (Hubby-TBC)
25) Lilian , Princess Laura
26) Yiqi &amp; baby-tag with Tris?</font>
Siri, cayenne: if u have emailed fitti before 1 Jan 10, u r still entitled to their promo, they should call u soon. If after 1 Jan 10, no more promo liao. Gotta wait for their next promo.

I actually use Mdm Maz for 5 session already and even my mum use her for normal massage. I would say she pretty gd &amp; friendly. Thought her massage is 1hr, but she always exceed the time if she know that u hv sm aching issue, she will massage the area longer for u.

infact, she help to clear my blocked duct thought it hurt xp.
Yay! My irritating n lazy CL is being sacked by me today liao. I decided to be mean n didn't give her any Ang pow. She also don't dare ask me for it. Now waiting for my ex-cl to come over. What a torturing 3 weeks!!!
Jeanie Tan, I guess ur bb suffering fr the same issue as mine. It like heat rashes, my confinement aunty said it heaty and plus tey r drinking of BM while we are consuming the tonic. So she get us to buy Jin Yin Hua and then she boil n add into the bath. Need to bath for a week. Now it the 5th days ler, my princess is almost clear from the rashes.

She has it on all over her necks, chest &amp; arms.
haiz.. received email frm fitti that promo ends liao

dec 09 3rd mth bash - dun think i will be joining cos it's impossible for me to bring #1 and #2 alone (hubby needs to work on sat)
Hi mummies,

Anybody deliver in Mt E? Understand thatTMC gives bb clothings+mittens n booties and Mt A gives bath tub upon discharge. What does Mt E gives? Any ideal?

Also anybody care to share the cost of 1-bedder in mt E? How much cash need to fork out??
yeah will be going out for my gynea check-up later! Can't wait to get out of the house... been standing at the window to breathe fresh air only
Joanna: yes she was. But she was quite cool about it cos I think she knows we are not happy with her service liao. I'm going to blacklist her in the other forum threads.

Her name is Ah Lan from Tangkak. Short hair, dark skin, small eyes, big neh neh. Claimed got many years of experience which I think is all bullcrap!
joanna, my boy is oso suffering frm rashes all ard his neck, even @ the back of it.

wondering is it bcoz we didnt clean him properly, esp after his regurgitation.
later, will ask my mil to get some jin yin hua frm the medicinal hall to bathe for him too.
shaine - tao hwey vomit means the milk "digesting" halfway... i wld read it as more serious if vomit tat.. as means digestive system not gd?

vomit "fresh milk".. maybe just means overdrink/not burp well etc?

tat's my layman thinking lah.

rashes - my boy also hv.. only on his face! argh... so sian.
jeanie..i duno where my aunty buys it and there's no brand/name on the container itself.. its just plain white colour container..and i duno wat is the ingredients inside.. if u like to try, i'll ask her to order one for u.. or if u are nearby jurong, drop by and u can apply some on ur bb face using my existing one then decide... it really works wonders for both my no1 and 2...ydae no1 duno develop wat type of funny rash on his leg n thigh area, we apply e cream for him to sleep, wake up all gone...

hi sharon.. sure and thanks

siri, cayenne i emailed fitti before 31 dec.. took them abt 1-1.5 wks to call me... since calamari says promo over le, i ks, orderd 6 s and 6 m... maybe the s pkt can share among the mummies here if convenient to collect from jurong
jo, think for my boy those ard his neck shld b heat rashes, coz they r diff frm the milk rash on his face... those ard his neck r more like pimples with those whitish stuffs.

will chk with doc later, when hubby takes him to polyclinic for his jaundice prick.
keeping my fingers crossed tt today's prick would b the last one.
Hi mummies.. i am new to the forum.. can i can ask if anybody experience difficulty in pumping milk? i am able to pump a bit in one day.. the next 2 days nothing .. but when baby latch it seems ok ..
Ling Lee,

the one on my girl neck are red and with all the whitish stuff/dotes like pimples also. But 2day the red all gone ler, left less than 5 pimples after we use the Jin Yin Hua.
joe, cut her nails twice already.. grow so fast!!

all nursing tea have been mailed out, should receive them tmr
Hi mummies,

Anyone hv any comments on Liang Food caterer ? Is their portion big ? Food gd ? Do caterer usually buffer 10% more ?

Re : red rashes
My bb hv red rashes on her bum. Faster way to clear it ? Is Destini cream most effective or any other ways / cream ?

Re : burp / colic / wind
My bb hv lots of wind &amp; difficult to burp her. Even CL finds her difficult to burp. Any gd ways to expel out the wind ? She's only 2+wks old &amp; I dun wat to gv her gripe water until after 1mth later, right ?

Btw, anyone need to order full mth cakes for 1st mth celebration from sweetest moments ?
I hv a voucher for every 20 boxes (min) get 4 boxes free. Let me know asap ? Juz need to tansfer $10.30 to me &amp; I can mail out the voucher to u ($10 will be deducted from yr total order amt).
Btw, it is standard bb card design but can out bb name on box.
Anyone keen, ple PM / email me &amp; I can email u the terms &amp; conditions. Thks !
jo, my boy went for the test on monday, the level was juz slightly lower than sat's, so doc said bring him back for another test tis wk.
my #2 had jaundice prob for a whole mth.

hopefully, #3 wont follow gor-gor's "foot-steps".
Morning mummies,

about the vomit - when i bring baby to her pd for her jab then bb happens to vomit infront of the pd, pd advise that it's overfeed, if the vomit is little and not often then it's normal.

about the rash - my baby also got it on the face when she was two weeks old, bring her back to the pd and pd say it was skin infection wor pd did memtion tat dun let baby rub other places cos this will spread de, was given cream to apply and need to place baby in air con rm cos too hot will irriate the skin, three day later spread to the neck and behind the ear so bring back to pd again then pd did a swad test to c if it's cause by any bacteria infection result was out 3 days later lucky it's not, this time pd give a cleanser to clean bb face and neck 3 times a day and change the cream after that the rash recover liao nice nice le. pd did mention tat it's common amount babies.

sharon >> waiting for tris to confirm with me..

gradutaion party tmr!!!
so excited..

anyone of u bought things online recently??
postage take so long to reach.
worst seller took their own sweet time to send me the items. money tt on 31st tmr then she send.
when buy tat time ask me tt immediately then got money alr send item @ her own sweet time.
