(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

dore - i dunno abt my boy hw much he loves the bright starts around we go exersaucer but i especially love it from the loots at taka bb fair but i hate the assembly of it ..
kimifin, is mattel toy warehouse sales. opening hours
mon - friday 11 to 5pm, Sat 11 to 6pm if i remember correctly.

It hot and dusty, as swanton says, bring wet tissue.

ayukie, i bought the infant to toddle rocker at 100+ also, no choice cause that time not much sales going on and need to have one as bb getting cranky that time.

This time i got a chance to go the warehouse sales, i just grab , if really no use can always sell it off. haha...
blessedcyn, so good u can join the gals for lunch...i hope i can be on leave soon and join in!

swanston, thks for ur hugs
what did u buy for xy at the FP sale?

ayukie, u so funny...push ur boy ard in the ard we go! hahah... no need to buy the play gym for ur boy liao la...ur boy coming to 6 mths le...wun enjoying lying down to play le...

d8raem8n, the 3 in 1 rocking gym and infant to toodler rocker sounds like a good buy!

superwalker, ur evil move is a good one lor...whahhahha :p

tanly, xie xie...hows ur first day of work so far?
Hehe, I also bought another bouncer for my baby last time at full price. Since this rocker was so cheap, I couldn't resist buying, so putting this at my nanny's place.

Ayukie - I love the Around We Go too, but scared my boy will become sian of the toys on the activity table after a while as they seem limited leh.
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, the royal potty ($50, mr c say to get), turtle shape sorter ($10), cow with movable limbs ($2) &amp; mummy and baby elephant with movable limbs and music ($5). i tot my mum sure nag me for buying silly toys. now my mum is nagging me for not buying more of the $2 and $5 toys. lol. thankfully lil xy like the music from the mummy elephant and love to eat the face of the cow. hahaha.

i like the music too.
flap ur ears, swing ur trunk, come along with me.
i love my little elephant, we're happy as can be.
Wah, after hearing Sporty's good words and reading all the rave reviews on the Learning Home, I also tempted to get it liao. Question to mummies who have this, would a jumperoo or exersaucer still be necessary then? Don't have much space at home, so trying to decide on only one.
superwalker: my girl also wants to get out of the bumbo after i buy. kept arching and straightening her back. but when i switch on tv.. she will sit down for a while to watch. hopefully can use till she is a yr! if nt keep the bumbo for nieces or nephews.

sporty: dun envy. I dun hve the luxury of taking leave during the normal time. only can go for tmr outing. then have to wait till june.
Hi Rachelle, i got the pigeon liquid cleanser just now from ntuc at amk hub....So you dont hv to get them for me already...thks!

I saw there are quite alot left on the shelf..
finally can sit down after my chores!
managed to do laundry &amp; mop floor! YEAH! haha

kimifin, if u are looking for those parklon or LG playmat, usually u can get it online...or i dunno whether they are selling at the expo bb fair next week, if not u can go see how its like

d8raem8n, kids wun get bored with the activity table so soon one la...even tho we feel tha its boring! if u are deciding between a jumperoo and exersaucer, i would suggest u get the latter as u can really "park" bb there while u do ur chores or let bb self entertain... jumperoo, u cant expect them to jump for so long rite...whhahaha :p

swanston, my sis was there at the mattel sale juz now...she called me leh and i cant think of anything tha i want her to buy! heheh... the mummy elephant toy sounds cute leh...

carol, i gotten the learning home for 200++ last time...think more than 250??! cant rem tha exact price...

melodie, my boy loves the learning home...think this toy...they can play very long one...

blessedcyn, ya lor...ur next break is in june...
hihi, me home, lil J was fast asleep by 8+ :p

sporty> wah, ur turn to become fp spokesperson :p my sis got for me and my nephew the learning home last year. was about $180 when she bought on sale :p

i better "see no evil" here liaos, i think erm, lil jo got so many toys he'll be so spoilt if i get him anymore :p the last i see, i think with just his exersaucer, jumperoo, play gym and learning home set up, the living room, no space to walk liaos :p
My daughter's coming 16 weeks and i am returning to work.

