(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Ling Lee (mynwin), i also get the pain, i realise when i got block ducts or engorgement (lumps) then its very pain. Improper latching will not be very pain, block or engorgement then got the prickly needle pain, cos block, baby suck harder. My baby had clear 1 block duct/ lump for me liao, the milk spray on her face, 2nd block i use needle to prick and tweezer to remove the milk harden that block, 3rd lump, i use hard towel and compress out. total 3 pain , hopefully no more.

yesterday bb refuse to sleep, cry and cry and very upset... realise its colic, today went PD and confirm she alot of wind...

share with u guys 2 things


sharon/shaine, i still think pot luck better, i also scare last min baby got prob and i cant come. Those that come alone, lets be understanding, if cannot bring food no worries. I probably coming with hubby, will try to be extra food then.

Ivy- thanks for your advises, agreed too
let's see any other suggestion, comments, shall firm the details soon when miumiu confirmed over at her side. So far, ivy, genesis and me will be cuming with hubby! So can feel free to approach us for help, either tag with us for the food or maybe I can pick up for u ladies if is near my place. No worries ya!! ;)
Gathering-agree with ivy. Anyway now we hv over 20pax... Can be we hv 20+food items! Even better than hotel buffet liao!! Haha

Ivy-i also had block nipple duct.. Damn painful! Latch and heat compress for 3days, finally bb suck it out! Tat 3days really can cry! :p

Oh ur bb has colic huh... Then u better gather help! Pd gave 'ridwind'? Also ur own diet, watch out since u bf.. At least until bb colic episode is over. Colic are stressful times
. Hang on!!
gg, sometimes i think my posture oso not quite rite.
my sis passed me her brest friend pillow &amp; i think it helps in my breastfeeding.
sorry i mean "cant" be hv over 20+ kind of food.

maybe can a few mummies can share those big items. dun make the gathering so ex also... then we can hv it more often.
MTDT- great!!thanks for ur support too

Tris- i bring my girl to "League Jnr", they have branches at United Square and Suntec.

Or else go KKH, my friend went there
Hi Mummies,
Wanna ask you all 2 things:

i) How long does our stitches below take to heal for natural delivery? Had already given birth almost 2 weeks but still feel pain when i go toilet.

ii) Had blister when doing binding, is this normal? The massage lady claim it's normal...
helo mummies,
im frm jan'10 mtb but delivered my girl las wk..

Can i ask ah.. is it normal to have blood stains on bb cord? saw some blodd stain on her diaper so kinda worried..
RE:Dec 2009 Babies 3rd Month Bash!!

May i suggest the budget to be $8 for the food??
For example for myself, i will get the Blackforest Cake from Pine Garden as the 3rd month birthday cake- $23.00 for ½kg, so another 2 more mummies can tag with me

So mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:
1)Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby, Blackforest Cake from Pine Garden.
2)genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby, bringing otak (Potluck)
8)Ling Lee
13) arisz
14) Lileen
15) eyevee
16) Anny Chionh
17) WeiTing
18) Cayenne
19) Ainsley (will reconfirm)
20) Juzamum, bb jazebel, son jabriel
21) seveneleven
22) augleo
23) 1XMummy
24) Jeanietan, baby keith, hubby(to be confirm),
25) Lilian
26)Yiqi &amp;baby
congrats shokel!!! n yes, welcome to sleepless nites club.. :p

melody, it's normal... just remember to still keep the cord dry k..
melody, when was ur gal born?
my boy was born last tue, 29 dec. his cord juz dropped off today.
by rite, the cord shld b drying up.
but over the wkend, my hubby did find some odour coming frm the cord, so during his jaundice chk-up on monday, my hubby chked with the polyclinic's doc &amp; he gave us some sodium chloride to clean his cord.
oh this Dr Jack Newman, my no.1 PD did told me to see his website too. Say he is very good.

ivy, needle to prick and tweezer... ouch...

Removing lumps in breast. i fill up a water bottle with warm water to place on the lumps while i express milk. Last time use warm towel but still need to soak with warm water again when it is cooled (very ma fan). This method works for me. At the end of expressing, lumps will really go down.
Hi Sharon
Thanks. KKH got? Maybe I go there see see when I go for my check next week. Or maybe will go to the United Sq League Jr.

i) I don't feel the pain anymore in my 3rd week. It should take about 2 week to heal according to my gynae.
ii) No blister. Could it be allergic reaction to the herb?

