(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Shirlin, I wish i can hv help.... but seeing lucas sick i oso dun feel good to let him handle by someone else


On CNY and going out...
It happens that Eve n Day 1, I could make short trips, and will be home. So most likely, I will latch. Cos many places are close relatives' home, so intend to latch. If bring EBM, also duno how much, and u know, bb growth spurt during this time.

Day 2 of CNY, already not joining for lunch with relatives. Cos the restaurant crowded n of course, no place to latch. Either settle lunch via Mac drive thru or go Changi airport for lunch!
Wah, I nearly forget I need to prepare ang bao (Ya Shui Qian) for bb and put below his pillow.

I got a stupid question...
U know, as our tummy shrink, I notice the lingre linea (the vertical line) and stretch areas of the tummy (not the stretch marks) got dirty skin...
do you all scrub till all the dirty layer come out? Or just bath as normal?
kekeke yaaa me oso~ i forgot to count in the angbao to bao for my girl :p so funny...

ehhh... kimifin, u can try using loreal exfoliation scrub.. i use for the dead skin on my neck, armpit and tummy area that accumulated over time during pregnancy and confinement and it works :D
momo: We will enjoy for you too ya.. Dun sad Dun sad.. We'll arrange another gathering when u're better oky?? I still not gg back to wk yet...

superwalker: Dun bring the diapers tmr can? Cuz i bringing Leann den scared too heavy for me.. I take 2 packs of the milkbags from u 1st.. see when 1 day when Leann's with MIL den i go get the rest of the milkbags and diapers from you can?
hello hello ...

me on leave today. brot lil J for mrs wong's 1 on 1 massage class. lil J enjoyed himself tremendously and aunty wong was very pleased with him too. carried him to "show-off" around. will recommend the class to everyone..

ayu> my boy's also 7+ kg now.. hehehe, is lil E still on tbf?

superwalker> i very lazy to use the fbm to soak my feet.. did u actually warm it? cos the previous time, i didnt i jus soak them in the cold milk :p

me back to work again tmrw and wed then it's OFF OFF OFF for CNY!
u gals enjoy ur lunch tml!

and ladies, who dont haf me on msn, can add me on [email protected]?


p.s: momo mummy> hope u feel better ya! :D and sporty> hope u had a gd day at work today!
soooooooooo angrrryyyyyyy........

baby's poo: baby hasn't been pooing well since last few wks... the longest was up to 7 days... brought to PD cos mil was very gan chiong and was trying all means and ways to make him poo... PD said was normal for bf babies cos all the bm are all absorbed... PD didn't give any medication as he said it's normal...

mil went home and called her relative who is also taking care of her 2yr old grandchild and the relative told her to give baby "qi xin cha"... mil fed him when i was sleeping and at night baby really pooed alot... but i read the directions on the bottle and it said can only give from 1 yr onwards... "1-2 yrs 10ml" so i suggested to my mil not to give baby as baby too small, only 2 mths... mil showed me super super not happy face... i dont think i said anything wrong... she just want to win... then when relatives came to play mahjong and asked if baby was given the chinese medication, she told the whole world "his mummy say cannot give wor, then dont give lor!" in a very pissed tone when i was around and leaving the room... i just cant bear to hear what else she has to say i just quickly left the room... now i regret, should have stayed in the room so she wont bitch about me behind my back.... now my impression among the relatives must be VERY BAD... ARGH.. PISSED...

and the relatives are still in the house now and giving me those kinda weird face... really #$%#%$
carinez1> *hugz, don bother about ur mil and relatives as u r jus doing it for the good of ur bb. sumtimes jus tolerate and forget abt it.. cheer up ya!
Shirlin, ok I bring 2 packs of milkbags for you tomorrow.

Mm6j, I did not warm up the milk. Cold milk feels great on the feet :p oh...the massage is good eh? Did u managed to "tou shi"?

momo mummy, once u get well, we go for lunch ok?
carinez, cheer up girl. i also wouldn't give it to baby if instructions indicate otherwise. did you explain to your MIL what the PD said? maybe then she won't be so gan jiong.

and for CNY visiting, probably easier to latch on then to bring EBM out right? cos don't think those cool bags can last very long right??
momo Mummy - sorry was out for the tui na sessions for both my kids. Yes, 2 mths definately can tui na. My daughter is now 2 mths 3 wks old. she started tui na at 3 wks old cos she has block nose that time. I will PM you the contact. Better act fast as she will be closed next week for cny.
yeah! survived my first day of work

carinez, i intend to latch outside and will bring pump to pump at my scheduled time lor...if u dun have fridge to go, how abt putting the ebm in the relative's fridge once u reached there? then u can juz transport the ebm using ur normal chiller bag... cheer up la, i think ur mil juz being concerned abt his grandson, thas why she have lotsa pattern...