Last few days started to give her the bottle with expressed milk instead of the usual exclusive latch on. With the bottle i note that she seems to drink nothing more than 100ml every 3hrs during the day. And that is on a good attempt.

She does not dislike the bottle but i am concerned that she seems to be drinking very little.

How much are your little ones drinking?
mm6j, my hse is mini fp showroom lor...hahha... was so keen in the "laugh and learn" series tha my son have almost the whole collection...whahhahha :p
sporty> wah good good, haha, lil A is so lucky! now mei mei, can "share" kor kor's collection
i hope my boy also can "maintain" his toys for didi/ mei mei
Ah pardon but i hardly see toys for my boy can anyone enlighten me what is the jumperoo, exersaucer? And learning home? Ah yo, i so tempted to go buy also but too far for me. Lok Yang if only it is Loyang which is near my place. Hahaha...
monkee, my gal is drinking 120ml...

peipei, the sale is until 28 march...

mm6j, ok la...most of the toys are in good condition...juz tha they become "mixed" up like toy A already mixed with toy B etc...hahha

velo, u juz google for "fisher price jumperoo", exersaucer and "fisher price learning home"... u will kno how they "looked" like...LOL
d8raem8n - my boy playing the keyboard happily le ..

sporty - bo bian my boy nt as tall as i thought ..dun waste mah assembled le ..
monkee, my gal drinking 150 BM or 135 FM. she is 4 months 1 week old.

bought so much during fp warehouse sales but no toy to play yet. hopefully their logistic will call me tommorrow to arrange the delivery timing.
I remove my order for the Happy Bellies spree. I'm getting taurus help.

Happy Bellies Spree (state quantity and flavour)
tentative price: $8.00 before discount (price only stands if minimum
order 12 cans)
(comes in 3 flavours- oatmeal,multigrain and brown rice) (the 12 cans
minimum quantity can mix and match flavours)
Expiry date: After September 2010


1. ayukie - brown rice x 1 (North, North-west) (11th)
2. piggym - brown rice x 1
3. piggy - brown rice x 2
4. Shers83 - brown rice x 1

1. tanly - brown rice x 1 (north)
2. superwalker - brown rice x 2 (north)
3. swanston - brown rice x 1 (north)
4. sponge - brown rice x 1 (north)
5. zentan - oatmeal x 1 (north)
7. jolene428 - oatmeal x 1 (north)
8. fritt - brown rice x 1, oatmeal x 1, multigrain x 1 (north)
9.rachelleling - brown rice x 2

1. bearycue - brown rice x 1 (West)
2. chris- brown rice x 2 (west)
3. esther - brown rice x 2, oatmeal x 2, multigrain x 2 (west)
4. Pei Pei - brown rice x 2 (west)
5. ardenz - brown rice x 1 (west)
6. anise - brown rice x 1 (west)
7. celine - brown rice x 1 (west)
8. Babylele - brown rice x 1 (west)
9. Karen - brown rice x2 (west)
10. saintbaby - brown rice x 1 (west)
11. shirlin - brown rice x 1 (west)

1. jwys - brown rice x 1 (central)
2. Xuanxuan - brown rice x 1 (central/south)
3. Novbaby - brown rice X 2 (central/ east)

1. blessedcyn - brown rice x 2 (east)
2. carolorac - brown rice x 1 (east)

1. Momo _Mummy - Brown rice x 1 (north east)
2. momoko - brown rice x 1 (north east)
3 Agata - brown rice x 1 (North East)

Carol, ya. my gal gags when she's drinking from my breast. less so if she's drinking from the bottle though. I don't understand why she's like that.
karen, mattel got delivery meh?? i thought no have!! did you buy the slide+swing? that day the salesperson told me only got delivery if buy the slide..

carol, learning home is $238 at kiddy palace.. $180+ at the taka fair.. i went to see FP toys today so that i can feel happy about my loot from the warehouse sale!! hiak hiak!

mm6j, need exersaucer AND jumperoo??

sporty, since u have so many laugh &amp; learn toys, ask you hor.. is the music/songs/'talking voices' etc the same for the various toys?? i scared end up all say the same things..

