(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

<font color="0077aa">yunz i always on my aircon at 25 to 26 degree too

calamari, how come u can go out shopping>?? so shiok ehehehe</font>
<font color="0077aa">mushloom, my mil or hubby will bring bb down fer sun tanning round 8+ or 9+am in the morning, provided is sunny lahz.. she will cover her eyes... todae i oso brought her fer 4th round of jaundice check too .. is coming down.. so there will be another one on next week.. hopefully it will be the last though i tot todae would be the last...

anyone brought their babies to polyclinic fer checks?? i been there fer few rounds their Q are horrible!! </font>
<font color="0077aa">sandy poh, u mean sweetest moments cake huh?? hmm.. i ordered last yr fer my boy full mth.. the feed back from my guests were good.. so fer my gal this round would most likely order from them again
Hi ladies, anybody have any tricks to share to help baby to stay alert in the day n sleep at nite? My girl seem like a US zone baby, zzzz so shrag
Ladies, so for distribution of cakes, u all goback office personally? Got bring bb along? I'm getting bengawan voucher, so thinking if wanna mail them or not...
Hi Roxy,

I juz trf $15.10 to u.
trx ref: 2634756737
u still have my address?

Also, help me update my details...
Nick/Name: Alicia Cho
dob: 12 Dec 09
bb name: Sophie Loy
Birth wt: 3.115kg
Area: CCK
seveneleven i not eating ginger at all and told cl to put little bit for cooking oni liao...

strawberries urs oso so many round ah. my #1 oni 2 round then ok oredi. this one may need 4th round... heartpain ah.

ok sandy then can i get 1 set old mickey design 1 set new mickey design? u mention size 90 ok for my son huh... ok la.. get size 90. juz to double confirm his ht is 82 cm. u let me know ur acct no again and the amt to transfer ok.
shaine, ur baby same as mine. Day how u shake n wake him he still zzz. Nite fm 10plus 11pm onwards eye big big, cry n cry want to be carried. These few days, day time also cry n cry want to be carried n feed for comfort.
Bz.. bz... bb looking for comfort.. now sleeping..

strwaberries.. ya sweetest moments.. paisay missed out one word..

muushloom.. ya if he is 82cm.. 90cm should fit him since you are gg to toilet train him now..

Old series is readystock.. new series.. new shipment arriving next week.. will then pack them together hor..

You want to self collect or by postage.. if self collect.. amt will be $21... to POSB Saving 170095880.. if by postage.. top up another $1.50

Gam sia..
Hi roxy, transferred $22.40 into yr acct for 3 boxes of organic milk tea. Will PM u my address (althou think u hv it previously).
Thks !
Shaine - my bb is also a us zone bb leh , every morning watch sunrise with her.....

Cayenne - for distribution of cakes mi went down to office personally but didn't bring bb.

Roxy - will send you email today
sibeh sianz.. my bb like can recognised pple.. whenever my MIL handles him, he's ok.. i'm a mommy tt's jealous my bb prefers my MIL over me.. sighz..
Lilian &amp; Anny- very shrag hor, now I trying to wake up on the day n play with her so that at nite she will feel tired and sleep!
Any mummies got other remedy?
hi, im overdue le lei.. doc wana induce me, i reme some mummy here say love making can help with bring contractions naturally hor.. *blush*

then hor, anyone tried here? need to shoot in isiit arh? hehe... abit ra here..paiseh...
shaine, they need sometime to get use to the day n nite routine. But heard that there r some tat take a long time. Hope ours r fast. Else i want to faint le. In the day only aft bathing he will be awake for a while. Aft that then cranky, cry, feed then zzz. Seems like he getting more cranky recently also. Wants to be carried always. Tired, cannot imagine going thru this process again aft regaining more freedom aft no 1 grow older. But i still like to see them sleep. Look so cute n like angel.
Just finished pumping.. Sigh, feeling bruised again.. I wonder have I been expressing correctly.. My sis said she enjoyed expressing.. But I find it dreadful.. Infact I'm dreadful of anything tt has to do with my breasts..
n seeing ss going down despite my breasts working so hard, i'm feeling even worse.. Sighz..
Lileen- Hmmm in that case my girl is better, she wake up in the morning and afternoon for a while then alert thru evening ard 7pm to around 3am :p These few days i keep disturbing her so now she can sleep at around 10plus at nite haha...
Anyway hope our babies will switch back to local timing soon, hehe..
shokel, i tried the method before but it didnt work for me. I was induce too. yes, muz shoot inside. haha. u can try...but i was told that if ur cervix is not ready or open den no matter wat method u try oso wont work one....but no harm trying ya, ur hubby will love it...last chance b4 delivery. =p
cayenne, i also feel like you. plus after every pump, nipples super sore. pain pain argh.. sometimes really feel like giving up.. so damn tired lor.. now i see the pump i unhappy liao.. but no choice.. since its good for baby.. im getting more lazy, from 5 pumps a day, drop to 4, now is 3 pumps a day... haiz.. gotta work harder...
Mummies, don't know why, but baby is fussy at my right side if I use football hold. She will only suckle well if I put her on right side first when she is very hungry. Even then, she'll suckle for shorter period of time before getting fussy. End up I got to use cradle hold but I don't want to end up with blockage cos she doesn't like to suckle the right side leh. No pain on right side so far so don't think it's blocked duct leh. Anyone has same experience to share?
hey roxy, i've transferred the money to you..

