(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Ha ha! Good to know I am not as crazy as i thought. I did have a few experience where I've pump out 8oz on 1 breast :p

I tried so hard offering so many mummies my access milk but no one is interested. So sad to trow them away
ayukie, if u use supershields, u can juz attach the pumping pal for handsfree lor... yes u did, u mentioned handicap office...u scroll up to see lor...heheh

saphira, hehe :p if not bathe ur gal/boy in the ebm lor...dun waste it...for me, i juz pour away if i have any expired ones...at first feel very wasted, now used to it liao...
Sporty, I did not bring my camera. I am waiting for shirlin, blessedcyn and chris to send me the pics or upload to fb. Blessedcyn's gal was leaning so hard on my boy and my boy had this miserable look!!! So funny!!!

Mm6j, subway near your office? When?
sporty> wow, u so fast reach home already. *envious

saphira> 590 ml only ah FOUR HOURS APART?..see sporty's reply *Sways hair :p muahahahah

superwalker> next fri i also can if u r free
got subway at both united square and velocity.
superwalker, which sofa is tha? is tha at nellys? i saw u all with ur bbs, i missed mine :p sob sob

mm6j, i'm still slogging away in the office la...dunno what time can knock off today...haiz!
Sporty, u typed "home from pumping"....that's why we thought u at home! Yes, the babies were on nelly's sofa

mm6j, if we have lunch on 22/2, u free? Then u can bring your boy
Maybe i am a record holder for storing milk. Till today I've stored at least 180 ounces (5323.23ml) of milk in the freezer. Plus feeding both my 3 year old and baby as much as I can.
my 4 hrs at very best is only 250ml max per pump wahahaha and its very rarely i get that yield .. anyway i also dont bear to throw away my ebm so hehe i stop giving my boy formula milk and put him in tbf .. and erm been trying to feed him whatever he needs as well .. but i sooo scare i need to throw away excess as well ... pump till bleed leh ...
haha think mm6j also have 6 litres of fbm/ebm as well .. i got like 5 litres in fridge or so as well ... trying feed my boy as much as he require and can take haha .. but im trying to cut down abit on my pump as well haiz .. so contradicting .. so scared my ss drops and wanna up my ss yet i scare to need to throw away the ebm .. haiz .. i just bought 3 250ml milk bottles to store the ebm .. so sian of using milkbags le whahahaa
I know what u mean. BM was so precious to me when I was with my 1st bb. Didn't have enough for her then. I saved every single drop. Supply was just border line. That time I could only get 120ml every 4 hours. If I need more I have to pump longer. Sometimes 45mins pumping.
saphira, yeah...fieda juz gave her son a milk bath last week too...if not u can feed ur #1 with excess, thas what i usually do...

superwalker, opps...paiseh...maybe too overwhelmed liao...so typed wrongly...shd be back from pumping! hahha... luckily juz now i pumped liao then meet u all lor...if not hor, ^**^**^^

ayukie, good tha lil E's on tbm now! throw away the formula milk!! how many times u pump a day now?

shirlin, opps...paiseh la...was in a rush lor cuz i'm supposed to call my client at 2pm...so ran off...sorry sorry!!
yah! I spent so much on milk bags. I'm using the good ones (zip bags). Didn't even use anyone of them on my baby. My gal not interested in drinking but very interested in latching on. I am latching her on very very often now. Don't really want to store liao.

My gal don't want to drink the milk. not even when it is freshly expressed. I've mix them with cocoa and honey for her. She only took a few times. Now totally reject them. Only want to latch on.
sporty - formula milk v exp leh haha nt throwin .. anyway go out also gt use haha .. 43 bucks u know a tin haha .. i pump like 6-8 times a day .. when in office i pump like 3 times lor cause i pump like 10 mins or so cause by time i pump and wash the parts already 20 mins gone .. but i will spend longer time to pump b4 i go to work and off work ..

saphira - i know .. i had to put in sooo much work until my 3rd mth then i can tbf my son w/o worrying for his next feed whahaha .. so its v v precious to me ... yeah sometimes just to make sure i got at least 100ml in 1 session i will pump longer as well ..
saphira, icic...maybe ur gal juz want the freshest milk so she like to latch! i'm lucky tha my boy still drinks my ebm from his bottle! hehe

