(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

sandy, think nurse will shave me before i deliver... but like i said, i'm afraid the stubbles will make be uncomfortable when the hair starts growing out lohz.. heard waxing regrowth slower n finer....
siri: Dr did not mention weight but 2 weeks ago he told me baby should be about the same weight as my no.1...about 3.5 kg thereabouts at full term. Hehe, I also asked him csect must do swab test meh? He said yes, cos they will still need to break the water bag for c-sect operation and if there is any bacteria in the vagina, it may still infect the baby, womb and csect wound.
oh csect also needs swab test. so far my gynae never say need to do swab test leh. me now 35w+, next week gynae on leave and my next appt is at 37w+. csect scheduled on 38w+, dun know still got do swab test or not.
I think depends on your gynae lor, how careful he thinks should be. I have done swab tests for my previous c-sect too. You can see this article -> http://parenting.ivillage.com/pregnancy/pcomplications/0,,3q5s,00.html. Says "A cesarean delivery does not prevent mother-to-child transmission of Group B Strep."

So Iris, don't worry, think your gynae knows what he is doing. Perhaps because you don't have history of Strep B for no.1. (?) cos caesarean delivery low risk of Strep B transmission.
halo all mummies!! mi back.. juz now my frenz brot their bbs to my hse.. wah!! symphony man.. one cry the other shout.. haha! had pizza and chicky wings!! Yummy!!

sandy - mi back in action again! haha!!

ainsley - but will ur gynae agree for induce?? will it be more painful???

iris - c sect no nid swap test wo.. cuz bb wun be out from down there... =)

sandy - wax will be cleaner lor.. tink mi will wax on mon.. calamari.. will update u if painful or not.. haha!!

sam - no nid la.. bb too young to noe itz from #1.. itz more for #1.. cuz scared of jealousy!!
roxy juz sms mi say she will be gg for emergency c-sect today at 6pm or 8pm cuz bb's heartbeat suddenly drop.. will wait for her next update!!
hi sandy, i very scare later dr fong say bb too big then ask me csect.. thats why i hope he can come out soon..

btw mummies, did you measure your waist? i just measure few days ago for fun and its 42inches.. consider big? stretchmarks many many many liao..
cayenne - nid to shave as gynae nid to do the episotomy.. remember?? clearer mah.. hee!!

jeanie - mi dun dare to measure le.. but stretch marks reali a lot man.. sigh..
Ainsley.. have you call and check whether got PH surcharge?

Miu miu.. you not ard.. me so lonely lolx....alamak... nurse will be shaving you wor.. still need to go for wax ah??
calamari, i feel that its more painful to epilate than waxing leh.. cuz i got use my epilaptor to try before.. gave up half way. wahaahha

miumiu, mine covers the whole of lower tummy leh..
Roxy-take care.
Today I went to TC too. Now week 37, bb est weight is 3.3kg, seeing TC next week, I m scared bb too big difficult to give birth naturally.
sandy - so mi faster online once my frenz leave mah.. hee!!
but shaving no good one... cuzlike wat calamari say.. got stubbles.. beli the uncomfy... ha!!

jeanie - ya.. hope everything is good for roxy and bb!!
twinstars - wow.. ur bb is big!! but shd be oki la.. as long as TC neber say anything..

calamari - since u oredi not ur c-sect date.. then choose a date nearer to that and wax la.. better rite??

jeanie - my stretch marks onli out at week 36.. but suddenly a lot a lot..
damn sad.. =(
twinstars, maybe can try to cut down carbo? me also same boat with you. mine est 3.4kg at wk 37.. i also scare difficult to give birth naturally.. what your gynae say?
miumiu, mine came out slowly lor.. since the beginning of third trimester. i still rem during my second trimester ppl keep commenting my tummy small.. etc etc.. then third trimester balloon up..

sandy, wah.. then your SIL and you got the same yr bb.. mine is my youngest aunt gave birth in aug.. then dec is me.. cuz now at wk 37 est 3.4kg liao.. so im worried lor.
calamari - ha!! oki oki... tell mi if itz more painful then waxing or not...

sandy - roxy gg for emergency c-sect at 6pm or 8pm cuz bb's heartbeat suddenly drop..
jeanie - mine oso.. like from week 36.. like suddenly damn big.. my colig oso say so good no stretch markes at week 35.. chay!! then it came out at week 36 lor..
miumiu, jeanie: oh yah hor, cannot see cos tummy so big ...alamak, i face mirror epilate see can or not hahaha...

candice: yes, definitely must put in car seat since newborn.
Cos i think not waste money buy other car seat. So if dun put traffic police will catch hor even thought we explain to them they can't sit properly yet.
candice - cuz the head still fragile.. so better to have car seat to position the bb..

calamari - ya.. must have mirror man.. mi cant even c my V hair anymore.. wahaha... so dunno how messy or not...

jeanie - ya la.. my coligs lor.. then immediately got liao.. SAD!
oh man, hopefully roxy and bb will be fine. I really hope all of us will have smooth delivery.

I had cough sorethroat now flu, i hope im not having h1n1 man.
i think so they catch also got reason to say. Newborn head is no support til about three months. They because of this summon not fair liao.
miumiu, wahaha.. i think my there very long and messy liao.. will go for waxing after giving birth..

candice, i also nv buy car seat leh.. cuz i feel safer to carry him on my hand.. but i think its compulsory to have car seat right?
Hope Roxy and bb is okie.

Jeanie : Your bb really big hor? But hor i think bb wgt shld not be concern right? Is the head circumference as the head need to be pushed out first, then the rest of body will be easy to come out le. This is what i think. Hee. Actually i also scared scared. haa. Cos for my #1, her wgt is only 2.46kg, Dr fong said jus right lei. Now he said 2.46kg too small. Alamak. But luckily my 2nd princess is already 2.7kg as at last appt.
My gynae said no worries, bb is growing well. Seeing him next week, and will advise accordingly. bb head still not engaged. Think I will cut down carbo lah. last week tues went to see gynae bb is 2.8kg, this week see bb is 3.3kg, faintzzz.
Oh... so roxy will pop liao.. hope everyting will be fine for her and bb...

She went for her checks huh.. and detected heartbeat drop huh....

Try not to scratch if don't want more stretch mark.. :)

jeanie.. infact.. my #2 and her #1 was born same year, month, date lolxx... different by 5mins nia..
jeanie - haha.. ya lor..sure damn messy man... must be damn bushy... hee!!

candice - roxy gg for emergency c-sect later tis evening..

twinstarts, i think is this called growth spurt? mine 36 week 2.9kg then 37 week 3.4kg.. i see liao also wanna faint.. mine engaged already.. gynae ask me eat less..

happymummy, he nv say about head circumference leh.. even on the file also nv note..

candice, so you getting car seat? i scare only sit awhile only. then abit waste money..
