(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Hello all! Been quite sometime since i logged in liao.. Congrats to those who have popped!

I'm now in my 37 weeks 4 days.. last gynae visit shows bb at 2.8kg.. complained to gynae that i'm having backache and stuffs, then he say if i want, he can help me induce this thurs.. caught me off-guard!

But my hubby say it'll be best to let my bb decide when he wants to come out
See how la.. I've been having menstrual cramps + BH for almost a week plus le.. but no sign of anything yet eh...

Haiz...The waiting game begins...

Thanks sporty...
ha, i really hope wont have false alarms or also cases which will caught me off guard..

why are there cases where ppl have to deliver in cab or at home?

really makes me think twice if shd go shopping on my 37th week or Guai Guai stay at home?
Anyone got statistics, when symptoms normally show, at night, morning or noon?

Sometimes, I wonder how my gynae cope, if he can run his clinic in the morning and night, then must be normally noon or midnight ppl are ready to deliver...:p
r u bored in office?
i've more or less finish all my stuff, sianz.. reading some bo liao thing

oh, will ask gynae y i can't feel kicks on my ribcage. mayb my body long??
joycelyn, i think its better for bb to decide when he wanna come out than induce lor... cuz sometimes induce might fail and may need to emergency c sec... so u started resting at home liao?

kimifin, hmmm...usually its best to call ur gynae whenever u have the signs rather than rush down to the hospital lor...cuz if its cases for false alarm, u might have to pay a fee lor... sometimes when pple give birth in cab/on the way is becuz they already reached last stage of labour...like they dunno tha they are having contractions etc...thas why...

for gynaes, sometimes they will rushed off from their clinics to deliver bbs or the nurses might call u last min to change appt etc cuz gynae went to deliver... so their job mainly is rushing ard lor...between clinic and hospital...

rue, ok la...me counting down lor... this week still have stuffs to do cuz i'm covering another colleague...think next week shd be more eng liao... when is ur official OFF date? i think u quite tall rite? maybe thas why u cant feel the kicks on ur rib cage...
Sporty, yup just waiting for the signs...well, hoping bb will come out on time. Now just overlooking maid's training :D So happy to someone else clean the house.

Ystd afternoon when visiting cousin in Mt A, saw the babies in nursery. Sooo cuute n tiny babies! But saw got this big-size Indian nurse, a bit rough when handling the babies. So fast n as if handling toy babies. N so impersonal, maybe because have handled hundreds of babies before.
Rue: I dunno abt sporty but I AM SO BORED haha.. Cause i am not usu a deskbound worker.now that i am ..i just wanna fall asleep.. even though i havent finished some stuff yet! hahaha

I went to the Gynae today..She asked me abt bb movement so i told her my gal very active esp when i lean on one side...she cont to say like tat means bb happy le..dun wanna come out
haha I am 37wk now..so i was like ekk.. i tot will b more exciting. anywayz i am 1 cm dilated and she told me not to worry abt giving birth early haha
rue> i am here... jus dunno what to say....... getting lotsa movements.. wonder if bb is tryin to engage himself.......
I used to have the rib cage kicks 1 mth back, now less intense on the rib kicks, more intense on the entire tummy movement..
Also so intense that bring on BH.
Sigh....too much also cannot, too little kicks also scare.

Sorry to be suaku, but if dilated, we can still walk and move around?
Really duno if the bb will "drop" out easily?:p
Nope, still at work..
Initially wanted to go for ML starting this week, but scared that i'll be too bored at home then waste my ML also..

That's why postponed to next week then start
agata, so shiok...i wished i can be at home also...but 9 and 1/2 more days for me!! of cuz very shiok to see someone clean ur house for u la...kekekek :p so are u engaging a confinement lady?

raerae, wow...u are 1cm dilated already...congrats! hehe... why did ur gynae say bb happy when lean on one side? cuz my bb is like tha also...will be very active if i lean on one side! when u starting ur leave?

jocelyn, this wed we having lunch...u wanna join us?

kimifin, u wun feel anything if u are dilated, esp early dilation like 1 to 3cm, u are still feel to walk ard...do whatever things u want! bb wun drop out... bb will only wanna come out when ur dilation is 10cm...by then u will be in the delivery ward liao cuz it will be with contractions pains...hehe
i feel more occupied to work, also got chair in office with better back support. If at home, I will just rest here n there or log on once a while.
Anyway, already plan well what work I need to complete b4 i go on leave.
thanks sporty...
ha, i thk now the BH is getting intense, I somehow thk labour pains will be even much more...

just wondering, everyone still taking coconut drink regularly?
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, must be 10cm then bb will come out ar? coz my colleague told me hers hor 7cm bb come out liao.
Sporty: Thanks! haha but my dr not impressed le..she said hmm 1cm dilated she expected more!my edd is 8 Nov..wondering wat is expected.. heehee My dr say if bb is active means they are happy inside *really ??!* haha i guess it means they still have space to move around so will come out as planned time!

