(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

esther, avent manual if u kno how to use hor...can be very fast one...i have a colleague who can pump one full bottle of avent bottle after 20 mins!

momo mummy, thas why i told u 23rd feb is block out period...better call first to confirm have the 1 for 1...

wah now i oso feel like getting the avent manual as backup. anyone knows wher'es the best place to get avent manual at lowest price?
morning ladies.

pumping now. last pump almost 12 hrs ago but i did latch at nite.

lil j was kicking n punching last nite until the papa got fed up and went living room to zz.. :p

now he still snoozing after we put him on his fave position, on my pillow n under my quilt..

anise> yayy! enjoy the brekkie...

momo mummy> i want to try and join lei... but i don wan go aquamarine since i gg today :p

sporty> i mish u.....
ardenz, no prob! u can get the avent manual from robinsons during their 20% sale ba...i think shd be one of the cheapest!

mm6j, hahha...missed me ah? whahhahah :p good tha u relaxing at home
Momo mummy,do Check your booking is it for a 1 for 1. Cos I called to make booking they mentioned that 1 for 1 resume in early march.
MM8J and sporty: wah i also wan to go eat today
my hubby cant go with me i wan to jio u guys go... but haiz sad case they got block out dates during CNY... kns...

d8raem8n, i email u Lucas plan liaoz....
1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j (2A + bb) (KIV)
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia (2A+ bb)
7. Jane (2A + 1 toddler + bb)
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (2A + bb)
12. fieda (2A + bb)
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)
17. Nicole (2A+bb)
18. Tanly (2A+bb)
19. Sharon Lee (2A+bb)
20. swanston (2A+bb) (KIV)
can i ask those mummies who pump and latch. is it normal for nipples to feel more sore from pumping, compared to latching. i'm wondering whether i'm pumping correctly leh. pump until so pain, then the yield also so pathetic.
To increase supply:

Pumps or latch both sides at one time.

latch one side pump the other side. If baby not satisfied with drinking one side feed the expressed milk. Must try this method at least once and u

will see the "magic fountain" ha ha.

Make sure to clear your breast everytime u pump or latch. For pumping it is better to do compression while pumping to make sure breast is really

empty. When doing compression, the pressure of compression should not be hurting.

Pump and latch as often as u can. the more stimulations the better.

Try not to hold the milk more than 3 hours apart. Night time not more than 4 hours apart.

If you want to increase or maintain milk supply, don't drag too long before do pumping or latching. If u are happy with the supply, u can avoid

pumping at night. As long as u don't get too engorged.

How long u can hold the milk is really depanding on your storage capacity. Some boobs can hold more milk, some have lesser

storage space. This explains why some mothers can pump more in one session, some have to pump or latch more often. And why some mummies are able to hold the milk longer before engorement happens. <font color="0077aa">Bear in mind that lesser

storage space do not mean u will have less milk.</font> As long as u are hardworking u will have milk. Supply = demand. The more often the stimulation

the more milk u get.

Make sure to set a mode that works for you. Stronger or faster suctions doesn't mean more milk. Hurting your nipples is the last thing u want. The

key to stimulate, achieve let downs and empty your breast by doing hand compression. Not sure if you want to try my method: left hand holding left

pump, knees holding the right pump and right hand doing compression (the pressure of compression should not be hurting). Normally, I will start by letting the "let downs" do all the work without needing to do any compression. I do compression especially toward the end.

Be sure that all the hard works are very worth it!! When it comes to feeding baby, there is really only 2 best options for your baby: 1st option is your left breast, 2nd option is your right breast.

I am now feeding my 3 year old girl too and in less than one month she has gained 2 cm in height! As for my baby, i see lots of advancements in term of mental and physical developement. For me, as long as I am breastfeeding, there are no worries. As long as they are growing well, contented, peeing and pooing, you don't have to worry much. There are not robots after all.

Babies like to sleep with tummy down. Works well for especially babies who are cranky or not feeling well. My boy sleeps very well especially at night when he is on his tummy. When I do that, I make sure he is sleeping on latex matress.

momo Mummy,
There must be a reason why bb is cranky. Are u breast feeding? Breastfeeding provides best comfort to baby. Try holding baby close, skin to skin contact. He must be feeling not well. Don't get angry okay? Also try tummy down position when he is sleeping. Best to use the latex matress if u are worried about SIDS.

