(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

sandy - chay.. u oso stay so far.. mi in the east lor.. sianz!
haha.. ya lor.. so many freebies.. how come deliver in hospital cant stay there for free when we need to leh?? opps.. choy choy choy!

sandy, one nursing bra enough? how bout the time when staying in hospital? no need wear bra?

give birth at cinema got lifetime freebies? wah.. free movie tickets?? not bad if its true..

i salute those mummies still driving. i tried to drive during my first trimester but feel my concentration level going down down down so i stop till now. after confinement, first thing to do is to have a long bathe, eat mac with cold drinks and drive ard~ all plan liao..
sandy, you at CCK? wah.. near leh..
my time is near? i haven do the admission leh.. later will dun admit me or not?

miumiu, free hospital stay? wait long long.. hospital cant wait to up their fees..
Jeanie, MJ is my hobby lor.. But not much time for it though. I think you better start timing ur cramp. Maybe the next one.

Now I am waiting and waiting and waiting for the sign... lol... Still pondering if I should induce though doc said I will most prob deliver next week..
alamak... miumiu.. u in the east ah... then bobian lor.. either you come up or I go down hahaha...

Hm... for me.. yup.. naked hahahaha... during the stay in hospital.. only get to wear my own clothes during discharge day..

For natural, I am not too sure thou..
jeanie.. you haven't do pre-admission?? Should gave you the letter le during your last preview?

aiyo.. choi.. not your time is near la.. your D Day.. is coming!!
ainsley, since delivering next week, then you still wanna induce? now already thursday liao.. very fast de..

sandy, actually i also tot of naked cuz wanna latch also easier. but scare abit paiseh if got visitors..

that time in newspaper got this msian mummy give birth on airasia. so she and bb got free lifetime airticks..
sandy, wahahha.. ok.. D Day..

i very silly leh.. cuz i rem last time i got say i wan 2 bedded de.. but i dunno they nv book. i tot they'll book for me.. till my last appt i ask the nurse what to bring then she say, huh? you haven book ar? then i also blur. so she faster wrote me a receipt? i still tot they'll do for me. wahahha.. so she advise next week i go do the admission lor..

now weather very bad. rain almost everyday.. especially evening time. all mummies on the road,pls be careful..
jeanie.. the nurse should advise you ma..

You need to go over to the Hopital to do the Pre-admission... bring along you and your hb's IC ya..

N the deposit that you have paid when doing the pre-admission..

faster do le.. if not.. today you deliver.. siao liao..

when is your next appt?
miumiu, its at tampines.. later i see can psot the ad here or not... hahaha, no i havent pack yet!! steady hor.. somemore havent buy 1 more set of PJ and disposables panties yet.. if really go into labour, tink super stressed

u steady lah! buy so many le

hi ainsley
too bad we dun stay near each other.. my friends all call me mj queen also hahah big stomach still play till 3-4am sometimes
sandy, my next appt is mon. i think can tahan till then.. kekeke

roxy, you really MJ queen leh.. now 1am i already cannot tahan must zzz liao..
roxy - tampines?? oki oki.. mayb mi will go tampines ikea then c wil drop by or not.. ha!!
wat time is ur check??
ya.. faster buy la!! mi gan jiong for u man!!

wow.. our Dec MTBs so many MJ queens man!!

ainsley - damn good idea wo.. i like St Regis!!

jeanie - wah!! u plan so far ahead liao?? dun tink mi can reali cut 100% cold drinks during confinement lor..
jeanie - tink u can lah.. next mon.. wah.. mine is sat.. itz 11 days from my last check-up.. like damn long man.. sigh... cant wait!!
miumiu, i'll try to cut 100% cold drinks during confinement.. cuz i realise doing a good confinement really helps to recover our body well.. so must endure!!! and must tahan dun drink water if not will have wind. so planning ahead motivates me..
miumiu, but one thing i cannot give in is dun wash hair and shower. i hope to shower everyday.. unless the weather is soooo cooling that i dun pespire which i think its impossible.. endure a month dun drink cold water la.. its really good for you..
miumiu... have to ya...

