(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

ainsley - oh ya.. yes.. PD told mi poo will decrease... can even be like 2-3 days once.. so no worries oki?
when is ur bb's 1st mth check??

miumiu, really ah? scare me leh. last time bb used to poo everytime she drinks. Now only 3-5 in a day.. she ah, poo less, also sleep less leh. sigh~
Jo, happy birthday once again... enjoy your 1st birthday with ur little moo moo...
ainsley - mi told PD mine still got 5x.. he say isit cuz not always a lot of poo.. cuz he expected lesser than that... so no worries oki??

cuz now bb sort of can differentiate day and nite liao.. my bb can zz longer at nite.. day time more awake.. =)
ya.. when gt 5 times, v little only.. kk.. now not so worried. thought i nv give her enough milk lor. *phew*

but hor, day also will take at least one long nap rht? she ah, 15-30mins wake up if i put her dwn
hi mummies, long time never login liao, took me a while to read thru' all the postings.

My boy has been crying for the past two days, suspected he has colic, told PD abt it during the 1mth check, and was given rid wind solution, he is much better now.

MiuMiu : same here, my boy has abt 1.5kg as well, he is 4.89kg during the 1mth check.

Mummies : I've forgotten to ask PD abt jabs, i've checked schedule on my bb's medical card from the PD, he has been injected with BCG and Hep B during birth, the next jab will be in a mth's time when he is 2mths old, he will be having HexA, and rotavirus jabs. I am just wondering how come he is not given Hap B 2nd dose as mentioned by most mummies? Can anyone advise me???

Sharon : Would love to join the 3rd mth bash, but can't confirm right now as hubby might be working on that day, and don't think i can handle bb alone. Can i confirm my attendance later??? I can tag along the pine garden cake if u still need someone. Thanks for organizing it. Let me know if u need another venue the next time, i can book the function room @ poolside, my place is @ bt timah, not sure it is centralised for all the mummies.

Roxy : Thanks, and look out for the tea, need it soon as my bm is running low, has asked hubby to buy fenugreek for me. Hope it works.

Jo : Happy Happy birthday!
Canopyhaze- sure, hope u can make it for the bash!! Can u PM me ur contact no? so that i can sms u if miumiu's side can't get it ya.

<font color="aa00aa">Celebrating Motherhood &amp; Babies Pre/Post 3rd Month!!
Mummies to share share, babies to play play!!
Mummies to exchange ideas, tips etc.
Dadd(ies) are also welcome to share about Fatherhood !!

Date: 13th March 2009 (Saturday) @ 1pm-5pm ( TBC the timing cause need to check with miumiu first)

1)Start with mummy and baby’s self intro so that we know who is who :p
2)Exchange of tips/pointers to help each other to cope better in our motherhood
3)“mun mun” time! ( each mummy have to bring one dish)
4)Gift exchange time( as it’s our bab(ies) 3rd mth bash, i suggested each mummy to get a $20 budget gift to exchange so that all bab(ies) will go home with a small gift?

(Welcome mummies to give suggestion and program will then be confirmed soon!! )

Mummies please kindly add beside your nick who will be coming along with u n food that u will be bringing or sharing to avoid duplication

Attendance list:

1.Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby- Blackforest Cake
2.Roxy , Princess Ariel, Son Isaiah &amp; hubby (tentative)-Blackforest Cake
3.Anny Chionh ,elder one,bb, (Hubby-TBC) -Blackforest Cake
4.Alicia, Princess Sophie and Hubby-Blackforest Cake
5.miumiu , Prince Tristan - Drinks
6.genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby-otah
7.Calamari, Baby Noah, (TBC - hubby and Toddler Kayla,)- Agar-Agar
8.hweiz,2 kids &amp; hubby-Fried bee hoon with stewed pork chop and omelette , Paper Plates/Spoons/Forks
9.eyevee - bake chicken wing
10.WeiTing,Prince ryan, (Hubby- TBC) – fishballs
11.Juzamum, Princess Jazebel, Son jabriel- fruits
12.augleo, bb YK (#1 &amp; hb = TBC)- sandwiches
13.Jeanietan, Prince Keith, (Hubby-TBC) - potato salad
14.Yiqi &amp; baby-tag with Tris?
15.Tris – tag with yiqi?
16.arisz, Prince Ashton, #1, maid,(Hubby-TBC)- any mummies can tag with her??
19.Ling Lee
24.1XMummy , Princess Faith, Hubby
25.Lilian , Princess Laura
26.Ainsley (will reconfirm)
27.Canopyhaze (will reconfirm)</font>
Canopy, is it becos u are taking 6 in 1 jab? This is given at 2 mths old and Hep B is included in it. Me also getting the 6 in 1.

My boy is now 5kg+ also...getting aches each time I carry him..
hi, im new here...and a new mum...need alot of advise...is there any infant care at tamp /simei?? and how good an infant care can take care of a newborn?? any advise here??? many thanks
ainsley that one i not sure yet. i know 1 mth old got 1 jab. then will find out from my doc abt the vaccination schedule.

hmmm dirty poo... my boy got plenty of dirty diaper. but sometimes oni a bit like fart wif stains. according to my cl my boy poos more than he urines.

donno why suddenly my boy change his feeding pattern from 4 - 5h becomes 3h... now like milk nt enuff to meet his demand... must retrain my breast to produce enuff to meet his demand
sq, I stay at Tampines.. I personally dun really like the idea of infant care cos taking care of jus 1 bb is alr so tough, hw can they give full attention to 3 babies? N oso they tend to get sick more often..
Sharon : just PM u my mobile.

