(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

agree with momoko. the peg perego occupy the whole of my boot space. can't put anything else. now wondering whether i shd change car since my current one has been with me for 3 yrs +
went to buy lunch...then walked past this slimming company's kiosk then this lady wanted to give me a brochure the she hesitated and didnt give...aftter tha i overheard her asking her colleague whether i'm fat or preggy!!

piggym, yes...see what the olden pple say la...then do what they want lor...mainly i dun like it to "collect" dust la...heheh...

momoko/dingdong, not out for lunch?
if i were u ah, i turn ard & ask the lady if she's blind & show her ur tummy. hahaha...
yah i collected cot from my aunt yday too...wun be setting up till date is nearing. Din wanna collect dust ~
that's funny
are u wearing loose fittings today? if not, it should be quite clear that the budge is preggie tummy instead of fats mah.

my lunch time at 1pm.
devlina, no la...i dun really care abt the comments la...hahha...cuz even for my #1, my colleaguse from other depts didnt kno i was preggy until i was abt 7 mths...hehhe... good tha u getting a hand me down cot, can save alot leh!

dingdong, no leh...wore this babydoll top but tummy there quite tight la...hahhaa...maybe my overall dun look preggy mah...maybe thas why on mrt, i only have 50% chance tha pple give me seats so all cannot confirm its FAT or preggy...hahha...ohh, lunch at 1pm? i juz finished my lunch...so satisfied...haha
piggym, normally only 50% chance tha i get a seat la...actually i feel well now so i dun mind standing...when i get bigger or unwell, i wun hestitate to ask for a seat!
Good afternoon, ladies! Yesterday I went to Baby Hypermart and Baby Kingdom, but overwhelmed at all the brands. Just trying to familiarized on the brands n prices, and not sure whether to get baby cot or playpen. Yup, the price not that cheap. If in normal department stores/ baby stores got at least a 20% discount, then the same prices as in these Hypermarts.

After that went to Ikea Tampines, to look for drawers to put in nursery room. Didn't buy anything yet, cause want to buy a few items then combined delivery.

About travelling, I'll be going on a Cruise on Aug 5th. I'll be in my week 26 then. After a thorough check, I was told that if the Cruise people asked me, I'll just lie that I'm at Week 22, no need for Gynae Letter. Cruise got a rule saying pregnant women must be less than Week 24 to be allowed in. So I'll need to wear loose top/dress, so that my tummy not that obviously big. *cross fingers*
tanly - you can try babykingdom, they have quite a few designs there. I got mine (Britax Boulevard) at mother's work at great world and it was abt $500plus when I bought it 1.5years ago for my son. Can sit up to 4 years old i think....
wat kind of mask did u wear on MRT?
I've some N95 round mask w me, but think they are a bit too "kua zhang". Surgical masks like no use leh thou i already feel hot wearing them. Wonder when will H1N1 dies off..Haiz

Is there anything we can do to improve immunity? If i stay at hm, i tend to sleep too much. i wanna go out!
i was wearing a sleeveless black top & jeans...i tink i may have seen u coming down fr the lift @ baby kingdom...
rue, i juz wear normal surgical mask...i think n95 very kua zhang looking leh! hehhe... juz take more vitamin c...rest well and think our immunity shd be better!
I met my cousin-in-law over the weekend, who is 5 months preggy now. But her tummy is oh so small! While mine is obvious. Then she only gained 1 kg compared to before preggy! Oh before, she's a bit chubby. She feels bloated so can only eat half the portion of what she used to eat.

The poor thing is she had a miscarriage last time, at 5th month - her current stage now. N last month, she got spotting n stayed a few nights in hospital. Now stabilized. So I was glad when she openly announced that she's preggy.
hie gals...
Long time no come in...
Can i ask something?
Had been feeling itch eh down there....
Rather worried duno why like that...
sporty, i ganna those slimming promotion gals too! most of the time they will be smart enuff to not give me the flyers, but last friday this silly gal wanted to give me the flyer... i had to run away from her :p hahaha
starz, why dun u call ur gynae to check whether is it an infection or what?

superwalker, oh ya...this kiosk is at suntec! so be careful ah! wait they ambush u...whahhahha :p
u r not the only one....i always kena from those slimming promotion coz i'm already overweight, fat and heavy even b4 preggy so now worse!!! Anyway used to it liao so juz tell them i'm not interested lor...

Cheer up k, at least u've only got the bump, i'm bloated all over so simply juz look like those "before" poster for the slimming program...arghhhh.......
Do tell your doctor. It could be a bacterial infection, or possibly a slight yeast infection or nothing. Better to do a test and get a peace of mind.

