(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Rachelle: ya i agreed! alot of money. why u spend 13k on pre-preg? did u have a normal delivery?

momo_mummy: why dun u see another doc? that doc seems rude!

sportY: wow! u woke up at 6? i dunno how am i gg to do that? i have been sleeping till 11 ! now enjoying my last few afternoons!
re: infant insert .. i have totally no idea on how to use it thus have been using ergo on my boy w/o the insert ... (even then i feels like doin it wrong haha .. but at least he slpt in it ..) .. oh when i use the ergo carrier i will use my hand to support his face cause i still dunno hw to use the insert ..
haha i also know my diaper bag powerr haha but short trips like go eat for short while hor no shoppin i will just bring 1 pacifier , 1 btl warm water (after i feed my boy else 1 bottle warmed ebm) in a pigeon bottle warmer bag and 1 bib and handkie thats all ..
Went PD for DS face, cos now got bumps all over on top of the red patches.
PD says the patches may worsen so prescribe Hyroderm-C (mild steriod).
Also got antiseptic wash.

root cause mainly due to contact, like our arms + clothes carry bb n rub against.

so need to be careful the way we carry.

Also bb saliva lor.
Wow Rachelle, your pre-preg cost so much. I already find preparing for a baby with delivery cost a bomb.

BTW, TMAsia insurance good. CAn recommend me where i can find the plan?
Hi, momo mummy

Interested in the TM Asia plan too. Went to their website to look see - is it the TM Legacy Plus (Limited Payment) plan you are referring to?
i am one lazy mama .. i dont clean my nipples before latch/pump nor after usually haha .. but sometimes i will clean lah using the nuk nipples wipes ..
kimifin - i clean my boy mouth with nuk oral wipes every alt days hehe .. i lazy .. cause i find sterile gauze abt same costs like nuk oral wipes hurhur ..
funne: omg!! u are so li hai~!!! Sew one for me leh :p hahaha... heehee.. but hor ur bag very compacted and comprehensive :D I like!!!

Ayukie: Why u need to bring 10 diapers?!!!!!!
Wahhh ur bag not heavy meh??? I will die if i need to lug such a heavy bag out!!!

kekeke, now short trips we also must make sure bring bottles and milk powder coz my baby can anytime want milk!!!

min: wahhh hw come ur wound not recovered yet? I recovered after my confinement...
During bath, I clean his inside of the mouth n tongue with boiled water, means no need to clean after every feed?

Cos wanna make sure his face gets better
rehi gals

me back from salon & lunchie...feeling damn engorged...now pumping!

zhenzhen, the infant insert is a separate piece and is sold separately lor...

rachelle, sometimes bb will go thru milk strike & will drink lesser! i think my gal is going thru 3 mths growth spurt, kept wanting to drink more since yesterday!! yeah, i enjoy latching bb like what u mentioned... how come u spent 13k on pre pregnancy? u went thru ivf? i didnt get any edu plan for my #2 yet...will KIV, for #1 i do have one...which is a endownment cum life policy with hsbc...

jolene, ur diaper bag...maybe can dun bring ruyi oil and bring 1 pack of wet wipes lor... my diaper bag very small ( many gals saw it and agreed...LOL )... 3 diapers, one bottle of ebm (if i'm using carrier), hanky, extra set of clothes, shawl and wet wipes!! u are not working yet so still can still till 11am la...

momo mummy, maybe u wanna see another doc to seek 2nd opinion...sekali 2nd doc will say u can stop medication liao?

min, ur wound still not ok? alamak!! hope ur blocked ducts get cleared soon!!

ayukie, u win hands down with ur diaper bag and ur 10 diapers!! whahhahhaha :p

funne, i also used my normal bags as diaper bag...easier la...i juz put in a bag organiser inside....

blessedcyn, yes i woke up at 6am!! cuz i planned to get outta my hse at 725am to catch the 730am bus! thas why must trial run! yes, pls enjoy ur last few days of afternoons!!

kimifin, i dun clean my breasts n niiples before and after feed...i juz wipe with tissue after feed...and thas all :p
anyone here using Physiogel products?
Wonder if can get spree?

I'm interested in getting this so that I could prepare in small quantities for bb to eat, after his 4 mth mark. Most likely, I won;t be cooking for myself, so wanna save the hassle, so intend to buy this.

Anyone using this?
sporty, i'm not workingg yet still up at 6plus..
need to sttle my hb and #1 to work/cc..
then they will start talking/kiss& good bye with #2.. pengzz..
hello ladies!

Momo mummy,
your doc is very bad! Try seeking 2nd opinion.

you want to start your kid on solid after 4mths?
funne: wahh...lucky my hb doesnt disturbed my baby when gg to work or else sure cannot slp after tt also...

ehh no need lah.. i joking only :p heehee... but anyone knw where to get a gd bag organisation for backpack?

sporty: who is taking care of ur baby???

i wonder hw i can cope when i start working again
haizzz... got to wake up early.. send bb to infant care then go work.. back frm work must take care of bb oso

ehh, i think i got to work out hw to bring lesser thgs out hahaha...

kimifin: so fast u planning to prepare food for ur baby?
I heard that bb can start from 4mth onward.
So just prepare early.

