(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

dear mummies. current takers for the cream:
1. jaclee
2. sharon lee
3. canopyhaze (paid)
4. genesis28
5. o_carol (paid)
6. maunited

if anyone is still interested, i can open up the slots. if not, i will go ahead with the order. multiples of 6 then will get to enjoy the 9.99 price. i will try to order today or tomorrow.
1. roxy?

manunited, its 2oz..
have included u.

o_carol, i got your payment. thanks!

roxy, if you are interested, u may lonbang me as well, but need to get another 5 bottles to enjoy the price..
if you have any interested takers at your side for the cream, u can let me know as well. thanks!

do pardon me if my response is slow, as i'm working now.
trying my best to check this thread as frequent as i can.

just want to keep track of the mummies that order the thermometers, here is it:
1. canopyhaze
2. jeanietan
3. o_carol
4. jaclee

all mummies have paid and order placed. thanks!
Hi jaclee, i heard natal massage can help to turn bb position but i worried abt the umbical cord thus never go for any massage.

Hi mstan, i was told to take 3 times a day(morning, noon n nite). So i was literally sleeping through my hols. Now trying hard to open my eyes.

gglee, 1.3kg is chubby mar? thought it was average? Anyway, i din gain much wt thus was relieve when he said my bb is 1.3kg. hee

Thanks roxy.
Oh einnoc, I was told to take once a day first for a mth thou &amp; the gynae will monitor further to continue or not.
U only need to take for a wk, right ?
jo, my gynae told me to go back today to take mc if i dun feel well. But the pain is subsiding thus, i came back to work lor. But bery tired now. Keep feeling sleepy coz of medicine. tat day, i was too panicky. Forgot to ask if my edd date change or not... Hiaks. Have to wait for 2 more wks then.

Hi ms tan, yup i was told to take 3 times a day consecutively for 7 days.
hi einnoc,

i went for prenatal massage twice, but they won't massage the tummy.. so dunno whether got use or not.. i think just let nature take its course at the moment.
Roxy, thanks for the update. Any way to reinstate your spree thread? Scared I miss out on your updates when I don't check forum regularly.

Jac, are you doing any spree on Motherlove More Milk Plus capsules from Lucky vitamins? I'm keen on that? Where do you stay by the way?
manunited : I bought the lansinoh milk bag from JacLee (1 box with 50bags inside
) for SGD19. I think she still has stock, do check with her.

Roxy : It's ok, has ordered the thermometer from JacLee. Thanks yah.
Hi jaclee, i'm keen to get the cream...let me know if u are able to get another 5 orders and i will transfer u the $....thanks!

btw one tub can last how long?? are we supposed to use daily?
hi pauline
Yeah loh, when a mummy told me that the thread was missing, i nearly panick as well :p but its there this morning already reinstated.. and I will keep all your email addresses in an excel file and send you all regular updates via email if the thread goes missing again

Btw, got a mummy who is in batch 4 (rayrachel) already delivered, hence she is hoping that someone in earlier batches dun mind switching slots with her.. if anyone dun mind, let me know i'll inform her... her pump is expected to reach 3rd week oct...

hi jac
Thanks for offer, im actually thinking of buying 2 bottles... but i have other things to buy from drugstore as well.. so thinking whether to join your spree or not
hi jaclee, suppose to massage tummy i think. Btw i heard some gynae do help mtb to change bb position nearer to your delivery date. maybe u can check online and ask yr gynae?
Hi janiz
Im going to buy 2 bottles (duno how long one will last) :p let me know if u want to longbang with me... see whether can we make up 6.. if cannot, then i buy 3 tubs keke buy n stock up cause im prob gg to use it as daily diaper cream as well instead of desitin which has high zinc content and not so good.. so each tub sure finish very fast...im ordering some roc stuff from there as well (much cheaper than sing)
pauline, i have not order from lucky vitamins so far, but i will take a look first k? i'm staying in jurong. i think calendula cream is a generic cream for skin conditions. baby and adults also can use. roxy, maybe you can enlighten us?

janiz, i think response quite ok at the moment. if you want, you can transfer first. i'm a first time user, so not sure how long can a bottle last. :p its about 60ml per bottle, if i'm not wrong. i think roxy has help to answer this question.

einnoc, i will ask my gynae during my next appt.

roxy, what you wanna get? u can PM me.. details and links. I'll see what I can do.

