(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

congrats, lileen...

nd not b 'confined' anymore...

My bb also fuss while on breast... Like complaining big time while still latching on... Dunno wat he wants.

I just heck him! Haha
But I suspect is the flow too slow as I notice he usu only start to fuss after glup dowm during letdown. Maybe he enjoyed the fast flow after letdown... Then complaining why so slow after tat.
my mil finally cant stand the way i m washing the breastpump parts. ;p
she juz told me tt it's better to put on gloves b4 touching the tap water, esp in the morning.

well, last wk, b4 my milk came in, i was very guai, as far as possible, stay clear of the tap water.
but when i start expressing milk, i take it upon myself to clean up the pump parts after use.
(feel like it v troublesome to put on those tight gloves, then think putting on disposable gloves doesnt help much in preventing me frm touching the water.)
else, i gotta explain to her how to wash the breastshields, valves &amp; membranes &amp; even gotta wake her up in the middle of the nite juz to wash &amp; sterilise the parts.
well, i didnt anticipate tis prob, so didnt buy an xtra set of the essential parts.
Same thing here mtdt, somtimes my boy drink half way will push out my nipple n then he will cry. I Bo chap push his head back n let him latch on
tired.... 1am, 4am, 7am...
and for the past 2 feeds, my boy only drank half of watz he usually drank... dun wanna burp.. every 3 hrs fidgeting... really dunno wat happen.. waste my already decreasing ss of milk.. sianz..
morning, juz wondering if any mummies here experience "excruciating" pain when the bb 1st start to suck during the latching on.
but after a while, ok le...
i m wondering if my position or bb's position is wrong.
tot breastfeeding supposed to b painless...
Pauline... When when my no1 still young and had block nose, pd gave illidin (spelling might be wrong) to drip n clear it. Can be found in watson/guadian. U might wan to check it out. At least it's a drip, not a sudden spray.

ling lee >> me me!! i think nits the latch on position. i am using the football hold and if i use my the other hand to compress my breast horizontally, my bb will take in more aerola then i dun feel the pain. she seems to b aable to suck longer too thsi way.
thanks, yiqi...
will try ur mthd later...
my #1 &amp; #2 always laugh when they see the "excruciating pain" look on my face when #3 1st start to suck... sigh...
but @ least sometimes #1 will 'scold' #3 for causing the pain.
morning mummies.. finally for the 1st time, my baby slept for 4+ hours last night.
But I still don't know why she will always wake up a short while after being put down in the noon leh..
hi mummies

How often does you bb drink now? And how much can u pump after 3hrs? I can only pump abt 90ml...very little rite?

I just started to drink the tea which is suppose to increase milk ss, but i think my milk ss seems to be decreasing...dunno why?
calamari, my fitti just got delivered. Actually ordered but no news from them so send another email yesterday. then call me immediately and say they deliver today morning. paid 10/pk. Aiya now no more offer?
cayenne - mayb u r stress... cheer up and ur ss will be back

ainsley - cuz bb now can differentiate a little bet day and nite liao.. good ma.. nite zz more.. =)

MTDT - my bb day time drink like 2 hr plus.. nite.. can be 3 or 4 or 5 hrs...
mi oso little.. each time pump onli 120ml.. haha!
MTDT, miumiu.. lol.. i so happy nw... bb had her milk ard 8.30 till now..*till now* haha.. hope will cont like this ltr.. miu, ur bb can slp for 5 hrs ah? so gd...
i realise my right breast milk slow is very slow compare to left side. left side can pump ard 100ml in 15 mins, but right side only 20ml. so with massage and squeeze, can yield ard 100ml. but takes a longer time. why is this so? last time still ok.. both side same timing can yield the same amt. is it blocked duct?
hi all, finally got the chance to log in... tks all for the wishes... in the end, i dint get a smooth delivery...
my birth story ...

i went in tmc ard 1230am tues morning, supposed to induce labour as cervix nt yet dilated, and was overdue liao, edd supposed to be 31/12....

started on pill, checked , was 0.5cm dilated, put tablet, after a while, immed can feel contractions... wah, was quite unbearable for me lor.. asked for pain relief, nurse say cannot la, so early...

