(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Morning mummies..
Very sian weekend for me... Hub working n bb still coughing badly.. And so I am grounded at home with bb n MIL... super boring.. Scared conflict if face her too long

velo, sure no prob...u join us for the next gathering then

momoko, since velo is giving up her slot...u wanna take over?? pm me ur contact number, email and real name. thks

reenie,ya lor...miss u and ur gals too
i agree tha juz let bbs take their time in their milestone...cuz by 2 yrs old, they will all be the same

starrz, cheer up...maybe bring bb for a short walk ard ur neighbourhood to breathe some fresh air?!
cljl - my bb also hate it when I carry her in arm like those time when I carried her when she's infant.

kimifin - agreed tt flip phone is the 1st to buy. Bb always wanna snatch my HP ;p
Sian.. Both hb n me down w sore eyes.. All cuz hb brought it back from wk! So angry.. Now Leann gotta stay w mil till we recover.. Feel so sad lorz..
ashley we can go for the trial together then, i sms you ok. keke.

shirlin,you feeling better?
i may be going your area next week, maybe can then pass you your loot.
HI Mummies

Sori to disturb

I have a few coupons to let go off

2 pcs of $3/- Haagen Dazs Voucher @$2.30 each
T&C-Valid till 30 June 2010
Redemption at Haagen Dazd Cafes in Singapore only
Valid for Dine In Only
No extenstion of expiry date allowed
Valid for 1 Voucher per visit
No accumulation of voucher for each transaction allowed
Not valid with other joint promotions & further discounts

Thanks much
Hi girls,
Food jar arrived at the store. I will go collect them during lunch tomorrow and see if still enough time to make a run to the post office and mail out to mbj or not. Otherwise, might have to go post office the next day.

I am trying to raising funds for a charity
Gift of Love Home for the Homeless Elderly. http://www.catholicwelfare.org.sg/projects/gol.html

By selling my kids pre-loved clothes at giveaway price $0.5 - $5.00 only.

For those of you with baby girls, this is a good chance to stock up on pretty dresses and girly shirts. Many of them were just worn once or twice. More than 200 pcs to choose from.

view at :

thanks for supporting this worthy cause.
Morning all,

just saw/felt my son 1st tooth on Saturday! It started from the bottom jaw!

Oh, I bought fisher price stack up activity cubes. got 3 pc one...but hor, bb seems to like the pigeon box where I stored wet wipes....he tried to press anywhere he could on the box and the top cover pop up!
I think I will buy some toys where he can press and see some obvious results!
Gd morning everyone!

My girl loves the pigeon wipe box too! hahahhahahaha...
Teething! Its so exciting isn't it? ;-)

See if we can bump into each other in the nxt up and coming playdate yah!

Hope the sore eyes heal soon..take care yah.
Thanks all.. Eyes better now.. At least dun look as scary as Sat when I look like some vampire w red eyes.. Lol! Gg to see doc to get mc now.. Cant go wk today to prevent passing it on to colleagues..

mbj: When will you be coming by my area? I see if can arrange we meet up den I get the stuff from you lorz.. =)
morning gals..

lol.. my boi also likes the pigeon box... wa ka ka... and he also likes to bite his diapers~

sporty, how r u and ur baby? better today?

Shirlin, take care~ heard from my colleague recently quite a number of cases on red eyes...
shirlin, PM-ed you.

my boy has diarrhea. hope it's nothing serious.

paperger, my girl is clapping too.

kimifin,your boy very lucky. got new toys coming. my girl only has toys passed down from gor gor. and mummy too lazy and broke to buy anything else for her.
paperger, cool!
rem to capture it on a video.

i only buy when necessary, cos no one passed toys to me. some all gifts during bb mth old.
i will choose the toys carefully so wont waste $ n space at home.

he is bored of the stacking rings already...we even try to spin the rings so they look more appealing..
paperger and myboyjovan,
each time our kids learn a new stuff, we are so happy!

i sort of agreed that having a elder sibling, our 2nd baby gets hand down toys more :p even clothings.

hope your eyes get super well after a gd day of rest at hm.