ayukie, 6 to 8 times? really alot of times lor...but ur hardwork had been paid off liao
saphira - i use milkbags to store when im outta btls ... so heartpain use once then throw away .. also takes up space as well .. cause the amt store is lesser .. my boy wants latch on but he hiam my boobs no milk for him haha so he will latch on then when no more milk he will sorta squeeze them and if still dont have he will start piaking me and when he pek chek he will cry lor haha .. so i only latch him on for short while only while waiting for his milk to be ready or outside or if its for his little tea-time whahaahaa but there is once he refused the bottle just wanna latch ..
sporty - bo bianz 3 times at work only 10 mins nia .. cause dont dare to be away for long at work .. haiz .. if at home then lesser pumps like 4-5 times only lor ..
go out will be lesser ard 3 times hehehe .. cause if bring bb along hor i can forget abt pumpin cause carryin bb ..
erm i dont think i will give lil E a milk bath he is now using baby california for his bath wait he tio rashes or kenna bite by insects .. ebm is sweet wor ..
I use milk bags cause it saves more space. I would lie them flat, pilling on each other. Furthermore very hard to get free glass bottles from the hospital in malaysia.
ayukie, after milk bath, bb will be oily one lor!! hahha... yes, get glass bottles lor...i using glass bottles and cheap bottles frm tollyjoy :p
sporty> yah, u typed "home" lol.. same lo, i also had subway yest, but for dinner..^5 i am also here SLOGGING. SUX TO THE MAX.

swanston> got subway at AMK hub
oh yah i am lookin for u. call u later.

saphira> i used to soak my feet but then i threw away after being lazy to warm the milk to soak my feet cos i don like soaking my feet in such cold milk. i also no plants to water. lol

my boy takes small feeds also , 100 ml 2 hours apart.. = 150 ml every 3 hours. ayu i am very impressed how lil e takes in 180 - 190 ml!

ayukie, at last count jus milk bags erm i used up 2 medela boxes (50+30 pcs) and 1 pigeon box of milk bags. lol.. and erm everytime, i fill them to the brim.. and yes ayukie, milkbags damn exp! esp my medela pump and save ones..

superwalker> 22nd is it mon? if tues or other days most likely i cant cos work is driving me nuts. my office gg to have re org again.
sporty: Okay la.. Forgive you la.. Wahahaha~~ =) You saw the pics on FB? I was laughing so hard while taking the pics.. LOL

superwalker: Whens nxt lunch? I shld b able to make it for another 1 b4 i start work...
ask u mummies ah, do u all bring fridge to go to transport ebm to office? where did u all buy from ah? i saw from momsinnmind looks very bulky leh... cos i need to travel to client's place often and not sure if can jsut use their fridge to store ebm... so will need fridgeto go and ice packs...
Hello Mummies!! :)


I have a BRAND NEW BABY BJORN (HOT PINK) SPIRIT CARRIER to give away for a price.

I have received a sling carrier for my bb's baby shower and I prefer using the sling. It looks like I have no use for this Baby Bjorn. It is NOT opened and definitely Brand New, comes with box.

I am giving it away for $150. I bought at RRP $179.

Interested, please PM me or email at [email protected].
fieda> hey thanks for the advice! where can i get the valves from? the service centre?

i wanna see pics for today's gathering! so cute.... but i "tio" the facebook new outlay... shit man, kns, dono how to use...
Lunch gathering after CNY
Date : 22/2 (Mon) or 23/2 (Tues) - please indicate your preference
Venue : please suggest

1) superwalker (ok with both dates)
hahah inspired by some of you and now using my FBM for a well deserved feet soak!!
hehe since he dounch like my FBM, i shall use it for my self.. quite shiok to soak in cold milk what mm6j.. hehe
carinez, you can get the valve from mumsfairy website. They are not cheap. One valve is 8 bucks! U can also get from the service center but it's at some v ulu place!

Saphira, u nd to rinse the baby with water after milk bath coz he was super oily ! haha
saphira - erm cause i wanna store in tall btls mah save space and that time my hb the goondu oso threw away my 3 btls frm hosp so bo bian ..
sporty - i gt these nanny brand lotsa pictures 250ml btls thats bpa free 3 for 12++ from og .. think wkend i gg get another pack more tp store .. nw my manual pump the bottle also used to store ebm le lol
mm6j - erm he pants after drinkin the milk but his mama gt no btls le soooo bo bian lol ..

saphira - my ss v low .. so bo bianz .. furthermore i engorge easy haha so bo bianz also .. my tank v v small so cant store much .. v ez engorge ..
i got abt 10 glass bottles from the hospital.. but without covers.. they can store abt 120ml a bottle.. you want ma?
I WANT TO GO I WANT TO GO.... so sad missed today gathering

went to see Dr Ong at TMC today.. wah piangz waited for 2 and half hrs before can see him... funny thing is that we hv priority Q number yet still got to wait sooooooo long... end up dr says Lucas cough must recover by himself and he wouldn't give any medication for his cough.... he only gave him nose drop and Zyrtec drop.... now keeping finger cross that Lucas will recover before CNY.... Lucas n Mummy still coughing away

Lunch gathering after CNY
Date : 22/2 (Mon) or 23/2 (Tues) - please indicate your preference
Venue : please suggest

1) superwalker (ok with both dates)
2) Momo Mummy (Tues only)
i can make it for the gathering on tues IF my granny prayer sessions ends before the gathering bah .. will erm let know on day itself ..

saintbaby - eh i try the new btls see hw 1st can? hehe ..
