(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

rachelle, i think u are really hardworking leh...9 times a day?! kow tow to u!! thas very scary.... now u still doing 3 hrly pump?

shirlin, 1 mar sounds so far away lor...envy envy....hahhaha

momoko, yeah...i kno the ans liao cuz today i went to ask the medela service center person...thks for ur reply

sporty, ya, i was so desperate that time to increase milk ss, so i pump 9 times a day. And i also follow MM6J and your advice to drink milo. hahah got a few days i pump 10 times a day! pump till my boobs so sore. now i;m still doing 3 hourly pump (try to keep to 3 hours. if not i will drag one pump but shorten the other pump. so will have 8 pumps everyday) very tiring but then i want to keep my supply till i go back to work. bo bian loh.

Now even have to wake up in the night to pump. sometimes very tiring cos now baby wakes up once to feed. so, if i pump at 3am, he wakes up at 4.30am, i need to wake up another time at 6am to pump. quite tiring. but when i see my milk supply going up and baby can be totally breastfeed(instead of previously i need to supp with fmilk), i think all these are worth it.
sporty: it's coming very soon!! Just 2 wks after cny lorz.. Sobs..

Anw, thk my girl misses her daddy.. Today kept crying.. Den I asked her izzit cuz she miss daddy,she smiled at me.. So I told her tt daddy will b back tmr night.. Den she gave me a bigger smile.. Hee.. So sweet..
Sporty, Shirlin, Rachelle thank you for the advice and encouragement. Hope i can do it. Wow, that means have to sterilize the pump bottles everytime rite?

Rachelle my supply not much to begin with. Max in the past was only 100ml. Now very sad. I salute you! 9 x a day...wow...hope i have the displine like you.

BTW, anyone brought baby on flight before? I bringing my boy to KL by flight for CNY.He will be 2.5months then, any precaution i should take? I bit worry but got to go visit my sis-in law & back KL home.
So sad ... so near CNY n I muz fall sick at tis time, cough, running nose, sore throat all come at the same time. Now on antibotics, cannot be too close with my girl and she kept crying for me despite my mum helping me with her ... sobs ...
rachelle, u are good lor...very hardworking!! *kow tows again* ... so how many times do u intend to pump when u are back at work?

shirlin, aiyo...still long time la...to me... now i dunno how to settle my 1 mth ML thas leftover...wanted to take in mar but seems like bo chance liao...haiz! think ur leann misses daddy cuz she likes daddy to change her diaper hor...whahhaha

velo, u can dun sterlise the pump...juz soak the pump parts in tupperware or put pump parts in ziplock bag and leave it in fridge for next use...btw, which pump are u using rite now? think if u are taking bb on a flight, u have to worry abt the landing and take off lor...cuz thas when they feel most uncomfy!

momoko, hope u get well for cny soon!!
Sporty, i'm using ameda. Oh can soak in Lock & lock? My tupperware box a bit shallow to soak. Soak in hot water? Can lock & lock tahan?

Ya worry about flight take off & landing plus my boy a loud cryer!
velo, can...i soak in tupperware...warm water...only before use then i use hot water to scald abit... take off and landing time, try to latch or feed bb to relieve them of the air pressure...
Sporty, cos i m a teacher, so hopefully most days will be half day in sch. somemore teaching noon session this yr so i hope to pump like twice in sch. if need to go to sch early then pump more. i target to pump at least 6 - 7 times a day when i go back to work. dunno can or not. how do you gals manage? cos now if i dun pump 3 hourly, i will feel engorged with breasts feeling hard. i so scared to get another round of blocked ducts. how to not pump so many sessions and drag to like 4 - 5 hourly pump?

Velo, i think if you are determined and hardworking, you shd be able to go back to your previous output cos you already established that qty previously. if you only got 30 -40ml previously, a little more difficult to increase sup0ly to more than that amt. usu is going back to the previous established qty before ss drop. hope you understd what i'm saying.