Links for comforting cranky babies:
Momomummy, how about we book aquamarine for the first tues in march? 1 for 1 more wuhua!!! Can u book for 4 persons first? Then on 23/2 (tues) how abt we have lunch at suntec/marina sq so tat sporty n mm6j can join? How how???
calling for anyone who wans to join for lunch at Compasspoint on 22 AND 23 Feb.

Maybe Jack's place n sakae Sushi.

Why there? Cos I can puch stroller there from home easily.
zhen zhen,
No I don't get soreness from pumping.

Make sure to set a mode that works for you. Stronger or faster suctions doesn't mean more milk. Hurting your nipples is the last thing u want. The

key to stimulate, achieve let downs and empty your breast by doing hand compression. Not sure if you want to try my method: left hand holding left

pump, knees holding the right pump and right hand doing compression (the pressure of compression should not be hurting). Normally, I will start by letting the "let downs" do all the work without needing to do any compression. I do compression especially toward the end.
zhen zhen,
No I don't get soreness from pumping.

Make sure to set a mode that works for you. Stronger or faster suctions doesn't mean more milk. Hurting your nipples is the last thing u want.

The key to stimulate, achieve let downs and empty your breast by doing hand compression. Not sure if you want to try my method: left hand holding left pump, knees holding the right pump and right hand doing compression (the pressure of compression should not be hurting). Normally, I will start by letting the "let downs" do all the work without needing to do any compression. I do compression especially toward the end.
momo mummy, if no 1 for 1 then bo hua liao...then u have to wait until mar liao lor!

zhenzhen, u juz started pumping after latching?? beginning the yield is quite pathetic one...could it be the shields for ur pump is too small for ur nipples? thas why u feel sore? or did u pump for a long time??
Superwalker, hahahaha.. can u call and book aquamarine.... i very paiseh cos i keep calling them i think the lady noes me liao... "This YAO Gui gal keep calling to make reservation for 1 for 1... " tel: 68451111 hehheheee.. thank u ya...

Venue: Aqua Marine (1 for 1)
Date: 2 March 2010 (Tues)

1) momo Mummy
2) Superwalker

Anyone else???

Saphira, yup yup only breast feeding lucas will be guai guai.... hehehe...
Ayukie, dun damage yr breasts la! I have nv on max for suction. Change yr valves of yr pump!! How long have u been using the current valves?
My gal 3 months old yesterday. I also notice they become more fussy last 2 weeks. Take shorter nap and cannot like last time can sleep but want to sit upright and want daddy &amp; mummy to entertain.

momo_mummy, being parent really not easy, basically no life haha...
Everyday got to wake up at 6.30, mummy prepare milk and feed , daddy wash up and will send and fetch her to bb sitter. After work when reach home, daddy need to bath and eat his dinner (sometimes he eat before he go and fetch her) cause her feed is normally at 7+ where I have not reach home or just reach home. Then after feed, got to entertain her (cause not like last time she will sleep) at the same time mummy eat dinner , bath then pump(end around 9 pm). After that mummy take over to take care of bb till 10pm then will need to wipe and change her, last feed around 10+ then sleep around 11 pm. Everday same cycle, sometimes when she fussy got to carry and walk around. For me, to calm my gal, i hold her upright and she will put her head on my should like burping like that. Normally it works, as she is at the curious stage and like to look around.
Carol, i took fenugreek first then this supp from motherlove


Initially i tried fenugreek (buy from GNC one) and took 3 tab 3 times a day. The results was ok. supply increased but not very fast. Then i saw the motherlove pdt. So we bot it from USA and took 1 tab 4 times a day. I find this works better than fenugreek. it;s stated that women with PCOS will benefit from taking this and I had PCOS previously. but I think shd be fine for all. With this motherlove pdt, my supply increases steadily like about 10-20ml increase every week.

If you want to increase your supply which is more than what yo9u previously have, the best way is to latch more or to pump more. if latch, try Saphira;s method as above. if pump, pump 2 hourly as much as possible. and supp with the capsules. the combination shd help to increase supply.

Re: Pumping.
I also massage and do compression while pumping. the rate of flow is faster and you need not spend too much time emptying the breasts. i can empty my breasts in 15 min. but then think i compress/massage too hard, quite sore at times. and recently, dunno why mayb cos my aerola kept rubbing against the shield, my aerola quite red and got dead skin. is this an indication that my shield is too big?

