(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

sorry to hear ur story m/s confused....

my MIL told me before that she had a stillborn baby (supposedly one of my husband's brother) before too..

i helped to google, and here's wat i'd found from the websites with regards to stillbirth..


Will I be able to find out what went wrong?

The cause of a baby’s death can sometimes be determined by testing the mother's blood, examining the placenta, or conducting a post mortem examination ("autopsy") of the baby. However, in more than half of all cases, the reason why a baby was stillborn is not known.

A post mortem examination may:

• identify a cause or causes of death

• provide information about the baby’s development

• provide information about any health problems which will help your doctor to care for you in a future pregnancy

• confirm the baby’s sex.

A post mortem does not always provide a specific reason for what happened and this can be very frustrating. You do not have to agree to a post mortem examination. Some parents decide against it because of personal, religious or cultural reasons.

To help you make a decision, the hospital staff should give you as much information as you need. No investigations or tests will be done without your consent, and your views and wishes should be respected. You may need a little time to think about your decision. However, the sooner the post mortem is done, the better the information is likely to be.

If you decide to have a post mortem examination, you will be asked to give written consent before it is carried out. Depending on the size and condition of your baby, it may be possible for you to see him again after the post mortem. The staff should tell you in advance if this will be feasible and, if so, what the baby is expected to look like. If staff advise you against seeing him after the post mortem, you may want to say your goodbyes beforehand. You should also be told when the post mortem results are likely to be available, and given an appointment to discuss them with the doctor.

What causes stillbirth?

More than half of stillbirths are classified as "unexplained", which means that doctors were unable to identify the exact cause of death. However, there are some things that are known to cause stillbirths:

• a genetic or physical defect in the baby (when a baby's brain, heart or other organ fails to develop properly)

• ante-partum haemorrhage (bleeding) - for example, when the placenta begins to separate from the lining of the uterus (womb) before the baby is born

• prematurity - very premature babies may not survive the trauma of labour. This may be due to placental insufficiency resulting in lack of oxygen and nutrients getting to the baby

• pre-eclampsia - many of the 1,000 babies who die each year from the effects of pre-eclampsia are stillborn

• rhesus incompatibility - this causes antibodies in a mother's blood to attack her baby's blood cells

• obstetric cholestasis (a rare complication of pregnancy which causes a build-up of bile acids in the bloodstream) - the risk of having a stillborn baby is 15 per cent greater for women who have OC than for other women

• pre-existing maternal medical conditions such as diabetes

• infections - such as listeriosis, salmonella or toxoplasmosis

• immunological disorders - such as anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS)

• birth trauma - many stillborn babies die before labour begins, but circumstances such as shoulder dystocia (when a baby's shoulders get stuck after the head has already been delivered) and breech delivery can increase the risks to the baby, and problems with the umblical cord can cause a crucial reduction in oxygen during delivery, leading to stillbirth.

A third of all stillbirths occur when a baby has reached full term. Multiple births (twins, triplets or more) are at greater risk (15 or 16 per 1,000 births) compared to singleton births (5 or 6 per 1,000 births).

What are the implications for a future pregnancy?

If you've had an unexplained stillbirth, it may be comforting to know that there is no increased risk of it happening again. However, if your baby had a genetic abnormality you may be referred for genetic counselling to assess the risks and discuss your options for a future pregnancy.

There some factors that increase the risk of stillbirth. For example, women who smoke during pregnancy have been found to be at higher risk. You should take the necessary precautions to avoid infection from listeriosis, salmonella and toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, and try to keep yourself as healthy as possible. It is important to attend all your antenatal appointments. Report any pain or bleeding immediately, and monitor your baby's movements. Your midwife will be able to advise you on how to do this.

The decision to try for another baby can be difficult. It may be the last thing on your mind, or it may be all you can think about. For some women, there is an overwhelming urge to be pregnant again as soon as possible. Any subsequent pregnancy is likely to be very stressful.

Some women are happy to return to the same hospital and the same medical team. Others prefer to ask their GP to refer them to another consultant or another hospital. Some hospitals offer extra support to parents who have had a previous loss. You will find support from other parents in a similar situation in our community.


u can read more from the following sites:



M/s Confused (shan81),
im surprise your gynae did not give you a good explanation. When they deliver your baby, did they see the cord around baby neck? You should demand an explanation. I have check with my gynae before what are the possible accident that can happen, and like what pauline say, only still birth. Our gynae might not be able to explain cos they did not attend to your case.
m/s confused, i'm so sorry to hear about your loss. you should get your gynae to give u a detailed checkup to see what could have caused the situation. your gynae is a specialist in this field, how can he/she just conveniently say dunno what happen.
Hi ivy, the cord is nt round her neck. they have taken my blood and placenta for a test. bt result will onli be out on 26 nov when i see my gynae. My fear is they might nt find any result after all this test. Do not wish to do a post moterm as they have to do a autospy to extract some of her tissue to check. She is already in deep pain, i dun wish her to suffer more..
Hi shan...

Sorry to hear your loss...

Ya.. like tht Ivy mentioned, our gynae will not be able to explain... unless they handled your case personally.. and 'delivered' the bb..

I don't think there is any explanation to stillbirth...