Sporty, we can leave the bott and parts in fridge for nextuse? i din know tat! then shd be easier! I was thinking of buying a mini fridge to put in my cubicle cos dun wan to put the ebm in the common fridge. like dirty lei. oh yes, where to get the fridge to go at a cheap price?
rachelle> like sporty, i think u r a very hardworking mom. very impressed and determined. i like ur "fighting spirit"

momoko> pls take care!

shirlin> *waves

superwalker> i got new "idea" for lunch venue!!! wahhaahah

finally my 5 day long cny break is here! i know most of u still on ml *envious*

shihui> how was AQ?
1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j (2A + bb) (KIV)
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia (2A+ bb)
7. Jane (2A + 1 toddler + bb)
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (2A + bb)
12. fieda (2A + bb)
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)
17. Nicole (2A+bb)
18. Tanly (2A+bb)
19. Sharon Lee (2A+bb)
Ayukie> haha, i am lucky i got in laws to help take care of baby. so my primary job is to provide milk. if no help to take care of baby, i dun think i can pump so many times a day. I'm tired most of the time also cos i want to witness my baby's growth as much as possible so a bit tiring.
rachelle, wah...6 to 7 times a day after u go back work? thas very good lor...for me i pump 4 times a day, might cut down to 3 after bb turns 6 mths...think my boobs are used to it, even 8 hrs no pump its ok :p yeah, u can...thas what i do in office cuz i dun sterlise it for next use! think rue also does tha as she pumps 3 hrly too... tha day saw bulk purchase section got fridge to go promo, now juz checked, no more liao...

mm6j, wahh...5 day break sounds so good
thanks for the encouragement. i depress today thinking gone case liao. thanks for all the advice. me pumpin now. btw ameda has cycle & suctiion knob, the manual teaches to go full cycle then lower when let down come in. but some books say start slow. is there a optimal spreed to pump?
i erm use max for both cycle and suction for my ameda pump whahahaa cept when im bleeding .. or gg bleed .. nw i scare le ..
seems like most mummies has backup pumps.. Which manual pump is the best in your opinion? Sporty, yours is Ameda yeah, have you tried Rachelle's medela manual pump? i better go get a manual as backup since i'm on exclusive pumping.. FS died on me the other day but was okay an hour later.. phew!

baby been crying badly past 2 nights from 8 til 9ish at night.. wondering if its colic. Colic tends to pass when baby's over 3months..? Lil baby is 3 months old now...
She's also recognising people/voice n i cant calm her like before
(has been sick so family helped taking care of her for 2 weeks)
MM6J > i think the tot of wanting to give my baby bmilk really spurs me on.it;s like wanting to give my boy the best. everytime i will complain to my hubby that i dun wan to pump anymore cos very tired. got few times, i cried while pumping cos i was so tired! but in the end, after so much complaints, i still guai guai sit on my bed and pump 3 hourly haha. see mummies are so noble!!

Sporty > i;m targeting only. dun think can pump so many times after starting to work. sigh... we really shd hv 1 yr ML!
Hello mm6j!! Haven seen u in awhile.. Come for nxt lunch lehz..

sporty: yaya!! She loves her daddy to change her diapers.. LOL! Tmr gg to let him do all the diaper change.. Wahaha
rachelle >

shirlin> hello my friendly cda bank consultant... i will try to make it
miss seeing u 2 and lil j and ur lil l mus take photo tog
wow! there are some really hardworking mummies here. recently been pumping once a day, to try and get my girl used to the bottle. and i already cannot tahan. really prefer latching compared to pumping.

superwalker, mm6j, ariesgal, you gals live/work ard novena area? if you organise a lunch outing ard that area, jio me ok! cos i send my girl to the afternoon session at newton kindy. so just nice can have lunch between drop off and pick up time.
mm6j: Yaya! Lil J must take picture with my Lil L! Cuz lil T dun like my girl.. He prefer to take couple shots with lil R! Wahahha! You say gt new idea for lunch venue... Where Where??? Anw, you shld receive the 'package' by tmr if not latest friday~~ =)
shirlin> hahaha, u want to "shang" my lil J ah. hahah, tell u when i "see" u on msn/ fb/ personally.. ooh, thanks so muchie!!! *BIG HUGZ*
sporty, MM6J,
Aquamarine is good!! my mom n i enjoyed our meal so much.. hehehe.. the oysters and the sashimi are so fresh.. woow... slurp.. the dessert section is gd too.. i think i will smile with satisfaction in my sleep tonight.. hahahaha.. :p

MM6J, btw, dun try the cold crabs tml.. they put the crab on ice.. the crab lost it's sweetness and tasted water soaked.. :p
shihui> really? i was lookin forward to the crabs. ok, at least i will be having cold crabs (good ones) on fri.. i am a dessert person so hehe i willknow where to attack with my husb tmrw
Hi Rachelle, can I check wat r the supplements that you have taken to boost ss? And which one is effective?
But it can't help to increase more than ur previous established supply? Then how to meet bb's growing demand?
I am currently pumping out ~90ml without latching but my bb feeds ~5x a day & each feed ~180ml! Sometimes, she can drink over 200ml within an hr....
Have to combine 2 bottles of pump for each feed & sometimes supplement w some FM =(

I am using Avent uno electronic pump & sometimes feel that it cannot empty my breast but I tried to restrict each breast to a max of half hr pumping as I've still got cuts on both my areola after 1 mth! Will try to latch my ger soon & hope won't be painful. Really regret not getting Medela as the Avent bundle already cost $300!

