(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

skinneybeenie- "hearing stories of how one colleague gained 20kg but bb only 2.9kg.. another colleague's bb also 2.9 kg.. and she gained only 10kg. so the weight gain has no bearing on the health. just eat well. not necessary to eat in excess" - this is very true, i have friend with similar case, so just eat when got craving or else old myth said bb will drool when born hahhaa...
hey shaine my colleague said the same old wives tale about drooling. i was like duh. which bb doesn't drool and is born with complete control over his/her mouth? ^ ^
skinneybeenie- haha just some old myth loh, no one really know real or not :p More like mummy's craving then bb wana eat hehe...
Hi, went for my gynae visit this evening. Baby Raelynn is 29 weeks and 1 day and 1.47kg so still medium size baby. Dr Wong projected her weight to be 3.1kg or 3.2kg at 40 weeks. But my weight is now 53.9 which means I gained 3.2 kg in 1 month. Faint! :p Both Dr Wong and the nurse advise me not to go on diet though cos baby is only medium size not overweight. Duh... Hope I don't go beyond 60kg for no. 2. :p
Wow Pauline, 53.9kg is consider very skinny le, i'm 58kg in 28 weeks, so far had gain 10kg

30weeks le... counting down...
hehe icic, but 53.9kg still consider skinny pregnant mummy :p hmmm breastfeed really can shred off alot sia... very motivating hahahaha
Shaine, yup, I lost 3 kg of my pre preggie weight through breastfeeding. But end up all my clothes too loose esp pants, cannot wear. :p
Morning Mummies!

Hey Pauline, I started the same weight as you... 44kg! And having the same weight as you now! 53plus plus... gotta wait till 2wks more before I turn 28wks... sob sob..

Weight gain for last month and this month is huge! Must be the mooncake fault!! Sob sob...
Bubble tea? Someone mentioned bubble tea...my favourite! I've been addicted to the chewy chewy pearls since it started becoming popular in Singapore. My fav is Honey Green Tea or Sour Plum Green Tea with double pearls! Maybe today after work go and buy!

And don't talk about weight gain already...I was 77.3kg at my 28 week checkup.....sigh....at this rate, I should be around 84-85kg when I deliver. MUST LOSE WEIGHT after the baby's here. We want to be yummy mummies, not frumpy aunties.
skinneybeenie: We must be yummy mummies for ourselves. When we feel good about ourselves, we make everyone else happy as well. Unless you are talking abt "yummy" in another sense.....haha....=)
RE: weight gain
i had been gaining 2kg each mth since wk 20.. gynae didnt say anything.. but i think this mth i will gain quite alot.. had been eating alot for my 3 meals.. ate even more than my hubby! opps... i had i dun gain so much weight until i cant go back to prepregnant size after delivery manz...

RE: water retention
i'm also beginning to suffer water retention.. noticed that i can no longer see the ankle bones.. now my feet look so meaty n bloated. had been trying to remind myself to lift up my feet whenever possible. does it mean once u suffer water retention, u can only stop it from getting worse but cannot rid it?
I wonder how to carry a 8.7kg baby in the tummy...reminds me of the the American mum who carried 8 babies.....cannot imagine!
hi pauline,

did the doc say about your weight gain? i also gained 4kg in a month and the baby is 900g at 25weeks.. the doc looked very concerned and say the baby is abit oversized. she said its going to be a long labour.. so worried..
Hi Cayenne,

I read the papers this morning saw the picture of the newborn...Wa!!! So huge! Look at the baby next to it.... what a vast difference! Kekekeke...

My fav bubble tea is Peppermint green tea!!! Arhh...craving for it now!
Ling Lee,
Try taking pineapple to reduce water retention, I had water retention too as my feet swell sometimes due to mcdonalds and fast food.. It also got to do with salt in take.. At this stage, you can take pineapple already. try taking 2 slices every week it helps (pineapple must be without any soy sauce or salt - local or sarawak pineapple will do, DO not take from the CAN TIN one)
My weight also go up much faster from 24weeks onwards...but seems like it is normal cos bb go through growth spurts from around 6-7mths onwards. Now about 59kg at 29wks. I hope to gain at most 15kg for whole pregnancy. Totally agree that Mummy put on weight NOT = Baby put on weight. Key thing is the BB grow well.
Cayenne, I more curious what the mummy of the huge bb look like! And how come gynae never control one? Quite scary leh..not cute at all!
Morning ladies, wow miss a lot of post. Just back from HK trip. Tired and enjoyable. My boy became a tyrant there. So scary.

Weight gain, mine also hit 10kg already. But I very bad... Cannot control my diet. Still keep eating and eating. This pregnancy crave for the junk and unhealthy food somemore

Heard some saying food reflexogy help to reduce water retention.

