(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Haha ainsley we in same boat leh my hubby also snor very loub somore I sleep next em also can heaR, then bb reconise his snoring leh, last time inside my tummy she kjck when hubby snore now we purpose make the sound she smile.

Wa calamari so good go so much milk , envy. Mi only have between 130 to 160 ml in total of both each pump.

Cayenne I also dislike my nil more and more, yr nil staying wif u? My nil stay in my had leh so sian.

Any mummies interested to go aerobics class or nt at tampines huh ?
Anny, yah.. I'm living with my in laws.. Before can find a place, I got pregnant le.. N my mom said pregnant cannot go view houses.. In case anything bad happens to bb.. So well, our house hunting was interrupted.. Now I'm so looking forward to after confinement so my hubby n I can resume house hunting again.. I told him I want to move out before we even consider a #2..

I can foresee if after my confinement n if I were to bring my bb out to my mom's place often, my mil sure will complain to the whole family n I sure kanna complaint one.. Sigh..

U Noe tt time when my family came to my in laws' place to visit me during my confinement, my mil kept carrying the bb.. Never even offer my mom to carry or something.. N my mom had to ask to carry the bb after like quite some time later, seeing my mil didn't offer her to carry bb.. N when my sis was carrying bb, my mil wld say cannot sway n pat while carry, else bb will want to be sway n pat while carrying all the time.. But my mil herself was doing swaying n patting herself loh!
Cayenne we looking for a new hse too waiting for hdb to release a gd place, then we can sell off our use and ask them to apply their own her or move back to their sho p hse.

Very sian de hor, nt only the way they look after kids different, they do thing also funny de. My mil did nt do a gd confinment for Mi too so angry and I Will remember tat forever. We end up cater confinment food cos dun WAN her cook anymore and waste. Time washing , u knw waT she did , she go transfer all the fd to the plates and wash the box cos she say WAN keep,p juz dun understand wan keep all those for wat, and shep wash nt clean still oily de, haiz cannot tahan, she really do rubbish thing.

Looking forward for the release this Tuesday.
Anny, cayenne, I m on Hse hunting oso. Gg to print out sum listings ltr to call.. Hope things can b done smoothly...

Anny, u stay in Tampines oso? Which area u looking for?
<font color="0077aa">ainsley, same here my hubby oso snore very loud.. when i really cant sleep i woke him up and ask him to readjust his sleeping position.. sometimes it do help

yesterdae my gal is super cranky.. every hr wanna milk.. keep crying.. struggle till near 1 + am then she slept.. *faintz*</font>
morning mummies,


i have the same prob as you, ss very low. pump both sides can only get 30ml.pathetic, this morning i decided to give him FM.Don't want him to get dehydrated cos my ss low and he seems like not gaining alot of wt.
**hi 5** calamari,I looked for a house N purchase it during my second trimester n I do the shifting in 1 week b4 my Edd. Tat time told my hubby I can't tahan stayin with my in laws,etc... So can't b bothered with all the pang dangness as I want to have a comtotable confinement time
genesis, so now you are in ur own place ah. So good.. I am staying with my mum but I prefer my own place though.

My mum ah, keep asking my IL to come.. sian.. My MIL is a nice lady but I don't like people keep popping up la.. Sigh~
Morning Mummies..

Normal to have imbalance breast la..

Snoring.. ask your hb not to lie flat... sleep side way... better to the left.. like us when we are pregnant :)... will be better..

Yesterday.. my bb too.. cry at 1am, then 2am, then 4am.. 5am.. 7am.. now finally sleep.. me super tire..
if i keep my EBM at room temperature for 4hours, do i have to warm it before feeding my baby?
sandy, funds trf

To Account POSB Savings
170-09588-0 sandy poh
Amount S$22.50
Transaction Reference 2634011712

can i have one set old series pooh 90cm and 1 set old series mickey 95cm... thanks!!
yunzz, warm up b4 gving baby. Why dun u keep in fridge? The rm temp stated actually not very suitable 4 singapore temp as here more warm.
mummies, does ur babies start to fuss n cry more as they grow older? Wants to be carried n hv strong suckling urge. At times dun noe really hungry or wat. Dun want carrying or suckling to become a habit. So let him cry. But he super persistant. Can cry for 1 to 2hrs type. Sigh.
roxy, u ordered frm ninewest b4? i scare shipping very ex cos it's bulky.

my nipples abit sore after so many rounds of pumping (have been pumping since day 5 (8-10 times a day) after i pop), anyway to smoothen my nipples?
Hi Roxy

I've transfered the $ for the milk tea to your account. Details:
Nick: From Knootz to Roxy
Amount: $22.40 (3 boxes)
Trans Ref: 2634194297

Will PM you my mailing address.

Yah roxy, will shipping be ex for shoes?

Yunzz: think sg weather the most can leave 1 hour in the open leh. Too warm liao.
thanks lileen and calamari..

i always switch on my aircon, so it's about 26 degrees...should be ok, right?
Yunzz, think u shld still warm up ur ebm.. Coz warm milk makes bb's stomach comfortable, n so sleep better? Juz like us prefer to eat warm food right?

Siri, I'm oso having sore breasts.. Been telling my hubby I wished to chop them off.. So uncomfortable.. N I hate the letdown sensation.. Really wonder how mommies can tahan breastfeed for so long...