Momo_mummy, thanx for replying my PM =) Happy for u tat u r latching lil' Lucas again!
morning all!
thurs liao...1 more day to the long weekend!

ayukie, i also used max for both cycle and sucton for ameda...think my boobs used to it liao...hahha

novbaby, avent's manual pump is the best...at times i used it to clear blocked ducts also if the electric ones cant clear and the avent manual is pretty affordable! wah, ur FS died on u tha day...can understand the panic...so in the end wat actually happened to the FS? yeah, think colic tends to be over when bb's over 3 mths...could it be ur gal is tired and wanna sleep already? thas why kept crying?

rachelle, haha...have one yr of ML to be a cow! actually for ur job, u can take NPL if u want...i have a fren whos a teacher, took NPL for 2 yrs to bf and take care of her kids...

shirlin, yes lor...tell leann's daddy tha leann misses him and wants him to change diapers and feed her...whahahahhah :p

shihui, told u liao...aquamarine is worth every cent of its $$! but i still think the dinner's better la cuz spread is more esp the seafood section...got lobster lor!! hahhaha...

carol, wah...ur gal is a milk junkie...180ml?! gosh...try taking mother's milk tea or fenugreek as supplements to increase ur ss... as for food wise, can try oatmeal or milo, which works alot for me
ya.. the crab is a disappointment to me too.. but dun worry.. the dessert bar will compensate for it..

yupyup! it's so value for money... my mom also kept saying tt it's so worth it..
when is the promo until?
hahahaha... on ah!! i can plan for another round when i take childcare leave for my gal's vaccination.. hehehehe...
BB has been super cranky lately (reaching 3 mth mark next week)
Yest, refuse to sleep from 5-11pm, even though got feed (fall asleep at bottle or breast but wake up when placed at bed)
Instead of the usual 90ml feed, he only drk finish 60ml.
When coaxing him to sleep, he reject pacifier and keep moving non stop!

Esp sucking his fists n smearing over the face, when I restrain his hands using mine, he was even more forceful to resist!

unitl he is really tired, I latch him at 1130 then he z.
This morning, he wakes up at 2 n 5 for feed, but 6-8am awake to throw tantrum.. keep sucking his entire fist!

Is normal for bb to be cranky at this stage?
mummies, what is lok lok? i oso learning on storing ebm when go back to work next mth.

sporty, btw hows ur FS, how u send for repair since US warranty huh?

Velo, i also very jealous if my bb takes to someone else...i always ask my hb what if bb think tht person is the mummy, i will get v angry lor. My hb say i ting tong.
Velo, you can look thru the plan and let me know if you are interested, i can do for you
email/call me if u hv any doubts... have a safe trip back to KL... i also thinking of bring lucas to perth but i very worry abt the long flight duration dun noe he can take it or not.... haiz, my trip in May.. i hvnt decided if i shld bring lucas or not

Superwalker, let me know if lunch is on or not... i can only do 23feb (tues) cos 22feb is a monday i got to work... anywhere is good for me
maybe we shld go aquamarine?? I very "Yao Gui" hear Shihui, sporty say until so delicious i oso wan to try aqua marine.... how how???

Carol Ong, u are most welcome.... Wah ur baby really can drink... my lucas only can drink 90ml now... and 90ml he sometimes drink until very xin ku liao... i am taking all that sporty mention (mother's milk tea <4 cup per day>, fenugreek<3tab 2 times per day> and milo<before i pump>) accept oats cos i dun like the taste... just remember to pump more freq cos it will really help with ur ss.... jiayou
shihui, hahah...good for u

ardenz, they meant those "lock and lock" tupperware box la...can send for repair at the medela service centre if its US unit, juz tha the basic service fee will be more ex than local unit...anyways mine was not a major prob, was my prob cuz i didnt fix the spare parts properly :p thas why the person didnt charge me...