ard 3plus, stil intense contractions, after poo done and all, was prob ard 3-4cm dilated, nurse see me quite pain, ask me go in labour room.. use laughing gas...

ard 4plus, nurse checked me still nt really dilating fast enuff.. suddenly me quite giddy after the laughin gas BUt doesnt help in reducin any pain lor... see nurse keep staring at the monitor, can sense somthing wrong... asked her if i can use epi, she say wait, she called my gynae, then i asked her, huh? so fast can deliver meh? u call him come? she say she is nt happy with the readings...

oops, i sense something wrong, was shivering and panicking... i asked her, wats the prob... she said, bb might be in distress cos heartbeat suddenly dropped and faint readings, dun wana take any risk, so called my gynae..

he arrived in a short while, came and check me, wah.. he say cannot, cervix stil nt dilating enuff, need to opt, ask my husband to come and stand beside him as he burst my waterbag i think... he say, see, bb poo a bit inside me liao, need to opt la, dun take any risk...i was already very scared and keep repeating prayers in my mind and said.. pls save my bb, pls save my bb....

next min, i was pushed to the OT.. nurse asked me sign a form , was under GA cos no time for epi liao... i remember i vomitted durin the opt or after the opt.. was half past 6 lor.. keep on hearing the doc callin my name and askin me to wake up .... then i jus blur blur open my eyes and all...

next thing i knw, i was pushed back to the ward liao... i can hear my husband talking to me.. say, already saw the bb, very cute... i was so relieved.. remembered asking him, "is he ok? 10 toes? 10 fingers? eyes? birthmark? weight? ok?

haha... then after that, i think i doze off liao... until bb was pushed in, i saw him , immed i was awake then on BFing liao...

wah, the whole process was like a drama to me lor... luckily all is well now..me now stil in hosp on TBF... he is a natural latcher lor... latches really well and giving him full milk...

now day 3 liao, tomolo then can discharge becos im csec... wah, the wounds hurts like hell in the 1st day lor.. couldnt even walk and get down.. 2nd day onwards, then can walk abt.. now up and walkin also, but stil hurt abit la.. on the binder, prob it helps a little... doc say gonna put on for 1-2mths...

tummy stil a little bloated becos of the wind... csec can get jamu lady to do massage bor arh?
i was thinkin of engaging lei.. but must wait till my wound recovers ba... think at least 2 weeeks then wont hurt? anyone there can advise? and my menses like a bit nia.. nt so heavy as 1st 2 days .... hw long wil it be flowin arh.... cos im on TBF...

btw, my baby weight is 3230.. length 48cm..
so contented with his weight as my doc est ard 2.7-2.8kg nia.. cos im small size and my tummy wasnt big.. moreover my weight gain was less than 15kg..

<font color="ff0000">Please kindly indicate beside your nick also who will be coming along with u .</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Dec 2009 Babies 3rd Month Bash!!
Attendance list:
1)Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby, Potluck .
8)Ling Lee
13) arisz
14) Lileen
15) eyevee
16) Anny Chionh
17) WeiTing
18) Cayenne
19) Ainsley (will reconfirm)
20) Juzamum
21) seveneleven
22) augleo
23) 1XMummy
24) Jeanietan
25) Lilian ( slient reader but will like to join us)
26)Yiqi &amp;baby</font>
Dear Mummies,

side track abit, can i enquire any mummies here hv recommendation where to do nice hair extension?? Can give me the contact? there's quite a few at far east but dunno which is good
congrats shokel!!

Please kindly indicate beside your nick also who will be coming along with u .

Dec 2009 Babies 3rd Month Bash!!
Attendance list:
1)Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby, Potluck .
8)Ling Lee
13) arisz
14) Lileen
15) eyevee
16) Anny Chionh
17) WeiTing
18) Cayenne
19) Ainsley (will reconfirm)
20) Juzamum
21) seveneleven
22) augleo
23) 1XMummy
24) Jeanietan, baby keith, hubby(to be confirm), catering
25) Lilian ( slient reader but will like to join us)
26)Yiqi &amp;baby