momo mummy, u sounded really bad...pls take care and get well soon!

superwalker, tom how many pple are going...odd or even nos? most likely i shd be able to go la but will pop by later at 1230 can ? cuz i wanna go pump first...

kimifin, i used body scrub to scrub the vertical line but still have abit...

mm6j, glad tha lil J enjoyed mrs wong's massage...i told u bbs like it lor :p
superwalker> isnt it very cold?i found it so cold maybe cos i did it early in the morning... erm, no need to tou shi, mrs wong teaches u! lol
mm6j - yupz lil E is still on TBF .. erm i need him to clear stock cause i running low on bm milkbags as well le haha .. hes 67cm nw tho ..
mm6j, ya hor...everyone like massages!! whahhahah :p

ayukie, wow...Lil E's tall

jolene, ayukie and mm6j's boys were born in oct...so definitely bigger in size mah....
ayukie, your boy is so big!

jolene, don't worry. your girl and my girl can shake hands. both petite. at least they're girls...

sporty, how's your first day back at work?
ayu> y u need him to clear stock? ur milk bags reusable ah? lol.. i give up liaos jus throw away older storage when not enuff space..
I need a massgae too! I'm aching every where. Got back from town in the evening, but didnt find any CNY dress i like. Ended with a black dress instead..opps! Hee ...i miss shopping.

Mayb one day i'll bring my boy for the massage class too. MM6j may i know how much the massage class cost per session?

BtW, a quick glance thru the thread i saw a mummy can pump 18oz in a session! Wow! Envy envy envy...U my idol! If i have such supply my boy will be so happy!

Anyway, turning in...super exhausted. Good nite!
mm6j - clear stock cause milkbags not reuseable .. use them i v heartpain .. so must clear the btls lor .. the milkbags also taking up space as well .. so my mil fridge the top part is my bb milk btls and milk bags .. so her fridge one shelf space gone whahhaaa .. that day she sorta mention cant even put cut fruits inside ..
1 for 1 ala carte) gathering
Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010
Time : 12noon
Venue : Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
6 Raffles Boulevard # 01-01/02/03 Marina Square Singapore 039594
Tel : (65) 63388023 Fax : (65) 63388043

1) sponge (KIV)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Shihui
6) Sporty (KIV)
7) Chris (KIV)
8) Ray of Joy

So all cfm gg for tmr's lunch? Anyone else wanna join us??
Jolene, my baby is even smaller than yours! Only 5.3kg and she's born in Oct. Doc says she is below the 50 percentile.
Sporty, I am not sure if chris is coming. You have her number? Can SMS her in the morning to ask her if she is coming? I shall SMS sponge. 12.30pm is fine
we will love to see you!!!
momo Mummy and Littleprinces_mummy - I have PM you the tui na contact.

Healthy babies and children can also tui na. It improves their overall health. Thus prevent them from falling sick. 2 years back when my son started playgroup he is sick twice every month and very difficult to get well. His condition worsen every month. Until he develop asthma like symptoms. He has to use those steroid spray, nubaliser and alot of other med everytime he is sick. He doesn't gain weight and height fast and his colouration doesn't look very healthy. Med expenses is very very high, the worst is he needs to suffer. Everytime he will cough continuously and non-stop through the night. Really poor thing, I went to alot of good and expensive PD for advices, TMC, KKH and a private PD clinic. They all prescribe about the same med, i was at my wit. These medication makes his health even worse. Then a year ago I thought of TCM, my colleague mention Tui Na. I let my son tried, it really improve his overall health. He gain height and weight very fast after started tui na on a weekly basis.

While my daughter (born in Nov09) has bloated stomach and block nose when she is 3 weeks old. Tui Na ease her conditions and improve her sleep. Also it had prevented her from catching a flu bug from me and my husband when she is 1 month old. Both my husband and I needed antibiotic.
Carinez1 - My son longest no poo record is 9 days (4+ years back). Will be even longer if we didn't bring him to PD. She simulated his motion urge to pass. Don't worry its normal. As mentioned by Zhen_Zhen do explain to your MIL that bf babies are like that. While my daughter has 6 days no poo record. She poo after tui na. That time I was bathing and my husband handled the cleaning up. My husband and son shouted at the quantity they saw....its really funny.

