(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Oh... so roxy will pop liao.. hope everyting will be fine for her and bb...

She went for her checks huh.. and detected heartbeat drop huh....

Try not to scratch if don't want more stretch mark.. :)

jeanie.. infact.. my #2 and her #1 was born same year, month, date lolxx... different by 5mins nia..

sandy, i nv scratch much.. but once i feel abit itchy, i knew new ones coming out liao!!! wah seh.. you and SIL really so much coincedence leh..
ivy - must take care le.. rest more and drink more water..

sandy - ya.. she went for check juz now and gynae told her..
Jeanie, if buy those newborn one waste money cos only can seat a while. You can buy those for 9 mths seat til about 3 years one.

So because Roxy bb heartbeat drop she went emergency c-seation ah?
Sigh... in fact my #3 and her #2 suppose to be same too.. anyway.. long story..

Ainsley.. so early close liao?? Yup.. you need to inform your gynae you wish to induce nei..

Surcharge wise, mayb can call hospital to check..
Jeanie : Ya lor. You never get your bb scans also right?? Sometimes really difficult to "ren", must scratch lor cos too itchy le. My stretch marks on the bottom tummy, sides.. Wao liao see liao very sad.. Then the "black line" very black also. haa
candice - ya.. during check discover bb's heartbeat drop.. so must c-sect today...
ya.. y not juz buy those can seat till 3 yrs old.. better rite?? cuz not always got someone to carry lor..

ainsley - or u call the emergency line la..
Hi Jeanie, so growth spurt got any issue or not huh? Gd or no gd?
last week my bb's spine is lying on my back, gynae said not a gd position to give birth. This week bb's spine now lying on my left side, he said position getting better.
Candice: There are infant car seats and convertible car seats for babies leh. Before they turn 8kg, you are supposed out babies in carseat that faces backwards (rear-facing) cos their heads are not steady yet. Putting them in car seats are defnitely safer than carrying them in your arms.
sandy, oh.. she gave birth early?

happymummy, yah.. no scan pics.. scratch abit can la.. dun scratch too much wor..

twinstars, growth spurts is like bb weight will suddenly shoot up by a lot. but i think its the final growth spurts liao la..

calamari, you bought which car seat?

mummies, logging off liao cuz my sisters are urging me to play monopoly liao.. talk later. enjoy your evening!!
Hi, just popped in for quick look. Came back from sitex after buying a GPS device for hubby as Xmas present. Tired out but going out later for gynae appt.

What happened to Roxy? Is she and baby ok?
jeanie - haha!! cute le.. monopoly!! u referring to macdonald monopoly or real real monopoly?? hee!!

pauline - roxy went check and on ctg machine.. bb's heartbeat slow down and nid to c-sect today.. so will be gg for c-sect at 6pm or 8pm...
ur gynae check so late?? update us oki??
sandy...... argh..... i thought today is friday and clinic close at 1pm... cos my girl doesn't need to go to school. And today is Thursday and actually close at 5pm. I tried to call but nobody pick up the phone already.... faint
miumiu, my gynae check very late cos the other day, appt at 3pm, end up wait until 5pm so Dr Wong said better for me to be last appt, no need to wait so long. hehe. ;)
Ainsley... think you abit gan jiong le.. think normally clinic don't close on the dot.. try calling again.. if not call the hospital and ask them if you wish to induce tml.. how to contact the gynae..

Relax ya.. mdm..
pauline - oic.. reali late man... thot ur gynae so hardworking.. open so late wo..

roxy juz sms and say all is fine.. she gg into OT liao..
Hello mummies!

hope roxy is fine and she'll have smooth delivery! i've been on the move whole day today. Tampines ikea, then toa payoh, now bishan later hougang. haha. hope by moving more, baby can come out faster too!

today i felt pain in my tummy twice, but i realise its false alarm coz after i went toliet, the pain went off!

Jeanie, dr Fong estimate my bb to be 3.5kg at birth. he says still can do natural. just need to have very powerful contractions to push bb out. thats why he say i shld wait for strong contractions then go hospi. but then i also abit kan jiong la.. haha
wow! roxy gg to see ur bb gal very soon!

looks like we have a few big babies here....

ainsley, can call the emergency no. for your gynae?
sandy, siri, I called already and left a msg.. My gynae doesn't have emergency number de leh. weird hor... Hmm. I left a msg to them already. Maybe they will call me back on Saturday morning.. If really cannot then no choice lor.. Fate.. lol..
Miumiu,me nw at clinic waitin for dr chang suppose to have appt at 5pm but dr has to deliver so nw still waitin...feeling slight cramps n my little prince has been very active will feedback to dr c wat he said...
genesis - ya.. Dr chang is bsi now..wif roxy!! later mayb u can check out roxy and bb!!
wow!! mayb u r next in line liao!! update us!! Excitin!!
siri, ya lor.. go hospital and the staff contact her lo... troublesome rht? She is a very nice doc, only this very troublesome.. lol..

Roxy is still in OT? hmm.. hope everything is fine for her and her bb...
ainsley - ya.. the op is supposed to be at 630pm!! ha!

wow!! long weekend leh!! shiok hor for those working mummies!!
Miumiu,me nw at clinic waitin for dr chang suppose to have appt at 5pm but dr has to deliver so nw still waitin...feeling slight cramps n my little prince has been very active will feedback to dr c wat he said...
me went checkup today... bb weight abt 3.3kg... still no sign of coming out haha... waiting patiently for bb signal
gg checkup again next week... which is 1 day b4 my edd haha...
hi ainsley,induce hav to book wan le.i jus went chk up today.bb suddenly got growth spurt wor. last wk was 3.1kg. today 3.7 leh!!!! doc say scared bb too big cant go for natureal so he book for me sun induce, den if by mon still nt out out will c-sect lo. mus b my macdonalds hotcakes make my bb big. cos i had twice tis week hee... u beter book if u wan induce on sat, mayb u can try col the hospital n dey woll contact ur doc.
carol, wah... 3.7kg.. really big wor.. macdonalds really does the job ah? lol... I have left a msg at my gynae's office saying that I wish to induce on Sat. Tomorrow is public holiday.. You think the hospital will entertain me if I call them?
sori, me having dinner jus now. i shd tink so cos jus now i heard my nurse calling the hospital to book for me ma. so instead of having ur doctor's nurse do the calling, u can try to call 1st n book den dey will inform ur doctor. most probably ur doctor will call u bk liao as u hav a choice as to induce or not. hope u understand wat im saying. so long story i
typing hee.....
hi iris, ya my doc oso got a shock hehee
. he say eRMMM...... i tink bb now like 3.7 le. like he oso blur awhile den he keep laughing lo
iris, btway i had macdonalds breakfast twice in a week lo, plus ice cream @ nite dee. cos had craving for hotcakes ma. told my hub left 1 more week to suffer 1 month of confinement food. so he let me eat lo hehee....
hi twinstars, my edd is nov 28, tis sat, but my gal show no signs of wanting to come out le. i hav chked cervix twice le, not opened yet.
conratulations to mummies who have popped! so excited! yesterday went for my wk 37 checkup but gynae did not scan this time round so wonder what's my bb weight.... 1 dec will be on my ML!

genesis - how was ur check?? everything oki??

all mummies - roxy delivered liao.. wt is 2.645kg.. ha! small gal gal!! so exciting hor??

another mummy gg to pop!! einnoc!! her c-sect tmr at 8am!! wow!! so many hor?? !!

ainsley - mi actually working one.. but on AL since last week.. shiok... next mon start ML.. and next tue gg for c-sect..
