(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

morning mummies!!

genesis and chantal - so good.. u both stay so near!! shiok!!

iris - u make mi drool lo.. mi oso wanna eat mac bf!! sianz.. gg to eat on sat morning before check-up!!

genesis - hmmm... go out wif frenz.. wash bb clothes etc.. mi mon and tues wash bb clothes, bedsheets etc.. ydae went out wif fren.. mayb later go ikea.. haha!!
Wa, suddenly all craving for mc donalds breakfast! Mmmm....make me itchy itchy also liao! Wat do u gals eat there usually? Think cannot eat big bkfast cos eggs sometimes watery, then egg muffin got ham...so only can eat pancakes or sausage muffin??
Hehehe...miu miu...me also. Like keep washing bb stuff, can never finish leh! Also meet up w frens b4 we have to stay home confinement. Went pregos yesterday, shiok man...esp the huge mud pie dessert!
shan, sorry to hear abt ur loss... pls be strong n take care

morning mummies!

hi ainsley
woah, play mj!! envious!! im also playing at least once/twice every weekend, hubby says u better play more.. bb come out, got 2 to handle no more mj for u!! :p

wow, everyone is on ML le, im prob only starting next week... later go see gynae see wat he says
So good!!! All of you on AL and ML liao!! Me still struggling at work...

Robinson having 2 day private sale (started yesterday). Good for any last minute purchases. Avent etc all 20% off..end up buying their bb wash though I already bot the california bb wash..
GG - a little ham is oki la.. mi like hotcakes.. big bf eggs not watery at all lah.. so yummy!!

roxy - neber mind.. onli today and tmr left.. then itz next week liao.. beli the fast!!
GG - isit?? alamak!! was at orchard ydae.. sianz.. but i tink not buyin anything liao.. haha..

is the breastfren pillow useful?? esp for those wif c-sect??
Morning mummies, Had a great time playing mj last night.. Was back around 2+am.. lol. My friends jio today play again.. but don't think I can. Prob Saturday.. haha.. Can't wait...

By the way, does any of you still drive? Cos my friends were quite surprise that I am still driving when I am about to give birth anytime.
Hi Miumiu,

Now Im wondering whether should I take AL or ML before my EDD... sigh! Seeing all of you relaxing at home...Im still struggling a work and forcing myself to wake up every morning. Tiring!!!! My EDD is late Dec, 28th Dec..but got a strong feeling baby will pop out 3rd week dec..heehee
good morning, ladies.

ainsley, i still drive to work &amp; ferry my kids ard daily. my colleagues were surprised tt i'm still able to drive ard too. ;)
Hi Ainsley,

Me! Im driving still...getting tougher into my car... my colleague also surprised that I still drive coz is very dangerous.
mummyfel - mi took 2 weeks AL then start ML on 30th Nov... u can take a week or two for AL to rest.. beli shiok leh.. reali..

ainsley and Ling Lee - itz oki to drive mah.. no meh??
Ling lee, mummyfel, Ya lor.. My friends said what if we go into labour when we are driving. I never thought of that question though. lolx..
Hahaha...I also never thought of that question too.. If really labour during driving, then we drive ourself to hospital lor! LOL!
heehee... I think I should put my bag in the car now just in case. Wahahaha
miumiu: I depended on the breastfeeding pillow for the 1st month a lot. My case was a c-sect. I could only bf with the pillow and with the lying down on the side position. Otherwise, the baby's weight will weigh down on the wound when you are carrying him. Painful for me.
ainsley - ha.. tink the pain will be so painful immediately la.. if experience some pain.. then stop at the side.. if on expressway.. find nearest exit liao.. i tink oki leh.. no worries!!
wah!! u back so late ydae nite.. can still wake up so early?? *pei fu*
calamari - reali?? mayb mi shd get one?? sigh... tink robinson got some good deal the pillow.. will go c tmr mayb.. ha!
gg... ohh but i didnt bring my robinson card out.. darn

Im gg to fox warehouse sale later... bb clothes going from as low as $1 per piece... will let u all know if got good buys

hi mummyfel
we should hor.. leave in the car.. i havent even pack my bag yet... lazy mummy.. tonite i'll go pack n leave in the car...
Good morning mummies =)

Rain: Congrats to you!
Enjoy breastfeeding and if have time, do come by to chat.

