(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

welcome rhay.. me had been using egyptian magic cream for my wound scars.. dun really see significant improvements in scar lightening yet..

gg, my boss told me pampers not very gd now.. since they changed manufacturer (or how they make the pampers? cant remember wat my boss said).. dunno izzit will cause leakage or rashes.. think is rashes... he said a few of his frenz commented the same problem recently too..

cayenne &amp; GG, I plan to buy Pampers brand for nb 1st too, so far I haven hear any bad comments abt pampers...my sil and fren have been using it last yr when they give birth...nvm, i shall try 1st and see how baby react to it.
anyone interested in getting referral for cordlife can PM me..

calamari, hmm...I hope the malay lady will tell me honestly too and not die die wan me to massage for 7 days juz to earn money. I am not very fat so I dont think I will need all 7 days...

Are u using Aida? I got the contact from this forum....
ooh thanks mummies...coz i saw huggies is having a promo...for every 2 packs (NB and/or size S) purchased, they are giving out 1 free mothercare bodysuit...seems like a gd deal wor...hmmz maybe i will get pampers then
Janiz, I saw the ad too, was quite tempted coz of the free bodysuit thingy...haha.

Anyone went for John Little expo sale last wkend? Is it good? Last 4 days for the sale, duno shld I go and see....I saw the ad there's a 5 pc baby gift set selling at $13.90. Seems v cheap &amp; worth it.
Alicia, if u want to see the effect for butt n tummy to shrink... than yes 7 days. But dun need to do at one shot. U can do every 2 days for 1st wk than bal once a wk
sharon, the weather is gd to hibernate at home... but sobz.. a few more hours to go before long wkend...

btw, watz the bodysuit for? slimming?
oh... dat time i went for a breastfeeding talk... huggies also having promo there... nb selling at $6.50... buy 2 packs also free rompers from Mothercare... so $6.45 is cheaper lorz... worth buying lahz...
Alicia...I was also told 7 days...me not fat also...I think pay by per session so maybe can see how good the massage and whether we really need 7 sessions. Supposed to expel wind and impurities I think..

Cayene..huh? I thot pampers supposed to be be best..frends used to say its the brand that sure no rashes one...think will just buy 1 packet try. I heard huggies and mammy poko also good. If u got join huggies club can get samples online. And I think sometimes they send u discount coupons to less out $2 or $3.
Ya, realised that the quality of Pampers becoming lousier these days....

My #1 is using Pampers Active. Will still continue as Im so used to the brand now. : )
I got one enquiry, how do you calculate the 16week maternity leave? is it 80 days workdays to be exact? e.g. if start 1 Dec should be back to office on 24 Mar is it?
GG- yeap i got huggies sample n their discount coupons, anyone keen can PM me, I email u the discount coupons
btw I will be getting the huggies from ntuc, worth it lah but do take note, not all ntuc is having the discount
Cayenne &amp; GG- I heard from friend that pamper change their manufacturer so she recommend mamy poko &amp; huggies
DecMum : if take from 01Dec, u need to come back on 23Mar. Don't count by days, count by weeks instead.

Am taking 30Nov, hence, coming back on 22Mar, it's advisable to take your maternity on a brand new week starting monday for easy computation.
After hearing the mixed reviews on pampers…I’m tempted to get huggies again hehe…maybe will get 1 pack for baby to try 1st…if not suitable then get pampers

kiddy palace got 10% discount if we have the membership card rite? Then it will be cheaper than fairprice after the discount lor?
Janiz : 10% discount is only given to those with white price tag, but the huggies NB diapers is with black price tag, so no discount.
join the huggies club already but where to get the discount voicher??

canopyhaze...ooh i tot its storewide discount..chey ;p
Hi Ainsley,
same old.. tired... lazy.. have been just reading.

Btw, tat time u girls mention the shop at rochor? or is it bugis? or near the guan yin miao? that sell baby clothes quite cheap. Where is it exactly ar?
Hi Ainsley! Long time no hear from u....how r u? Got put on weight ma? Remember u r very slim one

Most of us now like busy buying things..diapers, breast pumps, diapers, thermometers ...lol!
hi canopyhaze,

ya, the best price here is also about $115 i saw..
not yet.. no response so far. but I will still go ahead with my order, just want to help some mummies here to order if they can't make it for the sprees, coz i can't post in overseas spree section.

do prepared to wait for at least 5-8 weeks before the thermometer reaches SG, as amazon can only ship the item 3-6 weeks from now. so take another 1-2 weeks to reach SG. by that time, the thermometer should come in time for dec MTBs..
lol.. GG, I put on weight already la.. Think about 10 kg liao.. weigh abt 54kg-55kg le bah...so sad...

Anyway, I have been having Braxton Hicks Contraction lately and its quite intense. Any of you having this??
hi ainsley.. really didnt hear from u quite some time le...

me (i think)! having braxton hicks contraction (or menses like cramps) quite frequently.. somehow, i think i'm like the one here who keep complaining abt having cramps.. :x just experienced it just now..
Ainsley, I dun know what BH contraction feels like leh? Is it on the tummy one or is V area?

I just feel more clumsy these days...getting more difficult to reach to cut my toe nails now.
Hi Cayenne... how are you?
I don't have cramp but my tummy often get very tight... It's very uncomfortable though.. Any relief on this?
hmmz... so BH contractions dun feel like menses cramps? i feel those cramps all over my tummy... can be the side or lower tummy.. pain until all my goosebumps stand up.. feel like curling on the bed.. but at work.. cannot..

GG, i oso.. difficult to cut toe nails, apply moisturizer on my calves when sitting down..
hi cayenne, if you are having cramp-like feelings, do consult your gynae. he/she would probably prescribe some medicine (e.g. adalat) for you to relax your uterus (i think).

I had the crampy feeling on and off throughout one of the nights.. and throughout the whole day. so my gynae gave me the medicine, say its to relax the uterus (if i didn't hear wrongly)
Cayenne.. Hmmm.. I don't feel pain actually. It's just tight and uncomfortable wor.. Maybe ur pain is the pressure on your uterus? I also have some sharp pain at times..
jaclee, im interested in the thermometer too.

einnoc, im getting California bb cream and desitin creamy too. you bought the calendular or aloe vera?

i've got 2 packs of NB drypers and 1 pack of NB petpet. too much?
Do you gals find keep having to pee huh? These days I wake up at least once from my sleep to pee. Think its the weight of bb on bladder??
hi jeanie,

sure, will include u and canopyhaze in the list.
I will be submitting order by 11pm tonight.

anyone still interested, may let me know.

amount to pay in the first payment is USD$37.49 x 1.5 = SGD$56.25. kindly transfer to POSB Savings 189-15805-0 with your nick, then PM me your transaction ref and address.

Next payment will be the international shipping fee (i'm using VPOST).

i'm knocking off now... will check the forum again later..
Hi JacLee

In that case, please order one for me.
Will transfer the $$ to you either tonight or latest by tomorrow night.
thanks for organising.
