(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Hi Wetcloud, Yesterday night I also experience sharp pain at the V. I guess is baby pressing down too much? After a while, it is gone.

Alamak.. he can say the same joke to both of you ah... kekekek... I felt he is funnier than serious nei.. infact, to me he always joke..

Shena.. no worries.. bb will be strong de :)
doozie, dun think its safe to take the h1n1 jab. cuz there's no significant proof that preggy ladies is safe to take. why u wanna take?

ivy, yah. stop scaring yourself.. leave it to gynae. they know best what to do..
annychionh, we got the same gynae? my next appt is next wed 9am. wat abt u?

wetclouds, my baby gal is very rough also leh. she likes to squeeze to my right side tummy and my tummy shape will be very funny... haha...

shena, ur bb is in Mt A NICU? my #1 when i bleed at 31w, my gynae actually gave me a choice to deliver at KKH although he only delivers at TMC or Mt A. he says KKH NICU is very much cheaper. luckily my #1 'tong' till 35w and i deliver at Mt A and he dun need to stay in NICU.
wetclouds, same same... my girl also.. She is like super strong lor.. Sometimes the pain can make me sweat. But there is nothing we can do right?
annychionh, now appt is every 1 week rite? did doc comment that bb is small? u gg for natural rite? doc commented that my bb is big.
siri, I think I maybe going Bugis for steamboat later.. lol... How many weeks are you in now? I think if bb in breech position, have to c-sect wor...
i wan steamboat also!!!! but how to go on a raining day and when my hubby got class today? me confirm csect cos only 1 yr gap diff with #1 and bb in breech position
all mummies i m back liao!! ha!!

ivy - dun b scared.. after anti-biotics will be okie liao.. dun worrie..

ainsley - wah!! steamboat!! mi like!!
shena - dun worrie.. ur bb will be oki soon.. =)

genesis - mi cant c u tmr liao.. mi change my appt to sat oredi.. sigh...
update us tmr on ur check oki??
miumiu, lol.. ya but ah, I have to settle my #1 to bed first before I can go out lor. Sigh~ So... late liao then I also lazy to go out lor..
ainsley - oh.. forgot u still have #1.. then dun eat steamboat liao.. juz eat something with hot soup.. oso damn shiok!!
miumiu, ya lor.. Recently ah, she is like very scare of dark. Her imagination going wild. Last night I went to play MJ ah, was disaster lor. Was crying at home when she wanted to sleep, saying that she was scare. Asked me to go home. Sigh~ Headache...
ya i try not to worry so much, just now cried cos talking to a girl fren about it. I told her everything possible one, i will get it.. im like a walking pregnant book.
ainsley - haha.. sometimes itz like that la.. sigh.. but shd be glad that there is someone looking after ur kids for u.. =)

ivy - ya.. dun tink too much.. dun be sad.. how many days of anti-biotics??
wah... so many mummies also craving for steamboat.. lol.. Later we all go Bugis to have late dinner lor..

Miumiu, hmm.. actually ah, own mother also can have conflicts in educating children. So I prefer to handle my kids myself. lol..
hey since so many of us are on AL/ML liao, shall we organise a steamboat lunch? but i assume most of us will be lazy to go out. haha
ainsley - haha.. we go supper la..
agree.. but still better than mil lo.. like not happie oso cant say.. more frustrated..

ivy - oic.. tink to be safe la.. dun worrie.. ur bb will be oki one.. =)
when i eat sth spicy will get heartburn too.

can i ask when did u all do the CTG test ah? i'm coming 35weeks now, going to do it this week. the test is to test baby's heartbeat or contractions?

how come the VE test gynae need to insert finger real deep in? i thot to check dilation is just see how many cm the v area dilates?
yesterday went for my checkup at wk36, doc do a swab test and do a V check using 2 fingers (he said is to feel pelvic bone) so far still ok not pain. just now went to a medical hall buy diaper realise huggies they dont have S. I bot petpet S size $8.50. Asked me to buy huggies NB but i said hospital will give NB size so never buy..just want to try out petpet first
Oh cos during e 1st trim they say can't eat dang GUI n i think they gt use tat in ma la base so I nev eat. Then during 20wks I got spotting n admitted, so my gynae warn me nt to eat any Chinese herbs. So ever since i nev touch any. So those bu tang I so nev eat.

L_L, i did nt ctg on 34 week. Is suppose to check hw active ur bb is n see if u r having any contraction.

thanks for your feed back

..yeah,mum of 4 also don't know right....some breast very engorged pump out milk also cannot come out..have to suffer for few days until run v high fever..no choice...i read that some ML can relieve engorgement... that's why i ask if anyone has any experience such ML..

hi candice/najmom
pls dun use cabbage unless absolutely necessary.. it will reduce your supply and try not to be engorged.. once i had engorgement till mastitis fever of 40 degrees... after i recovered, my supply dropped alot...

Just saw gynae.. didnt go fox sale... drove 1.5hrs searching for the stupid place n got stuck in 1.5hr pie jam back got scolding from hubby haiz... bb is now 2.7kg at 37wks, she is lower now but still not engaged... gynae confirm dun want to csect me le since he says she is growing well inside, let her grow somemore...i put on 400 gm within 5 days out of which 200 gms went to baby... seems that drinking those maternity milk powder twice a day now instead of once works well to let bb gain weight....
Duno good or bad news is that my placenta is still low but clear of cervix le, gynae is encouraging me to try for natural birth now.. im abit scared n excited now... duno how labour pains n contractions are.. better start packing bag