Is Aida good? What is her hp? Have not book any post natal massage till now. How does she charge and how long per session?

Talking about that are we still organising a gathering before we pop!!! Haha.
thanks, decmum &amp; jules.

well, my mum told me not to take too much water... sigh...
i've been taking like 2-3 litres of plain water a day, which i think it's normal. but she juz said tt it contributed to my water rentention.
then, have been trying to 'jaga' my sodium &amp; sugar intake as well.
now, with my tremendous weight gain &amp; super gd appetite, gotta watch my carbo intake as well.
but i've sweet tooth leh... so sad...
sigh... like no enjoyment.

jules, i love pineapples.
had been trying to stay away from it.
my mum said eat in moderation is ok, but my mil raised her eyebrows when she saw &amp; heard me taking them. ;p
even my hubby oso influenced by her.
but think by now, 26+wks shld b quite 'safe' liao, rite?
gee... will try if pineapple can really reduce water retention.
Manu, no not really as we only arrive airport at 5.30pm. It was only raining. We did not know that there is a typhoon also. Haha. Maybe that's why when we go to temple street NM, there were only a few stores set up.
Jaclee, too late le. My hubby bought Colgate Flax for me. But pretty useful. Less painful now. Will try salt method tonite. hee.

Hi fitti, i abt the same wt as u. But b4 tat i was almost 70kg le. Thus, i gained oni 5kg which i find it strange. But stretch marks have been appearing! Argh...For those who gained more than 10kg liao, do u have many stretch marks appearing?

L-L, tat time my bb was 830g at wk 24 but doc never say overwt leh. In fact now oni 1.3kg at wk 28. so still average bb size. dun worry too much.
Oh, the typhoon happened in the morning and heard it was quite bad....signal 8 then..but by noon, it dropped to signal 5 or 4 already...so maybe thats why when u reached there in the evening,only rain.....
wow.. wt gain huh! :p
my wt gain so far is 6-7kg. but i big size to start with lah

Massage - I book Mdm Ida. Also $50 per session. heard will hv baby massage too. and she good in clearing milk ducts. I v scare of milk ducts, during no1 time, i went to parentcraft 2-3times... can cry each time! :p
Mummyfel, L_L, gynae said my baby is only medium size so I should eat as normal, should not cut down lor if not baby will be too small. For no. 1, my weight at 37 weeks was 55.1kg. For no. 2, sure to exceed lor, hopefully not more than 60kg lor. :p
Hi Pauline,

My weight at 37weeks for no#1 was at 58KG! I think this time round also hit that range liao... : ( Am trying not to reach 55kg but seems impossible now..
huh jo, yr tummy bery bery big wor. but oni 64kg ar. No wonder u can walk so fast leh. gd for u, no stretch marks. I been counting them everyday

MTDT, i'm big size too. Maybe most big size women gain lesser during pregnancy? btw u have any stretch marks? i dun understand how could i have stretch marks when my wt gain is oni 5kg till now. Argh. N i had been very good and apply palmers stretch mark cream every nite. Yet they have been appearing! Oh yar, wat's milk duct? Stuck milk?
Mummyfel, when's your EDD? Mine is 8 Dec. Think if I gain just 2-3 kg for the next 2 months then I'll be safe. If not, just hope BF will help to lose all the extra weight lor. :p
Einnoc :
I think the stretch marks depends on individual body also. For my #1, i also apply diligently using the same brand as you, but also got some stretch marks, not obvious though but stil ugly. for this #2, i change brand and i shall see how, hope dont have lor. So far i have gained ard 8kg.
hi mummies,

went for my checkup yesterday.. in my 26weeks0day and BB is 978g! dr wong say he's in the 60th percentile..she din ask me to cut down on my intake leh...

L_L, i am worried after reading your post coz i tink our babies are about the same size and your gynae say too big ar.
Yunzz : dont scared me lei. Cos my last gyn appt at 25wks i ask him about my bb wgt, it was ard 963g lei. Big also ah? Then i asked will it be bigger than my #1 cos my #1 is only 2.46kg at birth. He said definitely.
Not to worry too much on baby's size I think. Nowadays more and more babies are above 3 kg. Some also abt 3.5kg. Most impt they are born healthy.
Lileen : Actually i just hope bb is around 3kg will do. Cos gyn ever commented my "there" quite small lor, so my #1 wgt is ok de. So i a bit scared though i hope bb is born at a healthy weight. Quite dilemma actually.

happymummy, u meant u gained 8kg liao but still no sight of stretchmarks? can i know wat's the brand that u r using now ar?

btw the heavier the bb is, the easier to take care rite? Coz not so soft and easier to carry &amp; bathe?