Kimifin:I am not taking the coconut drink coz erm i dun like the smell.. nv really liked it to begin with.. ANYWAY..i say the celebratin life segment on CNA and the Mrs Wong? said it doesnt matter if drink or dun drink le..
kimifin, BH is quite painless la, juz uncomfy... real contractions is like many times of menses cramps... re:coconut drink, i didnt drink at all for my #1 and now also never drink!

swanston, normally its 10cm la...cuz 7cm to 10cm is active labour mah...so the nurse will advise u to push when its almost like 10cm... 7cm can deliver eh? i didnt kno tha, first time i heard of tha :p

raerae, u wanna dilate more...juz walk more and do squatting
I just wanna check with ladies, how much did u buy the Medala purelan cream for the nipples? Coz when i went to c dr today, she say if i wanna breastfeed..now is time for me to start to prepare the boobies.. So she told me go buy the Medela purelan cream from pharmacy to apply everyday and massage the nipples
Sporty: From next week la..haha i need to go for a "big" mgt next week..den i will jia you on the dilation! haha Mayb go for some nocturnal activities with my hb muahaha.. i saw other forums ppl say ..but hai so big and clumsy liao..duh rite..
I was talking to my maid...she gave birth to her son 10 yrs ago, a 4 kg baby with nothing to kill the pain cause she lives in a village. Horror, 4kg!!! But she said not painful, only like having constipation n very fast labor. Huh, don't know if she forgot what it was like or she really was lucky to have a fast n painless labor.
Just finished cooked and done with my lunch. Jialat, today hb and I are off , staying at home so bored. How can i survive next week when i am alone?

Actually now i still have no idea how BH or contraction like. I am quite worry that i can't catch the labour sign when it comes. :p

kimifin, I wanted to take coconut but the hawker centre at my place having renovation and only reopen tommorrow, i jsut take 1 to 2 every week. At the same time, I also boil liang cha every week, hb want to drink and i also take in moderation, the weather is too hot, can't stand it.
raerae, yes doing XXX will induce labour lor...whahhahha :p anyways juz live life as usual now lor...cuz some pple can be 1cm for very long one...

karen, u can log in to chat with us when u bored next week... if not juz watch tv and relax at home lor!
Sporty, Onz!

Been eating quite abit this few weeks before i need switch to confinement food... Must enjoy while i can

What time?
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, she told me the nurses ask her to wait then she told the nurses cannot wait liao. bb wana come out. lol.
I quite poor stomach tolerance, like certain cold drinks, I took, stomach a bit cramp (dun wan it to become the false alarm)...
anyway, no experience is like dat, duno wat to expect...hhaa
my gal also very active when i lean on my sides. hmm, gg to see gynae next tue. 1cm, y no nd to worry?? hw come NUH patient get to kw their ward # so soon? u &amp; chen mama same ward right? hw many bedded? ya, bored waiting to go hm &amp; nap at 430pm. wahaha
I will definately log in to chat, I kind of connect at home and in office as I am in IT line. No internet like can't survive.

Now stay at home watch my HK drama series from my lappy. But weather hot hor, no shiok.

Just wondering hor, can we still sit on the on the floor with cross leg ah? I still sitting like this most of the time, will it cause me to dilate more ah?
sporty: U met your CL before? Ya...abit talkative...she is nice la..but then talk alot and abit paiseh if I dun reply. But I dun think I will have a CL the next time round. I will opt for confinement food instead.

BTW anyone have PD to intro???
swanston, at some pt u will really feel like pushing but the midwives will stop u lor... if not tha area will be swollen and diff for bb to come out... thas why have to use some breathing methods during this premature pushing stage...

rue, so good!! 430pm?! envy!! i think i really sleepy now...think u passed the sleepy bug to me!! hehe

karen, i also sit cross legged now on my chair...dunno whether it really helps in dilation...hehe

awbb, i only met her to pass her the deposit...so juz a 5 min thingy...so wun kno she talkative or not la...hehe
ya, 430pm leave office. 1st pax to leave. sometimes can be quite paishey, but i come to work early to avoid the evening MRT crowd. Then by the time i reach hm, bathe, can take 1 hr nap b4 dinner served.
floor exercise? hm... didn't really purposely do it, but i been sitting like this when i am at home cause my lappy is on the coffee table, i always sit cross leg even from the beginning of my pregnancy.
just that now will sometimes will put the feet sole together. I also still squat when washing and bathing. :p

All this helps in normal delivery but won't cause me to go into labor early hor
Cause i want bb to stay inside for at least another 3 weeks leh
wah, u can still squat? i try squatting for a while, then whole legs turned lobster red. cannot take it. Now cant even squat to wash my limited larger size bras. my hub wash for me. wahaha. I will sit dw to bathe now
jocelyn, okies...see u wed

rue, wahhh...shiok! even can nap before dinner!!
btw, have u managed to solve the maid issue with ur MIL and ur BIL/SIL?
my MIL still very keen to engage a maid. Will see how things go after my ML end bah. I have not talk to my BIL and his wife for months thou we are living under 1 roof!! We dun even exchange glance. terrible right? Just realised they hav bid for the pinnacle at duxton. so ex &amp; so hard to get. wah, guess they will not be moving out in near future. sianz..
Rue: Actually we know our ward bcoz for the private paitents..seeing our gynae there is only 1 ward lor..so everyone goes to that ward hee hee ha haa I op for a 1 bedder but i think there got up till 2 bedder..anything more is another ward i think, U are nt NUH rite? I think like sporty say a person can stay at 1 cm dilated for very long bah..that is y no need to worry.. hee hee

Pray that ur BIL &amp; his wife get the pinnacle la..my mum stay opp there, it is almost finished... i think got 2 blocks totally functional already..
rue, ur case sounds like my sis and her SIL/BIL...hahah...living in same roof and seldom talk! hehe...my sis's sil juz gave birth also...now everyday she's complaining to me abt her sil's bb cuz kept crying :p ya la, maybe before u go back to work then u decide lor...since its no hurry now
Rue, ya, i still can squat, actually in squating possible more comfortable
Maybe my tummy is not that big, my hb and friends told me i don't look 9th months pregnant.


since beginning of preg, my doc advised me not to squat, as the weight on the bb is the largest. So when I need to wash clothes or pick something, I will kneel down..(i duno if this is better, but at least it is not squat)
