(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Sorry ladies, I gave up.. cfm me computer idiot leh. I hang my latop .. whahaha

Me cant stop yawning too. Now nt even 11am yet.

Nw my tummy very itchy.. hmm or is my cream working? "battling" with my epidermis, tat why I feel the itch.

no prob & thanks for the help.
Why dun u tell me your details. So I'll juz fill it in. I've updated Jing Hui's.
nello, could it be ur skin is rejecting the cream? coz now our hormones change so wat we may be used to may not be suitable anymore. btw, tag ur details below then.

swanston, #1, 4 nov 09, dr ho hon kwok
sinkor, #2, 3 nov 09, dr Joycelyn Wong
Catmon, #1, 12 Nov 09, Dr Fong Yang
angeline, #2, 21 nov 09, dr not decided yet
JingHui, #2, 15 Nov 09, no specific gynae (subsidized)

For delivery option, I think they will encourage natural, with or w/o epi. If really need to go for c-sect, then they will proceed, all depends on situation.

As for delivery and ward charges ler, I roughly calculated based on NUH website, no exact amount tho. Total would be around $1.5k or maybe less. For subsidized patient, good thing is that it's assured that CPF will FULLY cover all expenses, except antenatal checkup fee, think still need to top up some cuz just can claim max of $450.

After some thorough consideration, I finally opt for subsidized. Cuz really can save alot on it. Hubby also happy :p Cuz it's really not easy to fork out so much $$ now, cuz I'm a SAHM. Altho I do teach piano part-timely but earn very little. Most of our expenses hubby cover :p
Huh....rejecting the cream -_-" can see some red lines on my tummy..Ahhhhhhhhhh

swanston, #1, 4 nov 09, dr ho hon kwok
sinkor, #2, 3 nov 09, dr Joycelyn Wong
Catmon, #1, 12 Nov 09, Dr Fong Yang
angeline, #2, 21 nov 09, dr not decided yet
JingHui, #2, 15 Nov 09, no specific gynae (subsidized)
nello, #1, 7 nov 09, dr Mary Yang

(Thanks DevLina)
waa.... 1.5K or less. Sounds like a very good deal. Mmh... will discuss with HB to see how he feels about it. Can save 3 - 4 K, that can be 1 years of nursery school fees liao hor.
I can do the update of the Excel file, since I'm so free at office.

Mine is:
Agata, #1, 3 Nov, Undecided.
Joy09, cranberry is for UTI. I am drowning myself in yakult. Luckily my gynae allowed me to buy some oniment from the clinic and ta han till next wed. Later go get it.
sinkor, thanks for the info. was trying to decide if i should stay as subsidized or find a gynae. after what Jing Hui shared, think i'll stay as subsidized.
but Jing Hui, is it true that the delivery will be done by the mid wife?

FieDa, hee... pai sei... wrong info. but yakult cannot drink too much too.. everything in moderation.
i aksed my gynae leh...he said yakult is fine.coz I'm having constipation too. But best is to take lots of vege. The other nite, Hub made vege soup for me...the next day, I had it easy.

What I read from the net, would most probably delivered by mid wife. But of cuz I'm sure there're gynae who will be standing by/on duty and will come in to help if needed and I'm sure the stiching up work should be done by gynae as well. So, shouldn't be a prob as mid wife also quite experienced, I presume.
i oso sleepi for the whole day. #1 woke up at 5.30am and i had half past six sleep since then. Just now took a very short nap in between working from home. Tomolo going back to opit, sure fish at my workstation one...

try yoghurt, yakult, prune juice - all these think should help too. I dun like prune juice though...

nello, you oso dr mary yang ar? i'm with her too!
For easy viewing

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>#</TD><TD>EDD (2009)</TD><TD>Gynae </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>sinkor</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>03-Nov</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Agata</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>03-Nov</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>swanston</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>04-Nov</TD><TD>Dr Ho Hon Kwok </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>nello</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>07-Nov</TD><TD>Dr Mary Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>catmon</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>12-Nov</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>JingHui</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>15-Nov</TD><TD>(subsidized) </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>jeelomeelo</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>19-Nov</TD><TD>Dr Mary Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>angeline</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>21-Nov</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Wow, good work!!