Hi mummies,
just a quick poll, how many meals does your 7mth old eats now? Eg. Breakfast Cereal, Dinner porridge?
hello mummies, i am back after so long. had a terrible week last week. my son got scared coz my fren threw him high up into the air den catch him. he was also down with stomach flu + fever+ throat infection . double combo
finally today he is fully recovered from the above but abit flu
lemon tee,

yah, i thk bb likes to test boundaries, bite on things we dun like them to touch.

i thk my son been eyeing on the tube of desitine!
i have to let him play with the pigeon box cos it is so hard to change his nappy now!
good afternoon ladies!!

my boy likes to play with the plastic wrap that comes with the wet wipes. Guess he is facinated with the ruffles noise plastic makes when crumpled. Tat's my way of keeping him in position when changing him..
I am on MC today
extreme backache fo carrying him too much on sat and Sun hahahha.

cloudyrynn_ sorry to hear that your boy got scared and is unwell now. Funny my baby likes to play rough and loves being thrown in the air and caught. Sometimes I get tired and stopped he will cry for more...hehehe
eastgal : my boy oso like to play with the wet wipes , and anything that has sound when he scratch it . my boy like to jump n bring into the air, but with hands on his body. since young he easily scared , so we got prob lor. when he 1st week old , my hubby put him in sarong sling he oso scared, face green then cry for no reason

I was also trying to get this info too:


how is your feeding schedule + bb nap/sleep times like?

For my bb case(+/- 1hr for each session):
8am-wake up
9am-breakfast, feed HT brown rice cereal mixed with ceralac brown rice (cos bb get hungry easily on HT)
1030am-milk + nap(try to)

1230pm-lunch-porridge (cooked with 1 tbs of rice)
230pm-milk + nap(try to)

730pm-dinner porridge

8pm-milk (like having dessert)

10pm-milk + sleep



Dunno if shd feed him cereal as supper at 9pm?
Oh...your baby started on porridge already? that's cool! 2 porridge meals a day seems to be a really good target. I have not done so yet. So far, i am trying to fit in breakfast and dinner nicely, i realise she does not have much appeitie for lunch.

I read your facebook status, i know how it feels....get well soon yah so you can hug hug your darling real soon..

hope your little one gets well soon. I do hold my little girl very high and try to let her tummy touches my head, that's the highest she goes now. they do get excited when lifted up high.
reenie: thx. ya my boy like to b lifted up , let him stand on my shoulder also. n he will giggle. but my fren threw him into the air n catch him when he come dwn. after some tots, i tink even we adults, pple threw us up n catch we oso will scared

how is your feeding schedule + bb nap/sleep times like? For mine,

7am plus-wake up, milk, then sleep again
9am plus-play, breakfast, feed vegetable puree and cereal
11am plus-milk + play + nap

1pm - play + nap

6pm or so-dinner vegetable puree and cereal


10pm plus-sleep

Before midnight - dream feed milk

My baby drinks 120ml of milk every 3 hourly. I'm trying to introduce porridge for lunch and dinner now that she iscoming to 8 months old.

For bedtime, to get him to sleep, we may give him 5oz, but an hour later, if he still cant z, he can still take in 2 more oz! I wonder if he is taking in too much?

Dreamfeed, so means, u interrupt bb sleep to feed bb? I ever tried once many mths back, seem dun work. but hope to try again!

last nite, bb moved about 2 hrs after 2am feed, hub patted him to sleep instead of feeding him, n he can tahan till 6am!

porridge- yah, no choice, cos nanny fed him 2 times porridge at her plc...she said over weekend, if bb dun take porridge, he come back on Monday to her house n duno how to eat again...so i must cook during weekends, 2 times per day, using slow cooker.

Anyone bought the Wean Machine? I haven used yet! anyone with 7-8 mths bb using that?

So far, I did not let bb take too much fruits, cos he got pheglm easily...
Kimifin, yeah, I will feed her milk, as long as it is 3 hours after her last feed and is before midnight, even if she is sleeping. I just gently wake her up and she will drink. After finishing her milk, she will fall asleep immediately again. Actually my baby can still sleep thru the night even if I dun dream feed her but I feel that she is not taking enough milk in the day so better let her drink more.

What's a wean machine?