last night i decided to buy learning home. today i decided not to buy learning home. now come here read this i think i m buying learning home!!
nvfm> ur qn very cute. i suppose no need exersaucer and jumperoo. i just WANTED exersaucer &amp; jumperoo for my lil TOYKING lah. lol, if u want to make ur son a "toyking", u can also get
now i damn tempted to go FP sale!
mm6j.. i going again!! was planning to go on thursday.. now maybe wednesday..? tomorrow got sahm lunch then i flying home to wait for my playyard delivery! Go go go!!
nvfm> think really cannot buy le, the "palace" no space. u haf msn? can add me [email protected] have fun waitin for delivery!! it's very overwhelming when the doorbell rings! i still feel very exhilarated whenever my purchases (local/ overseas) arrive! Macdonalds bf delivery included! whahhaa
ayukie, nvm la...since assembled liao, juz let it be lor...he will definitely grow taller mah

notveryfatmum, the voices is abt the same but the songs are diff...and diff toys got diff functions...learning home is good as there's diff modes lor...u can read amazon.com for reviews on this toy before u buy lor...whahhaha :p wow, u going again on wed/thurs?! peifu... ur hse very big ah...can hse so many toys!!
mm6j, hahha...my #2 very poor thing...dun own much toys tho, think less than 5 toys...hahha

notveryfatmum, u stay in those executive flats or jumbo isit...good to have big space and then "store" more toys...whhahhahha
nvfm> so good, got space! buy buy buy!!!

sporty> u jus need to get some dollies for lil m, the rest can share with kor kor
My gal finally did a full flip 2 days ago. Today, she is able to find and bring up her hands after she did the flip. So that she can use her hands for support. MIL says that she always lost her temper if she cannot do a proper flip. She is napping lesser today. Reason is trying to perfect her flip :)
saphira, i watched the video, breastfeeding in sling like so easy, but i have problems even trying to get baby into the sling, to me, it's like some complicated stuff.

wa, karen, you bought so many toys!!
i also wana go fp sales, do they accept credit card payment?
actually i already got jumperoo and rocker and a lot more toys from my first child's time, but still very tempted to go see see lei, aiya but no one look after my bb..

these few nights my bb every one or two hour wake up, i can't even sleep!
dunno what's up, so tiring.
thought 4th month liao should be able to sleep better but haiz...
sporty, I find that no matter how many toys doesn't really matter. My son has alot of toys. But get bored with a new toy after 1 or 2 days. But if I play with him daily, they wont get bored.
My #2 even poor thing cause i didn't buy any new toys for him. Anyway he also doesn't seems to be interested to play with his jiejie toys.

superwalker &amp; Blessedcyn,
Maybe ur babies are not comfortable sitting on the bumbo seat as they are still not ready to sit. Personally i feel is not very good to let them sit when they are not ready yet.

Yah loh young children concentration are very short. My girl is 5 mins interest. She always ask me to buy this and that when she saw toys commercials. I told her i no money, so she says she will give me money. Nowadays kids are very good life, last time i want barbie doll have to wait till my dad strike 4D.
nvfm, yes they have delivery, I asked before i purchase so much. Min 300 for delivery.

myboyjovan,not many lah, I am not going for taka or vbb fair at expo, if dont buy mean pay full price next time and the sales is near my workplace. The sales accept credit card for purchase more than 50. If not will be cash only, no nets.
morning all!
cant imagine how suay can it be!! my boy had fever last nite...i hope he's ok by today to go skool...if not i really dunno HOW!

myboyjovan, yes u can pay cc at the fp sales...

bidosoh, think kids' attention span very short la...my boy also dun play on one toy for too long...he will "rotate" his toys to play with lor

al, if u scroll up and read...its at 1 lok yang way...
sporty... my gal dio viral fever again! Lucky my mil can look after. Me just second week into my new job, not nice to take leave rite? Hubi already took leave yesterday...

Hope you boy is ok le...
taurus> i also remember when i was young, how amused i was kept by clothes pegs! yes, today's kids have the good life! maybe also cos what we didn't have we would like to provide our kids with..

sporty> hope lil A is well again after a good night's zzz *hugz

esther> ur gal too? aiyos, take care, hope u enjoying ur new job..

superwalker> u want to keep ur fingers crossed for sporty. don't *uncross ah, :p
