(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Hi gals, I ask doc what u mean by bb engaged, he said means bb ready to come out, he said mine nt yet tho head down very long le. Been eating more these few days, but my water retention getting worse n worse!

Just sms roxy to send my regards, her bb considered small mah?

I was ard that size last time when I was borned, somemore at 41 weeks baby. Tink maybe my bb is like me.....small n petite but after that boomz....consoling myself. Have to wait till monday somemore for the check, sigh...
these few days BH very tight. and baby so active. I thought now she sld have less space to move. but feel like she still playing a lot in her playground.
firipy - ya.. roxy bb quite small..

yiqi - mine oso quite tight these few days.. but hope bb can stay in my tummy till 1st dec.. =)
yiqi - not bad leh.. mine is small. 2.5kg @ week 37+.. haha... c tis sat will gain or not.. hope can gain till 2.7kg!
i dun want a baby too big cos when i delivered my boy, his collar bone broke. and he was 3.3kg.
so actually dr caroline khi suggest tat i go for c-sect but i dun like the idea. so we r trying to keep the baby @ a lower weight.
ya lor..
it was really scary. His body so small but half of it was blue black. And the respond i got fr the hospital was really unsatisfactory.
Congrats to Roxy! Wa, so fast, yesterday still talking to her about Kate spade bags. Today she popped liao.

Went for gynae check just now. Baby is 3.1 to 3.2 kg at 38w2d. And I'm only 1cm dilated. Next appt next Fri. Dr Wong said next appt will talk to me about inducing if baby still no signs of coming out. Sigh. Don't want her to be too big too, wait difficult to push. :p
yiqi - hope u not gg back to the same hospital tis time round...

all mummies.. mi gg to zz soon.. dunno which mummy will pop tmr other than einnoc!! nitez!
Roxy congratz.. My gf delivered this am too. Was shocked that tmc was fully occupied. They have to use the premier room as a two bedded room. Some parents to be were pissed off when they couldn't get a 1 bedded room somemore.
Hi girls, I gave birth last thursday. Water broke early morning. Went to TMC after callng my doc and having bf and shower.
EDD supposed to be 1st Dec, gave birth on 38th week.. baby boy weighs 3 kg

naturally delivered without epidural and with vacuum cup..
My bb is chinese mixed indian. Honestly even at this point in time I cant tell who he looks like more. Haha. But confirmed the nose is daddy's and the eyes are not mine (I thot was mine at first) cuz he's got double eyelids but I dun have...

As u can guess I am here at this hour cuz I was up feeding him for an hour! He kept falling asleep at the breast. Bad habit.. sighs.. next week hubs is going back to work, dunno how i'll cope..
hi, skinneybeenie..

Congrats on your newborn..enjoy your baby..
Don't worry, woman are multi-tasker , you'll cope well.just need to get use to the routine.
Morn Mummies....

It been so tired these days... I didnt enraged a confinement lady thus keep waking up to feed baby... but still okie..

Birth story:

17th Nov went to gynae..he said water level is low come back on 21st nov to check again. if is still low need to induce to get baby out.

21st nov went back to gynae, he said still low . admit tmr 22nd nov to induce. ( i v surprise coz same bdae as me 22nd Nov!! i didnt choose the date, gynae chose... and it all becoz water level too low , no choice.. haha.. it realli so coincidence lor)

22nd Nov wake up at about 6am...(very gan chiongz, was thinking how is the pain like) reached MT Alvernia.. went for a breakfast.. then to delivery suite.

9.00am - changed and gynae came to break the water bag.

9.30am - Inserted the "Med" to help poo poo

10am - was on Syntocinon injection, start to induce.
No pain @ the being...

1030am- start to feel mild contraction.
We heard someone screaming PAIN PAIN PAIN!!!!! wah, scared the hell out of me!!! I told my HB would I be like her?? Very Paisei ler. haha

1045am- contraction came every 10min.
1130am- the pain came every 5-6min (omg)
(my HB kept asking if i want epidural. I said mai, "Lun" 1st.. coz only dilated 2cm)

1230pm- Wah. the contraction came.. SUper pain..
Buay tahan. I ask the mid wife checked on the dilate, she said was only 3.5cm. I said buay "Lun" liao.. GIVE ME EPIDURAL!!!!!

