(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

hi ainsley,

can understand how you feel..my mil used to come 3 times a wk, before 10am will show up at my gate.. i felt soo stress...in the end i told her not too often..i had too otherwise i'll go insane..at first she was sad but now she's taking it fine..

Najmom &amp; Ainsley... at least ur MIL visit. My MIL no calls &amp; no visit. Best, gave me a pkt of chicken essence, 1 pkt of instant milo n 2 small pkt of blk dates when i was in the hospital.

mayb tis time round is girl so she bo chiap. or she heart pain i always spent her son $ loh. xp
<font color="0077aa">shokel, i went fer induction fer my 2 kids.. so is actually quite ok.. erm.. u intend to use any pain relief cuz they will give u one drug that can cause contraction ..</font>
hi strawberries, i guess i will opt for epi ba, my thresold for pain is super low lor... i dun think i can tahan the pain ba... im jus worried tt since, my cervix is nt yet open or ripe, gg for induction may nt lead to natural birth, then end up got to csec , like gg thru dbl pain ma...

shag... anyway, did anyone experience tt at tmc? i mean, after induction, nt succsessful, then got to emer csec? wil the bill be whoppin high??
shokel, dun worry much.. hope u will have a smooth delievery
Linglee, I wish i was too sensitive too. My MIL has veri old thinking de... and when i was preggy w my eldest at the beginning stage, keep telling my newphew and infront of me "ask aunty to give birth to a DiDi to play w u and everytime ask can see sex already"
ainsley - they come every weekend isit?? then must entertain them somemore rite?? beli sianz man..

cayenne and siri - i oso express from week 3 liao.. i feel so much better.. can plan my time better..

cayenne - y not u increase the interval from 3 to 3 to 1/2 hrs?? or reduce the level?? for the time being.. to rest ur nipples..
sometimes i tink we reali stress ourselves too much on breastfeeding and breastmilk.. sigh..
Posted on Sunday, January 03, 2010 - 12:30 am:   
Hi Roxy, pls update for me, thanks
Nick: Genesis28
DOB: 02 dec 2009
BB Name: Jaylen
Gender: boy
1 month weight: 4.6kg
Area: bukit panjang
shokel, dun worry.. ur bb will be come out smoothly n safely..

thanks girls.. yah, i think i stress myself too much abt milk ss, abt bonding with bb, etc.. so havent been enjoying any moments of motherhood yet.. really wish i cld take things more lightly n just let nature takes its course...
Miumiu, genesis. Nt coming le. Lol.. Usually is us visiting them during weekends bt nw she always say wana cm. I scare ltr bcome a habit of coming every few days. Then I v sian..

Btw, hw long the interval ur bb drink milk? Mine nw 1mth alr bt still drinking at abt 2 hrs interval. N last night was disaster man.. Every hour... Faint~
ainsley mybaby recently settled into a 2hr+ interval, night time usually 3hr+.. dunno if its permanent..i dun dare to count on it. but what i do when bb cries is to not feed if he just drank lss than 2 hours ago.. try to soothe first, if fail then feed.. my baby is 6 wk old..

sometimes the cries may not be due to hunger..
skinneybeenie, tt's why i abstain for more than a mth... coz dun want bb to come out earlier... ;p
but he still came out a few days earlier than expected...
roxy, u mentioned u store 240ml of EBM into the boots milkbag... do u express 240ml of EBM each time? if not, how do u accumulate the EBM n store together in freezer?
hi gals, talking abt inlaws....i very sian too, my mil relatives always come without notice then stay for dinner oso dun say. my poor mum had to last min go down buy things to cook.....mil say no need et, my mum insists cos wait nt enuff food veery malu....very tired my pumping schedule disrupted. Got a cousin bb due soon, the mum always come our hse kaypo ask wat brand of bottle,wat diapers we buy.....this n that, jealous of mil.....long story....

Can I ask those who wemt thru natural birth, ur wound still raw after 2 weeks? I still feel very raw n pain...
<font color="0000ff">firipy, I went through natural and my wound recovered le...
I don't feel raw or painful now</font>
ainsley - ha.. ya.. dun let them hav this habit!! or else u will die man..

cayenne - ya.. we shd start enjoying motherhood.. =)
<font color="ff6000">Hi Roxy,

Payment made for the nursing tea. Thank you!

To Account POSB Savings
207-29109-9 Daphne_Roxy
Amount S$22.40
Transaction Reference 2636121895</font>
<font color="0000ff">cayenne, for me is if I pumped say at 2pm got 100ml, then I put in bottle first and store in fridge.
Then at 6pm, I pumped another 140ml, I will again store in bottle and put in fridge.
Then at night when both of the bottles are of equal temperature, I will poured both into the milkbag and write the time as 2pm.
The earlier pumping session milk

This method is taught by my friend who bf for a long time. Just to share with you. Cheers!
<font color="ff6000">Hi Roxy, can you pls help me update. Thank you!