My leave starts only 4 dec...EDD is 10th. Intending to take 3 months ML then the rest will take slowly by next year...
But Im on leave tomorrow to see Dr Heng, do CTG scan and check out my Baby Faith - I pray she have gained more weight.
Going to a short hospital tour in the afternoon at ESH.
I suppose i can start counting down!

At least last night, i watched 2012 liao. Maybe its my last movie in the theatres b4 Faith comes by. hehe...
Sandy - u and ur expressway on the birth cert!! Damn funnie lor.. but but.. if not expressway then how??

roxy - where is the fox warehse sale?? WAH!! u still havent pack yet?? better be fast man!!

u all bring nursing bra??

1xmummy - mi havent even watch lor..
isit nice??
lolx... then depends on where you deliver la...

Orchard Road la... Hotel la... (hm.. not bad).. lolx...

But really is it true huh.. don't think so la..
lol... If baby's BC birth cert indicate "expressway", will they have lifetime waive of ERP?? lol....

Mummyfel, I left the hospital bag in my hubby's car... Scare later i have to go to hospital myself then cannot carry the bag.

Miumiu, I always wake up around this time but ah, around 11+am, I will feel sleepy again. haha

Now watching "Gong Xin Ji"
Sandy - alamak.. too late.. mi will deliver on 1st dec liao.. ha!

ainsley - ha.. DAMN funnie man.. mayb hor?? mayb will waive lor.. wahahah
since u watching gong xin ji then wun be zzpie liao.. ha!!
Last night (finally) i took out all my boy's new clothes for helper to wash. Realised I bought so many! 38 pieces of rompers and 7 sleepsuits in all! How to wear finish so many. So its not true that we will spend more on girls' clothes, boys' as well!
calamari - mi oso lor!! realise mi bot a lot for my bb boy!! scary man.. haha!!

ainsley - u damn bsi man.. haha!
hi miumiu,2012 is good. I would enjoy it if im nt pregnant cos its fast paced and exciting. So i haf to remind myself to calm down. Scully, give birth in theatre! haha

And yes, we shd pack our nursing bra in our hospital bag too.

I watched Gong Xin Ji too. Then first episode i cry already. (It reminds me of Da Chang Jing) Its a good show, will continue to chase when have time.
1xmummy - reali?? good?? okie.. mayb mi shd watch oso!! hahahaha.. wun la.. if u gib birth in cinema, then free tickets for life wo!! wahahha

how many nursing bra u bringing??
miumiu: I really siao. Went to buy 38 pieces same size ones (0 to 6 months range). Haven't even count the 6 months and above one. Cos I recently moved house, so packed into different boxes. Then now when I unpack, then saw the quantity :p

By the way, how do you write Gong Xin Ji in Mandarin? Maybe can rent the DVD during my ML, hehe.
calamari - wow... so many??!! haha... tink mi got 40 from 0-6 mths oso.. and mi still order from spree that havent send to mi yet.. jia lat man..

errhh.. mi dunno man.. search the webbie??
morning mummies!!!

GG, i did eat those runny eggs during my last trimester.. cannot resist leh.. not very often but eat more egg white then egg yolk..

genesis, im staying at bukit panjang too!!

ainsley, you very cute leh..lifetime waiver of ERP.. wahahha

i miss MJ too!!! but all friends like very busy.

this morning at 930am, i woke up feeling menses like pain.. i panic and tot wana give birth liao meh? then after a while, ok. 945am pain again.. start to see time.. then i doze off. -.-" till now wake up then ok liao. does that mean the time is near liao??
Wa Calamari,

You bought too many pieces for 0-6mths!!!! My #1 clothing I sold away all liao..left a few I gave it away to my SIL. : )

Where is the Fox warehouse sale by the way?
lolx.. not a bad idea wor.. then to give birth at Expressway and cinema since got lifetime freebies.. wahahaha...

miumiu..1st Dec.. still can ma.. Haji is 27th.. next Fri..

Bring 1 nursing bra will do la.. for you to wear home..

jeanie... *cross your finger*.. yup.. sign for you le :).. juz monitor ya...

Oh.. so 2 at Bukit Panjang.. near me nei.. me at CCK hahaha... faster jio 4 legs now..
