(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

bidodoh - I try to pump during the weekends but I am often not at home - bring baby out- and that makes it difficult for me to actually pump during the weekends.

Bidosoh, hur... ur auntie return only after 2 yrs! faint.... i will stop on 30 Oct 2010! hahaha... when she hit her 1 yr mark lo.. very tiring for me... after that hopefully my auntie will come ba... will try for either rabbit or dragon bb lo... hehehe...

Lemon Tee, I have been doing kickboxing be4 i gt married then it all came to a stop when im preg for 2 mths lo.. kinda to miss it now... cant go coz hub cant handle my gal alone... haiz....
hahaha.... bt then gt infantcare n playgrd also need ppl ard to look after e kids....
i planning to have either rabbit or dragon lo... dun wan age gap too big ma.. coz frm my own experience.... is too big n i dun like lo... my age gap between my sis are 6 n 13 yrs ah.....

for me, i lost wt successfully leh.. thinner even be4 wedding lo.... thats y i need to control what i eat now liao lo... cant go up if nt I gt to wear back my old clothes which i dun wan.. want to buy new clothes!!! hehehe....

paperger, u using dual pump? did u massage while pumping?
back from shopping!
happy happy!

paperger, hang in...1 yr coming up soon!!

taurus, u come lor...we celebrate ur ah lao bday there lor...haha

clji, so fast u wanna try for #2 eh? jia you jia you!

lemon tee, how old is ur #1?
dingdong/1sttimemummy, did you transfer using posb or other bank? i didn't receive both your amounts.

develina/shirlin/ayukie, got your amount. thank you.
HT BP Payment

1. raerae - $17.47
2. lemontee - $23.67 (add $6.20 if another oats)
3. 1sttimemummy - $38.21
4. dingdong - $12.41
5. carolorac - $14.49
6. Adelynn - $34.64

lemontee/1sttimemummy/dingdong, think yours from other bank, not yet reflected in my account. will update here.

thank you.
swanston, i think so should be confirmed. can go ahead to book ba.

angeline, no prob. just let me know when you mailed so i can keep lookout. thank you. HK holiday ar, what holiday huh?

lemontee, you worry too much lor, dun think your husband will don't want you just cos you heavier than him. somemore got 2 beautiful kids liao.
so smile!!

cljl, kickboxing..wow. amore fitness?

paperger, everytime i pump i can only achieve 50ml max, with latch on, 100ml max. that is also why i cannot go back to work - so i choose to stay at home and be Stay-at-home-to-breastfeed mum.

sporty, shopping ar. shiok hor.
i haven't open the list to see.
just got home, rushed through everything, now girl wake up liao can't do things again....
hey no prob. thanks for organising the discount. I can take from your place when the loots are in.
lemon tee, thanks! errm... i eat more than what i eat last time leh... all i noe is after each pump, i sweat like hell lo... my thighs sweat alot too.. even with fan blowing direct i still sweat.. haha.. afte 3 mths i think i lost like 15kg... hehe...
maybe also becoz im FT pump, so output faster n more tiring? haha...

mbj, yeah! amore.. bt i need to ask my gynae to give me excuse letter coz i still gt 28 lessons left n then... its expiring soon....
mbj, yesterday was dragon boat festival. Its a holiday here. Went to order the jars already. They didn't have enough stock in the shop so they are transferring stock out from the warehouse now. That means I cannot mail out this weekend as planned, will have to mail out next week instead liao.
HT Loots deliver tonight.
Pls PM me your contact number to collect loots.

Lemontee, too late to include your oats cereal, but i have one spare mixed grain i think. you want?
if not, i refund you $6.21

cljl, no one likes confinement la...the rules sucks lor but the food buay pai la!

momoko, kindermusic is closed liao...unless tha 2 person who didnt respond didnt provide us with details by tomorrow, will include ur name in? ok with u?

lemon tee, my #1 is 3yr old...he's a 2007 baby...tha day i didnt see u at the gathering leh, u went rite? must say hi next time ok?!

mbj, got sale of cuz must shop mah...heheh...tom must go again :p nevermind la, the list u slowly see la...i still waiting for tha 2 person's reponse...
deliver tonight huh? Ok i come by to pick up from you later ok...just lemme know

I'll pick up mine & melodie's.
sporty, fd is buay pai la.. but then i hate is i cant bathe n blow fan lo.. whow lau.... i remembered clearly that, during e first 5 days i didn wash hair, gt fly flying over my hair leh! yucks!
wow angeline..ba zhang!!! yummy.
no prob just email me when you mailed.

cljl, i used to sign up amore too but din go and sessions all expired. wasted lots of money.

ok dingdong, sorry to trouble. i'll check mine too.
devlina, they only delivering around 8pm.
so after i sort things out, plus settle girl to sleep, prob around 930pm if you can pick up? is it too late?
mbj, hw come didn go? bt nw hor.. ask me go.. i either no time or i lazy to go lo.. hehehe....

angeline, ya really lo.... n i feel so smelly lo...
no prob, as long as you havent sleep la. Coz I'll be sending mum back & then going over to SIL's awhile. So should be able to reach your place by then
angeline,think mee toh here not bad.

cljl, cos i signed up myself then lazy lor, no kaki, so lazy to go then till 2 years later, they say expire liao. haha.
cljl - yup, i do breast massage before i start expressing.

sighs...really dont know how long can i hang on. the thought of stopping makes me depressed.
paperger, u also must do massage as u pump leh... i think it could be u stress thats way ss dropping lo... i think also as bb grows, our ss will drop...
paperger, don't be depressed. Bad mood will affect SS too. You don't have to stop, if SS is not enough to fully BM, just use FM to top up a little. You still giving BM for most meals, that's very good already.

my lunch time pump after 7 hr interval only yield 150ml, I also try to take it easy.

Don't make it a race to have to fully give BM now. BB already 7 mths, they will be getting their nutrition from other solid foods anyways, so what does it matter if they take a bottle of FM every now and then.

Just continue your current pumping schedule and feed whatever you yield. This way, you will maintain SS and not totally dry up, and you can continue to latch when you are home.
mummies from HT BP and staying in the west, bukit panjang or bukit batok area can send one representative to collect for all?
1sttimemummy,dingdong you two from west?
Thanks mummies. I don't know why but every time I even think about stopping, I become extremely depressed. I might just bf my baby forever! hahaha!
MBJ, I stay in the west...can collect the HT loots on behalf of those in the west.

Mummies, if you want me to collect your HT items from MBJ, pls let me know. I can pass your items to you over the weekend.
Don't worry MBJ, I'm not bringing my baby along. Will take a bus down....hopefully Orchard Rd is not flooded anymore!
Mummies, pls let me know by tomorrow morning if you need me to collect your HT items from MBJ cos I'm meeting her tomorrow afternoon. thanks!

mummies, i'll be meeting ashley tml at orchard.
anyone wants me to pass loot to her let me know by tonight.

shirlin, bukit merah is it near telok blangah?