anyone using nuk premium choice bottles? any reviews? =)
Dec 2009 Babies 3rd Month Bash!!
Attendance list:
1)Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby, Potluck .
2)genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby, bringing otak (Potluck)
8)Ling Lee
13) arisz
14) Lileen
15) eyevee
16) Anny Chionh
17) WeiTing
18) Cayenne
19) Ainsley (will reconfirm)
20) Juzamum
21) seveneleven
22) augleo
23) 1XMummy
24) Jeanietan, baby keith, hubby(to be confirm), catering
25) Lilian ( slient reader but will like to join us)
26)Yiqi &amp;baby
Dear mummies, i received several mummies who have concern about potluck, can understand it’s not easy for mummies who will be coming alone with baby only, so may i suggest either we have a mini buffet catering, easier for everyone, we no need to clear up the mess or we assign mummy who drive or come with hubby to get just a few snacks for this time round?? Maybe we can order pizza, 933 golden pillow and grab some old chang kee stuff , prima deli chicken pie n pine garden cake??? As for drink wise, i have to seek miumiu’s help to grab a few cartons of packet drink.
To avoid MIA mummies after confirm, maybe we can collect $10 from each mother for the food?? Excess $$ will be refund or keep for next gathering???
I need advice and comments!! Thanks
Jeanie- i'm using NUK premium choice, actually nothing special LOL...

Genesis- thanks for the prompt response
Dec 2009 Babies 3rd Month Bash!!
Attendance list:
1)Shar()n Shaine, Princess Daphne &amp; hubby, Potluck .
2)genesis28, Prince Jaylen &amp; hubby, bringing otak (Potluck)
8)Ling Lee
13) arisz
14) Lileen
15) eyevee
16) Anny Chionh
17) WeiTing
18) Cayenne
19) Ainsley (will reconfirm)
20) Juzamum, bb jazebel, son jabriel
21) seveneleven
22) augleo
23) 1XMummy
24) Jeanietan, baby keith, hubby(to be confirm), catering
25) Lilian ( slient reader but will like to join us)
26)Yiqi &amp;baby
jeanie, i m oso having the same prob.
i nd to massage &amp; squeeze my left breast to yield more milk.
&amp; it takes a longer time to clear the hardness &amp; lumps in the left breast.
so, think now my left breast a bit bruised frm my 'torturing' liao...

milk frm the rite breast can flow out much easily.
gg, thanks for the link.
after watching the video on the 1st latch, think my prob is bb's mouth not opened wide enough.
thus, causing the "excruciating" pain on my nipples.

mummies, any ideas how to get my bb to open his mouth real wide?
mtdt, tt's how latch my boy too.
but juz tt his mouth not tt wide open leh...
so, in the end, i think he juz latches on the nipple, rather than aerola plus nipple.
sharon, im using avent now. think of changing to nuk. cuz the teats like not very ideal. he's using nuk pacifier. where did you get the bottles from?

when do we transfer you? im ok with your suggestion. ;) so looking forward.

linglee, how to solve this prob huh? call for a breast massage? cuz last time both are ok, flow is fast. only these few days then start to be like this.
jeanie, dunno leh...
so, hve been 'torturing' my left breast lor...
juz hve to keep massaging plus a bit of compressing when expressing...
Jeanie- i'm using pigeon and NUK bottles, NUK teats are definitely better bcos they design like mummy's nipple. U dont have to buy the bottles actually, just get the loose teats to fit to ur present bottles is good enough. I got the bottle at Kiddy Palace. ISetan sell too!! I saw it yesterday when i get the medela collection shell. ANyway Isetan having sales now, so can check out items frm there.

Re: Gathering
Will update again when miumiu confirm her booking and also hope to hear more comments from other mummies. Will follow based on majority
sharon, you bought from which kiddy palace? i went to hdb hub branch and they told me they dun carry premium choice range.. hw much does it cost?

linglee n sharon, i try to massage for the past 3 days.. still the same.. so mafan..
Mtdt, Ling Lee...I realise my latch was wrong after watching the video...somehow can't get the posture right, &amp; keep having to arch forward which is really bad for my back..

Gg- make sure bb body's is straight line across ur body and 'stick' to ur body. Use a pillow below baby for support if can... Can relax the hand too.

But hor tis mtd, v difficult to bf outside. :p I tot tis mtd only for big bust ladies.. Usu others will use those standard mtds then can bf anywhere or even while shopping.
