(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

j lau - when i last scan at week 24 going week 25 my baby weight is 690+ grams .. my gynae says normally during that time baby will weight between 600 - 800 grams ..
which means 12+kg of weight gain is on me
which is quite worrying manz

Momoko, no problem. I already 'touch and feel' the P3, Capella, Graco, Aprica and Ingesina. Only didn't look the Maclaren because I tot it only for older toddlers. Will go to 'touch and feel' the Maclaren strollers. Once decide which model then can order and wait for delivery!! Kekeke! very excited now..crazy hor

Ayukie, no leh, my sister did it after 5 days delivered. not only you ar, all the weight gain almost 98% go to me
Xmasbb, keke. I oni went to touch and feel Combi, Capella, P3 and Switch and Quinny. Still got somemore brands too go, provided I got energy to go see again. I realised I cannot walk or stand for long liao, sigh ... I oso tot Maclaren is 3 mths up so missed diao. Me not so excited, I told hb he can do the choosing for stroller for me coz he's carrying most of the time mah. 8kg I still ok with it coz both my dogs that I carry so often oso tis weight. Hb likes the folding of P3 and the big wheels of Quinny n we haben explore Techno XT yet, let him go crack his head in my stead! =P
Momoko, your dogs around 8kgs ar... my hb prefer p3, Quinny buzz too exp liao. you are right too, he will be the one carrying most of the time.

My back and legs will 'suan' if I stand/walk around 30mins. I can't imagine when I 8 months ++and carry big tummy to shop baby stuffs. Now, I seldom go out too, aii...

One more thing is be aware that lighter strollers tend to tilt and fall back when weight distribution is unequal.

My causin bought the graco, and is much lighter but it faces only one way and does not absorb as much of the shock of the road lor..
<font color="aa00aa">Dear mummies-to-be,

Ever wonder what it's REALLY like once your bundle of joy has arrived? :) What better way to learn about motherhood from recent new mums? :) We're a group of new mummies who have just walked this exciting path and would like to share our experiences with you! We'll share our different delivery processes, adapting life changes with our new baby, useful (and often useless!) baby products and most importantly, how to prepare for baby's arrival in the first 30 days to 3 months. To assist you with this major transition in life, we have put together our workshop which will cover all the crucial knowledge in basic babycare and more importantly, the art of caring for yourselves.

Name: Baby Basics Workshop by mums4mums
Time: 3.00pm-4.30pm (90mins)
Date: 22 August 2009 (Saturday)
Fee : $20 per participant</font>

<font color="0000ff">Key Topics covered: (3 speakers)
1) Our delivery experiences
2) Breastfeeding baby (breastpumps recommendations, essential nursing accessories, etc.)
3) Formula feeding (types, bottles, sterilisers, other baby products &amp; brands we like, etc)
4) Baby time (transporting baby, baby activities, games to play and "trial-and-tested" baby necessities)
5) Mummy's time (care for self and family bonds)
6) Q&amp;A</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Workshop registration is based on a first come first, capped at the first 20 couples.
We'll provide afternoon tea, snacks and lotsa fun!
Takeaways will also include our workshop summary handouts and useful motherhood information sheets.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for any enquiries &amp; we hope to see you then, thank you!</font>
Xmasbb, yup my dogs ard 8kg each, can carry one on each side like dumb bells for training. Hahahaha. My hb oso prefer P3, wonders wat is it abt this model that attracts the guys. P3 oso 1 facing only wor, not reversible. I tot Quinny around same price as peg perego??
Jane... i went to see dr ho on sat... too much questions i posted.. asked him regarding the medication i took when i got the flu virus.. den ask about the 3d scan and if i can go by natural birth =p... u going to see him on wed right?

rue.. wah 398 for maclaren techno XT is worth it.. gonna call and ask.. i interested in getting that =p

Momoko.. how come ur gynea ask u to choose the date? so ur bb will be out early huh? i realised i had the same systom as u.. cramp at time.. only once in awhile.. putting fingers cross
Anise, coz mine is c-sect, not allowed natural so she ask me to choose btn a range of dates see which more auspicious rather than she gimme a date lor. Mine confirm gonna b out early le. My cramps pretty often, getting worried.
Morning ladies

was bz yesterday. sat in a meeting then had to rush off for my ex-colleagues' wedding @ Sheraton.

anise> was he nice when u asked so many questions, yup, my appointment is tmrw morning. i cant wait!

re: giving birth> actually i am still very scared! wonder if i will be mentally and properly prepared then!
Hi ladies,
can i check if taka baby fair carry tollyjoy products based on what you hav seen in previous yr? What other brands do they carry there? They give 20% off, &amp; additional discount when using DBS-taka credit card, am i right?
cos now, there's BHG 20% off sale, wonder if i should get some baby product there or accumulate everything &amp; buy it at 1 go during taka sale.

i saw Maclaren Techno XT on offer $388 at Tom &amp; Stefanie. But it's 2007 version. think u better can it from hypermart for latest version if you can get it for the same price
momoko... be optimistic.. everything is gonna be smooth sailing.. dun add too much stress to yourself.. so u decided when u going for the c-sect?