May I know hpw to cook porridge using a slow cooker? My aunt gave me one over the weekend.
Daily Timetable =)

My bb is not super routine still.she does her crazy stuff and sleep at 11pm somedays =) mayb wanna play lor. Sometimes drink more milk but usu 4-5 times a day N semi solids is 2-3 times a day. Usu got both porridge N cereal =)

7.30 to 8am-wake up
8.30am -Milk (200mL)
1030am-Porridge + nap(about an hour or so)
230pm-milk (150mL) + nap
730pm-Milk (150mL)
9.30pm- Milk 200mL den TRY to make her sleep ASAP haha

We flexible la..coz sigh how to FORCE upon them haha I wish can le ..den life would b so much easier
Hi Mummies,

My baby's schedule as below:

6:30am wake-up, milk and sleep
9am wake up, playtime and milk again
10:30am bath and give him water then nap
1:00pm wake up lunch ( porridge -home cooked)

1:30pm to 2:30pm play time, fruits and cartoon time
2:30pm nap
5pm wake up, milk time
7:30pm vege puree and cereal
10:30pm milk and sleep
4am milk

So far so good. sometimes he can drink at about 11pm and then sleep through to 6am.
My gal's schedule not routine. I haven't started her on porridge, only brown rice cereal 2 times a day, total 4 spoons. Sleeps about 12 hours, drink milk about 750 ml (like rollercoaster, can be from 500 to 1000 ml now).
I have a question, is shaving baby's head will really create more hair to grow? Cause my baby's hair still very thin. My MIL wants to shave baby on 8th month (don't know why). Is there a good hari saloon for babies/kids? Or better to shave at home with hubby's shaver?
My baby's schedule as follows:-

6.45am - Dreamfeed
7.30 to 8am - Wake up
8.30am - Bathe
9 to 9.30am - Nap(depends on her mood sometimes can nap for 2 hours)
11am - Milk (150mls)
12.30pm - Cereal
1.30 - Nap (also depend on her mood)
3pm - Milk (120mls)
6pm - Milk (120mls)
9pm - Milk
10pm - Milk
4am - Milk
agata: i dun tink so actually. dun worry, by 1-2yrs old all babies shld have hair. i used to have a colleague whose son totally got no hair, but at 1yr+ he got hair already.
my son dun really have a routine . usually is
6+/7+am drink milk
8am bathe
8+am slp

9+/10+ wake up for milk
12+ eat porridge
3+pm milk
3+pm slp
5+/6pm porridge
8+pm milk
then he slp thru the night

sometimes inbetween he will wan ard 50-60ml den he go for a nap. but everytime not fixed. sometimes he will nap sometimes he won't
Hi mummies,
Does ur baby has comforting object where he/she cuddle & self-soothes to sleep? My gal recently fuss a lot b4 she sleeps at night. Her eyes will be closed but she keep making noise, can't settle down. Wonder if i shd introduce comforting object.. if so, wat will be good? Pls advise
Hi Mummies,
Thanks for sharing the babies routine!
My little girl is not super on routine too, she is unpredictable during the day, but i am sticking to like 2 meals per day, breakfast and dinner. or lunch or dinner, depending on her wakeup time. For milk wise, she is taking average about 600-700ml per day.

I really dun know if shaving works! But i never shave my elder daughter hair even though she has no hair since baby, she started to grow alot after her 1 year old birthday

yah, i totally agreed..i also dun feel secure if ppl throw me in the air :p what if they didn't catch me!

Actually for my girl, i started her with apple, banana, avacodo..i don't introduct too citric fruits such as orangge, kiwi, strawberry..etc which triggers cough more easily.
my girl's schedule is:

730 or so: wake up for bottle of EBM & play with us before we head off to work (50ML to 90ML)

0930: bath time followed by milk & playtime (120ML to150ML)

11.30 or so: nap time for max 45 mins

12.15 to 12.45: Lunch (Cereal or Porridge with Fruits/Veg Puree (Max 4 tablespoon of combined together) followed by a bottle of milk. Play time, Tummy Time (60ML to 90ML)

130-2PM: Nap time

3.30PM or so: Milk Time (120ML to 150ML)

5.30 or so: Milk Time (60ML to 120ML)

6.30: Dinner (Cereal or Porridge with Fruits/Veg Puree (Max 4 tablespoon of combined together)

8.00PM: Milk Time (Latch on)

8.45PM: Sponge & Change to PJs

9.45: Milk Time (Latch on)

10PM: Bed Time

Rue: Yes, my girl has (and a few) 1 is sophie the giraffe, another is 1 baby husk pillow. She knows that with the pillow given to her, its time for her to go to bed and she's very willing to let us put her down with the pillow and within 5 minutes KO to dreamland.

Some pple say comfort object shldn't be introduced cuz difficult to replace or take away as they get older but i think as long as not overly reliant should be okay. and its also good when she's scared of sick, she has 'something' to go to.