Cos if 6 mth or later, bb may reject.

some frens mention bbs now no need to wait til 6mth to introduce solids.

Jo Frost's book mention can start will rice cereal with milk.
childcare, whats the vitAD drop for?

kimifin, i have a tefal steamer at home...so wun be getting the avent steamer cum blender...most likely i will start solids at 6 mths when bb can sit better and also since now bb's on tbm...so can wait...

funne, ya lor...i kno...cuz even i dun start work now...i still wake up at 7ish becuz of preparing #1 for skool etc...juz tha wanna get familar with 6am so i can go to work on time lor...

jolene, u meant who's taking care of bb today or when i go back to work? today, after #1 goes to skool, me and hb left my #2 with my mum for a few hrs so we can do our hair, go stock up new yr goodies, buy new yr plants etc...
piggym, most prob will start only when my gal is 6mth..

jolene, not too sure ler, but those normal organisaer can't fit in ur back pack?
sorry . that question is meant for kimifin. I put wrongly. pai seh.. hahah

u plan to start solid from 4mth onwarys? my mil intend to give my son porridge.
i think my mom also started my neice on porrige rather than cereals.. but is those very nuan one, she cook it using slow cooker..
I mean no need to wait till 6mth, from wat i heard.
See how.

TBF, I duno till how long once I go back to work, also v tiring...
oic. Those nestle cereals?

yeah, I think is those very nuan one.. Actually it depends on whether the child is willing to start on solid. So I shall wait and see.
sporty: i mean for long term after u start working :D

ohh.. i also wana introduce solids from 4mth :D heehee...

my fren having fun introducing white rice and brown rice cereals and puree to her baby now.. but she started when her boy is 6mths..

haizz.. just nw got recruitment agent called me.. i ended up feel so lost... suddenly dont wana work!!! hahaha...
piggym, i will start my gal on Healthy Times cereals, most likely oatmeal or brown rice...nestle cereals are abit more sweet...

kimifin, since u have ur own room to pump @ work, sure can tbf for 6 mths one la...

jolene, my hb will work from home n take care of my gal cuz my mum cant help us anymore...if ur bb shows readiness in solids, can start at 4 mths lor... isnt it good news tha recruitment agent calls u? hee
Hi mummies,
my boy is 3mths+, always has nose shit and sneezes, his nose was blocked and sometimes had running nose since yesterday, can't sleep well and cry.what should i do?
Rachelle, $288 a month seems quite a lot. Think most insurance companies have such endowment funds. Can look around a bit more and see which is the better deal.

Jolene, as you’re feeding your bb FM, so no choice got to bring out so many things. For me, I just bring 1 pack of wet wipes, 2-3 diapers, 1 changing mat, 1 change of clothing and 1 nursing apron. Quite little, so can just dump into my handbag.

Ayukie, you bring so many things out! So your diaper bag is very heavy huh?

Momo mummy, that doctor really too much lah. BOYCOTT!! That time both my girl and i were sick. PD say good to bf leh. Cos can pass antibodies to baby. But i wasn’t on antibiotics then.

Min, how come your wound take so long to heal?

Kimifin, i just cook and use a normal blender to blend the food. I also intend to start my girl on cereal at ard 4mths. Depending on her readiness...

Childlike, my girl isn’t on any supplements.
as bb doesn't sleep well and always wakes up with a startle, the pharmacy said maybe cos calcium deficiency. BM contains enought calcuim for bb right?
zhen zhen: ya lor.. thats why i envious all of u who has so much bmilk!!! think i m the few mum here who doesnt bfeed liao
i wish i can
Sob.. can save money somemore :p hahaha...

by the way, hw do u entertain ur bb in the afternoon or at nite when they dun slp? My mil will take over at nite after work to entertain and play with my bb but in the afternoon i m lost :p
childlike, i dun feed my bb with the vitAD, only with bm... if ur bb have blocked nose, maybe can clear the nose shit using pigeon's nose cleaner or cotton buds? also u can apply bb vicks on bb's feet at nite when he sleeps...

jolene, i agree tha bm saves lotsa money, thas why i'm willing to "invest" in a better pump as i intend to bf for long
normally i will let my bb self entertain herself on the play gym, rocker or with cot mobile...then i will cuddle her and talk to her also... last time i did flash cards with my boy but now abit lazy cuz have to handle 2 kids...hahha...maybe wll start flash cards soon :p
wow.. flash card at this age is it too young but thk i really need to buy some flash cards manz...

ehhh sporty, ur baby will play on the rocker and gym herself ah... the last time i put her in the gym she sweat like crazy... maybe coz the material no gd and then the living room v cramp liao v hard to set up the play gym... and she always slouch in the rocker leh...


yeah, i think TBF is so cost saving!!! my da sao saved alot coz first 4 mths she was on TBM!!! it was coz she started work then too stress and no time to pump at work so ss drops...

my july forum fren who TBF for first few mths and now she still planning to PBF for 1 full yr :D but she is lucky coz she can take UPL and stay home with her boy...