Jane.. he quite okay.. first few visit i din really ask him too much.. he even joke on my profession.. lol.. so i will QC check this and that.. haha.. so u wont be working tomolo right..
anise> yah, he always talks about my profession at every visit! *faints

did u pay the delivery charges already? how u gonna give birth

ladies> i have a colleague (from another dept) who is back from ML. she delivered c sect (ga) at night (chosen time) cos bb was breeched how come at KKH her bill amounts to 10K +??? I am very surprised. pple who delivered #1 can pls share ur total bill (est) last time ??
morning ladies

ayukie, ur head feeling better today? aiya...no special secret to losing weight la, juz tha bfing really helps alot alot for me!

j lau, try taking beef, durian and eggs to beef up ur bb...

jane, u have been bz lately! seldom see u ard leh!! ur colleague might have paid double...tha means she may have tried for natural birth then failed then emergency c sec...thas why the bill can come up to 10k

rue, not all the items are 20% at taka sale...and members dun get additional off...juz tha u can accumulate the pts to redeem for vouchers...tollyjoy if i rem, they have it there...other brands they have last time was avent, pigeon etc...
sporty> yah lo, incredibly up to my nose cos the someone is back in office.

re: my colleague all along arranged for c sect cos her bb is breached lei so i don think she did natural birth at all. is it cos of the choosing of 'auspicious timing'?
morning ladies. back from mc. my nose nearly ran away on sunday but was ok yest. hb made me go see the doctor anyway. gp told me it's not a flu/cold. more likely sensitive nose and something triggered it to become so bad. my nose is still stucked, ear is still blocked and i still sound funny.

on the nb baby who is said to have h1n1 hor, last night channel 8 news say that they have not confirm if the baby really has h1n1 worr, still under monitor. only the mum is confirmed. so is the news reliable anot?

i have this persistent pain in the right wrist now every morning. it used to be numb now worsen to pain. wonder if i should call the clinic and ask...

jane, i think i can safely conclude that dr ho dunno wat to talk abt for my profession. lol. coz he never ever talk to me about my job.
Hi ladies

I am selling My brest friend pillow at a good price. Comes in original packaging in excellent condition, used for 1 month, during confinement. It has been very very useful in the beginning for a 1st time mom like me and has helped me to breastfeed my baby till now. She is almost 8 months already....

Please pm if you are keen. Thank you.
haiz... my school got 1 confirmed case of h1n1.. and the classmate and staff mostly have fever now... worrying, although we're not at the same building..
swanston - the pain in your right wrist could be due to either water retention or the way you use the computer keyboard.

I got it also on my right wrist follow by the lower arm about 3 weeks ago, went for massage and it went off after 3 days. For my case, was because i did not use the mouse to surf on my home's laptop, so in the end i hurt the wrist. The lady was telling me my arm's vein was 'congested' and when she massaged, i could feel very suan tong but bearable......
Hi Jane, my total bill inclusive of prenatal checks, all the tests and elective c-section was about $10K when i had my boy. The hospital bill came up to about $5K+ for 4D/3N at Mt E.
swanston, hope u feeling better...no wonder didnt see u ard...i also having persistent running/blocked nose...very irritated and it doesnt cure even i seen docs...

funne, better take precaution like wearing masks/wash ur hands more often...
ashm, i use a laptop at work and use a normal size mouse too. i used to wake up every morning with a numb right hand. but since sat it became a painful right wrist. even if i nap for awhile also will pain. then after awhile the pain will go off de as the day progress. when i massage my wrist i dun feel any pain also. only when i try to flex my wrist when i just got up.
sporty, i have a persistent blocked nose too, which is interesting coz i have mild sinus problem. but sunday my nose nearly ran away from me. so went to see gp yest lor. she say it is sensitive nose. at least is not h1n1.
hi gals

i finally bought the safety 1st car seat from Kidzloft. Got a safety gate too. Got a free set of cute bibs/burpcloth with the purchase.

also went to see gynae, bb is abt 800gm at 23w 5d. doc say i'm gaining too much wt and bb is big.

bb's head is also facing downwards &amp; too low, advised to not walk to much from now on.

swanston: take care! i'm having sore throat, runny nose &amp; slight fever. doc say tomorrow still not better, he will give me tamiflu
swanston, pls take care of ur wrist cuz next time we need to carry bb and some mummies kena twisted wrist also... ya la, docs also told me sensitive nose and i get very irritated tha i cannot breathe properly!!

melodie, ur bb's big! wow! ur flu is so serious tha u need tamiflu? tha day my GP said i dun need tamiflu yet cuz i dun have any fever...
ashm> thanks for sharing!