momo mummy, if u like oysters and sashimi then very wu hua to go aquamarine but if i'm not wrong tha 22nd feb week, its the blocked out period...u better call and ask first...
Kimifin, I think so too... i think baby at ard 3mths will be very cranky... my lucas is cranky... bath he cry, drink he cry, before sleep also cry.... and he can really cry until face red red.. but he is sick now la so i forgive him for crying... everyday after i bring him home from nanny at 7pm he will start crying when we reach home and can cry until 9plus then fall asleep... me and hubby super tired taking turns to make lucas sleep... he cry the most when we wash him up... just got to be really patient with him... cos the more i gan jiong the more he gets frastrated.... being parents is really not that simple... now we hv our dinner at 9pm after lucas sleep
Sporty and superwalker, wah yummy... i want to eat at aquamarine... i just called to make reservation on 23 feb (Tues) for 4 pax.... they allow small group reservation. I tired calling for 8pax they say cant take in. how how?? u can join??

yes, bb wakes up after a short z of 30mins..duno y.. cos he awake for long already.

mine was more grouchy now..like carry some way he dun like, or dun wan me to sit. or need a walk outside..

i was super pissed last nite for him not able to sleep..n not cooperating, i know he's jus a bb. but i also got my limits..

so i tell myself, when he;s tired, he will z...

ha, by the time, i also tired.
kimifin, i let lucas see the lightings outside my house. Near my house got alot of CNY colourful lightings... he see liao then wont cry so much... same like urs oso cannot sit down... must carry him straight up and tap his butt and talk to him while looking at lightings then slowly x 3hrs <hahaha> he will fall asleep...
Morning gals... Finally got time to post at work.. Today wanna slack liao lol.. On leave starting tomolo till 22nd. Happie..

Sporty.. Where is aquamarine? See u gals toking abt dat, sounds delicious... Hw much it cost? Phew luckily u gt spare pump. I tink I should standby 1 just in case it happens to mi. So avent is a best huh...

Jane mm6.. 5 going on leave same as u.

I miss so many gathering
there is none organize next week? Else I can bring my gal out.

Btw momoko, mitsy n momo mummy.. I will send u e amt to buy mi for e medela parts. To prevent u gals owe mi over e new yr :p.. Sorry for e delay. No time during weekdays. Lack of slp man

momo mummy. U have send mi e bumper mat design lei
sporty, sorry where's the medela service centre if FS got problem? do they oso sell FS spare parts at the service centre...
anise, sorry i forget if i hv send u.... u want the bumper mat design ah? wat's ur email?
and yes Avent manuel pump very good, can pump out more than electric pump and good to use when u super engorge or got block ducts....
Anise, u email how much i owe u to my [email protected]... or msn me... i am on msn... then hor where u stay?? how to collect from u huh??? thank u ya...
momo mummy, u gals go ahead for the aquamarine la...i think i cannot afford the time leh cuz i need to pump and take my lunch...i join u all next time for shorter lunch if its ard my area lor...hehhe

anise, aquamarine's at marina mandarin...now have lunch promo for their international buffet...its 1 for 1 lor...tha time i went with my hb, its 2 paxs for 44 after taxes and all...

ardenz, here's the address : The Baby Specialist, 81 Toh Guan Road East #03-01 Secom Centre Tel : 6563 6228. They are open from 9am to 530pm on weekdays...better call to confirm first...
momo_mummy! Avent manual pump good ar? Can reap more ebm? But the time taken will be much more right?

ooo... you all going for aquamarine... can I join...? But with baby abit difficult to enjoy the food hor..
Sporty, we eat on behalf for u... hehehe... ya buffet must eat long long 1 hor...

Yes, can pump more but time taken longer loh but if u can see result longer time spend i dun mind lehz... hehehe
pls come! can go handsfree better lahz... if not we can help u look after... but i think superwalker bring his lil Tim oso.... so u can come with urs too.... I booked 4 pax... now got u, me and superwalker... ANYONE ESLE KEEN for AQUA MARINE on 23 Feb (Tues) got 1 more seat left??? Paiseh cant jio many of u... cos they dun allow big grp bookings...

Shirlin, Aquamarine ??? 23 Feb (tues)???

Alamak, Marine mandarin just called and say Aqua marine 1 for 1 (UOB)is only vaild after CNY in March... means if we going on 23feb only got OCBC and Citibank promo with 15% discount nia lehz.... superwalker, esther.... u still okie??? or change venue??