Hi Melody
Yes, it's ok as long as the bleeding is not those bleeding profusely kind where fresh blood flows out immediately after u wipe. A bit of blood stain is normal. It happened to my boy. The cord only dries up when he is about 4 weeks old. Just use the cord spirit to clean and put the dry powder after cleaning.
ladies, will ur bb suddenly reduces their appetite? my boy used to be drink 100 - 110ml for past 1 wk... but since last nite, he only drinking abt 40 - 65ml.... *worried* is this normal?
Hi Tris,
Can I check with you, are you having total bedrest during confinement? My mum ask me to rest on bed even during daytime and not keep sitting upright, but of cos i didn't listen to her. don't know is it because of this reason that's why whenever I stand up I can feel some pain below which is kind of uncomfortable and a bit unbearable.

As for the blister, need to hear from more mummies. Am having lots of blisters. The massage lady actually bind my stomach very tight, so after she unbind it i feel very itchy and scratch my stomach then realise how come a bit watery only then i realise I have blister all over my stomach. I ask her, she explain that cos she bind my stomach thus no air so will have blisters.
<font color="0077aa">hi bluegal, hmm.. wat the older generation suggest is to have as much bed rest as possible.. yup.. even my mil suggest tat when i had my #1 .. but now sometimes #2 sleep.. #1 needs to attend to.. i do not have much bed rest compared to when im having #1
hi Bluegal,
i normal delivery too, my gynae confirmed that my wound had heal when i go for post pregnancy checkup after deliver for 1 week.
<font color="0077aa">sharon so the date is set on 13th huh.. hehhe.. i will get back to u once i find out whether my hubby be working on that dae not
would love to join if can..

sandy, yup pine garden had delivery charge one .. hmm.. cant remember whether was i charge when my #1 held his first birthdae .. hmmm.. </font>
Hi mommies

Sorry interrupt. I have a 900g unopened tin of Enfalac A+ Special Infant Formula to let go at $20. Expires in Jul 2010. If anyone is interested, please PM me.

<font color="ff0000">RE:Dec 2009 Babies 3rd Month Bash!!

May i suggest the budget to be $8 for the food??
For example for myself, i will get the Blackforest Cake from Pine Garden as the 3rd month birthday cake- $23.00 for ½kg, so another 2 more mummies can tag with me

So mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:
1)Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby, Blackforest Cake from Pine Garden.
2)genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby, bringing otak
8)Ling Lee
9 Roxy , Princess Ariel, Son Issac
10)Alicia, Princess Sophie
11)miumiu , Prince Tristan
13) arisz
14) Lileen
15) eyevee
16) Anny Chionh
17) WeiTing
18) Cayenne
19) Ainsley (will reconfirm)
20) Juzamum, bb jazebel, son jabriel
21) seveneleven
22) augleo
23) 1XMummy , Princess Faith, Hubby
24) Jeanietan, baby keith, hubby(to be confirm),
25) Lilian , Princess Laura
26) Yiqi &amp;baby</font>
SAndy- wow too far, or else can u help pick up...

strawberries- yeap 13th
Yeap ask ur hubby to join if can make it!! If not, u let me know again, i see what i can do to help. Where u lived? maybe can pick u up or something
blugal - u had chicken pox before?

I am same as u leh.. had tons of blister on my tummy.. then 3days later, other area also came out blister.. then went to see GP, diagnoise as CHICKEN POX!! horrible!
Hi Strawberries,
Oh no, not having my bedrest at all, I only rest on bed during at night and in between i still wake up to breastfeed my baby.....Maybe that's the reason why I feel my stitch doesn't seems to heal within 2 weeks.

You mean your stitches heal in one week and don't feel pain anymore? My check up shall be 3 weeks after delivery, so scare that my gynae will tell me it's not heal yet.
bluegal, i juz delivered last tue.
i was quite concerned when the stitches didnt heal &amp; the painfulness didnt seem to decrease by saturday.
tis is wat i did since sunday &amp; i feel tt it helps:
- my sis told me to dab the wound with cotton wool dab with dettol diluted with water.
- another sis passed me the anti-inflammatory cream her gynae prescribed to apply on the wound.
- my colleague taught me to pour water down the area when urinating, so the urine wont contaminate / irritate the wound. (try tis, it really helps to alleviate the pain when u go urinating.)
Btw, here some suggestions if mummies not sure what to bring ya!!