Sophie the giraffe is a good object for me to introduce to her as it can be cleaned under water and is a teether for her, and her squeaky sound so can stimulate her

Agata: Well that was being told to me too but i insisted that their hair have its own way of growing. my MIL refused to listen to me and shaved her off at ard 4 months plus. Now at 7 months her hairs growing out again BUT no difference in amount
So my MIL now shuts up when i talk about shaving my girl UNnecessarily
my girl's schedule is:

730 or so: wake up for bottle of EBM & play with us before we head off to work (50ML to 90ML)

0930: bath time followed by milk & playtime (120ML to150ML)

11.30 or so: nap time for max 45 mins

12.15 to 12.45: Lunch (Cereal or Porridge with Fruits/Veg Puree (Max 4 tablespoon of combined together) followed by a bottle of milk. Play time, Tummy Time (60ML to 90ML)

130-2PM: Nap time

3.30PM or so: Milk Time (120ML to 150ML)

5.30 or so: Milk Time (60ML to 120ML)

6.30: Dinner (Cereal or Porridge with Fruits/Veg Puree (Max 4 tablespoon of combined together)

8.00PM: Milk Time (Latch on)

8.45PM: Sponge & Change to PJs

9.45: Milk Time (Latch on)

10PM: Bed Time

Rue: Yes, my girl has (and a few) 1 is sophie the giraffe, another is 1 baby husk pillow. She knows that with the pillow given to her, its time for her to go to bed and she's very willing to let us put her down with the pillow and within 5 minutes KO to dreamland.

Some pple say comfort object shldn't be introduced cuz difficult to replace or take away as they get older but i think as long as not overly reliant should be okay. and its also good when she's scared of sick, she has 'something' to go to.

Sophie the giraffe is a good object for me to introduce to her as it can be cleaned under water and is a teether for her, and her squeaky sound so can stimulate her

Agata: Well that was being told to me too but i insisted that their hair have its own way of growing. my MIL refused to listen to me and shaved her off at ard 4 months plus. Now at 7 months her hairs growing out again BUT no difference in amount So my MIL now shuts up when i talk about shaving my girl UNnecessarily
Rue, my baby relies on the pacifier to self-soothe.

Raerae, thanks for meeting me at vivo! Hope it wasn't too troublesome for you. Hehehe..my girl looks bak bak but she is less than 8kg and she's turning 8 months old next week.....I wish she is as heavy as she looks...hahahha...
Mummies, are teether biscuits supposed to be very hard? I tried the HT ones and they seem to break very easily. My baby almost choked on a small piece that broke off from the main biscuit. This happened twice! I dun think I will give HT teether biscuits for my baby anymore.

For those who tried the HT teether biscuits, pls share your reviews. Thanks!
Adelynn - My MIL also! Kept insisting that we bring my girl to shave my girl's hair did grow but its so coarse. I even ask my MIL if she regrets shaving her head. lol
Brought my baby to watch Toy Story 3 yesterday! hahahah...she was scared initially when the loud sound and image came on the big screen. Thank god she didn't cry...and she sleep soundly, snuggled in daddy's arm throughout the movie.
Rue: My gal has a bolster..so when we give to her she knows it is sleeping time but of coz it is not full proof..on somedays she will not want it too...

Ashley: Wow so nice! Hee hee next time can go for more movies!

HT teethers: I find them too soft for our bb YET it doesnt melt in the mouth. I tasted them myself..I think its texture is more like shortbread so i am NOT giving to my gal..YET
papgerger85: lol, so now whenever i whine about how short her hair is my MIL would sheepishly keep quiet or pretend to change the subject

Raerae: I've also had that same problem with HT teethers. Ive tried a few and found that Bellamy's toothpegs are the 'toughest' (even my dogs had problems breaking up the leftovers of my girl)
Adelynn: I think Heniz ( yellow box) and Bellamy are by far the most worry proof ha ha ha...they are so hard no way the bb can bite them off! so yes i am stickin to those for now =)
Raerae, no wor, my boi boi also took Heinz, but it just broke off a part from the biscuit in his mouth, even it melted, but still might choke coz of too many inside his mouth... luckily it doesn't happen to choke him coz the nanny immediately help him to throw out....

Thanks gals, about shaving head.

My gal has a blocked nose, kept waking up n crying. So looked like have to be carried in a sling throughout the night, by maid n I, taking turns. So I'll b staying home tmrw.