Like what old folk said.. you don't do properly.. when you are old... you will regret.. too late le..

Juz.. tong for one month la.
jeanie - ya.. mi sure bathe.. tink more hygenic.. esp if we reali breastfeed.. so must be clean for bb..

sandy - but my mil says 40 days man.. so long.. not 1 mth lor.. sianz..
Roxy, ya lor.. You stay so far.. Jurong leh.. If not, we can meet every week for MJ while our kids can play together...

Jeanie, doc estimate next week but the waiting game is very torturing.. haha...
miumiu... your MIL Cantonese huh..

For me I only do 30days... and I follow strictly... no shampoo.. bathe with the herbs lor..

BF.. you juz need to wipe the area clean la..kekekeke....
miumiu, aiyah, during the last 10 days can sip abit la.. hehe..

i see my mum is really a good example. cuz she last time nv do her confinement properly, she now got abit of prob.. so she starts to take some supplements and her health gets better..
sandy - she is not cantonese le.. then mi must tell her again.. 30 days oredi so long.. how to tahan for 40 days.. siao siao..
ainsley, im also in the waiting game.. just relax la.. worse, my doc nv even estimate yet..

sandy, can share how you endure no shampoo for one month? use powder? will very greasy or not? after tt will drop alot of hair huh?
My twinnies are doing well, they are growing heavier too boy at 2.3kg+ and girl at 2.2kg+, might be 2.7kg or more by the time i deliver them as my weight increase 4kg last 2 weeks. i dun grow fat except my tummy is pointing out more and breast getting bigger have to change my 36c to 38c... And keep buying bigger tops. So i just bought cheap tops for my last trimester since i'm on hl leave since 29th.
And my complete full term is 37week 2days, if i deliver on 7dec.. So wont have xmas babies..
juliana - wow!! good wt for ur twinnies!! =) 7dec beli fast man!! YEAH!

Jeanie - ha!! ya.. mi will neg wif her.. then mi will try to cut cold drinks!! hee!! mi say say nia!!
Jeanie, I sure cannot endure no bathe, no washing hair, etc but during the hospital stay I will be only using dry shampoo I bought at TMC.. It's about $14+
juliana, great to hear you're doing well.. take care and rest well

miumiu, yes. you must really really try your best!!! tts why my mum is abit strict in taking care of me..
Ya... use dry shampoo...

Hm... ok la.. for me juz endure lor.. and I tie my hair everyday.. so juz think for the benefit of myself...

Anyway, Dec, should be a cooling month for all of us *cross fingers*.. mummies juz endure ya...
roxy, the fox warehse sale is at old tampines rd? at wing tai?

jus came back from my mcdonald breakfast and checkup. actually went for my check up last nite (after bringing forward fri's appt) cos tummy upset, but waited for almost 1hr, gynae got to rush to hospital for delivery last nite. so went for check up this morning and bb is already 3kg at 34w6d! doc say this bb will be as big as #1 too.... next appt will be next week, gg to strap on CTG to see if got any contractions
iris - wow! ur bb is heavy! so fast must strap CTG liao.. ha!! we all reali waiting for arrival of bb lo.. haha!!
miumiu, ok~ i dunno your weather that side how but my plc here dark clouds liao. careful wor!!

sandy, good one. scare miumiu.. hahaha

iris, wow.. big bb..
Hey Mummies,

Me just had 38th week gynae appt this morning. Baby is engaged and doc says size is good. Now having a bit crampy feeling.. dunno is it coz gynae was pressing on my tummy then coz bb to move further downwards?

Anyway hearing you all talking abt confinemt, i got long hair.. dunno if should cut. later cut already i v "xin tong" leh.. haha

doozie, dr fong press very hard right? he everytime also like tt..

if you wanna cut your ahir, my advise is cut till the lenght where you still can tie up. cuz tie up is more cooling then short hair...
