(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

did anyone suddenly put on alot of weight b4 finding out u r preggie? i put on like 8kg since my last period till when i tested positive. forgot to ask my gynae.

dun wori so much ok. It shldnt be too painful. If it is, call the nurse again & see if they can slot u in the busy schedules.
Twins sounds so exciting. Hmmm... stay awake. Errr try to sleep earlier at night lor. Or can put some sliced oranged, lemon or grapefruit at your desk. The citrus smell help to feel afresh and also helps abit to ease the puking feeling.
swanston, i put on almost 2kg before I found out that I'm pregnant too. told the gynae and he says usually pple lost weight then got pregnant :D
devlina, no need to force myself to eat less now. i am already losing my appetite. actually close to eating only 1/4 of wat i used to and it seems to be getting worse day by day. and i feel really bad coz my hubby made the effort to cook food that i used to love but i am not eating much.
it does sound interesting. Trying to take more proteins to help the 2nd sac to survive. I sleep much earlier @ nite now...but still very sleepy in the daytime. Sometimes @ nite, cant realli sleep. Will go toilet.
tell Hub not to cook so much lor. Tell him that u're starting to lose appetite liao. My Hub oso cooking lesser for me now & not asking me to finish my food coz he noes that I cant finish it now.
joy09, then we are the opposite then. hahaha! i made alot of effort to lose weight for my wedding just last dec. now putting them all back on again. and i m only 7 weeks pregnant. sigh.
DevLina, You are having twins! So cool!

Joy 09, i haven't done any scan yet. Doctor say wait first if not can't see anything one. Must be at least 7 weeks for something to show. But i see some of you did see something leh.

I haven't been weighing myself, but dun think i put on any.
Not realli confirmed yet coz we saw 2 sacs yday ...the 2nd one being smaller than the 1st. So doc din wanna commit & said that we'll scan again next week to see if 2nd sac is growing.
i'm lossing appetite too. justnow during lunch, can only finish half a plate of economic rice. however, i bought curry puff for tea incase i might get hungry later.
tq all for d support...
it reali make my day n out of sudden y tear dropping again.haha....
jus hope i can stil bear for anoter 7-8 mths...
i gain bout 4kg but past 2 wk seem like no appetite i lose 2kg...my gynae so it is ok for 1st tri...jus keep eating folic acid n duphaston morning n nite...sickening wif d med too!!!n wel, i sleep a lot too almost like more than 12 hrs a day...haha!!!
FieDa, ya.. I went for my first scan two weeks ago and was so disappointed.. cos cant see anything and counting from my LMP, it should be 6 weeks at that time. Turned out that ovulation was late and I was only 4 weeks. Gynae was afraid that it would be etopic and kept asking me if i felt any pain. Another scan was done a week later. Luckily managed to see the little sac and yolk.

Swanston, xynn and DevLina, hee... so happy to see likes here.. i also have a lot of gas that comes out in different direction
Hello ladies...

Just had my nap! :p Wonderful...
Was feeling very sick again before the nap, blocked nose and nauseous so decided to take a rest/nap and indeed it helped. Now feel refresh

fieda and joy09,

At early stage now, cramps and mild abdominal pain is very common only and don't need to worry too much, unless like others said, if it's severely pain and unbearable, then need to inform gynae immediately and have checkup. Otherwise, just enjoy the pregnancy and relax...

Talking about gaining weight, I remembered my 1st pregnancy was terrible!! In 2 weeks' time (when I was around 5-6 weeks), I suddenly gained about 3-4kgs!! :p The whole pregnancy itself, I gained a total of 18kgs, but managed to shed 16kgs after that in a years' time. Wonder how much I will gain this time round, hope not too much! :p
Hello everyone,

My appetite also a bit haywire. Sometimes I feel my tummy groaning but in my head I don't feel like eating.

Anyway I also suddenly turn more chubby. I think I put on 2 kg and my face is like so bloated. Sigh.. I have double chin now.
Hey zombiemum

I had a bout of terrible running nose yesterday. This morning wake up also blocked nose. Went to see my family doc to get some pregnancy safe meds.

Is it pretty common for pregnant mums to get flu/cold during early stage?
Starlight, i was having flu when i found out about my pregnancy!

Joy09, you are scaring me leh! But i am not sure if my ovulation was late. The previous 3 menses was like 30 to 39 days cycle. Prior to that 3 menses, it's quite irregular ranging from 45 days to 50 plus days. I guess i must be lucky to be pregnant.

Jing Hui, thanks for reassuring =)
I also tend to have blocked nose during the night when I sleep these days. Then in the morning, the nose will keep on dripping.

