(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

gosh... hope u are fine snow... did ur gynae do a gd check to make sure u n bb ok from the accident?

yuki &amp; sharon, so u ladies will be taking up yoga classes? i hope doing prenatal yoga can help with delivery n relieve some body aches i'm suffering now..

jaclee, thanks! i will try the deep breathing technique next time i'm feeling the cramps again..
cayenne, i tot of starting pre-natal yoga but not sure where to do it ...i am with pure yoga previously, tot of re-activating my membership to do pre-natal only ...but still considering if shld go to a more specialise plc
Cayenne- u going to any specific one? I used to be with amore but prefer Pilates n kickboxing, yoga make me sleepy haha but good way to relax ;p
Hi snow_xue, hope u r ok ?
I am now taking utrogestan for a mth &amp; going back to c gynae for him to monitor to see if need to continue taking or not, also to prevent early contractions &amp; for my uterus.
I feeling slight dizziness in the morning since the past few days dunno is it becos I started taking utrogestan ?
Btw, anyone know where to buy cheap collection shells ?
Know that Medela &amp; Avent hv but not cheap.
Need to buy 1 set juz in case when breastfeeding 1 side the other side leak, right ?
mstan888: i get all my breastfeeding products from overseas. Perhaps you can order from sprees. Its a lot lot cheaper.

einnoc: oh no, take care...
Einnoc...gosh, must be scary! Lucky you are ok! Your bb is chubby

Sharon, Mstan...me also...I find my thighs and calves a bit achy these days esp when I get up after sitting too long! Weight gain seems to be more too..
Ok calamari.
Think I hv to look out for overseas sprees then.
Btw, do u know roughly how much collection shells &amp; other breastfeeding items cost if fr overseas spree?
Thks !
hi mummies,

good news..! i will be ordering minimum 6 - maximum 12 bottles of calendula cream from drugstore to enjoy the rate of USD$9.99 per bottle. (exchange rate = usd1 to sgd1.5)

If any mummies want to take my order slots (capping at 10 slots), you can transfer $15 to posb savings 189-15805-0 to secure your slots!

shipping cost + local postage will be advised accordingly at the second payment.

this is the lowest price i've seen so far. i do want to grab this chance..
Hi Yuki,
My fren just paid them the 5days package price only since she did not want to continue her sessions. I did not ask her which therapist that serve her.She told me that her next pregnancy, she will get someone professional n experience and dont mind to pay slightly more to have a better service.
me too, i feel breathless few times a day. especially wen trying to zzz. sometimes its accompanied by tummy feeling very tight. as if going to explode
but i guess is normal kuah
sorry to disturb
anyone wanna try gnc fenugreek to boast up the milk supply
brand new from overseas spree....
expiry date may 2012

GNC Nature's Fingerprint Fenugreek 610mg Capsules 200 ea
200 pills @ $20 include postage
whoever interested may want to email me

[email protected]
trisya, so they allow the change of package even when the massage start? my frez took the 10-days package and i heard from her is quite ok ...

today i keep having pain at the pelvic and lower abodom area ...anyone have the same problem ...thinking if i shld go c my gyane.
hi jaclee

Am interested to buy 1 bottle of california baby cream, please confirm my order. Will transfer SGD15 to u once u've confirmed. Will collect together with my thermometer &amp; milk bags. Thanks.
i will give it a miss, i think my fren mom helping me to get the paw paw brand.

is your baby very active now? My girl seems super active, seems like moving whole day long. Dunno is it normal, doesnt she sleep?
no prob, ivy.

current takers for california baby calendula cream:
1. jaclee
2. sharon lee
3. canopyhaze
4. genesis28

2 more slots.. thanks!
Sorry to interupt i'm mummy from july 2009 tread

I have unused items to let go. email me if interested [email protected]

Avent Nipple cream-BN $15.50/btl

Nuk latex teats 0-6M medium feed hole $4 for 2 teats

Swaddle bag $10

Swaddle wrapper pink colour BN Washed but unused $12

Nappy BN Washed unused $1.20/each pcs

Home make confirment rice wine 750ml each $12/btl

Herbal Bath $2/each pkt of 36g x 2 for pkt to go

Tollyjoy dispoable breast pad 36pcs for $5

collection in punggol, bedok north or Pasir ris
gd morning ladies

no work today but still woke up as usual!
Anyway, JacLee : did u receive my payment?

Ivy : my bb kicks extremely hard these days, i think he doesn't sleep as well, kicks me @ night and in the morning just before time for me to go to work.
Ivy, I think it is normal...the kicks will get more and stronger until about the last month or so when bb dun have much space to move about anymore. I was tossing the whole night too...keeps waking up becos of the kicks!
yuki &amp; shaine, i think better to go to those specialised prenatal yoga centres bahz.. i heard there's one at tanglin and forum shopping mall quite gd..

yuki, i'm oso having pain at lower abdomen area for the past few days (since last Friday). intermittenly lasted for an hour or so. but quite intense the pain (like menstrual cramps).. hopefully it's not early contractions... this friday going to see my gynae.. hopefully everything's fine.
Thank you all for your well wishes. Did a scan. Baby is fine. Just that i felt pain at the seat belt area across chest n lower abdomen. Gynae is worried tat i may suffer from early contractions due to the seat belt impact especially i have low placenta. Thus he will see me in another 2 wks time. Now feeling super groggy at work. Dun feel like moving at all. Even taxi uncle thought i am due for delivery soon

Thanks mstan, i'm feeling better. It was stated on my box that utrogestan will made one feel drowsy n dizziness. I had been experiencing drowsiness since i take that too.
canopyhaze, i got your payment. thanks! will inform u once your stuff comes in.

manunited, still have slot for the cream. u want?

i wonder is there any way to make the placenta shift up. coz mine is rather low too.. gynae say have to wait and see, else cannot natural birth liao..
Morning mummies !

Take care cayenne !

einnoc : no wonder I will feel a little dizzy &amp; drowsy/thired in the morning as I always took utrogestan in the morning. Dunno can take it at nite instead ? Will call the gynae &amp; find out from him later.

Btw mummies, did u all monitor bb kick everyday ?

Oh, I hv not been sleeping well over the last few days becos waking up 3 times in the middle of the nite to pee / like waking up every 2 hrs (feeling thirsty at nite) &amp; feel uncomfortable to sleep either on left or right side.
Any mummies experiencing it ?
Hi Jaclee
Is the cream, California Baby Calendula Cream 2.0 oz? If so, yes, i want pls.

I will transfer $$ once you confirm. How abt the milk bags?
hi jaclee
I was going to order something from drugstore as well de... also saw the 6 units at us$9.99 each.. was very tempted to order 6 as well then to get 9.99 but got lazy to organise the spree

shipping costs will be about S$2 - 4 per bottle I think

Thermometers are expected to reach sing this friday or next Mon, I will email you all for collection/postage
Canopy, im not organising anymore thermometers spree but I might be ordering some boys shoes from amazon, if you want to long bang and order themometer ( but price now is 38.79 + 5.41 shipping, much more exp, that time we paid 38.79 + 1.40 for shipping), let me know
just pm me