I have yellow discharge. No itch. Did a test last week. Today suppose to call them asnk find out the result but left my phone at home
Starrz, if very itchy then it is likely to be infection.

Avoid intimate time with your hb if possible and seek your gynea for some medication.

It will not harm bb now but will affect during birth as bb will born through our uterus.
thanks all for the advise.
I tried calling my gynae for a slot today but he is not in today. So had booked a slot for tmr.
Nurse also say it may be infection.
So have to wait till tmr...

Haha its so itchy that i cant even sit properly...
hello all mummies....

me just back from my gynae scan...... sian on my weight... i've put on total of almost 9kg and bb is now 600+g as of 25 wks..... that's double from 4 wks ago.... today gynae gave me a scan pic of my gal's face..... although it's black and white and not 3d scan but i still find it cute.. haha....
bearycue, dun worry la...i'm not bothered by them at all...juz find it very funny nia :p dun worry, u can lose all ur weight thru bfing after u popped!!

starzz, or u wanna see a GP first?

ariesgal, ur bb's of good weight! wah, so good got scan of bb face...so look like u or hb?
Tangly, my newphew don't want to sit on his car seat, maybe my sister always bring him back to her MIL's place (Malaysia). Too long journey and he didn't sit/sleep on car seat. My sister comment that Britax is the safer car seat wor, don't know true or not lar! But I found that not enough cushion :p

Sporty, Techno almost same weight with P3, hard to decide now, aiyoh...

Dingdong, you have P3?

Momoko, you are right, if go out alone not possible to bring P3. If I alone maybe using carrier, but I hardly go out alone with baby, my inlaws and DH will very worry

DevLina, I only wear the normal mask, I didn't buy the N95.
yup, i got the P3 from Spring Maternity. They had a promotion at $498 at that time but is an older version. Not sure whether the promotion is still available.
sporty, err...... dunno look like who leh... cos i can only see the outline niah..... as in the 2 black holes i know is the eyes lor... hee..... i try to scan the pic tonight.... hee...
Sporty, juz finish lunch. Appetite bery poor again lately thanks to the persistent heartburn.

Yday juz ran into a clown! Me and hubby passed by this bridal roadshow at MS on our way to mothercare and this clown of an uncle quickly walk up to us to show us his bridal package and my hubby nicely we are married and he still went "Oh I tot you all not married, gong xi gong xi." All the while I was staring at my tummy then back to my hubby with my hubby was looking at me puzzled ... my tummy so big, do I look like fat not pregnant?! Hubby say the uncle muz b really blind. OMG, so unobservant how to do business!!!
Xmasbaby09, your borther-in-law is Malaysian?

Just curious about your sister's child nationality. Singapore citizen or Malaysia Citizen?
think i wait for my gynae. My appt is by right next week. Now can push forward 1 week, can see my bb tmr.
Meanwhile, i try to drink lots of water.. hope it will help.
xmasbaby, maybe u shd look at the size of the 2 strollers after they were being folded up...another way to gauge which one u like...

ariesgal, nvm la...show us the pic leh... :p use some imagination lor, see whether look like hb or u :p

momoko, aiyo...hope ur heartburn's better...u like perpetually heartburn leh! better take care! those wedding one i kena before also...now they very clever, if u tell them u married liao, they will ask u whether keen to take family pics or not!!

bearycue, no worries la...bfing can really burn those fats away!!

starzz, yeah...drink more water to "flush" it out...
Xmasbb, yeap yeap, my hb oso dun like me to go out alone, plus I'm oso rather lazy type =P so we considering the P3. N hb is hooked on the way it folds. But my gf was telling me if I really get P3, I may end up having to get another shopping stroller which is lighter. But I juz saw on a bb prog on Sat that Peg perego has this model call Aria which is lighter at 5.8kg, but I dun tink I saw this model that day when I go stroller hunting, muz go check it out again. I oso realise most of my frens uses Mclaren or Capella ... coz these 2 brands much cheaper and oso have good strollers.
Sporty, ya lor perpetually leh, so sian!!! Been living on bread the past few days to ease the heartburn. So sian leh.

Aries, I look up down left right oso can see its a bump wor ... I can't see my feet anymore ... put going 10kg liao, suddenly balloon in the last 1 mth, so sad!!!

ariesgal = me already hit the 10kg mark and still increasing.....faintz...

shannonbaby - we put on most wieght in the last trimester.