Btw, have u place order for the medela accessories? My freestyle breastshield are peeling.. Now I understand wat u meant by peeling..
Yunzz: even at 26 degrees, I'll only leave it for 1 hour max. Usually books refer to room temp as 22 degrees. Play safe lah, since it's bb's food.
Cayenne: don't worry it'll get better. Your breasts will adjust and get seasoned to the pumping. After a while, guarantee no more pain liao
Roxy, share what you bought leh. I went in to see but most shoes are USD30 and above leh. How you managed to get 4 shoes for only USD65? ;)
Oh Roxy, I get it liao. Must check out then can see the additional discount. Any idea if Ninewest US size is the same size as charles and keith? Can't find the sizing chart leh.
juz brought my boy for third round of blood test for jaundice. doc says though jaundice level is coming down, if nx wed still look yellowish then must bring for another round of blood test. any way to bring down jaundice faster? i also checked with him about my boy sleep for 5h one shot. he says must wake him up lastest by 4h for milk. cannot juz let him sleep till 5h. sigh this is gonna be difficult man coz my boy is well known for his preference for sleep over milk...

calamari... i also shifted during my third trimester... when baby was out, he had his umbilical cord round his neck twice. so my mom commented must be becoz during the moving, they use wrapper to wrap round my bed so bb got his cord round neck... i don really believe it. coincidence oni i guess.

sandy my boy around 82cm tall. 1 set is 3 pc or 1 set 1 pc?
roxy, the nursing bra i bought the mid opening. Very comfy. I feel its better then the white cuZ the latter drop down is only like half way down. And its cheaper, only 10.30 after discount. Bought 3. Hehe. Today celebrate my bb full month.no catering. Just bring bb back to in law and pray. Will transfer when i get home.

my left breast also bigger..
Ainsley, mi stay at hougang. we looking for hougang , amk or more centralise area. which part tampines you staying?

This coming tuesday HDB will be release Hougang and Choa Chu Kang Flat for application, hope can get a flat this round. Last round we apply and our Q number is 957 leh no hope.
Mushloom: My Pd told us that jaundice babies are more sleepy. U can sunbathe him 10mins front 10 mins back before 9am and after 5pm. Otherwise can rent the phototherapy bed from hospital. I find sunbathing is faster to rid the jaundice.

Aiyo my greatest fear is the umbilical cord will go round bb neck!
mummyfel, i'm totally same case as you!! when reading your post, i feel like i'm posting myself as that's totally what i'm feeling!!!

ppl is supplement FM but mine is EBM is act as supplement....sigh sigh sigh.....................

i've transferred the $$ and emailed you le.
oh.. Forgot to update:

nick/name: jeanietan
bb name: keith teo
weight at birth:3.34
area: bukit panjang
opps... i never warm the bm before letting baby drink leh and also not store in fridge too. cos i tot only so little, and if they directly latch on oso not warm de.. :p noob mummy....
W Joe, if they latch directly from us, the temperature is body temperature ie. 37 deg so just nice. But if you express, it becomes room temperature range from about 25- 28 deg so still lower than body temp.
Roxy : Has just transferred SGD22.40 to your POSB acct, ref. 2634403926. This is for my purchase of 3 boxes of nursing tea, please check and confirm.

Also, please update for me:-

nick : Canopyhaze
Name : Iris
dob:01 Dec 2009
bb name: Kiren
weight at birth:3.320kg
Weight @ 1mt : No idea yet, will go to PD on 05Jan.
area: Bukit Timah

Thanks dear!
hi roxy, please add me .

nick: yunzz
bb name: Jaydan
weight at birth:3.6
area: Marine Parade
hi all, been super busy yesterday as it was my bb's full month, Elsie Kitchen's food is gd, all my guests rav abt it. We have ordered SGD12/head for 65pax, and we have invited 73guests, left a lot of food; but drinks, paper plates, utensils not enough, luckily we have bought extra the day b4. My bb's gift to guests to take home is from Le Precious, i must comment that the lady - Shannon (i think she is the boss) is very friendly and helpful, i've ordered two batches from her, 1st batch was delievered yesterday and the 2nd batch will be delivered to me on monday so that i can bring them to the office. The packaging lovely and cakes r nices, my guests love it!
Hubby and I are so glad that everything has turned out well!
mushloom... per set is 3 different design :)..

ok to give out cakes and full month celebration at different dates hor..

Btw.. those who have used Fitti and Pet Pet.. which cutting is bigger? I really don't like this Huggies S.. cut is so small.. can't cover.. and if I don't pull cover.. will be loose.. and if I pull scare too tight for bb... and will cut her skin.. so after finish.. will buy cheaper brand for day use le..

How's sweetest cake huh? The packaging very nice.. thought of giving..

vivi - ya.. mi dun wan liao.. i ordered 2 boxes.. u TT to roxy ba!!

roxy - i pass my order to vivi. Sorry for the trouble!!
no la roxy - now mi neber latch.. so my ss is 120ml without latching.. last time mi pump after latch.. and onli 20 - 30 ml.. haha

genesis and calamari - *hi 3* mi oso ted during my final tri to stay wif my in laws.. heng nothing happened oso....

canopy - mi ordered cupcakes for my coligs from http://www.etasweets.com/ET%20Artisan%20Sweets/Cake%20%26%20Cupcake.html
they all say packaging and cupcakes beli nice.. =)