Sporty > i can;t take NPL. hubby say no $, kick me back to work! some to think of it, only 3 weeks left!!!
fieda, opps i had been damaging my breasts last time as i used max for ameda...whahhaha :p

karen, ur routine sounds like mine! juz tha i wake up at 5ish every morning to latch my gal then pump, prepare for work and prepare #1 for skool...come back also eat dinner in rush and shower so tha can start latching my gal at 8ish before she falls asleep at 9! by 9ish, both of my kids are asleep then i have more time for my own stuffs...hehhe

rachelle, better treasure ur last 3 weeks!! heheh :p
About fenugreek.
Why not take the raw onces. Much much cheaper. get from indian shop. I used to brew them like tea when i was short in milk supply last time. 1 day 1 teaspoon (measuring spoon or use our aluminium eating spoon). Mix with hot water in a flusk and rebrew throughout the day. Will see effect within on month.
saphira, i normally latch my gal when i'm half asleep and she cant empty my boobs...thas why i need to pump again after latch...heheh

superwalker, good leh, tha means he can kpo his surroundings liao! hehe
Sporty, haha...he was in there for less than 10mins and he fell asleep! I guess there is not much things to koi at home...that's why he chose to sleep. Lol!!
Saphira, thanks for the great advice. Ya realise that the harder the suction &amp; cycle the flow is less then when using a more comfortable suction.

Going to try all the advice and hope i got the discipline and determination. Saluate all the mummies here!
reservations for aquamarine on 2 mar (tues) at 12pm is done
i booked for 4 persons. if no one else is joining us, i will still go with you!
Karen, guess this is parenthood. Even now I am not working, my hb and I also take turn to look after our gal when we eat or shower. But the minus pt of my gal is she doesn't want daddy to feed her, so I just let her daddy to entertain her loh.

Superwalker, your boy head stiff liao? How then you know can put bb facing front?
fieda, u good man...i dun feel anything if its less tha the middle so i always max...aiyo, me waiting for 130pm before i can go relieve myself...argghh
Tanly, I placed on boy on his tummy n over my shoulder ( his tummy on my shoudlers) and I realized that he can lift his head very high and it's also quite steady. Then just now I let him sit on my lap without supporting his neck - his head did not dip. So I put him in the carrier to try loh
but when he falls asleep while facing in front like not very comfy...
haha mm6j - my hb have been taking to slping in livin rm as much as he could since lil E knows hw to eh and eh and thump and thumps his bed to make noises to wake us up whahaha ... that is until i dragged him back in the rm .. whahhaa misery loves companay whahhaa
me! Fieda i have painful wrist and also when wake up cannot bend fingers or make a fist. gynae say normal water retention but hmm now more than 2 months i wonder when the water will go away.....
ayukie, now u reminded me...u hor, asked shirlin to bring ang bao packets for u and u didnt turn up for the hi tea!! hahhaa
sounds like we are in the same situation.

Bb since 630am till now, only nap 2 times of 30mins each.
When I latch, he seems to fall z. when I put him to bed, he wakes up, smiling n talking. after a while, wan ppl to carry.

then, pacifier dun work.
ayukie! Yah.. now sporty reminded me too.. Asked me bring red packets for you den u nv come.. Somemore i specially went back to br b4 gg for hi tea lehz.. =(

momo: I dun thk I can make it for lunch on 23rd lehz..Told u in sms tt I've got class..only this wk got break cuz of cny.. Thk no chance to meet liaoz unless I arrange my off day so tt we can meet for lunch 1 day after I start wk..

sporty: Thk my hb will cfm volunteer to do all the feeds n diaper change tonight.. Wahahha.. He yday msg me n say he miss his girl alot.. Thk tonight I'll be a lil more free liaoz.. LOL!
shirlin, i very good to u rite...ahhah...now "scold" ayukie for u...whahhahha :p yeah, good for u, hope ur hb honour his words :p kekekke
Fieda, gynae couldnt help much? only advised that the condition should go away on its own....i dunno if i wanna go see an orthopaedic doctor or something to check becos in the morning my hand can't grip also..quite dangerous when i carry BB...also rite, i still can't wear my wedding ring becos my fingers still so fat....dunno fat cos of water retention or real fats lor boohoooo
i used to hav painful wrist when i had #1.. went to orthopaedic n was told tt it's tendon inflammation.. was given steriod jab at the wrist to reduce the inflammation.. i couldn't take oral steriod tt time coz was breastfeeding..

Spent nearly 40 mins to really empty my boobs! Got 12ounces this time.

Good to know. Remember, "let downs" are your bonuses. You have to be relaxed and imagine your baby suckling. Set a pace and pressure that mimics your baby's suctions best or a pressure and speed that can help with the flow. Also remember to compress(gentle but firm grip) your breast especially toward the end of pumping to fully empty your breast.