I didn't do any massage ler. Initially wanted to, but don't have any contact. Altho I shed quite some kgs off, but my tummy quite big one :p Spare tyre, haha. I just bought some slimming cream to apply and massage on my own. Think it helps a lil, only :p


Ya, it's common to have frequent flu and blocked nose during pregnancy. In fact, my 1st pregnancy was like this as well. Gotto endure quite sometime ler
Always asking my gynae to give me blocked nose/flu med everytime I go for checkup. I read from the net, it's due to increase of blood pumping or something like that (can't remember well :p) so will have blocked nose.

For me, 1st pregnancy I always have frequent blocked nose and running nose lor. Taking med seems not helping also and I remembered I have this condition since the start of pregnancy until very late stage ler. I think most probably I'll face the same thing again...sigh...
I think so.. a lot of mummies had flu and realised they are pregnant.

My family doc told me its safe to take vit C, its very safe to for preggies.

I hope this pregnancy will be as enjoyable as my first one ba.

Regarding difficult pregnancy and guai baby.. I think not true lah. My pregnancy is quite smooth and I think my baby is good and easy to take care.
Unless you consider my emergency c-sect is part of difficult pregnancy, then maybe its true :p

But I believe must talk to baby lah. Previously on monday I was having doubts cos my gynae made me go pee and test on the pregnancy strips again just to confirm I am pregnant (cos my HPT line is super faint). It really made me worry for a while and I start talking to my baby. I said to baby "Be strong and show mummy you are there ok?"

This morning I pee and the pregnancy line turn dark dark leh. Baby can senses us one. We must talk to our babies regularly.
hee hee....
I read a funny post in the past. 1st baby, mummy keep talking to baby. 2nd baby, mummy 'ignore' baby for as long as they can.

I find now with 2nd baby. I am much less kancheong. Already so busy with work and go home take care of #1, no time to talk to #2.
i had the cold (real bad) with number 1 in intial 1st trimester. this time round, i am also brinkin on flu so took a few Vit C & all's well @ present. but as previously mentioned, no MS but just gassy & bloated feeling w slight tummy cramps. hvent weighed myslf yet really so duno if put on wt or not

was meant to go to gynae this sat but then sthg cropped up so we rescheduled for appt nxt wk instd.

Congrats on twins
Ya , cos I kpo. Go show my gynae my super faint test kit. He look at it, say "so faint?? Can I do a test for you?" Made me doubt myself :p

My first scan is in 2 weeks time around 6 weeks. I think I test HPT super early.

I am still very excited over 2nd one like I am having my first. But when I am with my 1st right now, I never think of no 2 lah. The no 1 can realy keep us busy.
my exact sentiments, #1 i was prob more kancheong but now #2 not too particular abt too many nitty gritties liao
jing hui / joy09
i tried e Clarins massage last time my tummy subsided a lot since but i tink it may be due to water retention reduction after delivery
but i am not complaining - massages r alwys so heavenly
its sort of reward for all tat hard work delivery our little one *lol*
with #1, every morning wake up already start to talk to baby, saying good morning, telling it about the weather and chat chat chat.

now with #2, moring awake up, rush to change and feed #1, play with #1, then go to work. where got time to talke to #2.

was asking HB last night, maybe will turn out to be biased. Very good to #1, but neglect #2.
How ar?
angeline, dun worry. it may be the other way around. when #2 comes along, u may be so busy with #2 that u neglect #1. just handle it when the time comes.
angeline, cannot be so pian xin. :D hee...
cos i'm super worried so i keep telling mine to be strong and grow every morning. HB only say good nite and good morning :D

HPT = Home Pregnancy Test.

Hehe, I'm still very excited now about my #2, just as my #1. Maybe I'm a SAHM, so still got time to 'talk' to #2 while bz with #1. My boy not really an attention seeker yet, will play on his own most of the time and when I'm settled with my chores at home, will accompany and play with him.
for those who at #1, in a few months it will be very fun. When you talk to baby, you will be able to feel reaction from them.
so does it mean that i stay away while they move and when everything in its place, i can go in to stay? my bed will be moved from the old house to the new one.
HB oso jus say gd morning n nite to bb everyday n wil massage my tummy...sometimes even ask d bb not to make me so difficult in MS n sick!!haha...
Fieda, true bb now no ears yet can listen to us meh??I alwis tel my HB don so kiddish!!!haha...
Heh heh me too. I am not very busy at work sometimes so can still chat with baby. On MRT I just talk to baby in my mind. I think baby will receive since we share the same blood stream. kekeke

Yeah when come to later stage must talk to baby. I read stories to him one leh. I was very eng when I had my #1. Think for #2, I will read story to #1, so #2 can listen at the same time.

to all mummies : Despite all the MS, constipation, insomnia, gaining weight......., lets stay strong for our baby/babies! That's why we all here to help each other!
Eveyone 'chia you'!
