(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

it is jus so nice to c every1 experience n make me feel better waiting for time off at 615...n thr i goes back n sleep!!!do u al stil cont wif hse chores??i am too tired til nth i can do...m havg headache now n is smelling d "yu yee oil"...hopefully won addicted as some of my fren say it is not gd...duno y...

i am also waiting for time to pass so that i can go home and sleep. suddenly feeling quite depressed. think my hormones starting to go chaos le.
haha swanston cheer up..its time to go bk...
hav someting while bk...mayb was tinking to eat macd nugget later but duno wil puke out onot...
i havg a bad habit keep wanna hav ice bubble peach tea n thn i wil feel my whole body is better n i can hav my dinner peacefully...hopefuly i won cry again tonite!!!HB is so worried tat i wil get depression...
sorry i dunno much abt pantangs. Oni those common ones...abt moving house, i'm not sure.

i oso cant wait to get home & hit the bed. Hahaha...but dad called to go over for dinner. He cooked sambal fish for me...yahOoOO ~
hey joy09,
i hav a fren she was scheduled to shift new hse but thn once she knw she is preggy, she waited til d bb was born thn only she shift...i duno y but she say pantang during preggy time...for yr case, i tink u jus let them move everyting n u stay thr...b careful yah....cheers ;)
mmm... dunno in the 1st place i can move anot ley.. think if my PIL knows abt my pregnancy, they'll most prob stop me from moving. then i'll use my money to buy baby thing instead. else have to pay for reno, baby and part time studies at the same time...

swanston, you are very well informed about sales :D
i think so too sweetie.. it's ok.. wait till the elders know and see what they say.
hey, any one here volunteer to make a chart to list our names, #1 or #2, EDD and so on? I saw something like this on other threads and so easy to see whos who.

I cannot volunteer, cos sometimes very busy at work and cannot come online, so might not be able to update properly
joy09, i think the pantang ones is cannot move your bed...... i remember my mum told me never to move my bed an inch when i was preg with my #1 so what more this is move bed to another place?
Hi Mummies,
Sorry to disturb. I've got a brand new "Peter Rabbit Naturally Better Baby Book" to let go.

Store the memories of your baby's first year in this beautiful book.

- With spaces for notes and photographs and special pockets for precious keepsakes, this album provides a priceless record to treasure for a lifetime.

Pm me if keen =)

taurus - i'm seeing Dr Douglas Ong at Ten Mile too
i'll be seeing him again next Fri.

wrt announcing of pregnancy, i only let my mum know and a close colleague cum friend. but some of my colleagues were very observant as i reject alcohol during during our co D&D and i look tired. so, some of them guessed that i'm preggie.

the folic acid at NTUC pharmacy is much cheaper than Gurdian - selling at around $2.50 for 100 tabs.

DevLina, congrats on twins!
Whew! Just back home..... this morning went for my 1st check up....todate is baby is in wk7Day0... and length is 9.5mm nia.... so small...but can see heartbeat...so happy.....
oh ya...so my EDD is 3 nov..but then i will be on csect so dr said will have to advance 2 weeks... so roughly after 19 oct :D
my next visit will be on wk 12 which will do the OSCAR scan....cant wait to see bb again! haha....
Hi Ladies,

Tok abt weight gain, geez... no courage to hop on a weighing machine now... but I knw I sure hve put on weight cos I have double chin now.

I have started talking to my "bao bei" too. I told "bao bei" mus guai guai, dun make Mummy uncomfortable. Sometimes unknowingly I will curse and swear, I will tell "bao bei" Mummy just met some bad pple so cant help it =p

Was at Orchard just now...while waiting for hubby's meeting to end, I went to recce see where to have dinner, was so hungry and kept thinking of wat food to eat but when hubby was finally available I dun feel hungry anymore.. suddenly like no appetite just kept burping. But I do crave for bubble tea which I knw I cant drink nw =/
Hey all,

I heard from some mums that another way to prevent MS is to vomit out the yellowish stomach acid 1st thing in the morning, then have breakfast so that the rest of the day will be fine. Anyone tried that, does it work?