Nick: arisz
Name: Nicole
DOB: 22 Dec 2009
BB Name: Ashton
BirthWeight: 2.9 kg
Gender: boy
1 month weight: Not yet 1 mth
Area: Tampines</font>
thanks arisz.. didnt noe muz make 2 of them same temperature then can mix... opps...

valkyriegal, yupz.. tt's the boots milkbag.. and my fren who went bkk in oct helped me buy 2 boxes at SGD 10 only.. so i think shld be ard 5 bucks per box..
if ur gf can buy spare, pls help me buy 2 boxes too! thanks!
firipy, me natural delivery too.. the wound will only feel pain if i poo poo.. dunno izzit psychological problem.. :/
cayenne - what arisz say is correct.. mi oso doing the same thing as her.. as long as same temperature, the milk can be added together..
hi Cayenne, Thanks for the confirmation.
Yups, will buy 2 boxes for you =)
I think storing our EBM very impt cos for me,i do not wan my MIL to give FM milk so soon when i go back to work then blame it on my EBM not enough...
gt a qn....
1) my CL ask me to pour the ebm that i juz pump out mixed wif the ebm in the fridge in 1 bottle. is it possible? coz its like diff temperature...

2) how to bring ebm out and feed to baby?
my baby tends to throw up milk when i burp him. sometimes a bit, sometimes a lot, such that i have to change his clothes after each feeding. any mums face the same problem?
hemmie, my baby threw up on my breast one time.. my god..

i dun usually change baby, just wipe his face and neck..

i'll be looking after my baby all by myself in the day soon! scared but excited. maybe will sometimes miss meals though.. so sad..
valkyriegal, do u mind to help me get 5 boxes also? Am using very fast. Till now already uses up to 4 boxes of medela. Freezer now no space. Thinking of getting a chest freeze to store milk.
cayenne, for me i combined the milk also n label as the earlier batch. For me i lazy, juz combine the 2 batch immediately aft pump rather than wait till same temp.
Hi mummies,

Do yr bb started looking for pacifier ?
Think my bb juz started 2day &amp; she's only 12days old, isnt it too early ?

2day, latch her then try to feed her with EBM but she didnt drink much. Try to burp her. Then she very awake &amp; started 'looking' ard. Put her on my nipple but she only 'suck' for 2-3 mins then dun wat. Try both sides. Then CL told me that maybe she looking for pacifier. I pump out milk, then try again on the nipple after that &amp; interchange when she dun wat becos might still hv milk. Was handling &amp; 'entertaining' her like 2 hrs......;p
ainsley that is also my concern that they nurse for comfort. Drink a bit then zzz. A while later cry again. So end up i let him cry. At times he super persistent, can cry for 1hr. Faint.
hemmie, its common for baby to spit up aft milk as long as not a lot n he is growing well. This will get better as they grow older when their 'disc' is more matured. Both my boys hv this prob. Even aft burp, sleep or play halfway also spit up milk.
mstan, baby hv strong suckling urge. Its common n calms them down. Tats why they will nurse for comfort. Its up to u if u want to gv pacifier. For me i anti pacifier. Nv gv for no 1 n dun intend to gv no 2 also.
am starting to get stress now as CL going back on thurs. Time flies. From preggy time, looking forward for delivery. Now bb almost 1 mth soon. Scary. Dun noe if i cld cope wif 2 boys alone at hm as hubby often not hm. Hv to juggle btw 2 boys by myself n my no 1 is hyper n very playful.
sandy transferred $21. pls check ref 2636323133
so getting new n old mickey set size 95. collect after my confinement hor...

lileen i also have the same fear. but thinking #2 still at a manageable stage where he juz drink n sleep most of the time. so it shld be fine.

mstan u gave pacifier? if don have y would bb be looking for pacifier? i am like lileen didnt give pacifier. for bb there will be wakeful hours where they juz lie there n observe the surrounding. so maybe ur child is juz idling around rather than looking for things?
manual pump:
mummies any1 using solely manual pump and output every 4 hours more than 120ml?
if yes, can share the tips?
i'm using maunal pump + latching on the output has improvement.
care to share more??
mushloom, my worst fear is when i return to wk. Imagine hv to rush abt myself to bring them to care giver plus my wk location is not fixed. At times even to batam or JB. Mar hv to go cambodia somemore.
hemmie: Best is change his clothes if its wet, lest he catches a cold.

alicia: How i bring BM out - put the BM in the milk bottle, put the milk bottle in a cooler bag. You can get the Pigeon Fridge-to-go cooler bag (i personally find it too bulky). I am using the Foogo cooler bag. There are other brands out there too. Just make sure the cooler bag is able to maintain the milk at fridge temperature with an ice slab. Bring a mug out for heating up the milk as well. When baby wants to drink the EBM, either go to a restaurant to ask for hot water or you can bring hot water in your hot flask. Immerse the bottle into the hot water in the mug, and keep turning the bottle to heat up the EBM. You have to keep turning the bottle so that there won't be any hot spots.

oh, I have another qn:
if i mix the milk &amp; freeze 240ml of milk inside the milkbag, den if I wan to use only 100ml, i defrost and pour out 100ml and the remaining milk, muz i throw it away or i can refreeze it again?
