(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

jaclee, i've told my gynae abt it before.. but she said so long as the pain doesnt last very long, and it's menses cramp like pain, then no problem... she said i can take panadol if i want to ease my pain.. but i try not to... if this pain cannot stand, i really dunno how i'm going to endure labour pain.. so i keep telling myself to endure....

just now so funny.. as i'm typing the above, i see my tummy dancing away.. kekeke..

jaclee, i've transfer already. pls check. thanks.
W.Joe, did u called up Mariam to check if she can do it for u?
Where do u stay? Mdm Ida told me that normally for East area ,Mariam will be doing.
My colleague used Origins Jamu before, she told me is ok but she did not put on much weight during pregnancy so manage to go back to pre-pregnancy size but not sure if is due to the massage

einnoc, actually i din know i having water rentention until ppl ard me start commenting and my gyane also confirm it.
my shoe size increase by 1-1.5 size already ....look swollen also..
I have had sharp pain @ the V area last nite till i cried. The ordeal lasted about 10mins. It came &amp; went. Hubby almost wanted to send me to TMC. Anyone is experiencing it?
canopyhaze, are u feeling better now?
i experience pain on and off at V area but not to the extend of crying out ...i also having a bit chest pain also..

so upset, today i saw stretchmark start to surface at the side and my bottom tummy.
canopy, are you alright now? call gynae? take care.

i also experience abit uncomfortable last night. at lower abdomen. but feel ok after i lie down and rest.
Hey Yuki &amp; Jeanie, am ok now, bb is kicking me very hard today. Still at work, trying to clear off and handover my stuffs before going for my 1wk's leave.

Am just wondering if it is contractiion or BH contraction? How does contraction feel like???
Can mummies share with me which are the NTUC having the huggies promo huh?

Thought of buying it sinc is worthwhile..

Thank you..

I oso having BH (I think) these days.. but only in the morning...
canopyhaze, the BH contraction is a feel of tightening at the tummy. You can feel the tightness and for me, it's quite frequent and uncomfortable.
canopyhaze, glad to hear that u r ok
are u doing any kick count now? wow u still at work ...so good going oversea for a week?
cayenne: u mean we still can take panadol?! hmm.. i think better don't take if can endure..

joanna, you can try this cutting if you want. it has a flattering cut i think, coz i just got this from old navy..
and still have small sizes.

jeanie, i got your payment and address.

canopyhaze, i think i also got your payment. you transfer by ATM? email me your address k?

anyone still interested in the thermometer?
calamari, cayenne: I have some extra boxes of lansinoh milk bags ordered from amazon recently. if you are interested to get them, PM me..
Hi Jaclee

Yup, has transferred to you via ATM ealier on.
Have PM the details to you.

Can i collect it from you personally? Am interested in the milk bags, how much r ya selling them?
Thanks all for the concern. Am feeling better now. Just reached home.

Yuki : nah, not going overseas. Am taking leave to avoid the F1 crowd as my office is in the middle of the race track. Hubby can't send me or fetch me to / from work due to road closure. So take leave lo.
yah. im also interested in the milk bags. how much are you selling the milk bags? 25 or 50pc per box?

whats BH feels like? tightening inside or outside? cuz sometimes i feel tight in the inside, outside(skin area) still soft soft. gynae say better not feel hard hard on tummy. *confuse*
Hello mummies !

Seldom come in here becos think co restricted going into forum &amp; sometimes at nite, feel tired to come in too.

GG Lee : oh, I hv been waking up 2 times to go toilet every nite....

Same as u, also feel clumsy &amp; difficult to cut toe nails &amp; during bathing cant bend down to wash my lower tighs too.
Having leg cramp in the middle of the nite too even thou I took calcium pill every nite.
Feeling bloated every nite &amp; sometimes uncomfortable to sleep at nite too....;p

Oh yes, anyone prescibed utrogestan ? My gynae asked me to take to soften my uterus &amp; to expand my uterus if not scared I will hv early contractions.....;p

Oh, anyone hv piles too ?

Oh, I joined the huggies club but dun think I got the $2 discount coupon leh or I miss it ?
Ainsley - i also having hardening of tummy very often. Gynae gave me some ventolin but didnt take it so far cos side effect is trembling of hands.. hmmm can be more than 10 times a day for this preg... unlike my #1

mstan8888 - i had piles during the first trim, cleared by 2 weeks.
Mummies, do u experience pain n hardness at the right side of the tummy? I start experiencing since yst ... not sure if shld go c gyane to do a check since i just went last week ...

btw anyone taking prenatal yoga?
hi mummies,
i'm from sept thread....
i have the following to sell away...

<font color="ff0000">1. Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump bought at $233 after discount.</font>

Now selling for $180.

Bought in May 2009, warranty till May 2010.

Used since 11th Sept 2009 till now only..

<font color="ff0000">2. Pigeon Milk Storage Bottles</font>

4 used, 3 brand new.

Retail price: 3 for $15.50

Now all 7 bottles going for $30.

<font color="ff0000">3. Pigeon Wide neck bottles, 200ml each.</font>

4 brand new.

Retail price:$15.90 for 2. ($31.80 for 4)

Now selling: $26 for all 4 brand new.

