(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Jo - mine is boy boy - so will call bb: Tristan Tan. Chinese name is Chen Jun4 Xi1 (jun is handsome that Jun and Xi is hope that Xi)
Urs leh??

iris - wow!! that is difficult man.. wat is ur hubby's surname?? hmmm... Kayla?? Gabbie?? Leanne?? Tabbie?? Tammy??
miumiu.. still working.. gonna work all the way till i deliver... dunno izzit yawn too much.. now breathless... sighz..

me oso dunno wat chinese name to give my bb... thinking of getting a master to calculate, but my hubby's family think i'm being too superstitious...
Ainsley... ya.. I think she felt neglected.. Make sure that both hb and urself spend as much time as possible with her even with the arrival of the mei mei... so that she will not feel neglected.. and will not resist so much..

At her age, think she can adapt better :)..

Samantha.. that is a sign of sibling jealousy.. ya..

miu miu... you no need to consult Master or anything?
macjoe, last time i'm oso thinking of jiale... or jiajun/jiahuan/jiaxi/etc... but difficult lehz.. my husband's surname is Goh (chinese is Wu)... "-_-
cayenne leave few leave n rest lah... me at first same thinking like u work til give birth but now i gg to rest n prepare for the battle haha...

ya if hubby surname Wu then cannot choose those name... maybe u can choose the name yrself no need go master...
Talking about sibling jealousy, my #1 also super sticky to me lor. Think she can sense that meimei is coming out le.
Im suprised that most of you know about the giving pressie to your older kid. Cos i dunno initially, is my mum's fren tell her de. And also she told us on the day of gg home, dont let her see the one she stick to carrying meimei or she wont like meimei.
Jo - ya.. mi dun wan to consult any master.. ha!!

iris - wah!! Khor is difficult hor?? then u wan a gal's name starting wif Z??

cayenne - ha.. up to u whether wan to ask master or not ma... that is ur bb.. =)
My no.1 girl's name is Kayla and her chinese name is Jiale (androgynous chinese name hehe). My no.2 boy's name will be Noah and his chinese name will be Tianle.
Hubby and I are hopeless with chinese names and don't wan to see master also hehe. So my girl's name is direct translation of her christian name. As for my boy's chinese name, because i like Louis Koo, so I am naming him after him HAAHAHAHH!!! But instead of 天, i will replace with 添. Miumiu...u are right!!! ;) But too bad my hubby surname is "冯"
Sandy - coz im workin onli wkend and nite time den can play wif him and he's always at my mum hse so he's more sticky to her.. even call oso call daddy didnt call mi.. haiz sad..
roxy, genesis: maybe we can see each other later at the clinic haha. I am wearing this colourful top with black pants, shoulder-length hair with my ah lao. ;)
Samantha... I c... even then. I think he can sense the bb coming.. so the behavior will somehow change.. need to observe for awhile ya...

Like what most of us will be doing.. regardless of their age.. buy present for them and said is from the bb :)

But even doing so.. the insecured feeling in them will last a while..till they are ready to accept the young ones..

Mine took quite awhile :-(
miumiu, my hubby family very mah fan one.. everything oso must follow wat they say.. arghz.. they kept thinking we are inexperienced, dunno anything... *hrumph* can u imagine my MIL discourage me from breastfeeding? coz last time she n my SILs all never breastfeed... but i dun care.. i'm gonna try until i give up myself.. :p

macjoe, coz of my hubby's surname, very difficult to choose chinese name for bb... tt's why i tot leave it to master.. save my trouble.. hahah..
hi mummies, had lunch already?

i listen to my gynae and walk more. ytd walk quite alot and realise not much mild contractions as compare to nv walk.. weird huh..
Hi Gals,
I'm gg for my chkup later at 2pm.
Hope BB engage liao....

How abt the name Zenith for yr BB gal?

Did ACJ call to postpone yr appt to earlier?
afternoon mummies,

went for my checkup yest, 35 weeks. baby's head down thankfully, 2.6kg...but the head abit big lah.. size 36wks not engaged yet.. next checkup 2 wks...
mummies, I considering induce tomorrow or Sat. I scare my hubby cannot take leave leh. He took alot of leave this year already because of wedding, etc... How??
snowpear, thanks for your suggestion. actually i got shortlist 'Zenith'

ainsley, tmr induce got holiday surcharge or not?

me should be having my csect on 17th or 18th dec although my gynae suggest 14th or 15th. my hubby having a 2 day course on 15th &amp; 16th, so i prefer to csect after his course
Sandy, 4 dec.. but my gynae said I 1cm dilated and cervix soften. Should be anytime... But hor, if it's during weekdays next week ah, my hubby may not be able to take leave during my hospital stay.
miumiu-he's sticky to mi wen he's at our own hse but still he called daddy 1st.. ;(

Sandy- alrdy told my hubby to buy a present on behalf of didi to my #1 le.. but #1 need to buy aniting for didi?
jeanie.. lolx.. either you ware not walking enough.. or like he said.. cos you focus on walking.. your attention is diverted.. so you might not feel the contractions.... :) but doesn't bo ya..
sandy, before that i can feel contractions like every hour. but after i walk alot ytd, till now i only felt two contractions. -.-" weird right?
Samantha.. kor kor no need to buy for didi.. the young ones buy cos want to make the elder happy o=so that they can accept the bb :)

Ainsley... yup some hospital got this surcharge.. so you might want to call and check first.. the rate if any.. cos I know is not cheap..

jeanie..lox.. mayb you have juz that while walking.. you can't feel it.. don't be too happy yet huh lox.. then we might be able to deliver together le.. kekeke..
I did waxing at 36 weeks now 38 weeks there is a bit of regrowth. Perhaps I will wax again in a week's time.
I figured a bit of regrowth is okay? As long as the hairs' not too long interfering with the area, the nurse will not shave it .
hemmie, this is ur 1st pregnancy? u're doing natural delivery at tmc too?

i presume waxing regrowth not uncomfy? in the 1st place, i dunno why they wanna shave ur down there if natural..

sandy, coz my gynae indicated on the admission letter for the nurse to do a vulva shave on me... i scared the stubbles + the wound from episotomy + heavy menses will be very uncomfortable.. so thinking if shld wax....
Back from my gynae appt and did my 2nd swab test
TMC is so crowded today. Doc commented baby is big and my boy is still stubborn at transverse position, definitely c-sect on 12 Dec. Can't wait!