I delivered my #1 at TMC. Total bill came out $4k+ ler (assisted-vacuumn delivery with epidural, 4-bedded). That was in 2007. I'm sure now got increase?
I see... Let's hope that the hospitals and gynea will reduce their rates a little this year.

My #1 bill totalled to 9K ++. Really shocked us man. That's why this time considering going public hospital instead.

Wow, that is near to 10k!! :p Really couldn't afford to pay so much. So, hopefully by going subsidized, we don't need to fork out $$ for delivery and hospitalization fees. If *touchwood* have delivery complication, would also be fully covered by CPF.

Actually u can try going subsidized 1st. If let say u don't like the service or inconvenient with different gynae all the time, then u can easily switch back to private. No harm
That's what I intend to do also actually. If no prob arise and I can go along with it, then I'll most probably continue being subsidized.

We share the same gynae. So far what you think of MY? I chose her cos I read in the forum her feedback nt back.

Btw Ladies,

I went to eat laksa for lunch jus now. I totally forgotten abt the coconut milk

Actually I m abit scare now..
wow Angeline,
how come ur bills is 9k plus??
Hi Nello,
ONce a while makan laksa is ok one...not to worry...
Hi Jeelo,
Thansk for creating the table.... :D
Yea I read somewhere in this forum that she's blunt and less understanding than other gynaes.. May be it's just personal tolerance ba...But well, i think she's professional and she's nice. I survived with her thru my 1st one, so i'll stick to her with my 2nd one.

coconut milk, ok one la, it's not that you been drinking it neat for days! don't worry...
hi ladies, compiled all who have posted in this thread (except for those who were trying to sell something) and whatever info i can fish out. do pardon me if i missed out any of u. pls update once u have ur edd ya!

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

NOV09_MTBs.xls (17.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>
actually i never heard about coconut milk being no good. i know that drinking fresh coconut juice is a no-no coz very cooling.
Jing Hui, I agree with you. Perhaps should try subsidized first, if don't like then change. What is the service like for 6 bedder ward?

we had #1 at Mt. E. It was our first baby and we (actually me) really wanted it to be a happy and enjoyable experience. So we choosed 1 bedder at Mt. E. Finally also kenna emergency C-sect and after office hours, so have extra charges. Also stayed 5 days in total I think. My HB stayed over in the ward every night with me and baby. It was very pricey, but really must admit that their service was very good and we really enjoyed the experience very much.

But now with #1 at home expenses already gone up and must save for #2 too, so being more cautious about our choice this time.
hi ladies. i slacked off from work and went to see doc cos simply too too too tired.. body aching too
Doc gave me vit b, said it's safe for baby, no problems. He also said it's common for preggies to get mild eczema cos i had some rashes on my arms. Wanna sleep soon.. yawn..

Nick # EDD (2009) Gynae
1 sinkor 2 03-Nov Dr Joycelyn Wong
2 Agata 1 03-Nov
3 swanston 1 04-Nov Dr Ho Hon Kwok
4 nello 1 07-Nov Dr Mary Yang
5 catmon 1 12-Nov Dr Fong Yang
6 JingHui 2 15-Nov (subsidized)
7 jeelomeelo 2 19-Nov Dr Mary Yang
8 angeline 2 21-Nov
9 veryfatmum 1 07-Nov Dr LN Sim

I don't know about the service for 6 bedded, cuz never stayed in :p Don't expect 'heavenly' service lor, cuz is a lower grade ward.
hahaha, no worries. this is call nothing to do at work but need to keep awake.

veryfatmum, has updated ur info in the file.

will upload the file again when there's more updates. dun wana flood the server.
I agree leh...I heard abt the coconut juice...cant take it coz too cooling. But someone told me for easy delivery, take it on the last mth. Hmmm...wonder if it's true?!
devlina, i heard too. seem to be true. coz by the last month we are actually very heaty. so are our babies. so it may be a good idea to cool down abit. better for baby too. will not come out all red with spots coz too heaty le. but everything have to take in moderations lor.

also, pple say drinking coconut water during last trimester will produce very 'clean' baby. Meaning less vernia (those white sticky mucous)on baby's skin when delivered.
