(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

miu miu, i working at home now....but much more relaxing kekeke.....Keep thinking abt work last nite n cannot sleep from 4+am onwards... Argh.... My mc came too sudden, i still have things not done. Argh.
Congrats to mummies who gave birth!

You all talking about contractions and birth...I still got quite sometime to go. Heh

Went for my 34wks++ check ytday, bb only 2.25kg. A bit small but gynae said is alright. Should be around 3kg if I can tahan till 39 or 40th wk.
that's like 5 wks more...
einnoc - aiya.. bo bian la... these kind of things cant predict ma.. sigh.. u oso dun wan ma..

siri - wah! a lot of mummies having check-up on this fri!! haha!! so will hav a lot of updates on that day!
Yiqi, yah me too, got backache but I have headache frequently also...quite irritating!

Ainsley, you mean around 34 wks, your bb is 2.25kg then at 36+wk grow to 2.6kg?

From my 32+wk - 34+wk, I gain around 2kg but bb only gain 200g....piangz!
hey i had super backache too...No matter wat i do also doesn't go away.... n i wake up automatically at 4+am/5+am then cannot sleep le....But i just lied on bed till 6+ till i fall asleep again. I wonder if tat will be my bb's feeding timing when he is born. heehee...
Thanks miumiu n GG, think I beta ask my gynae next wk when I go for my appt. I oso washed 2nd batch of clothes le. I think I still got a few more rounds to go ...
arisz, ya.. my bb grew 400g in 2 weeks. I also.. lucky all the weight goes to her.. hehe... her head circumference is now 32cm..
arisz, my bb also leh. from 1.9kg to 2.2kg then from 2.2kg to 2.6 kg. so by next week, should be around 3kg.. just nice for delivery i guess.. But i realise I put on lesser weight for this last month..
Hi Dec Mummies!

Im back in the forum! kinda out of action for super long.

Jeanie, Sandy -
are you both having Dr Fong CW as your gynae? me too! im approaching my 38wk this fri. Baby is engaged and already 3.1 kg. gynae says baby is big and ask me to cut down on carbo!
haha.. i thot its normal to have more discharge? because we are aroused? oops..

as for formula milk powder, does the hospital give away samples? if we wanna TBF, then no need to buy a tin ba.. just get some samples from hospitals in case baby does not latch on?
miumiu, I also don't know leh.. I think my bb is only average weight but I think it's ok for my frame bah. hehe.. My #1 was 3.1kg when she was born. Doc said considered big for my frame..
hi doozie, yes. sandy and I and happymummy are all with Dr fong.. im approaching wk 37 this fri and during my wk36 scan, bb more then 3 kg le. but he nv ask me cut down carbo.. maybe cuz you're skinny?

vivi, i think its normal to have more discharge. cuz im experiencing it.. but definitely not aroused.. cant rem the aroused feeling liao.:x
jeanie - mi going to zz soon liao.. cuz dunno y tonite damn tired.. hee!! nite to u first if u dun c my reply later... =)
Ainsley, then I hope I'm like you leh...bb gain 400g in 2 wks! I wonder what should I eat to achieve that goal and yet praying that the extra pile doesn't come to me instead! I think 3kg is a good weight leh...not too big and not too small!
morning mommies, haha.. i mean after the gynae does the VE.. he'll put his finger in right? that's why have more discharge?
Hi anny..

Me into my 35weeks le..

Hm.. salbutamol.. is 'ang tai' pills.. cos mine is caesar.. need to wait till 38weeks before I can deliver my bb... my gynae is one who doesn't encourage pre-term delivery..
Ainsley, ard 3kg is a good weight at birth, not too big not too small. Yesterday attended the TMC doc talk and he also say nowadays people not like old days wan very big bb at birth, which is very tough on mummies and some will tear badly.
Hi Sandy, I see.better not to have a pre term delivery also.

Mi going for my gynae app after wk hope bb grow bigger ;)

Mummies, Mi now always have the urge to go toliet but nthing will cum out. do you all have this kind of feeling?
Jo, the touch is like kitchen towel leh. I dunno is it after put in water will be better. Looks like it is meant to be disposable, use a few times can throw liao. Very cheap, I think 6 or 7pcs in a pack, $3.80. Is very different from wat we buy from babymall. But highly recommended by TMC course trainers..
hi einnoc
Im not sure whether the dates are good for all babies or only for me n hubby cause we did give the master our ba zi also.... im asking my gal be good and stay inside till 3rd dec when i will be 39wk1d then i'll take her out.. if she decides to come out earlier, its also ok, let her choose her own fate

hi miumiu
Seeing tc tmr.. if he dun want csect me next mon, then i'll ask for 3rd dec... in meantime if i go into labour (which i duno how it feels like heee cause no1 was csect at wk37) then let her choose own date... getting excited le keke

re: tmc washcloth
I used it for no1 and didnt really like it....i tink normal hankies can le... no need the washcloth
morning mummies!!

Anny and Jo - tink you both may have UTI.. go c doc liao.. drink more water and cranberry juice.. helps to prevent UTI...

roxy - ha.. oki.. exciting man.. juz let it be natural best man... then mi will be earlier than u liao.. haha!! update us tmr!!
gg: the TMC washcloths feels rough when dry. When its in water, its very soft. Much softer than normal hankies. I generally use 1 for about 2 weeks and throw.
jo - ha! but still good to drink more water!!

later mi gg ion for some shopping and lunch!! so happie!!
so fast mid week liao.. cant wait for sat to go gynae check!!