2nd set of takers for calendula cream orders:
1. roxy
2. roxy
3. janiz
California Baby Calendula Cream @ US$9.99 (exchange rate = USD1 to SGD1.5)

1st set of calendula cream takers:
1. jaclee
2. sharon lee
3. canopyhaze (paid)
4. genesis28
5. o_carol (paid)
6. maunited

2nd set of takers for calendula cream orders:
1. roxy
2. roxy
3. janiz
4. gg_lee
5. yunzz

Those who are already in the slot, kindly transfer SGD$15/per tub to posb savings 189-15805-0.
Second payment will be the international shipping charges by VPOST.

yunzz, i think calamari has answered your question.
jaclee, can i take the last slot for calendua cream. i already open one bottle for my own usage. heehee. But i can only transfer $ on Wednesday wor. unable to walk to my nearest atm now. Will ask hubby to transfer to u on his off day on wednesday, can?
janiz: one tub very fast finish for me, about 2 to 3 weeks, as my mom uses it very fast :p She doesn't know its expensive hahahaah!
1st set of calendula cream takers:
1. jaclee
2. sharon lee
3. canopyhaze (paid)
4. genesis28
5. o_carol (paid)
6. maunited

2nd set of takers for calendula cream orders:
1. roxy
2. roxy
3. janiz
4. gg_lee
5. yunzz
6. einnoc

thanks for the response!

einnoc, no prob, you can transfer on wed.

janiz, if anyone still interested then i can open up another 6 slots. or you can try try 1st bottle first..
Thanks jac... should be ok, i'll get it myself, as im helping my friend to buy some gnc stuff and im getting some roc stuff... tink i'll get 3 tubs to stock up

3 more slots for calendula cream available, pls let me know if anyone keen to join, thanks

hi pauline
I heard that it can.. so im tinking of using it as daily diaper cream instead of desitin, plus if got 2 babies now, sure use up very fast!!
wah...so fast can finish one tub! then i better try 1 tub 1st to see whether my baby likes it lol

jaclee, its ok. i will try 1 tub 1st hehe. will transfer to u tonite thru IB. hope its fine with u. thanks ya!
einnoc: that must have been so scary for you (the accident), hope you will be completely fine soon. =) if you are worried abt the cord coiling ard the baby's neck, maybe can invest in the 4D scan. I did my scan last friday and even though the face was not very clear (baby was too greedy, chewing on both her hands) but at least I felt relieved that the cord is in front and not around the neck. The money was well spent (much cheaper than TMC!) coz now I can't stop looking at the videos of my greedy baby. =D
fitti, where did u do the 4D scan? if do the scan now, will there be risks that subsequent weeks the cord will coil ard the neck as the baby moves and we cannot tell?

i'm tempted to do 3D/4D scan too.. but wondering when's the right time.. and if shld invest on it.. :p
ar good, seems like active is ok hehe.

The CB cream is good, u guys shld get it. Though its more expensive.

i wanna do 3D, but my hubby dun wan, he say he dun wanna see, he wanna wait for the big day -.-
cayenne: I did the scan at a Paragon clinic as recommended by my gynae (who is also in the same building). TMC's very expensive, I paid $220 for the Full assessment including the organs. If facial only then is $150. The videos will captured the baby's face. Now I know my baby looks more like me (heng ah!) haha.

I think now is a good time to go coz baby's face is abit plump but dun wait too long if you are doing full assessment coz baby too large.