GG : not too sure, what does 6 in 1 comprise of? Here's my bb's vaccinations schedule :-
Birth : BCG, Hep B 1,
2mth : Hex A 1, Rotavirus 1
3mth : Pneumococcus 1
4mth : Hex A 2, Rotavirus 2
5mth : Pneumococcus 2
6mth : Hex A 2, Rotavirus 3
7mth : Influenza 1
8mth : Influenza 2
12mth : Hep A 1
13mth : Pneumococcus 3
14mth : MMR (V)1
17mth : MMR (V) 2
18mth : DPT HIB IPV 4
19mth : Hep A 2
24mth : Meningococcal
5-6th yr : OPV
9yr+ : HPV x 3 (0,1,6)
11yr : DPT (Boostrix) / OPV
Mushloom, wah, ur boy drinks 4-5 hrs? Ur boy nt 1 mth yet rht?? Mine 1 mth Liao still abt 2-3 hrs

My girl ah, everytime without fail will cry when she wana slp. N everytime will b abt 1.5hrs after feed. Anyone has this prob?
ainsley and mushloom - PD advise me that the milk intake will be 90-150ml at 2-4 hrs interval.. within this range is normal..
Ainsley : this is what is stated in my bb's vaccination card leh, will just follow, but no 6 in 1 in sight leh.

My boy drinks 4-5hrs during the night, and 2.5-3hr during day, he drinks abt 100-120mls per feed,he poos abt 3-4times daily.
my boy changed 8 soiled diaper a day....but we abit kiasee la...once got poo we wait awhile then change liao...he also feed about 8 times aday..

re: vaccinations...they use to say 6-in-1 may coz fever more than 5-in-1...

my 2 elder kids took 5-in-1...this one i haven decide..
Happy birthday jo

Ainsley - my bb had her 6 in 1 injection at exact 1.5 mth. the next jab will be 3 mth 6 in 1 2nd dose, pummoccal 1st dose and rota virus is oral de.

my bb sleep less also liao but nite get betters sleep longer mostly awake 3am for milk then about 6 - 7am again.

bb will also cry when sleppy lor then no choice carry her then a while she sleep... haizzz my fil spoil her liao la when he help mi look after when i eat bath or go out, he always carry her shake shake then now bb wan to be carry.
Jeanie &amp; Josephine,

cannot.. i remember tat it did mention that basically vick is not suitable as instead of helping, it can create some blockage (can't remember but think it the nostril) which will worsen the condition and at times be harmful to bb/kids. that y after that i throw away mine cause i wanted to use for my eldest boy.

dun hv the article with me ler... think i delete away liao.
Anny, when ur bb wana slp, will she wana suckle? Mine ah, slp awhile then wake up liao. Duno y these few days like this.

Hw to determine if she has growth spurt ah?
Whole day no time to switch on laptop. My CL left at 1pm today. What a long day. But luckily with my CL's advice, RaeAnne is getting more used to the maid so can delegate some duties to her now. After dinner, hubby brought RaeAnne to MIL's house then I got to shower and relax a bit, check net...
I didn't wash with water lei, my mum did confinement for me and she doesn't allow me to touch water actually.....will wash with water if it help to heal my stitches faster.
Ainsley, can understand your frustration. My CL is the one who has been helping me to drag bb's feeding timing. Now, I got no one to help me do that. She's been latching on and off and regurgitating. Sian...
Miumiu, ya.. Night she tends to slp more. Bt I cnt do anything in the day lor.. I duno if I shd feed her on demand nw. If I drag her timing nw n she has growth spurt, she will b so poor thing. U oso duno if it's becos she is nt contented n full tats y she cnt slp long recently. Bt if nt growth spurt, I scare she will gt used to suckling to slp..

Pauline, wat is ur bb's feeding interval?
ainsley - u can monitor her swallowing action... if she reali swallows then she is drinking.. if not then is suckling onli..

mayb tink this way.. better to have bb not zzing in the day than at nite??
ainsley my boy would be 3 wks old on sunday. he used to sleep tat long i would wait for him to wake up till i engorge leh but today every 2h wanna feed and my supply too slow to meet his demand. lucky i did express and he taking ebm. hopefully it is juz his growth spurt period.

miu i usually latch on so donno how much he is drinking.

fatbabe tink depends on individual body. if i am not wrong my #1 oso took 6in1. thank god no fever.

sandy ok. will try the 95 i book then see how.
mushloom - heard growth spurts is usually at week 3 and 6.. but not sure.. since urs is week 3.. mayb reali growth spurt..
canopy most welcome... could b u are taking 6 in 1 at 1.5mths hence never take hep b jab.. for me, im taking 5 in 1 as lesser chance of fever.. hence i brought bb for hep b jab when she was 1 mth, then 5 in 1 jab together with oral rotarix is at 3 mths...

jeanie, i duno where she buys from, i only knows it works for us everytime.. i see the pimples on her face also heartpain, now her face smooth n shiny i very happy

after CL left, i also duno how to control bb feeding.. last time she can drink 110ml 1 shot and lasts 2-3hrs.. now she drinks maybe 30-50ml every 1 - 1.5hr.. no doubt quantity is the same but the frequent feeding is making me super frustrasted.. i tried to drag her feeding timing, but she cry n cry like so poor ting i also dun dare to drag too long
Roxy : Thanks, but PD didn't mention abt the 6 in 1, he has just asked to follow the schedule. Will check with him again during the next visit on 03Feb for the Hex A &amp; Rotavirus jabs.