Sigh, i have itch there. Think having yeast infection. I guess during the time i had my flu, i took antibiotics which further upset my system there. Plus pregnancy will cause pH changes too.
I am seeing Dr Ong next tues (my first visit), Jenny told me to come next week even when i called last week to arrange appointment. She said can't see anything so only need to go down when i am around 6 weeks. So are you staying at Bukit Panjang?

Got to take care down there as during pregnancy there are more discharge so more prone to get infection.

Actually pregnant women will get sick more easily as our immune system is suppressed so that the embryo is not treated as foreign and rejected, but is allowed to grow. I also had fever 3 days before i tested positive, luckily i didn't take medicine and the fever subsided.
Dear Mummies/ MTB,

Recently I had a VERY BAD encounter with Philips Singapore’s Customer Service regarding AVENT VIA Storage Cups.

I bought a lot of AVENT products during the OG 20% sales in Jan’09. I gave birth on 13 Jan & then started to use the product somewhere there then. One of the item I bought was the VIA Cups 240ml/8oz & 160ml/6oz bundle of 10 each in the box. The first few 6oz cups that I used have no leakage. Few days ago, I used one of the 8oz. I was surprised that it leak so I checked the cup. There was a needle hold at the mouth of the cup. The rest of the 9 cups also have the same problem. I believed this is the plastic molding defect. So I called Philips Singapore to check whether I can exchange the unused cups as I can’t use a defect item to store my BM & for sterilization.

The CSO who attended to me was Michael. He gave me a string of questions & asked for my receipt. I told him that I had thrown away the receipt. The stupidest thing is he even asked me how to spell the product. I told him that’s his product & he should know what that is. I already told him the remaining 9 cups are new & untouched, yet he kept asking me how many times have I used & where did I store it. Obviously unused items are in the box! He said with no receipt, there is nothing they can do as it is proof of purchase. He even suggested me going back to OG to reprint the receipt. I told him this is OG not any small shop that can trace backdated receipt. All he kept saying is “No receipt, they can’t recognize the item.”

I was angry as the product defect is due to the manufacture’s fault & in the end it become at the expenses of us, the consumer, I can’t even exchange the product.

I demanded to speak to his manager. His manager, Aaron Tan, again asked a lot of questions & said the same thing to me. He kept saying the service centre do not warranty items without receipt & it is very difficult to convince the service centre of the defect. When I asked him, “How do u warranty a plastic cup?” he did not answered my question & keep talking about the receipt. He also asked me did I check the product when I purchase. Items were all in box & sealed. Was it possible for us to check before buying??? Once open, its considered sold, isn’t it??

Here, I would like to emphasize that what if it was a gift? Do people buy gifts for others & leave the receipt in it? There is no flexibility in the way they deal with defect products. AVENT is AVENT from Philips, is there any imitation? If no, y can’t we exchange the defect products? If I had used it even if it was the manufacture’s fault, I will not ask for an exchange. But now, it is untouched, moreover, it is not cheap. Average per cup is $1.50. If there is no QC assurance on AVENT products, are we the consumers still able to trust them? For all we know, we will be buying defect products WITHOUT assurance & no exchange policy.

I am very upset & disappointed with the way they treat consumers who trust them. They breach my trust on their products. Therefore, please check all items from Philip Singapore if you are to purchase in future, keep the receipt as you may not know they sell defect items. My advise, best is don’t buy anything from them as the customer service or service centre have very bad way of treating the consumer.

For me, I will never trust them again. Never, again!
Morning Ladies...

Been waking up abt thrice to pee last nite =/ I already cut down my water intake in the nite but.... Cant sleep well afterwhich hence came to work early.

I noticed something..hmm... my tummy will itch at nite , or in the middle of the nite. Initially I only applied the cream once but now morning I also apply hope will ease the itch.
Any mummny experience the itch too?

so many posts to catch up... :p accompany my son to bed last night.. end up sleeping with him n only woke up at 5am.. :p

my tummy only started itching when i was 6mth preggy for #1.. now, tummy still not itchy yet...
good morning,

had a bad nite, kena bitten by mosquito last nite, whole nite cannot sleep well. now eye swollen.
morning ladies!

jeelomeelo, nope. i work in ite. right opposite expo.

sinkor, 9.5mm is big liao worr. mine is 3.5mm at 6w5d.