1.pine garden cake- a big one as birthday cake for the 3rd month Bash-Blackforest Cake ( Sharon Shaine, can include another 2 more mummies)
2.Fruits Tarts
3.Otah (genesis)
4.Pizza ( for delivery choice)
5.933 golden pillow ( for delivery choice)
6.old chang kee stuff – curry puff n spring roll
7.prima deli chicken pie
8.Servers/Tissue Paper/Paper Plates/Spoons/Forks ( To be sponsor by one mummy, can bring from home if extra)
9.Packet Drinks- I will seek Miumiu’s help to get for us because quite heavy so not so convenient for mummies to bring lah.
10.Mee Hoon/Noodles
Bluegal- ya my stitches heal in one week not pain anymore. Hospital did give me a spray to use to help in healing. If u need, can let me know i can pass to u, not using le.. still have half bottle
bluegal, the elders tell us to hve plenty of bed rest, so tt we can mimise the chances of suffering frm backache.
but quite difficult for me lah...
i dunno how to latch on lying down.
then, express milk oso cant lie down.
then, i still hve to deal with my #1 &amp; #2.
melody, then mayb u wanna chk if there's any odour coming frm the cord? any sign of it drying up? mayb it'll drop over the nxt 1-2 days?
Yeap I had chicken pox b4 but my siblings does have the history of chicken pox twice thus my mum told me that I might possibly had chicken pox the 2nd time few months ago when I had rashes. Aiyo then i must monitor liao, don't wanna pass the virus to my baby......

My gynae did pass me a spray to heal my stitches..... hmm but hor i don't really know where's the stiches so i spray all over my bottom.
bluegal - yup.. u monitor then. but rem to continue to give breastmilk.. express out and ask ur family to give via bottle. minimise contact with bb.

My bb din kenna... maybe becos i continue with ebm during tat 2wks.. so my antibotics also pass to baby. phew... was a very stressful 2 wks. :p
hey hi,
i am new to this thread but realised i am going through the same thing! my baby cannot sleep .. everytime put down will wake up.. i almost went mad!
i tried to pump milk.. one day can pump 30ml.. the next 2 days nothing come out.. but when i let baby latch .. she seems ok . . is it norm?

i have lotsa of disposable plates, bowls,forks etc leftover from bb full month catering, 2 big bags.

i will bring fried bee hoon with stewed pork chop and omelette. My hubby will be joining us cos cannot handle 2 kids by myself.
Sh@r()n-Sh@in3 (shaine),
i try to bring bee hoon, will see if my hse tat coffee shop aunty can sell me 1 tray or not, i try order from her. Its plain white beehoon but quite nice. If not i buy from tze char place a few packs of xin zhou mee fen.

my girl having very bad colic how ar...
after or during burping, my baby will spit up milk, sometimes a lot. After that, he appears hungry and wants to nurse again.
I am not sure if it's normal or something more serious so asking if any of your babies also doing that.
I dun know if he is overeating as he latches on so I have no way of measuring how many ml he drinks.
Often after feeding, he is fussy and arches his back and cries.


<font color="ff0000">RE:Dec 2009 Babies 3rd Month Bash!!

May i suggest the budget to be $8 for the food??
For example for myself, i will get the Blackforest Cake from Pine Garden as the 3rd month birthday cake- $23.00 for ½kg, so another 2 more mummies can tag with me

So mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:
1)Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby, Blackforest Cake from Pine Garden.
2)genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby, bringing otak
6)hweiz,2 kids &amp; hubby,Fried bee hoon with stewed pork chop and omelette
8)Ling Lee
9 Roxy , Princess Ariel, Son Issac
10)Alicia, Princess Sophie
11)miumiu , Prince Tristan
13) arisz
14) Lileen
15) eyevee
16) Anny Chionh
17) WeiTing
18) Cayenne
19) Ainsley (will reconfirm)
20) Juzamum, bb jazebel, son jabriel
21) seveneleven
22) augleo
23) 1XMummy , Princess Faith, Hubby
24) Jeanietan, baby keith, hubby(to be confirm),
25) Lilian , Princess Laura
26) Yiqi &amp;baby</font>