That is why my gynae always emphasize... nothing is more impt than feeling the movement of the bb... even contraction is not that impt..
Hi Cayenne,all my pre-natal check are all find. Fluid and oxygen level are all gd at week 34. I hope the gynae could give mi some findings when i visit him on 26. bt i'm preparing myself for the worst that he will tell mi that there is no findings from my blood and placenta test. Mi and hubby have been thinking everything what had happen and why all this had happen to us everyday. I feel so guilty that he had to help mi to do everything bt couldnt see n touch the baby everyday.
Shan, can imagine your grief and confusion about your baby and you don't have an answer why she passed away. A post mortem may not give you a definite answer but it will give more definite clues. But since you have already decided not to do a post mortem and if your doctor does not have answers for you on 26, hope you and your hubby can slowly accept that a lot of things in life are unexplained. Speculations may not give you the peace that you need and may only cause unnecessary guilt. My deepest condolences to you. Please continue to be strong and brave. Hugzzz...
Hi Shan - sorry to hear what happen to you. hope that you can find peace with this very soon..

Sandy - I am using my 2009 AL which anyway I need to clear by Mar2010. I still hv my 2010 AL+CCL+family leaves that I need to use by Mar2011.
Hi shan... be strong... hugz....


I see.. cos we are allowed to bring forward this year leave to next year.. and to clear by end of next year.. thus I will be bringing forward all my this year to next year hehehe..
Hi Shan;
**Hugs hugs**..
Feel so sorry after hearing your story.. Hmm. i heard before could it be the baby ate its own feaces?? I think i read from somewhere..could be very dangerous when this happens. Meanwhile, dont think too much okie??
hi Shan,

my sil has the exact thing that happened to her at 30weeks. For her, she didn't even do her detail scan at 20 weeks, so she was bewildered at why it happened coz she wondered if she could have prevented it by knowing what could be wrong. Anyway, she also didn't get to do autopsy or anything. In fact, she has the dead foetus in her for 1 month as she was at a stage where delivering the baby then would harm her body even more. So, the specialist at KKH told her to wait for the foetus to decompose small enough so that it will easier to deliver her. We were all quite astounded by his advice but she went on to seek a 2nd opinion which also echo the same sentiments. She didn't look at her baby when she was born because it was already 1 month later at delivery. (I can imagine it must be quite scary.) In the end, she was induced to have a natural birth, which wasn't successful and ended up in C-Section. She is the only case I know of and it is very traumatising, esp when that was her 1st child and she was already 36yo then. Now, she went on to have 2 more girls and they are already 3 yos and 1 yo. So, take heart... it will not repeat itself. And till now, she has no answers as to why it happened either. All her test results came back normal.
Rain - COngrats!! so exciting. ya.. can boost up bb's weight after birth.. no worries abt that.. ha!! =D

Shan - reali sorry to hear that..*hugs* sigh.. take time to rest more.. dun tink too much..
miumiu, today never watch leh.. out in the morning for checkup and then noon has to give my #1 lesson... Maybe later lor. So sian, hubby working overnight today..
ainsley - work overnite? so cham man.. must be beli tiring for him.. then tmr he still nid to go back work or can rest for a day??
be strong ok. Don't give up hope ok. Meanwhile do rest well.

Anyway just to let you all know there is a coming baby fair at united square on 20 to 22 nov. Baby warehouse sale on 19 to 21 nov at 514 chai chee lane #06-06 bedok ind estate. Do check it out wor.
ainsley - wah!! so late MJ!! so u gg to play overnite oso?? haha.. u oso beli bsi lo..

candice - tks for ur info..
haha.. ya lor.. meeting my frens 10pm.. think will play till very late.. abit tiring though... lol.. but ah.. no chance liao... mayb the last game for now le.. sad.. lol..
you are welcome. Anyway i also nothing much to buy liao except diapers. Diapers at motherhood expo there very cheap but dun know how the fair at united square.Maybe go cheap it out if hubby free on weekend.
ainsley - alamak.. mi dun stay in tampines lor..

candice - oic.. mi havent buy yet.. must buy liao.. jia lat man.. will hav to buy this weekend..
Juz to share, Pampers NB and S size having discount at Lot 1 NTUC. S size, 2 packs for $33.90. NB size: 1 pack for $9.30. I juz bought it, and the store says the discount is only at Lot 1 and not all the ntuc outlets. Those staying near there can go check it out.
congrats, rain.

shan, so sorry to hear abt ur loss.

u take care, ok?

wow, ainsley.
play mahjong ah? *envy envy*
hmm... must arrange for a game with my kakis b4 i deliver. ;p
Shan >>>

I felt so sorry for u..
its very devestating for u and yr family now but its good tat u can talk abt it. Hope u feel better after letting it all out. I think yr gynae can and sld give u a better explaination than telling u tat he dun noe..

Hope u will walk out of this dark period soon and mean while u sld take care of yr health 1st ok..
Roxy, wanted to thank you for the freestyle after getting from you that day but was busy these few days and slip off my mind.

**Thank you so much!**

I have yet to try it...praying hard that it will be alright!
Alicia, Pampers NB was on sale last week at Tampines too but I already ordered MP NB diapers through BP so didn't stock up in the end. :p
Hi Shan,

Sorry to hear about your loss. Please take care and rest your body well.

Hi Mummies,
Carrefour was having Pampers Active discount last week. I stocked up my #1 XL and had it delivered home. I box-2packs cost only $29.95! Strangely they dont advertised in papers...
Yup Shan pls take care n dun think too much.look forward n things will b better!

Ladies....me on leave tdy onwards...all of sudden don't know wat to do....any suggestions or share wat u all have been doing??
Morn Mummies!!!!!!!
Hihi.. Genesis!!! Im on my ML too todae..

Ltr going for checking...

Go for Mac Breakfast?? Btw where u live?? mayb we can mit up mah! haha
hi mummies, sorry to interrupt, any of you looking for an obuba nursing cover?

I have one in brick red, gerber daisy, brand new.

Will sell for $30. Please let me know okies? Thanks babes! can email me at [email protected]

Hi najmom2004,

Not too sure when is the promotion ending. But many sizes not available when I bought them on Sunday..left with L and XL.