nello, my tummy sometimes itch too. i got up many times to pee too. but i only took 2 cups of water at dinner time.
following angeline's post on having a list, why dun we all update it ourselves since we know ourselves best and dun have to go ard collecting info. i'll start first then. feel free to include anything that is missing.

swanston, #1, 4 nov 09, dr ho hon kwok

FieDa, I read somewhere that cranberry juice will help in prevention of yeast infection

swanston, been there once.. your canteen has good food! :D
joy09, yeah. the food here is much better than at hq. i'm posted here for a system upgrade project which will go live in oct 09. hence a little stressed now since my edd is 4 nov 09. too close for comfort. and at the pace this project is going, we are wondering if it will go live in time. sigh.
as for the itching part, MS parts.... *touchwood*..still havent kena yet... hope this will be same as my #1...
as for pee, haiz...one nite will wake up 2-3 times leh...now so tired....

sinkor, #2, 3 nov 09, dr Joycelyn Wong
Good morning ladies.
Stayed up to watch TV last night, now so tired. Hope can tong for the day then go home and sleep again.

Great to get the name list going :

swanston, #1, 4 nov 09, dr ho hon kwok
sinkor, #2, 3 nov 09, dr Joycelyn Wong
catmon, #1, 12 nov 09, dr Fong Yang
angeline, #2, 21 nov 09, dr not decided yet
I do up the spreadsheet...but I may not have time to update everytime. So let's just pass this ard & all can update ya...
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

NOV09 MTBs.xls (14.8 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Morning all...

Wah, got a list ah...interesting :D

JingHui, #2, 15th Nov, no specific gynae (subsidized)

Hmm, about peeing frequent at night...really can't do anything ler. I don't like the visit to the toilet at night, disturb my sleep
Can't really get back to sleep after that.
talking about puking the gastric juice first thing in the morning, that's what happen to me for my #1, every morning when bathing, i'll be vomitting at the same time and strangely, after that, i do feel ok for the rest of the day........ until i get super hungry. but this time, somehow different. just cannot vomit in the morning and i try my best not to vomit actually.... cos once u start, cannot stop liao leh....
swanston, #1, 4 nov 09, dr ho hon kwok
sinkor, #2, 3 nov 09, dr Joycelyn Wong
catmon, #1, 12 nov 09, dr Fong Yang
angeline, #2, 21 nov 09, dr not decided yet
JingHui, #2, 15th Nov, no specific gynae (subsidized)

sorry Devilina, i don't know how to upload excel, so just paste here.

Jing Hui, what does it means to be subsidized? How much does it cost? Can save alot of money issit? Can tell me more not? I am curious to learn how to save money on #2's birth. We spent to much just to deliver #1, after that then realise the money could have been put to better use
Hi Joy09, u mean the recent visit? cost 110+ ($48 scan, $48 consultation, and some amount on the calcium pills)

Hi Catmon, i also didnt think so much but will auto urgent and wake up to pee :S

Subsidized means, u go to any public/gov hospital for checkup lor (SGH, KKH &amp; NUH). 1st of all, u need to go to polyclinic to see a GP, then u request for a referral letter to the desired public/gov hospital. They will help u make appointment with the hospital.

Then, on the day of appointment, bring the referral letter along and u will be calssified as 'subsidized patient' lor. As a subsidized patient, u can only book appointments on WEEKDAYS (8am-5pm). U also CANNOT choose a gynae, which u'll be seeing different obstretician and gynae every visit. As for ward of delivery, u can only choose B ward and below (6 bedded &amp; 8 bedded).

Good thing about being subsidized, of cuz u can save ALOT, which I supposed CPF will fully cover all the delivery and hospitalization expenses. Bad thing, of cuz it would be a very long queue and waiting hours.

As for me, I need to save $$ for my 2nd as we need to support 2 kids later. So, I don't mind going on subsidized altho it would not be as convenient as private patient. I'll be having my checkup at NUH. Haven't gone for my 1st visit yet, it's scheduled next Fri Mac 27th. Nurse told me 1st visit consultation fee would be $27, subsequent visit $25. Other ultrascan and blood test fee is not included yet but I supposed it's much cheaper than private. I think every visit would be less than $100.

thanks Jing Hui. What about during delivery? How only go for natural birth without epidural issit? How much would the delivery and ward charges cost?

Sorry, I have so many questions