1.00pm- The epidural effect started. SHIVERING TERRIBLY!!!!! I cant even talk... I start to feel my lower bdy v numb.

2.30pm - Mid wife came in , check on the cervix.. was 4.5cm dilated..
3.45pm- i started to feel pressure @ my buttock. something pressing so hard , something coming down. pain too. i asked for mid wife she checked im 9cm dilated! she said baby head is pressing down. thats y.

4.30pm- im fully dilated, but waiting for my gynae, he had alot of mummie waiting for delivery that day....

Finally at 5.00pm- he came in n start.....my baby came out finally.

I very disappointed with MT Alvernia.. The nurse there.. came in any time any hours.. even if you are so tired sleeping in ur room, at abt 10pm++ they would just bumped in and asked u stupid question ( Mdm, do you want to feed BM tmr morn)???!!!!!!!! I AM SO FREAKING TIRED and was alreading dozed off.. she can wake me up and ask this Q! OMG!!! and not even this..and alot more.. terrible..

Haiz... Stupid

Sorry to interrupt. Anyone looking for a babysitter at Kovan/Hougang? Would like to help my ex-babysitter to post her services. She is a nice lady in her early 50s with more than 20years experience in babysitting. Her kids are all grown up and the home environment is clean and smoke-free. Interested, can call her at 6284 1137 (Karen) to find out more. Thanks!
skinnybeanie - Congrats!! tink u r the first to have a bb that hit 3kg!! haha!! ya.. usually for NB, mi oso cannot tell look like who.. anyway they change face beli fast.. soon in 2 mths u can c liao..

chantal - WOW!! actually u r quite fast liao hor?? wah!! scary man.. reali beli painful hor?? tink if there is epidural in this world.. we will be lost!! haha!!
Miumiu,my prince still don't want come out think he knows his room still not ready bah.... According to dr chang going on standby mode liao should b anytime... Weekend or early next week wor....head is fully engaged but he still arrange appt for me to c him on 3 dec 1 day b4 my Edd juz incase he said.he said he will check my cervix next visit if I didn't deliver yet as if he check nw he's afraid it would trigger labour. Will update again =)
genesis - mayb we will deliver on same day hor?? hee!! oki oki.. u update us on the next check.. mi gg for my check tmr! ha!!
dun trust the doc too much.. not that i'm not happy with my doc, but our bodies are so unpredictable! my last checkup on 13 Nov doc said water level still high and bb's head not engaged yet... he stressed again most likely 20 stg Nov, but bb came earlier than that.

luckily! cuz i felt like i was dying of pain at 8 cm dilation!

for my labor, water broke at 5 plus in morning, mild contractions kicked in at 9 plus after drip, real pain abt 12 pm. when doc came in at noon, he said most likely i'll only give birth earliest 12 am that same day, but in the end i popped at 5 pm + that same day
Hi Chantel, congrats and thank you for sharing your birth story.

Skinneybeenie, congrats to you too!
No epidural! Wow, you have to share how you endure through the pain with us!

Congrats, Roxy. Hope to hear from u soon.

Congrats to all mummies who have popped!
Im kinda addicted now, have to log in everyday to see who have popped.. =)

Im excited too, but my ML only starting 4th Dec, so im prayin Baby will stay inside until after 4th Dec... after i put down my work, then i will be all ready.Edd is 10th Dec..

But of course, "on waiting mode" now.