I did my full month celebration yday and today..
tired! my baby too.. did so many entertaining..nv sleep wor

my buffet from yan palace and smiling orchid for both days..yummy!
my cakes from sweetest moments.. it was nice too!
Hi Roxy, pls update for me, thanks
Nick: DecMum
Name: Veronica
DOB: 15 Dec 2009
BB Name:Vanessa
Gender: Girl
Area:Jurong West
juz finished expressing too...
day 5 - pathetic 20ml from 2 breasts...
so discouraging...
ok... hubby said tt bb's mouth is wide open now, so gotta go &amp; 'pacify' him now...
else dun think he'll sleep... sigh...
Jeanie, I'm still pumping 7-8 times daily.. Breasts feel super pain n hard if I dun pump.. I'm reducing the suction power to give the nipples a rest.. But still feeling sore.. Sigh.. My hubby see me like this kept asking me to stop breastfeeding.. But I just have to persevere for bb's sake.. Dunno how long I can tahan..

ling lee, 20ml at day 5 quite gd already.. Think tomolo u can hit 60ml le.. Ur bb currently drinking how much per feed? Or u're latching him on demand so dunno the intake?
cayenne, how long u expressing? Maybe express too long already. Position of funnel may be wrong too. I hv tis prob also if express too long since we express so many times. Breast like bruise n tender. I apply medela cream aft each pump n it gets better. Also cos i may be a 2nd time mum so nipple more 'seasoned' already. It takes time to get over sore nipple. As for tender n bruised breast, try reduce express time n adjust funnel properly n dun strain of press against breast too hard esp at times when we look down n massage n compress our breast so as to yield more milk.
jus fed my gal and am pumping now... today will be celebrating my gal's full mth, having 2 sessions, 1 in the afternoon and 1 in the evening.
Lileen, I'm expressing abt 15-20mins.. N yes, I'm always looking down n massage / compress my breasts to yield more milk or clear any lumps.. Otherwise, always feel I'm not clearing my breasts n very fast will feel full again.. I always try to centralised my nipples in the shield so tt they won't rub against the sides.. But still feel sore after the pumping sessions.. I tried soothen my nipples by applying lanosih cream or bm after each session.. But dun really give me the relief kind of feeling.. Juz now I even need to take panadol to relieve the pain..
cayenne ur 7 - 8 times is juz day time or inclusive of nite time? if u pump at 3h interval shld be fine. don overpump leh...

siri so fast confinement over? wow i m looking forward to the end of my confinement but still seem quite long.

sandy then both sets u give me 95 la...
Mushloom, 7-8 times including nite.. Yah, pumping every 3 hrs.. Sigh, my breasts are really tired n I feel like giving up.. Especially when my boy dun seem appreciative.. Always waste my milk.. N I dun have any bonding with him, since it's always my hubby n mil feeding him.. I'm juz a milk machine, n while milking warming up the ebm for his feed.. Can't even carry him while I'm hanging my pumps infront of me.. N when I'm not expressing, my breasts feel sore tt I can't really carry him close to me.. Sigh..
cayenne, me also pump ebm for my gal, not latching her since day 5. but i do feed her, sometimes my hubby and mum will feed her.
Hi Ladies,

I had just given birth to my baby on the 26th of Dec.....
Wanna ask a few questions....
i) Any idea to increase breast milk? Currently I am drinking the papaya+fish bone soup and Fenugreek capsules to increase breast milk. Just started thus I have not seen any improvement yet.
ii) My baby seems like having lots of phlegm stuck in her throat causing her hard to drink from bottle. And because of the phlegm, she wakes up very easily especially at night. Currently I am supplement her with Similac Formular. Is there anyway to clear her phlegm?

My baby also started to develop small pimples on her face, my mum said it's normal cos they are now clearing their toxic in their body. Me too suggest not to apply anything on baby face but if this persist for few more months, suggest bring your baby to see specialist.

Try talking to your baby. My edd was 26th Dec but had no sign of labour at all on 24th check up, gynae arrange induce on 27th dec... Heard induce will need to endure pain longer period so on the 25th dec after christmas dinner, we went home to rest and we keep telling our baby I don't want to go thru that induce procedure ask her to come out herslef. few hours later, my water bag burst and immediately contraction came. and given birth exactly on the EDD itself. Try talking to your baby....
shokel, heard tt the mthd helps.
definitely the motion will 'disturb' the bb &amp; the birth canal.
no harm trying lah... anyway, it'll quite some time b4 the nxt round once u deliver. ;p
cayenne, actually i oso never keep track how much bb drink.
let him suck on demand.
then, express every 3 hrs...
but the nipples really v sore...
hi bluegal.. erm, i already tried talkin to bb lei.. hope he can give me natural contractions by tonight or so ba, cos i got to chk in tmc midnight tomolo and induce le...

hi ling lee, erm, my hus is a bit hesistant abt he *method * lor.. in the end, we nvr try at all... cos so many mths le, he is the more *safe* type, he say its dangerous ... hhehee... anyway, my edd is 31/12.. so its a few days overdue liao, even if do, also no chance to wait liao.. cos gonna induce tomolo ...

hopefully wont be so pain ba.. im so scared lor.. haiz..

shokle, jia you...
do enjoy ur last day of 'freedom' &amp; 'er ren shi jie'.

dun worry, u'll hve a smooth delivery.