swanston> nevermind lah, as long as he give u gd advise for ur preg can liaos. talkin abt other things waste time one. lol

melodie> u been eating too much hao liaos already. i also got the bibs. u took the pink one? bb facing down means she's preparing for birth alr? do what dr advise ok. tamiflu??? sounds serious lei. i thot tamiflu for h1n1? take care ok? hugs
sporty, yah. gynae say my bump also too big. ask me to cut down on sweet stuff. i have flu for 3 days le with slight fever, sianz.

jane, yes. got the pink one
i bot the same car seat as u instd of same as swanston. HB made e same comments as ur HB abt the depth. ur picnic mat u see hw u want to get from me, or i can pass to 1 of the gers going for e gathering

doc nvr mention wat the position meant, i was worried and shocked, forgot to ask, hmm.

gynae say nw no need to test, as long as hv symptoms of H1N1, then can administer tamiflu.
melodie, my gp also told me preggies who has flu symptoms should go back to our gynae instead of gp so that our gynae can determine whether or not to administer flu vaccine for us.
mel> hehe, now ur princess and my prince same car seat
the picnic mat i think u keep first? maybe if u meeting my husb re: ur hse then pass to him? lol if not i will arrange to pick up from u when u feel better. let me know if u want me to transfer the $$ to u first . what else did u get?

Pls take care of urself. I hope u feel better soon. don worry so much abt bb. pat pat her sayang her. I'm sure everything will be fine.
melodie, ur bb's really BIG lor! btw how much weight have u gained? u been eating alot of cakes and stuffs?

wah, so many of u gotten the same car seat! hehe
Regarding car seat, my hubby's friend and hubby's ex boss offer to pass us their infant car seats. I think we will take up their kind offer. Then when baby's a bit older, we will buy another car seat using the vouchers given by our friends during the baby shower.

Now the next headache is the stroller...
swanston: yupz, u're right. i see my gynae, nvr go GP.

jane: yah, the car seat accessories we bot for them also same same. diff cols. only. hehe. k, will keep 1st. $ later nvm. Other than car seat, safety gate, i got a bath thermometer also.

I told baby to be gd &amp; move up higher, hope she'll be gd ger and listen

sporty: ermz, yah. ate a lot of cakes &amp; ice cream the past week. was my dad's b'day, had 3 diff cakes &amp; a constant craving for ice-cream. wahaha. will be gd from this week onwards. :p
Anise, yeap yeap, been trying to lie on the bed more to rest as much as possible. Seems like if I lie still, the cramps attack me lesser.

Saintbaby, haben go choose date yet but my gynae ask me to choose a date somewhere in my 37 wks to deliver so shld be ard mid oct lo since my edd is 4 Nov.

Jane, give birth at nite is bery expensive coz will kena slapped by alot of extra charges.
i am soooooooooooo upset.. i have been researchng on baby monitors via amazon.com for the last 3 days.... and then just as I decided what to get, I realised that the supply supply is different (cos the States and Singapore use different voltage)!!! so sad
eh im doing reports till im gg crazy liaoz haiz ...

momoko - eh nite time got more xtra charges ar? then hor what time to what time best time to give birth leh?
i haben buy carseat cause hubby says wait .. alot of carseat we see newborns to toddlers ones are for newborns 3 mths old ..
enjoying my laksa now...lagi shiok!!

ashley, good tha getting an infant car seat...at least one cost saved!

melodie, ya lor...be good la...dun eat too much sweet stuffs! not good for health and bb...

momoko, try popular book stores? i seen some bb posters before...

superwalker, u can get those converters so u can use it in Singapore...some pple buy pumps from overseas and use it in Singapore also but need to buy converters la
mamapig, dun be upset. u can easily get a power adpater at those neighbourhood stores that sells plugs and stuff. i did the same when i got the antibark system for my dog from usa. it wil convert the voltage to sg standard.
sporty, swanston, its not just the simple converter riht? i would need an adapter that bascially converts from 120V to 240V. Thise things quite bulky one.. SOB!
ashley, its unhealthy lunch :p no choice as colleague's ta bao-ing for me...juz order whatever they buying...hee... but hor, not very filling tho...later must go buy snack...

superwalker, not very sure whether the convertor is bulky or not...u wanna check with homefix it shop whether they sell?
superwalker - haha i also finally bought the power adapter for my pigeon multi steriliser .. bleahz .. i had a hard time figuring that out how to convert the 2 big fat pins into sg 3 flat pins ..
anyway try diy shop or home fix they have a variety but needs time to figure it out best if you can bring the whole darn plug to the shop tho ..
Ayukie, normal biz hrs they charge normal rates lor, nite n weekends usually got extra charges. I tink some gynae charge double on weekends esp sundays, u gotta check with ur gynae. My fren kena the double charge when she gave birth on sunday. But for natural rite, you gotta depend on when ur bb wan to come out liao, unpredictable. Hehe.

Sporty, okie dokie I go try, u rem which polular u saw??