I hope my baby won't turn anymore, her head has been down for some time already. Aiyo, my girl hor, she actually refused to turn her face coz she was happily sleeping on the placenta like a pillow. It was really fun looking at the videos, can see my baby opening her mouth bigbig to munch on her fists and she even tried opening her eyes. Last time with my son, I also thought too expensive so did not do but really abit regret. This time I am happy. =))
ivy, i think my hubby dun mind seeing how the bb looks now.. hehe.. but well, i think the bb will look different in the 3D scan and in real-life..

hmmz.. now i'm wondering if i shld get the CB or desitin cream for emergency use since everyone like raving on it.. probably buy drapolene for daily use.. else burn big big hole in pocket.. :p
And she even stuck out her tongue! =D I am still happy even though I must have watched the video more than 10 times!
fitti, so cute... i'm hoping my boy will look like me too.. but from the 2D scan done in week 20, i think he will look like dad.. :p btw, u mean after wk 20 detailed scan, we still got another full assessment scan coming up?
cayenne: I did the FA again coz we felt the extra $70 can put our hearts at ease (like double confirm the organs are healthy etc). We are just glad the cord is away from the neck (in fact my girl was trying to chew on it)

The videos are 4D so we can see the baby's activities in the belly.

And we confirmed one more thing: that our baby girl is a glutton like her mummy! =P
Fitti, where in paragon u did it? So nice can see video! My gynae says best time to do is around 28-30wks.

But I think my hubby same as Ivy one, most likely will say wait for the BIG day see the real bb lah!
Fitti, can pass me the contact for the place tat u did the 4D scan? I see if i can convince my hubby, if not i secretly go do myself hahaha.
u tink our hubby really want to be surprise? or they just wanna save $$ lolz. Really buay tahan leh, ask him few times liao.
went for my checkup on Sat and my gynae gave me Salbutamol to relief the BH contraction. SHe said it may trigger real labour. But the med doesn't seem to have effect and it has side effects. Trembling and heart beating very fast..
Thanks jaclee.

Yup fitti, it was scary n the impact from seat belt causes pain at the lower abdomen. My 1st reaction was to check for bleeding or waterbag burst or not. Tears just trickled down... dunno if pain or anxiety at tat time? Too confused. Anyway, Dr asked me to go back in another 2 wks. Hopefully things will look better. Then no need to do the 4D scan....Coz i think of our car bonnet n doors..... i can't imagine how much $, we have to fork out leh. This time, sure bery xiong. huh, yr gal chew on her cord?
2nd set of takers for calendula cream orders:
1. janiz
2. gg_lee
3. yunzz
4. einnoc
5. josephine tan
6. josephine tan

hi josephine, roxy has give up the slots, i've added you in.

yunzz, estimated to be $2-4 per bottle. i think may be lesser coz i'm trying to make full use of the 1kg base weight charge.
fitti, so fast can see your girl look like you..
i still can't see my girl's face, she has been covering her face with her hands..
did you get any 3D pictures as well? or only the 4D?

sharonlee &amp; gglee, i got your payment. can you PM me your address? if you are self-collecting from me, then i will inform u once the cream is here. thanks.
Hi Jaclee,

I have transferred $15 to you.
Transaction reference is 24636XXXXX.
Please check and confirm tat u haf received it.
jaclee have transfer payment to u. please confirm payment received.
To Account 189-15805-0 jaclee
Amount S$30.00
Transaction Reference 2463696224

You are having BH now ah... dun walk too much in case in trigger real contractions... bb now is only 29 wks still too young to come out...

Hihi.. ive 3 slots for calendula cream.. as im taking 3 tubs (KS mummy :p) let me know if anyone is keen, thanks!! 9.99 * 1.46/7 + est S$2 - 4 per tub for shipping charges... for those getting the pumps, i can courier the cream together with the pumps to you...so no additional postage charges