<font color="ff0000">4. 1 brand new 300ml wide neck bottle selling at $8.</font>

<font color="ff0000">Total: $244</font>

i'm sellling all the above as my girl dun like Pigeon bottles, and i'm upgrading to a dual pump to save time pumping...

serious buyers only, please PM me..
jaclee, my gyane n gp said normal panadol can take.. but dun take those panadol flu/extra/etc.. anyway, like wat u said, i'm trying to endure each time the pain comes..

btw, are u still selling the milkbags? can it lay flat in the fridge or must place standing upright?
yuki, i kept wanting to take up prenatal yoga.. but till now still havent register. :x wondering will it be too late to take in the 3rd trim?
haiz. my MIL does not seems agree feeding breastmilk so far i heard she comment it will not be convenient if breastfeed, and yesterday she said if you breastfeed then cannot drink too much DOM (i told her after BM then can drink DOM and after 2 hr feed BM should be ok liao) and next time nanny will have difficulty to feed bb.. i told her i will day breastfeed night formula milk, nanny wont have problem (i did not tell her i can store the BM and bring to nanny to feed) she does not know much about BM because she did not feed her 2 sons with BM for long, only for a short while....lucky i am not staying with her just the same block
cayenne, i heard some ppl take until late 3rd trim so not too sure ...i tot of doing some exercise ...seem like putting on a lot weight
oh ya, cayenne.. you can try deep breathing techniques to relieve some pain.. take deep breath thru nose, hold 4 counts then release breath thru mouth.

i'm still left with 2 boxes of 50 pcs lansinoh bags. it has a base, so you can either let it stand or lay it down in the fridge.

joanna, you are welcome.
there is a 20% off for purchase of $100 or more (not sure whether its on top of the site discounts). If you are interested to get the swimwear, can see whether any mummies here are interested to join.

Anyone interested in Old Navy spree?
hi mummies, i still can take in one more slot of the braun thermometer. amazon limit 4 thermometers per account, so don't want to waste the order. please PM me asap if you are interested.

Hi Mums,

Sorry to interrupt. I have the the below items for selling. Email me at [email protected] if interested. Thanks

Pigeon Multi Function Sterilzer
Just bought on 17/9/09 at Isetan private sale. Unopened and new in box with warranty card unfilled. Intending to get for use as warmer but didn't know had an Avent warmer as gift. Hence selling off cheap at $110. (private sale price at $127, original price at $167)


Ameda dual pump
Bought on 17 May 09 (Warranty 1 year till 17 May 2010)
Used once as prefer to use manual pump

comes with the following items:

1 set of Ameda Lactaline Personal Breastpump
1 pair of Pumpin' Pal Super Shields (medium size)
1 set of Pumpin' Pal Original Handsfree Strap

Throw in 2 New valves

Total price: $388
Letting go: $200
How does the hardening of the tummy feels like? For me, I feel my tummy being stretched more and more but thot its because bb bigger. These days can see my bb nudging so hard againts my belly that it sends a wave across.

One mummy recently shared with me calcium really very impt. She didn't listen to doc so sometimes skip calcium, then really experience aches all over after birth, esp the joints. So we better be good and eat our calcium tabs diligently

mstan, try wearing socks and long pants if u are sleeping in aircon.

Canopy, glad to hear u r well now. Sounds really bad, the pain. Is that contraction?
PILES! i have so serious piles, so u guys dun worry lah. Its normal.

Josephine, do u know where exactly is the bugis store that sells baby clothes??
Thks GG Lee !
I do wear long pants every nite but no socks thou as sometimes I try not to sleep in aircon.

Oh, confirm hv internal piles (not as serious ones as external piles), so hv to take medication for a wk.....

Now everyday need to take so many pills/medicines - multivitamin, utrogestan, DHA, calcium &amp; piles pills + gaviscon &amp; liquid for constipation....

Oh, these few days lower thighs like aching &amp; foot base too....dunno is it walk too much?
Hi Ivy, think the address for that bugis store is :
Blk 269C Queen St, Cheng Yan COurt (besides albert court, in front of Si Ma Lu Guan Yin temple).
GG- wah, i alway skip calcium pills cause fish oil tablet also have calcium, sometime i eat too much cannot do "big business" leh... haiz think better don't skip too often sia...
Hi Yuki,
Can just check your fren who had postnatal massage by originjamumassage was serve by which therapist? My fren use their service give very bad feedback as they are new setup company as the therapist told her and she find that the therapist is not so experience. Did not massage her tummy on her 1st days of sessions and my fren call-up the boss and 2nd day the therapist massage her tummy with very strong pressure and she felt her tummy was so painful that the following session she did not allow her to massage her tummy. Suppose to tookup 10 days package but she end-up taking 5days sessions only. Very scary as she mention as she worry that the therapist will massage her tummy like the 2nd days sessions.

Just an update.

Btach 1 has been ordered and shipped. Will reach in 2 weeks time. Duno why my thread has disappeared... will update via email
trisya, I will have to check with my frez and the therapist and let u know again ...ur frez using which therapist? sound quite bad ...i was still thinking of booking with them ...now having second thoughts...

ur frez signed up 10 days package then wat happen to the next 5 days session? can the boss do anything abt it?
Morning all,

Had a super bad day yday. My hubby n I were in a chained car accident on our way to see gynae. Our poor car bonnet is gone! Luckily no one was injured. But i am suffering from pains across chest &amp; lower abdomen due to impact of seatbelt. Now must take Utrogestan pills for the next 7 days and remain at home to prevent early contractions as i still have low placenta
But bb is growing well. 1.3kg at wk 28.

Btw jeanie, i bought calendua california cream. Actually i had mild blister the day before and applied it. Next morning, ok le. Very gd.