Do not give anything to your baby orally when its not time. They might cause allergy. Allergy is something we shouldn't be complacent about. Allergy is not only skin rashes, it will cause cold/flu-like symptoms too - rhinitis. Also allergy is for a life-time. Though some lucky ones might grown out of it when they are older.
Will be starting work in 3 weeks time. So looking around for breast pump. I used to use 2 manual pumps to pump simultanously during my son's time. This time round I am looking for a more efficient and time-saving pump, as I hope to bf longer. Also my current job is more demanding then my previous one. I only breastfed my son for 9 months and til now I regretted that I didn't sustain it longer. Hope I can sustain longer this time with better equipment.

Have anyone tried both dual manual and electronic dual pumps. What is the time saving like with the electronic one?

Have anyone tried Avent, Ameda and Medala electronic pumps? Which one is the most efficient and comfortable for you?
morn all!

ayukie, hahhah...i thot u forgotten abt the "booking" of my daughter thingy...whahhahha :p anywyas , now too early to say whether ur son will be short or not la...he's still young...

ashley, think ur gal's petite as u la...as long as shes healthy...shd be ok la

superwalker, ok...i will sms chris later...

bidosoh, electric pumps can save alot of time...u can finish a pump within 15 to 20 mins... i tried ameda and medela fs pumps, medela is more efficient in drawing the milk out and i juz need 15 mins each round to clear 2 boobs...
morning ladies.

this thread is still so active as ever. hee. but me not so free to come in look see liao. sad. lots of testing to do b4 the upgraded system goes live. so much problem. bleh. next time got any outing can msn/sms/fb/email me ok? me always logged on msn at work.

<font color="119911">superwalker</font>, i put a beanie behind my girl's back and use another long beanie to put across her tummy area to hold her down and not let her turn back. maybe u can try.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, ur girl good wt worr. my girl still below 6kg leh. she only taking abt 660ml of ebm daily worr. cham lah.
Bidosoh, can pm me the tui nah contact?

Mm6j, how much u pay for the massage?

So nice to see some mummy gone back or going back to work. I may loose my job after my maternity leave. Sian, no job means no $. Got to hand long long take $ fr hb.
1 for 1 ala carte) gathering
Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010
Time : 12noon
Venue : Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
6 Raffles Boulevard # 01-01/02/03 Marina Square Singapore 039594
Tel : (65) 63388023 Fax : (65) 63388043

1) BlessedCYN
2) Shirlin
3) Superwalker
4) Shihui
5) Sporty (KIV)
6) Chris (KIV)
Rachelle Ling,
Thanks. This time I make sure I work hard for milk as I was having a hard time with my 1st chile last time
The bad thing about having high supply is, I can't hold my milk for more than 5 hours. My baby is starting to sleep through out the night (if I feed him at 11pm) but I have to still wake him for feeds at 4pm else I will be engorged badly. Another bad thing is my son can only finish one side. So for the 4am feed, I have to find ways to remove the access milk form my breast. Luckily my 3 year old daughter still enjoys latching on. Sometimes when I am too tired to pump, I will wake her up to feed too. Trying my best not to disturd her sleep though.

Sterilize equiptments:
Now, I would sterilize the pump equiptments the night before. Attach the parts and keep them in the lock lock container. Next morning I will keep them in the office's fridge. 12noon will do 1 pumping. Place the pump equiptments back into the lock lock and keep it in the fridge again (without washing). 4pm take out and pump again. So far baby's doing fine. Make sure to avoid touching any parts where the milk is in contact with. This method really saves lots of my time.

Trowing away frozen milk:
I have a record of 178 bags of milk (each about 4 to 5 ounces). I have not even use anyone one of them. Offered to my friends with babies, they prefer cow's milk @##$$%%#%#$#. Now, trying very hard not to freeze. Instead ask my 3 year old gal to suck as often as possible :p I've trown away at least 30bags as freezer is out of space and I think I won't be using them. So heart pain
Too bad I am in Malaysia, else I can offer to give to mummies here.

Frozen milk:
I have kept forzen milk up to 4 months for my 1st bb to consume. No problem. Just make sure the freezer is cold enough.

pouring hot water to lock lock container:
For me, best to pour into glass container. I have a glass container called Glass Lock by Lohas. It's like Lock Lock but made of thick glass. Because of low access to hot water in office, I don't use this method.
swanston, maybe ur gal's the miao tiao kind...thas why still slim :p

tanly, how come u will lose ur job after ur ML?

superwalker/shirlin, i shd be able to make it for lunch but i'm like the ODD one out leh...how to 1 for 1...whahhahha :p

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, no leh. her thighs ba ba one. lol. maybe should ask my mum try to give her one more feed. she not drinking enuff for her wt.