Hmm.. i wonder if Ainsley managed to go ahead with her inducement today...?
1xMummy - einnoc popped today.. her c-sect at 8am this morning... let's wait for her story oso!!

skinnybeanie - ha!! oki oki... dun tink too much.. bb out and healthy most imp... now is to take good care of urself and bb!! the true beginning of motherhood!!
i wanted epidural some time fter I hit 4cm as i could not tolerate the pain anymore, but the nurse checked me and said i was already 8 cm..no point to take epidural as i won't be able to "enjoy" it.. so i didn't take. that's the reason..

and throughout the whole process i kept thinking abt my late father for strength and courage..
hi skinneybeenie,
Oh i see.. well done leh!!
Yups, i think its all to do with the mind too.
I will try to be relaxed as possible and think of something to motivate me through too!

oh, Was there any 'tear'?
Btw, was it necessary that we remove the pubic hair below?

i see. yar, would love to hear abt c-sect story too..
Not gg out today?
1xmummy - ya.. juz do ur best.. but if reali nid oso okie... dun tink too much oki??
the nurses will shave for u... =)
ha!! oki oki.. will update u all..
gg out for lunch later.. after that dunno liao.. u leh??
miumiu,finally have a day of rest - im tinking of nuahing at home.
But may also go out to walk walk - my in laws gg to taka later. maybe i will tag along.
Hubby working today - so me veri bored.
1xmummy - ha!! go taka oso good mah... must go while we can.. or else after delivery no time liao.. haha!!
how come PH hubby oso nid to work? so cham man.. must be in diff country zone.. ha!
yar, i shd drag my lazy ass out of bed!
He same country zone lar, haha but his work no diff if weekends or ph one. tads why.
Give and take lar, otherwise next time no money to buy diapers for Baby! hehe..
1xMummy - ya.. drag urself out of bed.. today beli hot.. good to immerse urself in shopping center.. =)
ha.. true true... =)
ya today really hot.
later going to waterfront with PIL and kids. tonight they going to stay @ the hotel there cos this yr din get to go oversea due to the baby arriving. so MIL suggest we just check into the hotel and let the kids enjoy the pool.

yes tonight no kids to look after.. can watch tv or do my own stuff. lol.
carol, I got the number of my gynae from the hospital. Sms her but never reply. Don't think they entertain out of office hour bah. See how tomorrow lor. If cannot then never mind.. let nature take its course.

Chantal, congrats... and thanks for ur birth story.
I opt without epidural but duno can tahan or not..
Chantal, congrats~! lol, thanks for the posting, let us know what goes on during labour. Very funny! 22nd nov my wedding anniversary.

Ainsley, my gf say take epidural, very pain, dun need to think heez.
Ivy, my epidural didn't work for my #1 cos I took it when I dilated 7+cm.. Too late.. So sort of know the pain.. Just that still scare.. lolx...
ainsley so u not inducing liao ?hee.... btw u noe how long will it take to induce labour>? i stress le , scared pain for 12hrs or more faintz.
Dear mummies:

Sorry to disrupt.

1 Medela Freestyle pump (US set) + freebies for sale

Used less than 3 mths. 26 Aug - to date
In good condition!

Will let go the pump with these freebies
- 1 bottle of GNC Fenugreek (150+ caps)
- lLansinoh/Medela Milk Bag (15+)
- Pigeon Breast Pads (20+)

- w/o breastshield at $380
- with Preloved Medela Personal Fit Breastshield Size L 27mm - $390

Collection at Sengkang/Tampines
Pls PM me if you r interested.
miumiu, yiqi, my no. 1 was born on 38w5d. Today, 38w3d liao. Always expected no. 2 to be earlier but doesn't seem to be leh. I asked gynae how to make her come out quicker, she said have sex with a straight face. LOL. But she said some people water bag burst after BD but if dilate too slow, still need to be induced. Duh...

Chantal, wa, you very good, can tahan the pain for 2 hours before asking for epi. For my no. 1, the moment dr said induce, I straightaway ask for epi liao but good in a way, no pain in the beginning lar until 10cm dilated and they upped the oxytocin and super painful. :p
hi mummies,
my gynae gave me the same advice as pauline's gynae..sex helps..the sperm is the natural inducer...hahaha..

if at the end of sex, you get BH contractions means you've dilated..
carol, miumiu, i got the out of office number of my gynae but she never reply leh. Think she doesn't entertain out of office hour unless emergency from hospital. Never mind, think she will get back to me tomorrow.

But the natural way of induction seems not bad. hahahaha... I try tonight liao and see if it works. Then don't need my gynae to induce liao lor. lolx.
